The RP Group's 2024-2028 Strategic Plan, August 2024
Webinar sharing the RP Group's 2024-2028 Strategic Plan.
STEM Faculty Focus Groups, December 2023
Slides from two focus groups for STEM faculty sponsored by the ASCCC in collaboration with the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office to inform revising math course sequences and the implementation of AB 1705 for STEM programs.
Corequisite Support as a Lever for Improving Outcomes: A Qualitative Exploration, October 2023 (PPT)
Slides used in webinar highlighting promising practices from interviews conducted about corequisite support courses in both English and math that promote more equitable outcomes, and a panel of practitioners sharing their specific practices. The slides showcase English corequisite support at Cabrillo College and Calculus I corequisite support at Cuyamaca College.
AB 1705 Non-STEM Validation, Business Administration and Template Assistance, June 2023 (PPT)
Slides used in webinar focused on assisting colleges with submitting additional validation for non-STEM programs of study to meet AB 1705 requirements. Results from a recent analysis of Business Administration student outcomes are shared, with information about how to replicate the analyses locally. In addition, guidance on submitting local validation of non-STEM programs to meet validation requirements are discussed.
Corequisite Validation for Transfer-Level English and Math Description, March 2023 (PPT)
Slides used in web event recording highlighting examples of corequisite validation practices and considerations for CCC faculty, administrators, and institutional research and planning effectiveness (IRPE) professionals interested.
Investigating the Predictive Validity of Common ESL Tests: Maximizing Gateway English Throughput for International Students in the California Community Colleges, February 8, 2023 (PPT)
Slides highlighting how well information about international students’ initial curricular pathway (English or ESL), level of placement in the pathway, and ESL placement test score(s) can predict their throughput in gateway English. The focus is on the value of different commonly used ESL placement tests, including the Combined English Language Skills Assessment (CESLA) and multiple types of ACCUPLACER tests.
Moving from Compliance to Ensuring Learning: Conducting Ongoing Examination, Evaluation, and Reflection, February 2022
Slides used in webinar providing colleges with ideas to continue to evaluate implementation of transfer level placement beyond AB 705 compliance. Ideas shared include using the Student Success Factors to ensure learning, collaboration ideas between research and faculty, how to evaluate disproportionate impacts, and considerations post Covid.
Emerging Practices and Resources to Support ESL Placement and Throughput: Innovations and Practices, November 2021 (PPT)
Slides highlighting innovations and practices from a few community colleges designed to support English language learners in the California Community College system.
Emerging Practices and Resources to Support ESL Placement and Throughput: Guided Self-Placement, October 2021 (PPT)
Slides showcasing examples of GSP models used at different colleges and highlight relevant research around effective GSP practices.
Race and Reconciliation: Necessary Discourse to Fulfill the Promise of Reforms, October 2021
Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.
Dismantling Math as a Form of Oppression, October 2021
Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.
Language So Rich, Why We Stiflin'?: Linguistic Justice in the Classroom-Session Takeaways, October 2021
Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.
Language So Rich, Why We Stiflin'?: Linguistic Justice in the Classroom-Opening Slides, October 2021
Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.
Transitions from Adult Education to Community College: A Collaborative Approach, October 2021
Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.
Excavating White Supremacy Frameworks in Teaching and Learning, October 2021
Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.
MMAP: Supporting DSPS Students in Transfer-Level English and Math, May 2020
Slides used in webinar sharing results from a statewide analysis of transfer-level English and Math for DSPS students by various disability types and how De Anza and Coastline colleges are supporting DSPS students in transfer-level courses which are now online.
Corequisite Supports for Math and English, April 2020
Slides used in webinar by Pasadena City College, Porterville College, and Allan Hancock College showcasing their corequisite supports and outcomes for transfer-level English, Statistics and B-STEM math courses and how they are transitioning online.
MMAP: AB 705 and ESL, April 2020
Slides used in webinar sharing the ESL structures at Irvine Valley College and Laney College and the Guided Self-Placement Models for ESL students at Laney and Cerritos Colleges.
Landscape of ESL in California Community Colleges, March 2020
Slides sharing the landscape of ESL in California Community Colleges at 2020 CAP Conference in collaboration with the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC).
Early Outcomes of Transfer Level Placement in English and Math, March 2020
PowerPoint sharing early outcomes of AB 705 in the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) at 2020 CAP Conference.
MMAP Analysis for AB 705 ESL Subcommittee: Overview and Summary, January 2020
Slides summarizing multiple presentations to the ESL Subcommittee throughout 2019 combined into one including presentation.
Transforming Colleges and Closing Equity Gaps: AB 705 Early Outcomes, November 2019
Slides sharing early outcomes of AB 705 in transforming colleges and closing equity gaps at 2019 Community College League of California Conference.
Access, Enrollment and Success: Statewide Results for Transfer-Level English and Math - DSPS Students, November, 2019
Slides used in webinar focusing on outcomes of DSPS students in transfer-level English and math courses. We will be joined by Antelope Valley and Los Medanos Colleges to share how they are supporting DSPS students as well as the CCCO to answer your questions.
Analysis, Evaluation, and Collaboration: AB 705 for Institutional Research Professionals, November 2019
Slides used in webinar helping IRPE professionals support and evaluate local AB 705 implementation.
ESL Pathways: Mapping the Whole Student, November 2019
Slides sharing how to map ESL students at 2019 California Institutional Research Conference.
ESL and AB 705: Research and Implementation, October 2019
Slides used in webinar sharing examples from Cuyamaca College’s ESL department and research pertaining to statewide ESL student journey types.
AB 705 and ESL: Preparing for Fall 2020 Implementation, October 2019
Slides from Cuyamaca College ESL department and Irvine Valley College ESL department sharing ESL data in preparation for AB 705 and ESL fall 2020 implementation.
Faculty Success as a Factor in Student Success: What We Found When We Looked Beyond Just Passing Grades
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
The Dangers of Underplacement: Reducing the Risk through Informed Consent and Guided Self-Placement
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Faculty Say Yes to AB 705: Now What?
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
AB 705 and English as a Second Language (ESL): Opportunities into and beyond the Goal of Transfer-Level Composition
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Should English as a Second Language (ESL) Be "Accelerated"?
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Redesigning the Student Experience for Holistic Engagement
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Guided Pathways OS 2.0: And Now This...
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Understanding How Bakersfield College has Developed One of the Largest Face-to-Face Inmate-Scholars Programs in the State
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Credit for Prior Learning: Expanding Options and Increasing Equity
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Contagious Inquiry: Engaging Underrepressented Community College Students through Interdisciplinary Research
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Why Race and Culture Matter: Engaging Faculty in Equitable Education Pedagogy
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Opening the Gates: Challenging the Gate-Keeping of Traditional Grade Models through Contract Grading
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Meeting Students Where They Want to Be: Integrated Reading and Writing in First-Year Composition Courses
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Transfer Partnership Pathways: California Community Colleges and Historically Black Colleges and Universities
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Investigating the Science Reading Apprenticeship Calssroom: Opportunities to Consider Teacher Practices
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Investigating the Science Reading Apprenticeship Calssroom: Opportunities to Consider Teacher Practices (Handout)
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Tips and Challenges of Creating Strong Partnerships with Your Adult Ed Consortium, Local Adult Schools, and Workforce Development Board
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Examining Equity in Students' Choice of Math Pathway
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Change from the Ground Up: Fostering Cultural Awareness Among Faculty and Staff
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Adapting Best Practices from Basic Skills and Beyond to the Corequesite Classroom
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
True Alchemy Results from Faculty and Researchers Focused on the Gold: Data Collection and Analysis on AB 705 Outcomes
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Supporting Students for Success in Math under AB 705: We Did It, and You Can, Too
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Come Together: English as a Second Language (ESL) and English after AB 705
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Building Capacity for AB 705: How Cross-Campus Teamwork and a Shared Sense of Community Inspires and Sustains Student Success in Transfer-Level Mathematics at Citrus College
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
AB 705: A Ground-Level View of Implementation across California
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Educating Students of Color: The Umoja Way, October 2019
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Partnering with Librarians to Integrate Information Literacy Support fo Student Success
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Jumpstart into Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM): Wheare Are Our Underrepresented STEM Students?
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
AB 705's Brave New World: Redesigning Partnerships for Embedded Tutoring as Student Learning for Success
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
Keepin' it EESI (Extreme Early Support Innovation): How One College is Using Early Alerts and Planning Interventions to Help Students Stay on the Path
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
We are in This Together: Building a Community around AB 705 Implementation, October 2019
Slides sharing ways to build a community around AB 705 implementation at 2019 Strengthening Student Success Conference.
Access, Enrollment and Success in Transfer-Level English and Math Courses in the California Community Colleges, September 2019
PowerPoint used in webinar presenting the results from the statewide analysis of transfer-level English and math courses between fall 2015 and fall 2018.
Access, Enrollment, and Success in Transfer-Level English and Math Courses in the California Community Colleges, September 2019
Slides used in webinar presenting the results from the statewide analysis of transfer-level English and math courses between fall 2015 and fall 2018.
Note: Slides 11 & 12 in the audio recording have been updated. Please refer to the Slides.
AB 705 In Action! Experiences of Early Implementers, September 2019
Slides used in webinar sharing examples from the English and Math departments at Citrus College and College of the Redwoods on their work adapting to AB 705 changes a year in advance of compliance.
Exploring Different Options for ESL - AB 705 and Beyond, July 2019
Slides exploring different options for ESL at 2019 Academic Senate for California Community College (ASCCC) Curriculum Institute.
ESL and AB 705: A Data-informed Perspective, June 2019
Slides sharing credit and non credit ESL pathways shared at 2019 CADE conference.
PowerPoint from colleges sharing their AB 705 implementation plans as well as from the breakout sessions.
PowerPoint from colleges sharing their AB 705 implementation plans as well as from the breakout sessions.
PowerPoint from colleges sharing their AB 705 implementation plans as well as from the breakout sessions.
Q and A with the Chancellor's Office
Questions and answers sheet providing questions received at the question and answer session and the answers provided.
PowerPoint from colleges sharing their AB 705 implementation plans as well as from the breakout sessions.
Supporting Researchers into and through AB 705 Implementation and Evaluation, April 2019
Slides sharing ways to support researchers into and through AB 705 implementation and evaluation at 2019 RP Conference.
A Rising Tide Lifts all Ships, or Does it? A Look at Early AB 705 Outcomes, April 2019
Slides examining early AB 705 outcomes at 2019 RP Conference.
CATESOL 2018 Annual Conference: Research Update on ESL and AB 705 from the RP Group, December 2018
CATESOL packet sharing Cypress College ESL Courses to Fulfill Requirements for GE C2, CSU GE Breadth C2, and IGETC 3B at 2018 CATESOL Conference.
Education Level Workshop: Community College Research Update on ESL and AB 705 from the RP Group, December 2018
Slides presenting research update on ESL and AB 705 from the RP Group. 2018 MMAP presentation delivered at 2018 CATESOL Conference.
Paradigm Shift: From Developing Multiple Measures Practice to Informing Mandates, November 2018
Slides sharing the paradigm shift from developing multiple measures practices to information mandates at 2018 CAIR Conference.
Designing an Evaluation Plan for Local Evaluation of AB705, November 2018
Slides used in webinar discussing how to develop an evaluation and/or research plan to track and monitor student placement and throughput under AB 705.
AB 705 Adjustments, Ethnicity, Gender and Special Populations, October 2018
Slides used in webinar sharing the default placement rules disaggregated by various student populations. Examples were shared on how various colleges are supporting special populations to help them succeed in transfer-level courses.
Evaluating Innovative Curriculum Under AB 705, October 2018
Slides used in webinar providing a method for proposing and evaluating corequisite and two-semester developmental innovations. The process and methods covered will provide clarity regarding how colleges are coming into compliance with AB 705 and AB 805.
Developing an AB 705 Evaluation Plan, October 2018
PowerPoint sharing how to develop an AB 705 evaluation plan at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference Post-conference workshop.
MiraCosta College: English Informed Self-Placement Process, August 2018
Slides sharing MiraCosta College’s guided self-placement process at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference Post-conference workshop.
CAP Math Breakout Session: CAP Design Principles For High-Challenge, High-Support Curricula and Pedagogy, October 2018
Presentation material sharing CAP design principles for high-challenge, high-support curricula and pedagogy at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference Post-conference workshop.
CAP Workshop Slides: AB 705: Ready or Not, Here it Comes , October 2018
Slides sharing how to maximize student completion of transfer-level courses in one year at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference Post-conference workshop.
Designing an Evaluation Plan for AB705 & Leading Evidence-Based Change, October 2018
Slides sharing how to develop an AB 705 evaluation plan at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference Post-conference workshop.
Ready or Not, Here it Comes! Preparing for AB 705, October 2018
Slides sharing ways to prepare for AB 705 at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Post-conference workshop.
Showcase of Growth Midset and Habits of Mind Practices and programs
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
AB 705: National Data, California Context, and Why It's Gonna Be Ok
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
And They Said It Couldn't Happen: Faculty Champions for Multiple Measures Assessment
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
And They Said It Couldn't Happen: Faculty Champions for Multiple Measures Assessment Handout
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Contract Grading for Fairness and Learning
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Deepening Academic Conversations through Reading Apprenticeship Routines
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Disrupting Deficit Mindset: Equitizing AB 705
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Embedded Support Program: Promoting Student Success and a Positive College Experience
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Embedded Support Program: Promoting Student Success and a Positive College Experience - Handout
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
How Do We Support Our math Students in the New Reality of AB 705
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Humanities 101: Gateway to Pathways
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Lessons from the Field: Implementing English Corequisite Models at Two California Community Colleges
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Lets Make STEM "SESI" Again!
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Lets Make STEM "SESI" Again! Course Outline Handout
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Lets Make STEM "SESI" Again! Sample Handout
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Lets Make STEM "SESI" Again! Sensory Profile Handout
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Lets Make STEM "SESI" Again! STEM Core Components Handout
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Making ESL Courses Student-Ready: A Discussion of ESLE Practices, Pathways, and Outcomes of Reform Approaches in California
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Multiple Paths Forward: Diversifying Mathematics as a Strategy for Student Success
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Opening Access to Freshman English through Guided Self-Placement and Enhanced Instruction
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Pathways to Success Academy - Changing Lives through Education: A Pathway for the Incarcerated
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Pathways to Transfer-Level Math and Quantitative Reasoning Courses
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Rethinking Preparedness: The Implementation of AB 705
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
The Real World Classroom: Using Project-Based Learning to Help Students in the Classroom and Beyond
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Doing Right by Our Men of Color: How the Minority Male Initiative is Fostering Student Encouragement, Engagement and Success
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Enacting Educational Equity: Discussing the Importance of Bridging the Pedagogy Gap
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Foundations for Success in the Classroom and Beyond
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Here's What it Can Look Like: Four Dimensions of RA Overview
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Here's What it Can Look Like: Lessons from Carnegie Math Pathways and Reading Apprenticeship for a Post AB 705
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Here's What it Can Look Like: RA College Brochure
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Let Them in and Support Them to Succeed
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Math Pathways and Equity: Using Corequisites in Math
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
MMAP and AB 705: Why and How to Maximize Throughput in English and Math, October 2018
Slides sharing why and how to maximize throughput in English and math at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference.
MMAP Students: They're Advancing But Are They Learning?
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Multiple Measures for ESL and International Students
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Student Experience in Dual Enrollment Courses: The Result of Collaboration across Sectors
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Replicating the AB 705 Adjustments Locally, September 2018
Slides walking participants through the process of accessing their college data from CalPass Plus and running the adjustments to determine if any variations exist between the statewide default rates and local rates.
Understanding and Interpreting the AB 705 Adjustments, September 2018
Slides and small, topic-specific videos breaking down the methodology behind the default placement rules.
AB 705, ESL and English Composition, August 2018
Slides used in joint webinar by RP Group and CATESOL sharing AB 705, ESL, and English Composition.
Adapting MMAP to AB 705 - Full Post Conference Workshop Video, July 2018
Slides of the full post-conference workshop on AB 705 in.
2018 ASCCC Curriculum Institute, July 2018
Slides sharing the assessment process in a post AB 705 world at 2018 ASCCC Curriculum Institute.
AB 705 ESL Work Group: ESL Student Typology and Reporting Options, June 2018
Slides sharing ESL student typology and reporting options to the ESL Work Group, a subcommittee of the AB 705 Implementation Committee.
Placement in a Post-AB 705 World: Reviews and Considerations, May and June 2018
Slides sharing reviews and considerations in a post-AB 705 world, including placement and support recommendations for English and math to the Implementation Committee.
Post-AB 705: Supporting Colleges Through the Transition for ESL, April 2018
Slides with CATESOL sharing supporting college throughout the transition for ESL post-AB 705.
Implementing Multiple Measures Assessment, April 2018
Materials sharing how to implement multiple measures assessment at 2018 RP Conference.
Developing an Evaluation Plan, April 2018
Slides sharing information to design an evaluation plan for AB 705 and leading an evidence-based change at 2018 RP Conference.
Multiple Measures Assessment Project Post-AB 705: Supporting Colleges Into and Through the Transition for ESL, April 2018
Slides addressing how to support colleges into and through the transition for ESL post AB 705 at 2018 RP Conference.
Validating Placement Systems: It’s All About Throughput, April 2018
Slides sharing how to validate placement systems at 2018 RP Conference.
The Multiple Measures Assessment Project Re-Envisioned: Supporting the System's Leap Forward Under AB 705, April 2018
Slides sharing the re-envisioned Multiple Measures Assessment Project supporting the system’s leap forward under AB 705 at 2018 RP Conference.
Placement in a Post-AB 705 World, March 2018
Materials showing success rates of students whose first course was statistics and who had a 2.3 or lower HSGPA to the Implementation Committee.
Placement in a Post-AB 705 World, March 2018
Slides sharing how MMAP will look in a post-AB 705 world at 2018 CAP Conference.
Placement in a Post-AB 705 World, February 2018
Slides of presentation given to the Implementation Committee on the research and findings behind MMAP Classic and introducing the AB 705 adjustments for Math and English.
Validating Placement Systems in a Post-AB 705 World, December 2017
Slides addressing validating MMAP systems in a post-AB 705 world at 2017 CCCAA Conference.
Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP): From Pilot to Paradigm
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.
Connecting the Dots: The Journey from San Mateo Adult School to College of San Mateo
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.
Implementing and Improving Your MMAP Process - Examples from Pilot Colleges, September 2017
PowerPoint providing participants with examples and strategies from three different approaches at pilot colleges to help inform local implementation.
Automating the MMAP Process - Examples from Pilot Colleges, September 2017
PowerPoint sharing examples from three pilot colleges who have automated parts or all of their MMAP process to help streamline the student placement process and improvements they have made over time.
MMAP: Vision to Reality
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.
Multiple Measures Assessment Project: The Opportunity and Adversity of Increasing Placement Accuracy, April 2017
PowerPoint sharing the opportunity and adversity of increasing placement accuracy at 2017 RP Conference.
Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) Update, 2017
MMAP presentation delivered at 2017 CAI Steering Committee Meeting in Sacramento.
Research and Evaluation Considerations Multiple Measures Assessment Project, March 2017
PowerPoint offering pilot colleges who would like assistance developing a comprehensive research plan to track the impact of new multiple measures models on student placement, success, and sequence completion.
Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP), 2017
PowerPoint explaining the Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) at 2017 CAP Conference.
Multiple Measures for ESL and International Students
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.
Multiple Measures Assessment Project: The Opportunity and Adversity of Increasing Placement Accuracy, October 2016
PowerPoint covering the opportunity and adversity of increasing placement accuracy at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.
A Look at Developmental Math Education through Student Behavior
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.
Battle of the Conjunctions: Disjunctive vs Compensatory Course Placement, 2016
PowerPoint addressing disjunctive versus compensatory course placement at 2016 CAIR Conference.
Ground Zero of Implementing MMAP Locally
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.
Multiple Measures Assessment Project
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.
Southern California Presentations from Pilot Colleges, 2016
MMAP presentations delivered for Southern California Pilot colleges.
Using R for Decision Trees for Multiple Measures and Scorecard Data, June 2016
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Summer Institute.
Using Multiple Measures to Enhance Student Placement, November 2015
PowerPoint sharing how using multiple measures can enhance student placement at 2015 CAIR Conference.
Enhanced MMAP
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.
Enhanced Multiple Measures for Distribution
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.
High School Achievement in Multiple Measures: Performance and Recommendations
MMAP presentation delivered at 2015 CAI Steering Committee meeting.
Multiple Measures Assessment Project and Non Cognitive Variables Updates, End of Phase 1, 2015
MMAP Presentation delivered at 2015 CAI Steering Committee meeting.
Strengthening Student Success Through Developmental Redesign
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.
Teach With A Reach
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.
Multiple Measures Assessment Project: Convening of Pilot Colleges (RP Group Presentation), December 2014
MMAP presentation delivered at Pilot College Convening.
Multiple Measures Assessment Project: Pilot College Convening (Cal-PASS Presentation), December 2014
MMAP presentation delivered at Pilot College Convening.
Mathematics from High School to Community College - PowerPoint Presentation
Promising Pathways - Placement, Performance, and Progress in Basic Skills and Transfer Level Courses in English and Mathematics (Brief), April 2012
Promising Pathways - Placement, Performance, and Progress in Basic Skills and Transfer Level Courses in English and Mathematics, April 2012
Improving CTE Programs with Data and Evidence
PowerPoint presentation accompanying the "Improving CTE Programs with Data and Evidence" inquiry guide.
Using the Economics of Innovation Excel Tool
PowerPoint presentation explaining how to use the Economics of Innovation Excel Tool.
Contextualized Teaching and Learning: A Promising Approach for Basic Skills Instruction, October 2009
Streaming presentation introducing the faculty primer on contextualized teaching and learning (CTL), including a review of key learning theories that support CTL, and a discussion of 11 CTL practices.
A Model for Building Information Capacity and Promoting a Culture of Inquiry
PowerPoint presentation accompanying the "A Model for Building Information Capacity and Promoting a Culture of Inquiry" inquiry guide.
Assessing and Planning for Institutional Effectiveness
PowerPoint presentation accompanying the "Assessing and Planning for Institutional Effectiveness" inquiry guide.
Assessing Basic Skills Outcomes
PowerPoint presentation accompanying the "Assessing Basic Skills Outcomes" inquiry guide.
Assessing Strategic Intervention Points in Student Services
PowerPoint presentation accompanying the "Assessing Strategic Intervention Points in Student Services" inquiry guide.
Assessing Student Learning Outcomes Presentation
PowerPoint presentation accompanying the "Assessing Student Learning Outcomes" inquiry guide.
Contextualized Teaching and Learning Video Shorts
Short videos that offer students' perspectives on CTL effectiveness, with a focus on teaching basic skills in a career and technical education context; featuring the City College of San Francisco Bridge to Biotech Program, Southwestern College Spanish to English Associate Teacher Certificate Program, and Los Angeles Trade-Tech College Utilities and Construction Prep Program.
Efficacy of the California Basic Skills Initiative CSUS
Maximizing the Program Review Process
PowerPoint presentation accompanying the "Maximizing the Program Review Process" inquiry guide.
Multiple Approaches to Multiple Measures Part 1 Intro and Bakersfield College
Multiple Approaches to Multiple Measures Part 2 Sierra and LBCC
Research and Assessment for Noncredit Colleges and Programs
PowerPoint presentation accompanying the "Research and Assessment for Noncredit Colleges and Programs" inquiry guide.
Turning Data into Meaningful Action
PowerPoint presentation accompanying the "Turning Data into Meaningful Action" inquiry guide.
Using Decision Trees to Predict Course Success in MMAP Pilot V2
Presentation delivered at the RP Conference.