The Math Default Placement Rules Post AB 705: Predicted vs. Actual Transfer-Level Success for Students in the Lowest Placement Band, December 2023
Report examines the success for students with lower levels of high school performance who began in transferable, college-level math post AB 705 in order to compare the predicted versus actual success rates of these students as a validation of the placement rules. The analysis confirms the accuracy of the original placement rules and underscores the strong recommendation that colleges provide concurrent support for these students.
STEM Faculty Focus Groups, December 2023
Slides from two focus groups for STEM faculty sponsored by the ASCCC in collaboration with the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office to inform revising math course sequences and the implementation of AB 1705 for STEM programs.
2022–2023 The RP Group Annual Report
The RP Group Annual Report synthesizing key internal and external areas of the organization.
Spotlight on... Moorpark College: Academic Probation Reimagined, November 2023 (Recording)
Webinar recording of The RP Group's "Spotlight on..." series featuring Moorpark College: Academic Probation Reimagined.
Spotlight on... Moorpark College: Academic Probation Reimagined, November 2023 (PPT)
Slides from webinar of The RP Group's "Spotlight on..." series featuring Moorpark College: Academic Probation Reimagined.
The African American Transfer Tipping Point: Exploring the Transfer Journeys of Over 7,000 African American/Black California Community College Students, October 2023 (PPT)
Slides from webinar sharing results from new report "The African American Transfer Tipping Point: Exploring the Transfer Journeys of Over 7,000 African American/Black California Community College Students."
The African American Transfer Tipping Point: Exploring the Transfer Journeys of Over 7,000 African American/Black California Community College Students, October 2023 (Recording)
Webinar recording of October 2023 Event "The African American Transfer Tipping Point: Exploring the Transfer Journeys of Over 7,000 African American/Black California Community College Students."
October 2023: The African American Transfer Tipping Point: Exploring the Transfer Journeys of Over 7,000 African American/Black Community College Students
Report sharing findings from the third phase of the African American Transfer Tipping Point study.
Corequisite Support as a Lever for Improving Outcomes: A Qualitative Exploration, October 2023 (PPT)
Slides used in webinar highlighting promising practices from interviews conducted about corequisite support courses in both English and math that promote more equitable outcomes, and a panel of practitioners sharing their specific practices. The slides showcase English corequisite support at Cabrillo College and Calculus I corequisite support at Cuyamaca College.
Corequisite Support as a Lever for Improving Outcomes: A Qualitative Exploration, October 2023 (Recording)
Recording of the webinar highlighting promising practices from interviews conducted about corequisite support courses in both English and math that promote more equitable outcomes, and a panel of practitioners sharing their specific practices.
Open for Antiracism Project: Findings from Cohort 3, August 2023
Report summarizing findings from research conducted to learn about the experiences of the third cohort of the Open for Anti-racism (OFAR) project.
Real College California: 2023 Survey Results of CCC Students’ Basic Needs Webinar, September 2023 (Recording)
Webinar recording presenting key findings from the Real College California survey that assesses the basic needs securities of students from California Community Colleges. Basic needs indices related to food, housing, and homelessness will be provided, along with disaggregated information by region and select student demographics. Implications for local and state decision-makers will also be discussed.
Real College California: 2023 Survey Results of CCC Students’ Basic Needs Webinar, September 2023 (PPT)
Slides used in webinar presenting key findings from the Real College California survey that assesses the basic needs securities of students from California Community Colleges. Basic needs indices related to food, housing, and homelessness will be provided, along with disaggregated information by region and select student demographics. Implications for local and state decision-makers will also be discussed.
Is AB 705 Contributing to Enrollment Loss in California's Community Colleges?, September 2023
Brief explores two research questions: are enrollment changes experienced by California community colleges in fall 2019 explained by AB 705 implementation, and how did enrollment changes in California’s community colleges in fall 2019 compare to large community college systems in other states? The analysis concludes that fall 2019 implementation of AB 705 reforms does not explain relative enrollment changes at the state or college-level in that year.
September 2023
This edition features information about our ongoing research efforts and professional development programs, a project spotlight: African American Transfer Tipping Point (AATTP) study, and celebrating 10 years of impact: Leading from the Middle.
Exploring BSTEM and SLAM Outcomes Through the Transfer-Level Completion Dashboard, September 2023 (Recording)
Webinar featuring an overview and demonstration of a complementary dashboard view to the Transfer-Level English and Math Dashboard called the Business, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (BSTEM) and Social Sciences and Liberal Arts Mathematics (SLAM) Dashboard which allows users to review completion rates for students on a BSTEM or SLAM pathway and explore outcomes by varying starting courses in the pathway and over differing timeframes.
Exploring BSTEM and SLAM Outcomes Through the Transfer-Level Completion Dashboard, September 2023 (PPT)
Webinar providing an overview and demonstration of a complementary dashboard view to the Transfer-Level English and Math Dashboard called the Business, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (BSTEM) and Social Sciences and Liberal Arts Mathematics (SLAM) Dashboard which allows users to review completion rates for students on a BSTEM or SLAM pathway and explore outcomes by varying starting courses in the pathway and over differing timeframes.
Real College California: Basic Needs Among California Community College Students, September 2023
Report summarizing the findings from the 2023 Real College California Survey assessing the basic needs securities of students from California Community Colleges. Basic needs indices related to food, housing, and homelessness are provided, along with disaggregated information by region and select student demographics.
2021–2022 Leading from the Middle Academy Evaluation, July 2023
Evaluation findings for the 2021-22 LFM Academy.
AB 1705 Non-STEM Validation, Business Administration and Template Assistance, June 2023 (PPT)
Slides used in webinar focused on assisting colleges with submitting additional validation for non-STEM programs of study to meet AB 1705 requirements. Results from a recent analysis of Business Administration student outcomes are shared, with information about how to replicate the analyses locally. In addition, guidance on submitting local validation of non-STEM programs to meet validation requirements are discussed.