Wednesday, October 23, 2024
The RP Group

 RP Group Listservs

Stay connected with professionals in your field through an RP Group listserv.

Our listservs are robust resources that facilitate knowledge-sharing among California community college practitioners on research methodologies, planning tools, effective practices, relevant studies, leadership, and other useful resources to aid in student and college success.

To help us foster a collaborative, resourceful environment, The RP Group requests that all subscribers read and adhere to the following guidelines.

Research and Planning (RP)

Facilitates information sharing among California Community College researchers, planners, and institutional effectiveness professionals on research methods, planning tools, effective practices, and relevant studies. To subscribe (or unsubscribe), Here is the link to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to the RP listserv.

Leading from the Middle (Leadership)

Facilitates information sharing among California Community College practitioners who are leading change in their roles as deans, department chairs, coordinators, and committee chairs. Here is the link to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to the Leadership listserv.

CAMP Regional Research Group

The CAMP Regional Research Group is organized and administered by a network of research and planning professionals at colleges and districts across Los Angeles and Orange Counties to share promising practices and discuss regional issues. Here is the link to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to the CAMP listserv.

Noncredit Regional Research Group

The Noncredit Regional Research Group is organized and administered by a network of Noncredit research and planning professionals across the state to share promising practices and discuss issues related to Noncredit research and planning. Here is the link to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to the Noncredit listserv.

R Programming for Institutional Research

The RStudio programming listserv is a hub to discuss R programming use cases for institutional research and share code. Here is the link to subscribe (or unsubscribe) to the R Programming for Institutional Research listserv.

Send a message to a listserv. Here’s how:

  1. Compose an email to the listserv using the corresponding address:






  1. Complete your email, including a subject, body, and signature.

  2. After you send your email, you should receive a confirmation of your request and will be asked to verify you are the sender. Follow the instructions provided.

  3. After you confirm that you are the sender, the message will go out to all listserv members.

How to reply to a listserv message:

If you want to reply only to the message sender, simply select “reply”. To respond to all listserv members, select “reply to all”. 

Retrieving listserv archives:

Access a full list of all archived messages here:

Safe Harbor allows subscribers to pose questions anonymously. Just email your query and it will be re-posted (verbatim or paraphrased and in line with listserv guidelines) by one of our team members.

If you have questions or need technical support, contact the listserv manager at

 IRPE Listservs: What's the Difference Between RP and RESPL?

We’d like to share a jointly created resource, which augments the listserv materials already available through The RP Group and the Chancellor’s Office.

This new quick reference document, IRPE Listservs: What’s the Difference Between RP and RESPL?, is intended to clarify the purposes and mechanics for RP Listserv and RESPL-ALL listserv. As RESPL has become more active, we want to make sure people (particularly IRPE office leads) are aware of how to access it. The Chancellor’s Office primarily uses RESPL to share announcements and information with the college-designated contact(s), most often the chief research officers (i.e., the most senior person in each IRPE office). In addition, the Chancellor’s Office simultaneously sends selected communications that are most relevant to the broader IRPE community to both RESPL and RP listservs.