Tuesday, March 25, 2025
The RP Group

 Upcoming Webinars and Web Events

 Upcoming Workshops

Friday, 4/4, 10 am–12 pm: TOP-CIP-SOC workshop

TOP-CIP-SOC Workshop Friday, Aprl 4 2025, 10 am–12 pm  

The RP Group invites you to a special workshop, hosted in partnership with Centers of Excellence-Bay Area and Bay Area Community College Consortium.

This workshop will include an overview of the structure and use of three specific types of classification codes used in the California Community Colleges system: Taxonomy of Program (TOP) codes, Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) codes, and the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) codes and their relationship.

Attendees will be provided with resources and reference materials to further enhance and supplement their understanding of these codes.

Register here

 Recorded Webinars and Workshops

You can always find the recordings of our webinars, web events, and online workshops on The RP Group’s YouTube Channel!

  • AB 1705: Evaluating STEM Preparatory Pathways, March 2025
    This webinar reviews the AB 1705 STEM Calculus Preparatory Pathways Evaluation Template. The template is a tool that should be used to evaluate transfer-level preparatory courses and innovative courses prior to the July 1, 2027 implementation deadline.
    Presenters include: Dr. Mallory Newell, The RP Group as well as Terrence Willett and Dr. Erik Cooper, from the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office

  • Spotlight On... Chaffey College, March 2025 (Recording)
    This webinar spotlights Chaffey College's course curriculum for an Innovative Course as preparation for STEM Calculus – an implementation option under AB 1705 guidance.
    Presenters include Dr. Michael Wangler, Benny Neal, Doug Yegge, and Donna Troy from Chaffey College. We also hear from Dr. Mallory Newell, The RP Group, and Chantee Smith, California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office.

  • In Students' Own Words - The African American Transfer Tipping Point, February 2025 (Recording)
    Webinar about the factors influencing the transfer trajectories of African American/Black students and recommendations for how colleges, districts, and systems can promote African American/Black student transfer success.

  • In Students' Own Words - The African American Transfer Tipping Point, February 2025 (PPT)
    Slides used in webinar about the factors influencing the transfer trajectories of African American/Black students and recommendations for how colleges, districts, and systems can promote African American/Black student transfer success.