Resources to Support Equitable Placement, Support & Completion
Under AB 1705
Resources for colleges implementing AB 705 for STEM and non-STEM programs including the implications of the standards of the law, implications of the law as they relate to special population groups including Biology students and students with disabilities. Ongoing evaluations of the law as implementation continues statewide.
AB 1705: Evaluating STEM Preparatory Pathways, March 2025
This webinar reviews the AB 1705 STEM Calculus Preparatory Pathways Evaluation Template. The template is a tool that should be used to evaluate transfer-level preparatory courses and innovative courses prior to the July 1, 2027 implementation deadline.
Webinar: Equitable Placement and Completion (AB 1705): Innovative Course Curriculum at Chaffey College, March 2025 (Recording)
This webinar presents a spotlight on Chaffey College's course curriculum for an Innovative Course as preparation for STEM Calculus – an implementation option under AB 1705 guidance.
Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion under AB 1705: An Aggregate Look at College-Level Reports, November 2024
Brief offers an aggregate look at 115 college reports provided to validate the three standards of AB 1705 at the local level. The individual reports were a follow up on an earlier statewide analysis of more than 37,000 student records that applied the same validation standards for AB 1705. However, the college-level analyses provide an opportunity to verify statewide findings based on a more recent timeframe, a different set of criteria for grouping students based on high school accomplishments, and student information obtained through the centralized community college application (CCCApply), instead of high school transcripts.
Webinar: Calculus with a Corequisite Spotlight: Mt. San Antonio College, November 2024 (Recording)
Webinar recording that presents a spotlight on Mt. San Antonio College's practices for supporting students in Calculus 1 with corequisite support.
Calculus with Support: Strategies from the Field, October 2024
Slides from the 2024 Strengthening Student Success Conference workshop that showcase four colleges who designed their STEM calculus course with additional support, all in varying stages of implementation. Slides include A Day in Calculus with Support as modeled at four different colleges, Chaffey College Ohlone College and Cuyamaca College.
Considerations for Strengthening Concurrent Support Courses in English and Math, October 2024
Brief provides evidence-based strategies for corequisite and enhanced support models. Insights pertaining to structural considerations for effective concurrent support and strategies for improving learning with concurrent support are includes as well as examples of corequisite and enhanced course models at three colleges are included.
Webinar: Calculus with a Corequisite Spotlight: Ohlone College, October 2024 (Recording)
Webinar recording that presents a spotlight on Ohlone College's practices for supporting students in Calculus 1 with corequisite support.
Webinar: Calculus with a Corequisite Spotlight: Chaffey College, October 2024 (Recording)
Webinar recording that presents a spotlight on Chaffey College's practices for supporting students in Calculus 1 with corequisite support.
Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion for Special Populations: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, August 2024
Brief provides additional analysis to the report, Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, focusing on STEM students from special populations including Puente, Umoja, MESA, foster youth, and EOPS, among others, whose first college math course was in the STEM Calculus Pathway. The report finds that STEM students in special population groups have the highest STEM Calculus completion rates with direct enrollment into STEM Calculus 1.
Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion for Students with Disabilities: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, August 2024
Brief provides additional analysis to the report, Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, focusing on STEM students with disabilities whose first college math course was in the STEM Calculus Pathway. The report finds that STEM students participating in DSPS programs have STEM Calculus completion rates similar to those of non-DSPS students.
A Focus on Biology: An Extension of the Report Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, August 2024
Brief provides a follow-up to the initial Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards report with a focus on students in biology majors. The goal was to determine if the original report underestimated calculus completion rates for certain biology majors with different calculus course requirements. The report found STEM Calculus 1 throughput patterns to align for overall STEM majors and biology majors.
Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, February 2024 (UPDATED) June 2024
Report exploring the impact of AB 1705 for STEM program pathway requirements for STEM Calculus pathways and subsequence Calculus completion. This report includes descriptive analyses and is accompanied by a technical appendix that includes regression analyses (see below). Update includes an additional appendix (Appendix I).
Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, Technical Appendices, February 2024
Technical appendix to Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, which includes a detailed methodology and regression analysis.
STEM Faculty Focus Groups, December 2023
Slides from two focus groups for STEM faculty sponsored by the ASCCC in collaboration with the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office to inform revising math course sequences and the implementation of AB 1705 for STEM programs.
Maximizing Calculus Completion for Students Seeking the Business Administration Degree, May 2023
Report comparing the completion rates of Business Calculus or STEM Calculus for students with a Business Administration program of study. The study controls for student's highest level math course completed while looking at the starting course in which they began at a community college. Every group of students had substantially higher completion of Business Calculus or STEM Calculus when starting directly there. This research suggests that transfer-level prerequisites to Business Calculus or STEM Calculus do not meet AB 1705 requirements for applied or business calculus for business administration majors within the California Community College system.
AB 1705 Non-STEM Validation, Business Administration and Template Assistance, June 2023 (Recording)
Webinar recording focused on assisting colleges with submitting additional validation for non-STEM programs of study to meet AB 1705 requirements. Results from a recent analysis of Business Administration student outcomes are shared, with information about how to replicate the analyses locally. In addition, guidance on submitting local validation of non-STEM programs to meet validation requirements are discussed.
AB 1705 Non-STEM Validation, Business Administration and Template Assistance, June 2023 (PPT)
Slides used in webinar focused on assisting colleges with submitting additional validation for non-STEM programs of study to meet AB 1705 requirements. Results from a recent analysis of Business Administration student outcomes are shared, with information about how to replicate the analyses locally. In addition, guidance on submitting local validation of non-STEM programs to meet validation requirements are discussed.