Tuesday, March 25, 2025
The RP Group

The Survey of Institutional Research, Planning and Effectiveness (IRPE) Offices in the California Community College system is a census designed to collect and share recent, relevant developments occurring across college and district IRPE offices. These data provide the RP Group with information to assess priorities at IRPE offices, focus professional development, advance the organization, and advocate on behalf of IRPE professionals.

Membership Surveys
  • 2021 IRPE Survey Report
    Findings from a 2021 census survey of California Community College research, planning and effectiveness offices detailing staffing profiles, budget changes, activities and institutional membership considerations.

  • 2021 Survey of IRPE Offices Results
    Webinar recording sharing results from the 2021 Survey of IRPE Offices

  • 2019 IRPE Survey Report
    Findings from a 2019 census survey of California Community College research, planning and effectiveness offices detailing staffing profiles, budget changes, activities and institutional membership considerations.

  • 2017 Survey of IRPE Offices
    Findings from a survey of California Community College research offices regarding staffing profile of offices, the types of activities that IRP offices are engaged in, and support that could help researchers become more effective.

  • 2016 Survey of IRPE Offices
    Findings from a survey of California Community College research offices regarding staffing profile of offices, the types of activities that IRP offices are engaged in, and support that could help researchers become more effective.

  • 2011 IRPE Capacity Study
    Census of California Community College institutional research offices, including staffing levels, budgets, areas of responsibility, and reporting structures.

  • 2011 Survey of IRPE Offices
    Census of California Community College institutional research offices, including staffing levels, budgets, areas of responsibility, and reporting structures.

  • 2009 IRPE Survey Summary
    Findings from a survey of California Community College research offices regarding staffing profile of offices, the types of activities that IRP offices are engaged in, and support that could help researchers become more effective.

  • 2009 Survey of IRPE Offices
    Findings from a survey of California Community College research offices regarding staffing profile of offices, the types of activities that IRP offices are engaged in, and support that could help researchers become more effective.

  • 2009 IRPE Survey Discussion Guide
    Findings from a survey of California Community College research offices regarding staffing profile of offices, the types of activities that IRP offices are engaged in, and support that could help researchers become more effective.

  • 2009 BSOC Use of Evidence Report
    Findings from a survey of California Community College research offices regarding staffing profile of offices, the types of activities that IRP offices are engaged in, and support that could help researchers become more effective.

  • 2009 BSOC Use of Evidence Brief
    Findings from a survey of California Community College research offices regarding staffing profile of offices, the types of activities that IRP offices are engaged in, and support that could help researchers become more effective.

  • Discussing Institutional Research: Findings and Discussion Questions on Community College Research Capacity and Focus, 2009
    Findings from a survey of California Community College research offices regarding staffing profile of offices, the types of activities that IRP offices are engaged in, and support that could help researchers become more effective.