The RP Group's new page, What's the Big Idea?
Tuesday, March 25, 2025
The RP Group
What's the Big Idea?

Our new What's the Big Idea? video series highlights projects, initiatives, questions, and more that are relevant to students, educators and researchers in our California Community Colleges via short, lively conversations. 

What’s the Big Idea?
Why is it important to include student presenters
in conference sessions?

What’s the Big Idea?
The Driving Force Behind the RP Group's
Through the Gate Transfer Study

What's the Big Idea?
What do you learn when you listen to students?

What’s the Big Idea?
A Dialogue on IRPE’s Role in Fostering Change

What’s the Big Idea?
What do you want educators to know about
students at your college?

What's the Big Idea?
Let's Give All Students the Best Chance at
Throughput Success

What’s the Big Idea?
What does it mean for a college to be student-ready?

What's the Big Idea?
How One Student Found Strength and Overcame Challenges

What's the Big Idea?
Cerro Coso College Talks about SPAR

What’s the Big Idea?
6 Important Ideas for New Researchers to Know
(and “Old” Ones to Remember)

What’s the Big Idea?
Telling a Story with Data: The What, How, and Why.

What’s the Big Idea?
Veteran Institutional Researchers Share
How IR Offices Evolved...

What’s the Big Idea?
2019 Project of the Year Award: Confirming Socio-ecological
Outcomes to Predict Student Success of Men of Color...


Winner of the RP Group 2019 Project of the Year Award

Lijuan Zhai, Director of Institutional Research, Assessment, and Planning; Dee Cetin-Berber, Senior Research  and Planning Analyst; Raymond Ramirez, Equity Coordinator; Carol Rains-Heisdorf, Senior Research and Planning Analyst; Lili Gao, Senior Research and Planning Analyst; and Chuck Kralowec, Research and Planning AnalystFresno City College