Tuesday, March 25, 2025
The RP Group

Transfer Success Projects

The Distance Matters: Geographic Barriers to Transfer study documented the impact of attending community college in university deserts on student transfer in California and how distance to the nearest public university negatively impacts transfer success.


The Transfer Among Rural Learners study examines how rural students in California with limited higher education options navigate their transfer journeys and how colleges and communities can facilitate successful transfer for these students."

The African American Transfer Tipping Point (AATTP) study sought to identify "tipping points" that facilitate transfer success among African American/Black learners in the California Community Colleges system.


The Through the Gate initiative offered a fresh take on transfer by focusing on "high-leverage learners" in the California Community Colleges—students who have met all or most of their transfer requirements but do not transfer.

Student Success Projects

The Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) conducts research focused on equitable student placement in and completion of transfer-level English and math courses.


The Student Support (Re)defined initiative explored how community colleges can deliver support both inside and outside the classroom, focusing on student-identified needs that would improve their success.

Statewide Success Projects

The Real College California Survey is an ongoing effort to provide California Community Colleges and state leadership with crucial and current data on students' food and housing insecurity.


Statewide surveys that focus on providing valuable and relevant information on students' and practitioners' experiences, needs, and challenges to help California Community Colleges make data-informed improvements.