Sunday, October 27, 2024
The RP Group

Institutional Effectiveness Resources

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Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion for Special Populations: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, August 2024
Brief provides additional analysis to the report, Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, focusing on STEM students from special populations including Puente, Umoja, MESA, foster youth, and EOPS, among others, whose first college math course was in the STEM Calculus Pathway. The report finds that STEM students in special population groups have the highest STEM Calculus completion rates with direct enrollment into STEM Calculus 1.
2021 IRPE Demographic Survey Results, August 2022 (Recording)
Webinar recording sharing results from the 2021 IRPE Demographic Survey Results.
2023 Survey of IRPE Offices Results & Implications, June 2024 (PPT)
Slides used in webinar sharing results from The RP Group’s 2023 Survey of IRPE Offices. This biannual census survey was developed to gain insights into IRPE offices structures, functions, and priorities.
2023 Survey of IRPE Offices Results & Implications, June 2024 (Recording)
Webinar sharing results from The RP Group’s 2023 Survey of IRPE Offices. This biannual census survey was developed to gain insights into IRPE offices structures, functions, and priorities.
2024 RP Group Outstanding Project of the Year Webinar, May 2024
A presentation by Norco College covering their project, “Faculty Impact on Black Student Success.”
2023 IRPE Survey Report
Findings from a 2023 census survey of California Community College research, planning and effectiveness offices detailing staffing profiles, budget changes, activities and institutional membership considerations.
Bringing Data Out of the Closet and Toward Equity: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Data Collection and Usage Practices in California Community Colleges, April 2024
Report summarizing results from a statewide survey and interviews with California community college (CCC) practitioners to understand the perceptions of data access, quality, usage, and satisfaction regarding the sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) of CCC students in order to inform the local and statewide practices and policy to collect, analyze, and share SOGI data so that the system can better serve LGBTQIA+ students.
Planning Principles: Setting the Foundation, January 2024
Resource outlining foundational aspects of planning and designed to serve as a useful reference for institutional research, planning, and effectiveness (IRPE) professionals as they navigate how to lead and support planning efforts at their colleges and districts.
Spotlight on... Moorpark College: Academic Probation Reimagined, November 2023 (Recording)
Webinar recording of The RP Group's "Spotlight on..." series featuring Moorpark College: Academic Probation Reimagined.
Spotlight on... Moorpark College: Academic Probation Reimagined, November 2023 (PPT)
Slides from webinar of The RP Group's "Spotlight on..." series featuring Moorpark College: Academic Probation Reimagined.
AB 1705 Non-STEM Validation, Business Administration and Template Assistance, June 2023 (PPT)
Slides used in webinar focused on assisting colleges with submitting additional validation for non-STEM programs of study to meet AB 1705 requirements. Results from a recent analysis of Business Administration student outcomes are shared, with information about how to replicate the analyses locally. In addition, guidance on submitting local validation of non-STEM programs to meet validation requirements are discussed.
AB 1705 Non-STEM Validation, Business Administration and Template Assistance, June 2023 (Recording)
Webinar recording focused on assisting colleges with submitting additional validation for non-STEM programs of study to meet AB 1705 requirements. Results from a recent analysis of Business Administration student outcomes are shared, with information about how to replicate the analyses locally. In addition, guidance on submitting local validation of non-STEM programs to meet validation requirements are discussed.
Corequisite Validation for Transfer-Level English and Math Description, March 2023 (PPT)
Slides used in web event recording highlighting examples of corequisite validation practices and considerations for CCC faculty, administrators, and institutional research and planning effectiveness (IRPE) professionals interested.
Corequisite Validation for Transfer-Level English and Math Description, March 2023 (Recording)
Web event recording highlighting examples of corequisite validation practices and considerations for CCC faculty, administrators, and institutional research and planning effectiveness (IRPE) professionals interested.
Open for Anti-Racism Project: Findings from Cohort 2, August 2022
Report summarizing findings from research conducted to learn about the experiences of the second cohort of the Open for Anti-racism (OFAR) project.
Open for Anti-Racism Project: Lessons from the First Cohort, September 2021
Report summarizing findings from research conducted to learn about the experiences of the first cohort of the Open for Anti-racism (OFAR) project.
EDI Self-Assessment Tool and IRPE EDI Living Glossary Webinar, 2023 (Recording)
Webinar introducing two new tools we developed to center our work on equity. We introduce two resources - an EDI Self-Assessment Tool and Living Glossary of EDI Terms we developed contextualized for IRPE Professionals. Learn how we used the tool to assess our hiring and committee processes, how one college used it to support their SEAP planning, and how EDI concepts show up in IRPE work and experiences.
EDI Self-Assessment Tool and IRPE EDI Living Glossary Webinar, 2023 (PPT)
Slides from webinar introducing two new tools we developed to center our work on equity. We introduce two resources - an EDI Self-Assessment Tool and Living Glossary of EDI Terms we developed contextualized for IRPE Professionals. Learn how we used the tool to assess our hiring and committee processes, how one college used it to support their SEAP planning, and how EDI concepts show up in IRPE work and experiences.
The Impact of Excused Withdrawals on Throughput, with a Focus on Transfer-Level Math, November 2022
Brief examining the use and impact of the emergency regulation by the state to use excused withdrawal (EW) grades for courses during the 2020 pandemic; with a specific focus on math.
The Overlooked Obstacle: How Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policies Impede Student Success and Equity
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.
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2023 IRPE Survey Report

Findings from a 2023 census survey of California Community College research, planning and effectiveness offices detailing staffing profiles, budget changes, activities and institutional membership considerations.

Bringing Data Out of the Closet and Toward Equity: Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI) Data Collection and Usage Practices in California Community Colleges, April 2024

Report summarizing results from a statewide survey and interviews with California community college (CCC) practitioners to understand the perceptions of data access, quality, usage, and satisfaction regarding the sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) of CCC students in order to inform the local and statewide practices and policy to collect, analyze, and share SOGI data so that the system can better serve LGBTQIA+ students.

Open for Anti-Racism Project: Findings from Cohort 2, August 2022

Report summarizing findings from research conducted to learn about the experiences of the second cohort of the Open for Anti-racism (OFAR) project.

Open for Anti-Racism Project: Lessons from the First Cohort, September 2021

Report summarizing findings from research conducted to learn about the experiences of the first cohort of the Open for Anti-racism (OFAR) project.

Extended Opportunities Programs and Services (EOPS) Impact Study 2.0: 2010-2019 Technical Report, August 2022

Research report with updated findings from a study examining the impact of EOPS by comparing EOPS participants from 2010 to 2019 to comparable non-participants on key student outcomes. This study replicates a study The RP Group conducted in 2012 with a more recent cohort of students and additional student outcome measures.

2021 IRPE Survey Report

Findings from a 2021 census survey of California Community College research, planning and effectiveness offices detailing staffing profiles, budget changes, activities and institutional membership considerations.

AB 705 Implementation Survey Results, August 2020

Report providing the results of the AB 705 Implementation Survey administered in winter 2020 and includes all questions and responses.

AB 705 Research and Analysis Ideas for Collaboration between Researchers and Faculty, January 2020

Report providing data considerations including: comparison groups, student variables, instructor effects, and long-term outcomes when evaluating AB 705 implementation.

Access, Enrollment, and Success in Transfer-Level English and Math in the California Community College System, September 2019

Report providing a review of the landscape of transfer-level English and math courses between fall 2015 and fall 2018. It includes a look at enrollment into these courses, success rates, and throughput.

Access, Enrollment, and Success in Transfer-Level English and Math Courses in the California Community Colleges (Full Report), September 2019

Report providing a review of the landscape of transfer-level English and math courses between fall 2015 and fall 2018. It includes a look at enrollment into these courses, success rates, and throughput.

Institutional Redesign Grounded on Student Equity through a Guided Pathways Framework, (SEM), Fresno City College, Fall 2019

Abstract discussing Fresno City College's SEM goals and activities.

Redesign for Student Success, (SEM), Los Medanos College, Fall 2019

Abstract discussing Los Medanos College's Strategic Enrollmenet Managmeent plan utilizing the Guided Pathways framework to support student completion and success.

Demographic Profiles of AB 705 Implementation Memo High School Performance Bands, June 2019

Report providing detailed demographic breakouts by high school GPA band, as used in the AB 705 default placement rules. Demographics include ethnicity and financial aid status.

Students Starting in Credit ESL, Two Levels Below Transfer Level, June 2019

Interactive Sankey diagram exploring varying pathways and throughput rates for students starting at two levels below transfer.

Students Starting in Credit ESL, Three Levels Below Transfer Level, June 2019

Interactive Sankey diagram exploring varying pathways and throughput rates for students starting at three levels below transfer.

Students Starting in Credit ESL, Six Levels Below Transfer Level, June 2019

Interactive Sankey diagram exploring varying pathways and throughput rates for students starting at six levels below transfer.

Students Starting in a Transfer Level English Equivalent ESL Course, June 2019

Interactive Sankey diagrams displaying the many paths students take from credit ESL to TLE or TLEE. Explore varying pathways and throughput rates for students starting at transfer level or up to six levels below transfer level.

Students Starting in Credit ESL, Five Levels Below Transfer Level, June 2019

Interactive Sankey diagram exploring varying pathways and throughput rates for students starting at five levels below transfer.

Students Starting in Credit ESL, Four Levels Below Transfer Level, June 2019

Interactive Sankey diagram exploring varying pathways and throughput rates for students starting at four levels below transfer.

Students Starting in Credit ESL, One Level Below Transfer Level, June 2019

Interactive Sankey diagram exploring varying pathways and throughput rates for students starting at one level below transfer.

Noncredit English Language Learners' (ELL) Transitions to Credit Courses: Summary from a Mixed-Methods Analysis, May 2019

Report providing the results of a mixed-methods analysis of transitions from adult education programs or noncredit ESL programs to credit ESL programs. Also includes an analysis of CASAS data.

Becoming Intentional and Strategic: Developing Middle Leaders in California Community Colleges, April 2019

Retrospective report describing leadership development programs, RP Group’s Leading from the Middle and 3CSN’s Basic Skills Initiative Leadership Institute for Curricular and Institutional Transformation.

The Power of Middle Leaders in California Community Colleges: Why Now is the Time to Foster Middle Leadership, April 2019

Call to action describing the importance of supporting middle leaders in California Community Colleges as they act to make colleges more effective and equitable.

Integrating Student Equity and Institutional Effectiveness to Transform Campus Culture, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Leading the Way: Cuyamaca College Transforms Math Remediation, June 2018

AB 705 and Transforming Math Remediation at Cuyamaca College

Launching Guided Pathways across CCCs: Preliminary Findings from CCCs Guided Pathways Phase I Work Plans (2018)

Report to the Chancellor’s Office summarizing colleges’ Guided Pathways priorities for Phase I, based on the most pressing key elements identified and the top support needs requested by a high majority of institutions.

CCCCO: Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative Legislative Report

Report on the California Community Colleges’ Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI).

EdInsights Center LFM Academy Report 2018

Report to help the CCCCO understand how well LFM met its identified goals and outcomes, as well as its participants’ needs, Education Insights Center (EdInsights) researchers designed a participant survey to collect information. This report summarizes those findings.

LFM 2017 Evaluation Report

Reflections from the Leading from the Middle Academy 2017

LFM 2017 Evaluation Report – Executive Summary

Reflections from the Leading from the Middle Academy 2017 - Executive Summary

Understanding CCC Budget and Reporting Part I (CCFS-320 Report), (SEM), Spring 2018

Report providing an overview of the Community College Financial Statement Apportionment Attendance Report to show a link between how data is derived, communicated to the state, and used to determine state apportionment for a district.

Understanding CCC Budget and Reporting Part II (Exhibit C, Fifty Percent Law, and FON), (SEM), Spring 2018

Report providing an overview of the Community College Funding Model and how enrollment drives the flow of funding.

State-Mandated Participatory Governance in California Community Colleges: Perceptions of College and Faculty Senate Presidents, 2017

Report on college governance. (Screen reader support enabled).

Challenges Facing the Guided Pathways Model for Restructuring Two-Year Colleges, July 2018

Guided pathways reform.

Statement of Aspirational Practice for Institutional Research, 2016

IRPE office benchmarks and future directions.

Stages of the Growth for the IR Professional, 2015

Career stages for IRPE professionals.

Step Up & Lead for Equity, April 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at IRPE Summer Institute.

Data to Action: Building Evidence-Based Change in California Community Colleges through BRIC, Report, June 2012

Report summarizing lessons learned from the BRIC Initiative.

Focusing Accreditation on Quality Improvement: Findings from an Exploration of Community College Accreditation Policies and Practices

Research report offering contextual information about accreditation policies and practices nationwide; designed to engender discussion among key stakeholders about how these findings might assist in optimizing the accreditation process for true quality improvement.

Discussing Institutional Research: Findings and Discussion Questions on Community College Research Capacity and Focus, 2009

Findings from a survey of California Community College research offices regarding staffing profile of offices, the types of activities that IRP offices are engaged in, and support that could help researchers become more effective.

A Census of Researchers in the California Community College System: Results of a Telephone Interview Survey, 2006

Census of California Community College institutional research offices, including staffing levels, budgets, expertise, and roles in decision making.

A Resource Handbook for Strategic Planning for the California Community Colleges, April 2005

Complete report documenting internal and external trends shaping the future of the System and its 72 community college districts.

AB1417 Performance Framework for the California Community Colleges - A Report to the Legislature, pursuant to AB1417, April 2005

Cover letter, performance framework, and briefing paper on performance evaluation serving as the basis for the Accountability Reporting for the Community Colleges (ARCC) reporting system.
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Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion for Special Populations: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, August 2024

Brief provides additional analysis to the report, Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, focusing on STEM students from special populations including Puente, Umoja, MESA, foster youth, and EOPS, among others, whose first college math course was in the STEM Calculus Pathway. The report finds that STEM students in special population groups have the highest STEM Calculus completion rates with direct enrollment into STEM Calculus 1.

The Impact of Excused Withdrawals on Throughput, with a Focus on Transfer-Level Math, November 2022

Brief examining the use and impact of the emergency regulation by the state to use excused withdrawal (EW) grades for courses during the 2020 pandemic; with a specific focus on math.

A Culture of Care and Equity: An Integrated Approach to Structured Onboarding and Persistence at Delta College, (SEM), San Joaquin Delta College, Fall 2019

Abstract discussing Delta College's IEPI SEM project.

Entry Through Completion, (SEM), Bakersfield College, Kern Community College District, Fall 2019

Abstract discussing Bakersfield College's Entry Through Completion project.

Evaluating an Inventory of SEM practices to incorporate in a Revised SEM Plan aligned with Guided Pathways, Reedley College, Fall 2019

Abstract discussing Reedly College's Strategic Enrollmeent Management Plan.

Fixing the Leaky Pipeline: An Equity-Minded and Data-Supported Approach to Improve Outcomes, (SEM), Orange Coast College, Fall 2019

Abstract discussing Orange Coast College's SEM plan.

Integrating Data and Technology to Create a Student-Centered Enrollment Management Plan, (SEM), Cerritos College, Fall 2019

Abstract discussing Cerritos College's plan to create a more seamless, holistic approach to enrollment management.

Pierce GROWs (Growing through Retention, Outreach, and Wrap-Around Services), (SEM), Los Angeles Pierce College, Los Angeles Community College District, Fall 2019

Abstract discussing the Pierce GROWs project.

Redesigning Core Institutional Systems to Better Support Student Success, Victor Valley College, Victor Valley Community College District, Fall 2019

Abstract discussing Victor Valley College and Victor Valley Community College's Redesigning Core Institutional Systems to Better Support Student Success project.

Redesigning our Student Approach through Guided Pathway, (SEM), Los Angeles City College, Fall 2019

Abstract discussing Los Angeles City College's SEM project.

Transparency in Scheduling, (SEM), College of San Mateo, Fall 2019

Abstract discussing College of San Mateo's plan to have a more comprehensive and transparent process to help bring together the larger group involved in schedule development.

GP (+SEM), Madera Community College, Fall 2019

Abstract discussing Madera Community College's Strategic Enrollment Management project.
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2023 Survey of IRPE Offices Results & Implications, June 2024 (PPT)

Slides used in webinar sharing results from The RP Group’s 2023 Survey of IRPE Offices. This biannual census survey was developed to gain insights into IRPE offices structures, functions, and priorities.

Spotlight on... Moorpark College: Academic Probation Reimagined, November 2023 (PPT)

Slides from webinar of The RP Group's "Spotlight on..." series featuring Moorpark College: Academic Probation Reimagined.

AB 1705 Non-STEM Validation, Business Administration and Template Assistance, June 2023 (PPT)

Slides used in webinar focused on assisting colleges with submitting additional validation for non-STEM programs of study to meet AB 1705 requirements. Results from a recent analysis of Business Administration student outcomes are shared, with information about how to replicate the analyses locally. In addition, guidance on submitting local validation of non-STEM programs to meet validation requirements are discussed.

Corequisite Validation for Transfer-Level English and Math Description, March 2023 (PPT)

Slides used in web event recording highlighting examples of corequisite validation practices and considerations for CCC faculty, administrators, and institutional research and planning effectiveness (IRPE) professionals interested.

EDI Self-Assessment Tool and IRPE EDI Living Glossary Webinar, 2023 (PPT)

Slides from webinar introducing two new tools we developed to center our work on equity. We introduce two resources - an EDI Self-Assessment Tool and Living Glossary of EDI Terms we developed contextualized for IRPE Professionals. Learn how we used the tool to assess our hiring and committee processes, how one college used it to support their SEAP planning, and how EDI concepts show up in IRPE work and experiences.

The Overlooked Obstacle: How Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policies Impede Student Success and Equity

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.

Envisioning an Equity-Minded College of the Future: Exploring Hybrid Possibilities through Many Perspectives, October 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.

Facilitating an Inclusive, Data-Rich, and Equity-Focused Strategic Planning Process, October 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.

More than Money: Re-Centering Planning and Resource Allocation on DEIA Principles, October 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.

Meeting Faculty Where They Are: Teaching and Learning Communities to Foster Persistence and Retention, October 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.

Guided Pathways in Action: State-Level Transformation and Modeling, October 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.

The Puente Project’s Equity Framework: An Audit of Organizational Praxis and the Implementation of Justice-Driven Change, October 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.


2021 IRPE Demographic Survey Results, August 2022 (PPT)

Slides used in webinar sharing results from the 2021 IRPE Demographic Survey Results.

California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Briefing, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Leveraging Degrees When Due Strategies to Increase Student Completion: One Community College District’s Experience, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Examples of Meeting Students Where They Are: Removing Barriers Around Policies Designed to Help Students, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Binational Adult Education on the USA-Mexico border, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Institutional Effectiveness and Marketing Collaboration: Using Data-Driven Decision-Making to Measure and Improve College Marketing Strategies, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Understanding the Unique Experiences of Student Veterans in the California Community College System, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Equitable Learning Starts with SLOs: Streamlining Data Collection and Analysis that Leads to Meaningful Changes, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Developing a Data-Driven, Equity-Centered Culture at Cerritos College Utilizing Program Review and Annual Planning Data Dashboard to Support Equitable Learning, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Tough Conversations in Stressful Times: Building Relationships with Faculty through Equity-Focused Data Inquiry

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

What Works in Student Success? Making Omelets Out of Goose Eggs, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Developing a Framework for Assessing the Effectiveness of Guided Pathways Meta Major Initiatives, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Budget Dashboards to Improve Outcomes for Community Colleges, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

AB 705: Spillover Effects into Downstream Courses Within and Outside Disciplines, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Bridging Research and Planning: Facilitating a Data-Rich, Equity-Focused Strategic Planning Process, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Are We Complying with AB 620? Assessing Campus Climate for Queer, Transgender, and Non-Binary Students Both Before and During the Pandemic, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Building Competencies to Engage Cognitive Diversity with Data, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

College Promise: How the Cerritos Complete Promise Program is Creating Equitable Outcomes

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Keynote Address with Dr. Keith Curry: Leading with Clarity, Determination, and Purpose, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Students AT the Table not ON the Table: How Mission College is Partnering with Students in the Classroom and in Equity-Based Transformation Work, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Faculty Collaboration: A Data Inquiry and Action Team's Journey towards Addressing Inequity in the Classroom, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Decolonizing Data: Let Me Tell You Something, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

OER and Equity: The ASCCC Open Educational Resources Initiative, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Leveraging Resources, Partnerships, and Technology to Improve Student Outcomes: A Regional Guided Pathways Story, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Silo Busting: Collaborative Leadership and Planning for 21st Century Students, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Creating Spaces to Dismantle White Supremacy and Systemic Bias, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Leveraging Campus Resources to Institutionalize Community-Based Learning, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Insights Gained Post-AB 705: Helping Colleges Successfully Implement Promising Practices from Statewide Research, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Creativity, Collaboration, Commitment, Caring, and COVID = Recipe for Equity Success, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Building Blocks for Institutionalizing Racial Equity: Insights from California Community College Equity Champions on How to Create Equity-Focused Transformation - Handout, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Building Blocks for Institutionalizing Racial Equity: Insights from California Community College Equity Champions on How to Create Equity-Focused Transformation - Presentation, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Achieving Equitable Student Success by Focusing on the Vision Goals, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Working Together to Break Down District Barriers: Equity and Guided Pathways, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Community College Chancellor’s Office Update

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2021 RP Conference.

IR Positioning in Anti-Racism Work: Objectivity vs Accountability

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2021 RP Conference.

Opening Plenary Panel Discussion

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2021 RP Conference.

Beyond Math and English: Gatekeeper Courses by Program, and Ensuring Success for All, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Entering the Second Year of AB 705: What’s Happening and Where Do We Go Next?

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Integrated Student Support in a Guided Pathways College, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Transfer and Alignment with the California State Universities (CSU) and the University of California (UC), October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

We Need to Make Changes in Our Classrooms Now: Cuyamaca College's Equity-Minded Teaching and Learning Institute, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Building Communities and Supporting Faculty in Times of Change, Post AB 705, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Caring, Commitment, and Community through COVID-19, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Lessons Learned Post-AB 705: Assessing the Impact and Outcomes of Implementation using a Mixed-Methods Research Model, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

An Unconventional Approach to Address Inequity: Listening, Asking, Observing and Listening Some More, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Collaborative Learning Structures and Socio-Emotional Interventions in a New Virtual Mathematics Learning Experience, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

College-Focused Rehousing and Beyond: How Cerritos College has Created Housing and a Basic Needs Office for Homeless Students, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Executing AB 705: Does Work for All?, October 2020

Slides at the 2020 Strengthening Student Success conference sharing the results from the statewide analysis of transfer-level English and math courses between fall 2015 and fall 2019.

Faculty Diversification: Why the Time is Now, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Seize the Power of Data to Align K14 Pathways to Living -Wage Jobs, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Access, Enrollment and Success: Statewide Results for Transfer-Level English and Math - DSPS Students, November, 2019

Slides used in webinar focusing on outcomes of DSPS students in transfer-level English and math courses. We will be joined by Antelope Valley and Los Medanos Colleges to share how they are supporting DSPS students as well as the CCCO to answer your questions.

Analysis, Evaluation, and Collaboration: AB 705 for Institutional Research Professionals, November 2019

Slides used in webinar helping IRPE professionals support and evaluate local AB 705 implementation.

ESL and AB 705: Research and Implementation, October 2019

Slides used in webinar sharing examples from Cuyamaca College’s ESL department and research pertaining to statewide ESL student journey types.

DATA: A Four Letter Word for Middle Leadership

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

AB 705 and ESL: Preparing for Fall 2020 Implementation, October 2019

Slides from Cuyamaca College ESL department and Irvine Valley College ESL department sharing ESL data in preparation for AB 705 and ESL fall 2020 implementation.

True Community as a Core Value for Equity Transformation

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Supporting Equity-Centered Dual Enrollment Partnerships

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

SITE Faculty Learning Communities: Teaching and Learning together in a Time Transformation

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Razor Wire, Cell Blocks, and No Tech: A Neo-Traditional Model of Student Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

A Model of Guided Pathways Implementation at Santa Ana College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Understanding How Bakersfield College has Developed One of the Largest Face-to-Face Inmate-Scholars Programs in the State

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Credit for Prior Learning: Expanding Options and Increasing Equity

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Why Race and Culture Matter: Engaging Faculty in Equitable Education Pedagogy

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Faculty Diversification

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Keynote Address with Dr. Edward Bush: The Paradox of Dismantling a Perfectly Designed System

presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Navigating the Vision for Success and All the Rest

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Onboarding at Reedley College to Guided Pathways Adoption with Support from Regional Coordinators

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Learning from Learners: Bringing Student Voices to the Forefront in Faculty Development

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Change from the Ground Up: Fostering Cultural Awareness Among Faculty and Staff

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

True Alchemy Results from Faculty and Researchers Focused on the Gold: Data Collection and Analysis on AB 705 Outcomes

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Building Capacity for AB 705: How Cross-Campus Teamwork and a Shared Sense of Community Inspires and Sustains Student Success in Transfer-Level Mathematics at Citrus College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

How Do We Begin Connecting the Dots? Let's Chat about Integrated Planning and Evaluation

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Partnering for Student Financial Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Developing a Cross-Campus Approach to Addressing Basic Needs Insecurities (Slides)

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Developing a Cross-Campus Approach to Addressing Basic Needs Insecurities

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Filling the Gaps: Equity as the Driver for Student Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Guided Onboarding: Engaging Students from the Beginning for Sustained Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Moving the Needle with California's Zero-Textbook-Cost Degree Pathways

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

We are in This Together: Building a Community around AB 705 Implementation, October 2019

Slides sharing ways to build a community around AB 705 implementation at 2019 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Access, Enrollment and Success in Transfer-Level English and Math Courses in the California Community Colleges, September 2019

PowerPoint used in webinar presenting the results from the statewide analysis of transfer-level English and math courses between fall 2015 and fall 2018.

Access, Enrollment, and Success in Transfer-Level English and Math Courses in the California Community Colleges, September 2019

Slides used in webinar presenting the results from the statewide analysis of transfer-level English and math courses between fall 2015 and fall 2018. Note: Slides 11 & 12 in the audio recording have been updated. Please refer to the Slides.

AB 705 In Action! Experiences of Early Implementers, September 2019

Slides used in webinar sharing examples from the English and Math departments at Citrus College and College of the Redwoods on their work adapting to AB 705 changes a year in advance of compliance.

Exploring Different Options for ESL - AB 705 and Beyond, July 2019

Slides exploring different options for ESL at 2019 Academic Senate for California Community College (ASCCC) Curriculum Institute.

ESL and AB 705: A Data-informed Perspective, June 2019

Slides sharing credit and non credit ESL pathways shared at 2019 CADE conference.


PowerPoint from colleges sharing their AB 705 implementation plans as well as from the breakout sessions.


PowerPoint from colleges sharing their AB 705 implementation plans as well as from the breakout sessions.


PowerPoint from colleges sharing their AB 705 implementation plans as well as from the breakout sessions.

Q and A with the Chancellor's Office

Questions and answers sheet providing questions received at the question and answer session and the answers provided.


PowerPoint from colleges sharing their AB 705 implementation plans as well as from the breakout sessions.

Excellence through Equity: Equity a Driver for Institutional Effectiveness across the College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Institutional Effectiveness Leadership in a Participatory Governance Environment

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Supporting Researchers into and through AB 705 Implementation and Evaluation, April 2019

Slides sharing ways to support researchers into and through AB 705 implementation and evaluation at 2019 RP Conference.

Braving the Storm: Building a Culture of Evidence and Authentic Improvement in a Era of Initiative Overload

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Update: Student Success Metrics - The Past, Current, and Future

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Enrollment Management Dashboard: Putting Data to Work

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Give the People What They Need: How Data Tools Help Inform Strategic Scheduling and Budgeting Decisions

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

How do Institutions Know What Works and What Doesn't?

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Impact and Evaluation of AB 705: Mixed-Methods Model

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Implementing AB 705 at Citrus College: Practices and Effectiveness

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Info Book: Shaping MIS Data into Information

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Pathway Program Review: An Innovative Approach to Program Reflection

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Student Centered Funding Formula: Implications for the IRPE Community

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Summer Bridge Programs: Positive Effects and Next Steps in Taking the Program to Scale

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

The Art of Data Storytelling with Power BI

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

The Cosumnes River College HawkTrack Dashboard: Developing and Implementing a Student Success Dashboard with R Shiny

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Unwrapping Your Crystal Ball: The Ethical Concerns of Predicting the Future

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Visualizing and Forecasting the Student Centered Funding Formula at SRJC

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

A Rising Tide Lifts all Ships, or Does it? A Look at Early AB 705 Outcomes

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

A Rising Tide Lifts all Ships, or Does it? A Look at Early AB 705 Outcomes, April 2019

Slides examining early AB 705 outcomes at 2019 RP Conference.

Award Leakage and the Case for an Opt-Out Award System

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Data Coaching: Building Data Literacy and Research Capacity to Support Data-Informed Change

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Developing a Set of Data Dashboards to Respond to Emerging Institutional Planning Needs

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Each One, Reach One: A High-Tech, High-Touch Approach to Maximizing Student Success through Guided Pathways

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Listening to Student Voices and Identifying Academic and Non-Academic Barriers Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning on Drop Survey Data

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Mt Sac Program Review, Ninjas, and Data Dashboards: Leveraging Nuventive and Power BI

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Navigating the Seas of Change: A 20-Year Perspective on the Research and Planning Seascape

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Pink Sky at Night, Sailors Delight: A Variety of Visual Tools to Help Your College Navigate the Seas of Change

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Probation Management: Identification, Intervention, and Reduction

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Redrawing the MMAP: An Alternate Model for Using Local Data to Construct and Assess AB 705-Compliant Placement

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Unpacking the Student Success Metrics, Reporting Requirements, and New MIS Data Elements

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Designing an Evaluation Plan for AB705 & Leading Evidence-Based Change, October 2018

Slides sharing how to develop an AB 705 evaluation plan at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference Post-conference workshop.

Addressing (in)Equity with Disaggregated Data Tools

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Building Structures and Supports to Engage Adjunct Faculty in the Student Success Movement - Part 1

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Building Structures and Supports to Engage Adjunct Faculty in the Student Success Movement - Part 2

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Building Structures and Supports to Engage Adjunct Faculty in the Student Success Movement - Part 3

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

How City College of San Francisco Created Conditions for Change through Middle Leadership

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

How is Your OER Initiative Tied to Equity Caputuring and Sharing Data

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Integrating AEBG, SWP, Perkins, Student Equity, Basic Skills, and SSSP

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Working across Silos for Student Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

3CSN's Learning Assistance Project: Four Years of a Statewide Community Practice

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

A Case Study: How One College Used Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiatives (IEPI) Integrated Planning Tools in Implementing Guided Pathways

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

From Action to Equiy Uing Research and Collaboration to Meaningfully Scale and Individualize Equity Efforts at San Diego Mesa College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Governance in the Age of Change

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

How Can Colleges Best Support Middle Leaders?

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Draft Recommendations: Funding Formula Workgroups, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Leadership: Meeting the Institutional Effectiveness Challenge, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Statewide Initiatives and Implications for IRPE Offices, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

IEPI, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute (Screen reader support enabled.)

Integrating Student Equity and Institutional Effectiveness to Transform Campus Culture Worksheet, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Leadership in a Participatory Governance Environment, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Organization Development: Culture, Systems, and Structures, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Facilitating Data Conversations, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Looking at Throughput in a Post-AB 705 Era, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute. (Screen reader support enabled.)

Data Visualization Design Principles for Dashboards, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Framing the Data Story: What's Your Sticky?, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Intro to Database Design and SQL Coding, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Qualitative Methods for Institutional Research, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Assessing and Leveraging Statewide Data Tools and Resources Data Exploration Worksheet, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Assessing and Leveraging Statewide Data Tools and Resources, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Overview of Managing Projects in an IRPE Office: Introduction to Project Management, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

The Role of IRPE in the California Community Colleges, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

MMAP Post-AB 705

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

MMAP: Designing an Evaluation Plan for AB 705, April 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Visualizing Institutional Effectiveness Using Tableau Dashboards

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Academic Advising, Student Engagement, and Student Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Collaborative Organizational Inquiry

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Hands-On Enrollment Management

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Leveraging Accreditation Efforts to Advance a Culture of Inquiry and Continuous Improvement

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2018 RP Conference.

Melt Rates: What They Are and How to Use Them to Improve Enrollment Management

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Saddleback College's Redeveloped Institutional Early Alert System and Trackng Faculty Utilization Dashboard

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

The 2017 Past, Present, and Future of Noncredit Eductaion in California Project

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

TMI: Transformation Through Messaging and Integration of Placement

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Conducting a Campus Climate Survey

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Creating a Process for Evaluating Noncredity Institutional Effectiveness

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Integrating Student Equity and Institutional Effectiveness to Transform Campus Culture

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

MMAP Re-Envisioned: Supporting the System's Leap Forward under AB 705

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

The New IPEDS Outcome Metrics for California Community Colleges

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

IEPI Workshop: The Art and Heart of Data Disaggregation: Exploring Students' Complex Identities

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Faculty Leadership: Ensuring Academic Quality During Institutional Change

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

IEPI: Helping to Take Your Institution to the Next Level

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Meeting the Institutional Effectiveness Challenge

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Faculty as Change Agents: Growing Faculty Leaders for Campus Transformation

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

From Gaps to Greatness: Using Data Disaggregation to Improve Institutional Effectiveness

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

IEPI' Strategic Enrollment Management Applied Solution Kit

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Institutional Transformation Showing Up Differently

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Integrated Planning Applied Solution Kit

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Learning as Leadership: How to Build Organizational Capacity and Coherence from the Ground Up

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

CCC Chancellor's Office Integrated Planning

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

From the Ground Up: A Grassroots Effort to Institutionalize Culture Change and Develop Success Initiatives Via Broad Based Inquiry Groups

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Leading from the Middle: Coherence Making in a Time of Innovation

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Strategic Planning Ground Up

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Student Success Framework for Long-Term Planning

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

An Integrated Approach: Student Loan Default Study

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Dream Big: An Innovative, Unorthodox Strategy to Strategic Planning

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Facilitating Data Conversations, June 2016

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Summer Institute.

Framing the Data Story: What’s Your Sticky?, June 2016

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Summer Institute.

IEPI Effective Practices Resource Toolkit

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

IEPI: An Innovative Approach

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

IEPI: Tools and Process to Make Your Life Easier

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

LFM: Engaging Resistance

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Managing Projects & Functions of a Research Office, June 2016

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Summer Institute.

Planning Primer: Current Issues in the IRP Field, June 2016

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Summer Institute.

The Herculean Challenge: Meaningful Integrated Planning in the Age of Prescriptive Plans and Accreditation Standards

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

The Role of the IRP Office in CCCs, June 2016

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Summer Institute.

Update on IEPI Indicators and Goal Setting

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

CCC Online Clearinghouse

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Continuous Improvements: An Approach for Integrating Cycles of Assessment Evaluation into Institutional Processes

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 RP Conference.

LFM Engaging Resistance RP

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

LFM Leadership Transformation In CCs

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Spark Points Measurement

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Improving CTE Programs with Data and Evidence

PowerPoint presentation accompanying the "Improving CTE Programs with Data and Evidence" inquiry guide.

Accountability Reporting for the Community Colleges (ARCC), Revised April 2006

PowerPoint presentation describing the background of ARCC, related web-based resources, performance indicators, and college and district reporting responsibilities for producing the ARCC report.

A Model for Building Information Capacity and Promoting a Culture of Inquiry

PowerPoint presentation accompanying the "A Model for Building Information Capacity and Promoting a Culture of Inquiry" inquiry guide.

Assessing and Planning for Institutional Effectiveness

PowerPoint presentation accompanying the "Assessing and Planning for Institutional Effectiveness" inquiry guide.

Assessing Basic Skills Outcomes

PowerPoint presentation accompanying the "Assessing Basic Skills Outcomes" inquiry guide.

Assessing Strategic Intervention Points in Student Services

PowerPoint presentation accompanying the "Assessing Strategic Intervention Points in Student Services" inquiry guide.

Assessing Student Learning Outcomes Presentation

PowerPoint presentation accompanying the "Assessing Student Learning Outcomes" inquiry guide.

Developing a Culture of Change Distributive Leadership SLO Sierra College

How to Increase Data Democracy and Develop a Culture of Inquiry

Making Integrated Planning User-Friendly

Maximizing the Program Review Process

PowerPoint presentation accompanying the "Maximizing the Program Review Process" inquiry guide.

Research and Assessment for Noncredit Colleges and Programs

PowerPoint presentation accompanying the "Research and Assessment for Noncredit Colleges and Programs" inquiry guide.

Turning Data into Meaningful Action

PowerPoint presentation accompanying the "Turning Data into Meaningful Action" inquiry guide.
Search by Title or Description clear search Sort Reverse

Planning Principles: Setting the Foundation, January 2024

Resource outlining foundational aspects of planning and designed to serve as a useful reference for institutional research, planning, and effectiveness (IRPE) professionals as they navigate how to lead and support planning efforts at their colleges and districts.

Qualitative Research Design Considerations Guide, August 2022

Guide including key components and use cases for qualitative research as a means to inform institutional priorities associated with advancing institutional effectiveness, student success, and equity.

Key Considerations and Examples For Facilitating Conversations About Instructor Effects, January 2022

Guide providing key considerations and examples for Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness professionals as they facilitate conversations with their faculty and administrative colleagues about instructor effects.

Effective Practices in Data Suppression, September 2021

Guide providing key considerations and recommended data suppression practices to support actionable data that can be used to drive decision-making, while still adhering to the privacy rights of students and other participants.

Infographic Template for Equitable Placement - Transfer-Level English, October 2020

Template that allows colleges to plug in their data and display their transfer-level English outcomes in a two-page visual document.

Infographic Template for Equitable Placement - Transfer-Level Math, October 2020

Template that allows colleges to plug in their data and display their transfer-level math outcomes in a two-page visual document.

Considerations for AB 1805 Implementation, August 2020

Guide providing colleges with ideas for how to implement AB 1805 including a communications checklist and example websites.

Considerations for Spring 2020 When Evaluating AB 705 – User Guide August 2020

Guide providing colleges with ideas for how to evaluate AB 705 implementation given the move to distance education starting in spring 2020.

Strategic Enrollment Management and Student Centered Funding Formula Integration References: Alignment; Crosswalk; Discussion Guide, Fall 2019

Guide for aligning Strategic Enrollment Management and Student Centered Funding Formula.

Strategic Enrollment Management and Vision for Success Integration References: Alignment; Crosswalk; Dicussion Guide, Fall 2019

Guide for aligning Strategic Enrollment Management and Vision for Success.

SEM Institutional Self-Assessment Facilitator's Guide, 2019

Guide for assessing the current state of strategic enrollment management (SEM) at a college or district.

A Roadmap for Strategic Enrollment Management Planning

Guide providing information on understanding and applying planning strategies and practices specific to strategic enrollment management (SEM).

Data Tools and Metrics for Strategic Enrollment Management, Spring 2019

Guide providing college administrators, institutional researchers, faculty, and staff with a variety of ways to effectively measure, track, and report on SEM strategies and practices while promoting a culture of collaborative inquiry.

Developing and Managing the Class Schedule, (SEM), Spring 2019

Guide explaining the process often used in developing and managing schedules.

High Impact Retention, Persistence, and Success Practices for Strategic Enrollment Management, Spring 2019

Guide sharing significant practices that most California colleges are implementing to help improve retention, persistence, and success.

Student Services for SEM, Spring 2019

Guide providing examples of high impact support service strategies and practices connected to SEM and aligned with the Vision for Success, the Guided Pathways framework, and the new Student Centered Funding Formula.

Targeted Marketing and Communications for Strategic Enrollment Management, Spring 2019

Guide providing a structure for developing a targeted marketing and communications plan that contributes to the overall institutional strategic enrollment management effort.

Understanding and Calculating FTES and Efficiency, Spring 2019

Guide covering how Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES), Full-Time Equivalent Faculty (FTEF), and associated efficiency metrics are calculated and how they inform strategic and operational enrollment management practices.

Flowchart for Conducting Content Analysis: How to Tell the Whole Story, June 2018

Qualitative content analysis process.

Data Tools and Metrics for Strategic Enrollment Management, June 2018

Strategic Enrollment Management Field Guide covering Data tools and metrics.

Matrix of Statewide Data Tools, June 2018

Directory of statewide data sources.

PMP Process Chart, June 2018

Project management process chart.

Guided Pathways and Strategic Enrollment Management Strategies & Practices for Student Success, Equity, and Sustained Institutional Effort, January 2016

Guide covering overlap between Guided Pathways pillars and Strategic Enrollment Management strategies.

A Practical Guide to Strategic Planning in Higher Education, by Karen E. Hinton, July 2012

Strategic Planning Guide.

Using an Equity Lens to Assess Student Outcomes

Handout accompanying the "Using an Equity Lens to Assess Student Outcomes" inquiry guide showing how to access and use the Data Module, background and contact information for the Center for Urban Education (CUE), and data from the Downtown Community College.

Discussing Accreditation: Findings, Discussion Questions, and Report Back from the Field on Community College Accreditation Policies and Practices

Discussion guide promoting further dialogue how to achieve quality assurance and quality improvement through the accreditation process; incorporates feedback gathered through conversations with key constituents on accreditation research.

A Model for Building Information Capacity and Promoting a Culture of Inquiry

Learn how to engage all constituency groups (faculty, staff, institutional researchers, and administrators) in the effective use of data and promotion of a culture of collaborative inquiry

Assessing and Planning for Institutional Effectiveness

Find a model for organizing for efficiency, maximizing resources to process institutional effectiveness information and creating time for facilitated discussions, reflection and action planning

Assessing Basic Skills Outcomes

Learn how to promote inquiry and dialogue, develop a comprehensive research agenda and foster a results-driven evaluation plan for basic skills innovations.

Assessing Strategic Intervention Points in Student Services

Find a toolbox of potential approaches for assessing the effectiveness of student services and supporting program and process improvement

Assessing Student Learning Outcomes

Discover a systematic way for educators to talk about student learning; includes an overview of the student learning outcomes (SLO) assessment cycle and a framework for improving student learning through evidence-based assessment and analysis.

Improving CTE Programs with Data and Evidence

Explore this faculty-driven cycle for CTE program improvement, designed to explore and address student success challenges observed at the classroom and program level

Maximizing the Program Review Process

Discover strategies for implementing program reviews driven by the very individuals who carry programs out — faculty and student services professionals

Research and Assessment for Noncredit Colleges and Programs

Resources addressing student learning in the ever-changing noncredit landscape, including strategies and solutions that respond to the specific challenges of noncredit research.

Turning Data into Meaningful Action

Get strategies for packaging research outcomes into coherent action-oriented messages that increase awareness and motivate change

Using an Equity Lens to Assess Student Outcomes

Interact with this web-based module developed by University of Southern California’s Center for Urban Education’s (CUE) to examine student success data, disaggregated by race and ethnicity, from an equity perspective
Search by Title or Description clear search Sort Reverse

Think and Act Like a Middle Leader: Logic Model Template, 11x17, September 2020

Tool from Think and Act Like a Middle Leader: Tools and Strategies for Leading Change.

Think and Act Like a Middle Leader: Iceberg Template, 11x17, September 2020

Tool from Think and Act Like a Middle Leader: Tools and Strategies for Leading Change.

Think and Act Like a Middle Leader: Tools and Strategies for Leading Change, September 2020

Collection of graphic tools drawn from the LFM curriculum in support of planning, communication, and progress assessment of change initiatives designed to provide students with more effective and more equitable educational experiences.

Supporting Equity-Centered Dual Enrollment Partnerships (Dual Enrollment Game)

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

SEM Institutional Self-Assessment, 2019

Tool assessing the current state of strategic enrollment management (SEM) at a college of district.

Conducting Focus Groups Checklist, June 2018

Focus group implementation checklist.

California Community Colleges Guided Pathways Self-Assessment Tool (2017)

Self-assessment tool developed in collaboration with the Chancellor’s Office and partners to determine college’s state of Guided Pathways adoption, looking at 14 key elements for Guided Pathways inquiry, design, and implementation.

IEPI ASK: Strategic Enrollment Managment

"Focused on strategically meeting the needs of our community and our students, SEM promotes student success, optimizes enrollment, and ensures the fiscal viability of our colleges."

IEPI ASK: Data Disaggregation Topic Area

"Content in this topic area is organized into three sections: Data sources, techniques of data disaggregation, and applications."

IEPI ASK: Integrated Planning Topic Area

"This ASK topic is based on a specific model for integrated planning and its five components — Discover, Develop, Implement, Evaluate, and Report. Each component has associated resources and examples that you can adapt for use at your campus."

CCCCO's Alphabetic Listing of Community Colleges

List of California Community Colleges in alphabetical order.
Search by Title or Description clear search Sort Reverse

Introduction to Cluster Analysis with SPSS, June 2018

Cluster analysis introduction for SPSS.

AB 705 (Irwin) - Seymour-Campbell Student Success Act of 2012: Assessment, 2018

AB 705 legislation summary.

MIS: Persistence from courses below transfer to higher level courses, August 2003

Table displaying persistence rates from below transfer to higher level English or Math courses.

MIS: Success by Levels below Transfer English, ESL, and Math by College, August 2003

Table displaying success rates by levels below transfer in English, ESL, and Math.
Search by Title or Description clear search Sort Reverse

Creating Doughnut Charts, June 2018

Process steps to create donuts charts in Tableau.

How to Build Dashboards that Persuade, Inform, and Engage, June 2018

Tableau white paper describing key dashboard design elements and tips.

Assembly Bill 705 Initial Guidance Language, March 2018

AB 705 memo.
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Please use the list at the right to select a category of resources.

Search by Title or Description clear search Sort Reverse

Please use the list at the right to select a category of resources.

Search by Title or Description clear search Sort Reverse

Operational Definitions of Statewide Metrics, April 2021

Resource adapted from the Chancellor's Office Alignment of Student Success to Other Initiatives with direct links to the homepage of each initiative and data element dictionaries.

2020 RP Group Institutional Effectiveness Project of the Year Award

Video presenting Coastline College’s Aeron Zentner with the RP Group’s 2020 Institutional Effectiveness Project of the Year Award.

Announcing 2020 RP Group Project of the Year Award Winners

September 22, 2020 | Press release |
Press release announcing the 2020 RP Group Project of the Year Award recipients, De Anza College and Coastline College.

Cuyamaca College Student Technology Access and Support Survey

Cuyamaca student technology survey about remote access needs and support during COVID crisis.

How the RP Group Can Support Your Guided Pathways Work

Flyer describing the areas of support offered for college’s Guided Pathways planning and implementation.

SEM Planning FAQ, 2019

FAQ answering questions based on a review of the strategic enrollment management (SEM) plans from 31 institutions of higher education.

Chancellor's Vision for Success

A vision for the future of California's education.

California Community Colleges Guided Pathways Work Plan (2018)

Phase I (2018-2019) work plan developed in collaboration with the Chancellor’s Office and partners to identify colleges’ Guided Pathways priorities, support needs, and intended approach to AB 705 implementation during their first funding period.

A Reverse Transfer Pilot, (SEM), Los Angeles College District, Fall 2018

Abstract discussing Los Angeles City College Districts’ reverse transfer pilot program, helping transfer students earn a transfer degree after they are disqualified from or leave without completing a baccalaureate degree.

Associate Degree for Transfer Map Design to Enhance a Timely Completion Agenda, (SEM), Evergreen Valley College, Fall 2018

Abstract describing Evergreen Valley College's Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) project aiming to enable students to enter the Silicon Valley workforce in a timely manner.

Data Accessibility, Competency, and Transparency: Using Microsoft Power BI for Enrollment Management Reporting, (SEM), Los Angeles Harbor College, Fall 2018

Abstract discussing Los Angeles Harbor College's analysis of using Microsoft Power BI for enrollment management reporting.

Grossmont College - Integrated Master Calendar, (SEM), Grossmont College, Fall 2018

Abstract discussing the Grossmont College Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) project team's Integrated Master Calendar and Canvas Resource Hub to take stock of all various SEM-related practices.

How One College is Using Action Research to Focus on Equity Efforts in Top 12 High-Enrolled Courses, (SEM), Grossmont College, Fall 2018

Abstract discussing Grossmont College's process of integrated planning and goal setting to assess trends in retention and success through an equity lens.

Improving Equitable Participation, Retention, and Completion in STEM, (SEM), Diablo Valley College, Fall 2018

Abstract describing Diablo Valley College STEM faculty and managers working to increase participation, success, and completion of underrepresented students in STEM pathways.

Pasadena Community College Pathways Program 2.0: Threading Career from Orientation to Completion, (SEM), Pasadena City College, San Bernardino Community College District, Fall 2018

Abstract discussing Pasadena City College's Pathways program, engaging students in career exploration and supporting their academic goals.

Restructuring Committee Meetings, (SEM), Grossmont College/Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District, Fall 2018

Abstract discussing Grossmont College/Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District restructuring their Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM)/Enrollment Strategies Committee Meetings to be more meaningful and collaboratively engaging.

SEM Toolbox and Blueprint, City College of San Francisco, Fall 2018

Abstract describing City College of San Francisco's Strategic Enrollment Management toolbox and blueprint.

Starfish Early Alert, (SEM), Crafton Hills College, San Bernardino Community College District, Fall 2018

Abstract describing Crafton Hills College's experience with implementing Starfish Early Alert.

Student-Centered Scheduling and Improved Room Utilization, (SEM), Long Beach City College, Lake Tahoe Community College, Fall 2018

Abstract discussing Long Beach City Colleges' Strategic Enrollment Management Plan.

Tahoe Clear: Strategic Enrollment Management, Fall 2018

Abstract discussing Lake Tahoe Community Colleges' strategic enrollment management project and how the project supports "Tahoe Clear."

A Data-Informed, Goal-Based Enrollment Management Plan, (SEM), Porterville College, Fall 2017

Abstract describing Porterville College's enrollment plan to maximize opportunities supporting student success.

A Simple Approach to FTES Forecasting, (SEM), Kern Community College District, Fall 2017

Abstract describing Kern Community College District's tool that projects the FTES the class schedule will generate.

Cluster Analysis for Enrollment Planning, (SEM), De Anza College, Fall 2017

Abstract describing the De Anza College Office of Institutional Research and Planning's statistical analysis to better identify student populations served by De Anza College.

Dual Enrollment Program, (SEM), East Los Angeles College, Fall 2017

Abstract describing East Los Angeles College's dual enrollment plan.

FTES Forecasting Model, (SEM), Coastline Community College, Fall 2017

Abstract describing Coastline Community College's FTES forecasting model to assist in course scheduling, budget planning, and resource allocation.

Go2Foothill Online Orientation, (SEM), Foothill College, Fall 2017

Abstract describing Foothill College's Go2Foothill program, a student-to-student online orientation focused on individual student needs.

IEPI Applied Solutions Kit SEM Field Report Survey, Spring 2017

Report discussing the findings from a California Community College system wide survey pertaining to college and district enrollment practices.

Math Pathways: Developmental Education Reform, (SEM), Cuyamaa College, Fall 2017

Abstract describing Cuyamaca College's full-scale transformation of mathematics instruction.

Outreach and Recruitment, Marketing, and Life Long Learning, (SEM), College of the Siskiyous, Fall 2017

Abstract describing College of the Siskiyous increased recruitment, services, and program offerings to increase its access to possible students.

Pasadena City College Pathways, (SEM), Pasadena City College, Fall 2017

Abstract describing Pasadena City College Pathways, a comprehensive approach for ensuring that students identify and complete their academic goals in a timely manner.

Scheduling Effectiveness - Student vs. College, (SEM), Pasadena City College, Fall 2017

Abstract describing Pasadena City College's use of Banner registration audit tables to analyze students' course needs.

SEM: An Integrated Approach, (SEM), Sierra College, Fall 2017

Abstract describing Sierra College's SEM practices and the results of their integrated effort.

Targeted Digital Media Marketing, (SEM), San Joaquin Delta College, Fall 2017

Abstract describing San Joaquin Delta Colleges' digital media marketing plan.

The Prior Learning Assessment Program, (SEM), West Hills Community College District, Fall 2017

Abstract describing West Hills Community Colleges District's Prior Learning Assessment Program, providing students the opportunity to earn college credit for their prior knowledge.

The Stand: Food Pantry and Professional Clothing Closet, (SEM), San Diego Mesa College, Fall 2017

Abstract describing San Diego Mesa College's The Stand program, serving students who experience food insecurities.

Weekly Enrollment Updates, (SEM), Kern Community College District, Fall 2017

Abstract describing Kern Community College District's weekly enrollment updates, offering transparency to the enrollment management process.

Zero-based Scheduling, (SEM), Los Angeles City College, Spring 2017

Abstract describing Los Angeles City College's "Zero-Based" scheduling model and process.

SEM Purpose Statement, January 2016

Strategic Enrollment Management purpose statement.

Crosswalk for SSSP, Student Equity, and Basic Skills, 2015

Integrated Planning Crosswalk by 3CSN presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Outcomes Survey

Online home of the CTE Outcomes Survey, including the current survey instrument as well as how to participate in the study and use survey results.
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Improving Placement Accuracy in California Community Colleges Using Multiple Measures of High School Achievement, April 2019

Peer-reviewed article published in Community College Review discussing the results of the Multiple Measures Assessment project.

Three Change Theories We Will Be Exploring in the Leadership in a Participatory Governance Environment, June 2018

Change theory and change management.

Culture Fundamentals - 9 Important Insights from Edgar Schein, June 2018

Institutional culture.

The Case for a Cabinet-Level Chief of Institutional Effectiveness Officer at All Colleges and Universities, April 2016

IRPE role in higher education.

Step Up & Lead for Equity, April 2015

Student equity constructs.

Redesigning Community Colleges for Student Success Overview of the Guided Pathways Approach, October 2014

Guided pathways reform.

How to Tell a Great Story, by Carolyn O’Hara, July 2014

Article from Harvard Business Review.

How to Tell a Great Story, April 2014

Harvard Business Review article discussing compelling storytelling in a business context.

The Question All Smart Visualizations Should Ask, by Michael Schrage, March 2013

Article from the Harvard Business Review discussing the importance of visualization and the best way to use it to convey your message.

The Questions All Smart Visualizations Should Ask, March 2013

Data visualization principles.

Why Race?, 2013

Student equity constructs.

Culture Trumps Strategy, Every Time, March 2011

Institutional culture.
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Perspectives, Fall 2019

Issue covers how one college increased survey effectiveness; reading in the time of AB 705; and how performance art narratives improved the lives of Asian American students.

Perspectives, November 2018

Article featuring college applications of the Through the Gate methodology.

Chancellor's Office Today News

Curated, aggregated, important news articles about the CCC field.
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2021 IRPE Demographic Survey Results, August 2022 (Recording)

Webinar recording sharing results from the 2021 IRPE Demographic Survey Results.

2023 Survey of IRPE Offices Results & Implications, June 2024 (Recording)

Webinar sharing results from The RP Group’s 2023 Survey of IRPE Offices. This biannual census survey was developed to gain insights into IRPE offices structures, functions, and priorities.

2024 RP Group Outstanding Project of the Year Webinar, May 2024

A presentation by Norco College covering their project, “Faculty Impact on Black Student Success.”

Spotlight on... Moorpark College: Academic Probation Reimagined, November 2023 (Recording)

Webinar recording of The RP Group's "Spotlight on..." series featuring Moorpark College: Academic Probation Reimagined.

AB 1705 Non-STEM Validation, Business Administration and Template Assistance, June 2023 (Recording)

Webinar recording focused on assisting colleges with submitting additional validation for non-STEM programs of study to meet AB 1705 requirements. Results from a recent analysis of Business Administration student outcomes are shared, with information about how to replicate the analyses locally. In addition, guidance on submitting local validation of non-STEM programs to meet validation requirements are discussed.

Corequisite Validation for Transfer-Level English and Math Description, March 2023 (Recording)

Web event recording highlighting examples of corequisite validation practices and considerations for CCC faculty, administrators, and institutional research and planning effectiveness (IRPE) professionals interested.

EDI Self-Assessment Tool and IRPE EDI Living Glossary Webinar, 2023 (Recording)

Webinar introducing two new tools we developed to center our work on equity. We introduce two resources - an EDI Self-Assessment Tool and Living Glossary of EDI Terms we developed contextualized for IRPE Professionals. Learn how we used the tool to assess our hiring and committee processes, how one college used it to support their SEAP planning, and how EDI concepts show up in IRPE work and experiences.

2021 Survey of IRPE Offices Results, August 2022 (Recording)

Webinar recording sharing results from the 2021 Survey of IRPE Offices.

CCC IRPE by the Numbers, June 2022 (Recording)

Webinar featuring findings and discussions associated with The RP Group's 2022 IRPE Demographic Survey and 2021 Survey of IRPE Offices.

IE and Marketing Collaboration: Using data-driven decision-making to measure and improve college outreach strategies, May 2022 (Recording)

Webinar highlighting the RP Group's 2022 Outstanding Project Award. Moorpark College shares how they are collaborating with their public information office and the college's PACE program to increase enrollment of students from disproportionately impacted populations.

Fun with Maps! Practical GIS Tools for Institutional Effectiveness, August 2021 (Recording)

Webinar archive from August 18th, 2021 covering GIS tools and resources that can be used to support data-informed decision-making related to educational access, basic needs, equity, and strategic enrollment management. Tim Smith of Long Beach City College and Karen Snow of Calbright College share methods, planning considerations, and resources to support institutional effectiveness.

CCC Data Warehouse Utilities for Researchers, September 2020

Webinar by the CCC Technology Center of CCC Data, a part of the Data Services Program initiative from the CCCCO covering CCC data platforms, data resources and report options, and ways to connect with the Data Warehouse.

Focus on Equity: Scaling DI Calculations for Rapid Dashboard Development, September 2020

Webinar showing the 'DisImpact' package in R that helps scale DI calculations across many different levels of disaggregation, outcomes, cohorts, and scenarios, with just a few lines of R code.

Students Speak Their Truth Webinar (May 2020) Chat Q&A Summary

Summary of questions and answers posed in the chat thread during the Students Speak Their Truth Webinar held in May 2020.

Institutional Practices to Increase Student Centered Formula Performance Outcomes, December, 2019

Integrated planning case study: How Mt. San Antonio College is meeting performance outcomes associated with the Student-Centered Funding Formula.

Access, Enrollment and Success: Statewide Results for Transfer-Level English and Math - DSPS Students, November, 2019

Webinar focusing on outcomes of DSPS students in transfer-level English and math courses. We will be joined by Antelope Valley and Los Medanos Colleges to share how they are supporting DSPS students as well as the CCCO to answer your questions.

Analysis, Evaluation, and Collaboration: AB 705 for Institutional Research Professionals, November 2019

Webinar helping IRPE professionals support and evaluate local AB 705 implementation.

ESL and AB 705: Research and Implementation, October 2019

Webinar sharing examples from Cuyamaca College’s ESL department and research pertaining to statewide ESL student journey types.

Access, Enrollment and Success in Transfer-Level English and Math Courses in the California Community Colleges, September 2019

Webinar presenting the results from the statewide analysis of transfer-level English and math courses between fall 2015 and fall 2018.
Note: Slides 11 & 12 in the audio recording have been updated. Please refer to the PowerPoint.

AB 705 In Action! Experiences of Early Implementers, September 2019

Webinar sharing examples from the English and Math departments at Citrus College and College of the Redwoods on their work adapting to AB 705 changes a year in advance of compliance.

Embedding Data Literacy in GP Design with Equity in Mind

Webinar introducing the concept of data coaching and an example of it at Santa Monica College.

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