Sunday, October 27, 2024
The RP Group

Completion And Transfer Resources

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Exploring Geographic Barriers to Transfer for California Community College Students, October 2024 (Recording)
Webinar exploring the under-researched issue of "university education deserts" (UEDs) - areas with limited access to universities - and how they impact transfer rates, particularly for underrepresented and low-income students. The webinar features a panel discussion with practitioners and a student from colleges in UEDs.
Infographic: Facilitators of and Barriers to Transfer for African American/Black Students, October 2024
Infographic from Phase 1 of the African American Transfer Tipping Point Project.
Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion for Special Populations: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, August 2024
Brief provides additional analysis to the report, Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, focusing on STEM students from special populations including Puente, Umoja, MESA, foster youth, and EOPS, among others, whose first college math course was in the STEM Calculus Pathway. The report finds that STEM students in special population groups have the highest STEM Calculus completion rates with direct enrollment into STEM Calculus 1.
A Focus on Biology: An Extension of the Report Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, August 2024
This brief provides a follow-up to the initial Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards report with a focus on students in biology majors. The goal was to determine if the original report underestimated calculus completion rates for certain biology majors with different calculus course requirements. The report found STEM Calculus 1 throughput patterns to align for overall STEM majors and biology majors.
UPDATED Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, June 2024
Report exploring the impact of AB 1705 for STEM program pathway requirements for STEM Calculus pathways and subsequence Calculus completion. This report includes descriptive analyses and is accompanied by a technical appendix that includes regression analyses (see below). Update includes an additional appendix (Appendix I).
Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, Technical Appendices, February 2024
Technical appendix to Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, which includes a detailed methodology and regression analysis.
Statewide College Attendance Decisions Survey Results Webinar, January 2024 (Recording)
Webinar recording sharing findings from a survey of prospective and previously enrolled California community college students during fall 2023. The survey included topics to understand the factors affecting students’ college attendance decisions.
Statewide College Attendance Decisions Survey Results Webinar, January 2024 (PPT)
Slides used in webinar recording sharing findings from a survey of prospective and previously enrolled California community college students during fall 2023. The survey included topics to understand the factors affecting students’ college attendance decisions.
Statewide College Attendance Decisions Survey Results - Fall 2023, January 2024
Report providing a summary of findings from a survey of prospective and previously enrolled California community college students during fall 2023. The survey included topics to understand the factors affecting students’ college attendance decisions.
The Math Default Placement Rules Post AB 705: Predicted vs. Actual Transfer-Level Success for Students in the Lowest Placement Band, December 2023
Report examines the success for students with lower levels of high school performance who began in transferable, college-level math post AB 705 in order to compare the predicted versus actual success rates of these students as a validation of the placement rules. The analysis confirms the accuracy of the original placement rules and underscores the strong recommendation that colleges provide concurrent support for these students.
The African American Transfer Tipping Point: Exploring the Transfer Journeys of Over 7,000 African American/Black California Community College Students, October 2023 (PPT)
Slides from webinar sharing results from new report "The African American Transfer Tipping Point: Exploring the Transfer Journeys of Over 7,000 African American/Black California Community College Students."
The African American Transfer Tipping Point: Exploring the Transfer Journeys of Over 7,000 African American/Black California Community College Students, October 2023 (Recording)
Webinar recording of October 2023 Event "The African American Transfer Tipping Point: Exploring the Transfer Journeys of Over 7,000 African American/Black California Community College Students."
The African American Transfer Tipping Point: Exploring the Transfer Journeys of Over 7,000 African American/Black Community College Students, October 2023
Report sharing findings from the third phase of the African American Transfer Tipping Point study.
Is AB 705 Contributing to Enrollment Loss in California's Community Colleges?, September 2023
Brief explores two research questions: are enrollment changes experienced by California community colleges in fall 2019 explained by AB 705 implementation, and how did enrollment changes in California’s community colleges in fall 2019 compare to large community college systems in other states? The analysis concludes that fall 2019 implementation of AB 705 reforms does not explain relative enrollment changes at the state or college-level in that year.
Exploring BSTEM and SLAM Outcomes Through the Transfer-Level Completion Dashboard, September 2023 (Recording)
Webinar featuring an overview and demonstration of a complementary dashboard view to the Transfer-Level English and Math Dashboard called the Business, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (BSTEM) and Social Sciences and Liberal Arts Mathematics (SLAM) Dashboard which allows users to review completion rates for students on a BSTEM or SLAM pathway and explore outcomes by varying starting courses in the pathway and over differing timeframes.
Exploring BSTEM and SLAM Outcomes Through the Transfer-Level Completion Dashboard, September 2023 (PPT)
Webinar providing an overview and demonstration of a complementary dashboard view to the Transfer-Level English and Math Dashboard called the Business, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (BSTEM) and Social Sciences and Liberal Arts Mathematics (SLAM) Dashboard which allows users to review completion rates for students on a BSTEM or SLAM pathway and explore outcomes by varying starting courses in the pathway and over differing timeframes.
AB 1705 Non-STEM Validation, Business Administration and Template Assistance, June 2023 (PPT)
Slides used in webinar focused on assisting colleges with submitting additional validation for non-STEM programs of study to meet AB 1705 requirements. Results from a recent analysis of Business Administration student outcomes are shared, with information about how to replicate the analyses locally. In addition, guidance on submitting local validation of non-STEM programs to meet validation requirements are discussed.
AB 1705 Non-STEM Validation, Business Administration and Template Assistance, June 2023 (Recording)
Webinar recording focused on assisting colleges with submitting additional validation for non-STEM programs of study to meet AB 1705 requirements. Results from a recent analysis of Business Administration student outcomes are shared, with information about how to replicate the analyses locally. In addition, guidance on submitting local validation of non-STEM programs to meet validation requirements are discussed.
Identifying Factors Impacting Upward Transfer among African American/Black Community College Students, June 2023
Slides from presentation at the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity (NCORE) conference in June 2023 by Dr. Darla Cooper.
Maximizing Calculus Completion for Students Seeking the Business Administration Degree, May 2023
Report comparing the completion rates of Business Calculus or STEM Calculus for students with a Business Administration program of study. The study controls for student's highest level math course completed while looking at the starting course in which they began at a community college. Every group of students had substantially higher completion of Business Calculus or STEM Calculus when starting directly there. This research suggests that transfer-level prerequisites to Business Calculus or STEM Calculus do not meet AB 1705 requirements for applied or business calculus for business administration majors within the California Community College system.
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A Focus on Biology: An Extension of the Report Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, August 2024

This brief provides a follow-up to the initial Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards report with a focus on students in biology majors. The goal was to determine if the original report underestimated calculus completion rates for certain biology majors with different calculus course requirements. The report found STEM Calculus 1 throughput patterns to align for overall STEM majors and biology majors.

UPDATED Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, June 2024

Report exploring the impact of AB 1705 for STEM program pathway requirements for STEM Calculus pathways and subsequence Calculus completion. This report includes descriptive analyses and is accompanied by a technical appendix that includes regression analyses (see below). Update includes an additional appendix (Appendix I).

Statewide College Attendance Decisions Survey Results - Fall 2023, January 2024

Report providing a summary of findings from a survey of prospective and previously enrolled California community college students during fall 2023. The survey included topics to understand the factors affecting students’ college attendance decisions.

The Math Default Placement Rules Post AB 705: Predicted vs. Actual Transfer-Level Success for Students in the Lowest Placement Band, December 2023

Report examines the success for students with lower levels of high school performance who began in transferable, college-level math post AB 705 in order to compare the predicted versus actual success rates of these students as a validation of the placement rules. The analysis confirms the accuracy of the original placement rules and underscores the strong recommendation that colleges provide concurrent support for these students.

The African American Transfer Tipping Point: Exploring the Transfer Journeys of Over 7,000 African American/Black Community College Students, October 2023

Report sharing findings from the third phase of the African American Transfer Tipping Point study.

Exploring BSTEM and SLAM Outcomes Through the Transfer-Level Completion Dashboard, September 2023 (Recording)

Webinar featuring an overview and demonstration of a complementary dashboard view to the Transfer-Level English and Math Dashboard called the Business, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (BSTEM) and Social Sciences and Liberal Arts Mathematics (SLAM) Dashboard which allows users to review completion rates for students on a BSTEM or SLAM pathway and explore outcomes by varying starting courses in the pathway and over differing timeframes.

Maximizing Calculus Completion for Students Seeking the Business Administration Degree, May 2023

Report comparing the completion rates of Business Calculus or STEM Calculus for students with a Business Administration program of study. The study controls for student's highest level math course completed while looking at the starting course in which they began at a community college. Every group of students had substantially higher completion of Business Calculus or STEM Calculus when starting directly there. This research suggests that transfer-level prerequisites to Business Calculus or STEM Calculus do not meet AB 1705 requirements for applied or business calculus for business administration majors within the California Community College system.

Investigating the Predictive Validity of Common ESL Tests: Maximizing Gateway English Throughput for International Students in the California Community Colleges, January 2023

Technical report summarizing findings on how well information about international students’ initial curricular pathway (English or ESL), level of placement in the pathway, and ESL placement test score(s) can predict their throughput in gateway English. The focus is on the value of different commonly used ESL placement tests, including the Combined English Language Skills Assessment (CESLA) and multiple types of ACCUPLACER tests.

African American Transfer Tipping Point Webinar, October 2022 (PPT

Slides from webinar sharing findings from the African American Transfer Tipping Point study on the factors that impact transfer success among African American/Black students.

Extended Opportunities Programs and Services (EOPS) Impact Study 2.0: 2010-2019 Technical Report, August 2022

Research report with updated findings from a study examining the impact of EOPS by comparing EOPS participants from 2010 to 2019 to comparable non-participants on key student outcomes. This study replicates a study The RP Group conducted in 2012 with a more recent cohort of students and additional student outcome measures.

Transfer Leaders Speak: Keeping Students on the Transfer Path, During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond, October 2021

Brief summarizing interview insights from five transfer leaders, offering transfer practitioners and higher education leaders practical ideas for advancing transfer student retention and completion during these turbulent times.

The Impacts of the Pandemic on Students’ Transfer Journeys: A Technical Report from a Systemwide Study of California Community College Students, October 2021

Technical Report providing detailed statewide survey data, including disaggregated findings, and related recommendations for continuing to strengthen students’ transfer success during the pandemic and beyond.

Maximizing Math Throughput of Students Who Did Not Complete Algebra 2 in High School, August, 2021

Report showing how the one-year math throughput rate of community college students varies according to the highest level of math completed in high school, with a focus on the impact of the completing Algebra 2 while in high school.

A Qualitative Exploration of AB705 Implementation, January 2021

Report sharing the results of interviews with 14 colleges statewide on their implementation of AB 705.

Enrollment and Success in Transfer-Level English and Math in the California Community Colleges System, Fall 2015 to Fall 2019 Statewide Analysis, January 2021

Statewide analysis of transfer-level English and math enrollment and completion within one year, disaggregated by ethnicity and special populations.

The Decay Function of the Predictive Validity of High School GPA, December 2020

Research brief exploring the predictive validity of using high school GPA for placement compared to assessment tests. High school GPA has a higher correlation with the grade in transfer-level English and math than assessment tests.

Maximizing English Language Learner's Completion of Transferable English Composition in Community College: A focus on US High School Graduates, September 2020

Report exploring ESL pathways that maximize throughput with a focus on US high school graduates.

Through the Gate Transfer Study: Phase 2 Technical Report, July 2020

Technical report providing additional detail on the Phase 2 research and includes an overview of the methodology, summary of the survey and interview findings, and list of advice from student interviewees.

Students Speak Their Truth about Transfer: What They Need to Get Through the Gate, May 2020

Report offering community colleges a new framework for building students’ transfer capacity that identifies four factors impacting their university readiness, student perspectives on each factor, and ways to take action now.

AB 705 Research and Analysis Ideas for Collaboration between Researchers and Faculty, January 2020

Report providing data considerations including: comparison groups, student variables, instructor effects, and long-term outcomes when evaluating AB 705 implementation.

Access, Enrollment, and Success in Transfer-Level English and Math in the California Community College System, September 2019

Report providing a review of the landscape of transfer-level English and math courses between fall 2015 and fall 2018. It includes a look at enrollment into these courses, success rates, and throughput.

Access, Enrollment, and Success in Transfer-Level English and Math Courses in the California Community Colleges (Full Report), September 2019

Report providing a review of the landscape of transfer-level English and math courses between fall 2015 and fall 2018. It includes a look at enrollment into these courses, success rates, and throughput.

Demographic Profiles of AB 705 Implementation Memo High School Performance Bands, June 2019

Report providing detailed demographic breakouts by high school GPA band, as used in the AB 705 default placement rules. Demographics include ethnicity and financial aid status.

Students Starting in Credit ESL, Two Levels Below Transfer Level, June 2019

Interactive Sankey diagram exploring varying pathways and throughput rates for students starting at two levels below transfer.

Students Starting in Credit ESL, Three Levels Below Transfer Level, June 2019

Interactive Sankey diagram exploring varying pathways and throughput rates for students starting at three levels below transfer.

Students Starting in Credit ESL, Six Levels Below Transfer Level, June 2019

Interactive Sankey diagram exploring varying pathways and throughput rates for students starting at six levels below transfer.

Students Starting in a Transfer Level English Equivalent ESL Course, June 2019

Interactive Sankey diagrams displaying the many paths students take from credit ESL to TLE or TLEE. Explore varying pathways and throughput rates for students starting at transfer level or up to six levels below transfer level.

Students Starting in Credit ESL, Five Levels Below Transfer Level, June 2019

Interactive Sankey diagram exploring varying pathways and throughput rates for students starting at five levels below transfer.

Students Starting in Credit ESL, Four Levels Below Transfer Level, June 2019

Interactive Sankey diagram exploring varying pathways and throughput rates for students starting at four levels below transfer.

Students Starting in Credit ESL, One Level Below Transfer Level, June 2019

Interactive Sankey diagram exploring varying pathways and throughput rates for students starting at one level below transfer.

Noncredit English Language Learners' (ELL) Transitions to Credit Courses: Summary from a Mixed-Methods Analysis, May 2019

Report providing the results of a mixed-methods analysis of transitions from adult education programs or noncredit ESL programs to credit ESL programs. Also includes an analysis of CASAS data.

Transfer Odds: Technical Report Examining Factors Impacting whether Students Achieve Transfer or Get Stuck Near or At the Gate, Through the Gate Transfer Study, Technical Report, March 2019

Full technical report exploring student characteristics and college and regional factors associated with “high-leverage learners” more likely to stop “near” or “at” the transfer gate.

The State of Veteran Students in California Community Colleges: 2018 Statewide Study, March 2019

Report providing a snapshot of the state of the Veteran Resource Centers in the California Community College system, and of the Veteran student population and their unique academic experiences in that system.

Placing Special Admit High School Students Via Extended MMAP Criteria, February 2019

Research report on effectively placing 10th and 11th grade students into community college coursework based on their 9th and 10th grade cumulative GPA and coursework.

CCCCO: Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative Legislative Report

Report on the California Community Colleges’ Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI).

Academy for College Excellence: Full Report of Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Long-Term Students' Outcomes, March 2018

Full report from a mixed methods study examining the long-term academic and wage outcomes of students who participated in the Academy for College Excellence program. The qualitative portion provides perspectives of former ACE students and their employers on the influence of ACE on students' personal and professional lives, while the quantitative portion provides information on ACE's impact on students' academic outcomes and potential earnings.

Mapping the Transfer Landscape for California Community College Students, Through the Gate Transfer Study, Technical Report, November 2017

Full technical report detailing findings on "high-leverage learners" who are "near" or "at" the transfer gate (having completed most or all of their transfer requirements); provides (1) a synopsis of prior research focused on increasing transfer success in California and beyond; (2) an overview of the “transfer continuum” — a new framework for viewing transfer; (3) methodology for identifying students near and at the gate, and those who achieve transfer; and (4) key findings on these “transfer-bound” students.

Innovations in General Education: Giving Students a Compass, May 2015

Practical report on incorporating high-impact general education practices at the course, program, and institutional levels.

Traveling the Transfer Path: Quantitative Findings on Community College Transfers who Complete Professional Degrees (2nd Edition), Summer 2012

Report of quantitative findings produced by STP3 on the educational paths taken by transfer students completing degrees in professional majors.
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Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion for Special Populations: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, August 2024

Brief provides additional analysis to the report, Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, focusing on STEM students from special populations including Puente, Umoja, MESA, foster youth, and EOPS, among others, whose first college math course was in the STEM Calculus Pathway. The report finds that STEM students in special population groups have the highest STEM Calculus completion rates with direct enrollment into STEM Calculus 1.

Is AB 705 Contributing to Enrollment Loss in California's Community Colleges?, September 2023

Brief explores two research questions: are enrollment changes experienced by California community colleges in fall 2019 explained by AB 705 implementation, and how did enrollment changes in California’s community colleges in fall 2019 compare to large community college systems in other states? The analysis concludes that fall 2019 implementation of AB 705 reforms does not explain relative enrollment changes at the state or college-level in that year.

Students Speak: What Makes EOPS Work, EOPS Impact Study 2.0, October 2022

Brief synthesizing data from student focus groups to better understand how students themselves experience the Extended Opportunity Programs & Services (EOPS) program and what EOPS does to support their educational journey. Conversations explored participants’ background, educational history, and academic goals; experience with EOPS application and eligibility requirements; familiarity with EOPS and reasons for participating; and perspectives on EOPS strengths and opportunities for improvement.

The African American Transfer Tipping Point: Recommendations for Supporting Transfer-Motivated African American/Black Community College Students (Brief 3 of 3), October 2022

Research Brief 3 of 3 highlighting key recommendations offered by college practitioners and students from five colleges having success when it comes to transfer for African American/Black students to help other colleges better support transfer-motivated African American/ Black community college students.

The African American Transfer Tipping Point: Identifying the Factors That Impact Transfer among African American/Black Community College Students (Brief 1 of 3), October, 2022

Research Brief 1 of 3 featuring findings from the African American Transfer Tipping Point study of factors influencing the success of transfer-motivated African American/Black students.

Predictive Validity of High School Grade Point Average Before and After AB 705, September 2022

Brief examines the validity of high school GPA in predicting course grades in students’ first community college course in either English or math when that course was at transfer. The brief reviews the methodology used and highlights key findings and conclusions. As this summary demonstrates, strong evidence continues to support high school GPA as a valid measure for community college placement into transfer-level English and math.

English Learners' Pathways in California's Community Colleges Under AB 705, June 2022

Publication in Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE) that finds that ELs who graduated from a US high school and enrolled in a community college experienced higher throughput when enrolled directly in transferable, college-level English than if they were directed to the ESL Pathway. Recommendations include (a) improve placement for this subgroup of ELs, (b) integrate English support into academic instruction throughout college-level courses, and (c) better track the academic pathways of ELs from high school to college in administrative data sets.

Understanding the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Students' Transfer Journeys, October 2021 (Recording)

Webinar featuring new findings from a survey of nearly 8,000 California Community Colleges students about how COVID-19 is impacting their transfer experience and what colleges and universities can do to increase their retention and success.

Students Speak: Understanding the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on their Transfer Journeys, October, 2021

Research brief summarizing lessons from a statewide survey of nearly 8,000 California Community College students and follow-up focus groups, both with students whose transfer plans changed and who successfully made it to university; additionally highlights how the transfer experience of different student groups was uniquely impacted during this unprecedented time.

The Throughput Year Clock: Defining “one year” for AB 705, December 2020

Research brief exploring the differences in how the one-year timeframe has been defined for AB 705 throughput. It shares the timeframe adopted by the Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) research team of 365 days.

Transfer Stories and Strategies: How Six Student Groups Experience the Transfer Journey, September 2020

Brief offering community college practitioners a snapshot of how six different focal groups experience transfer and strategies for supporting these student groups.

Transfer Odds: Examining Factors That Impact Whether Students Achieve Transfer or Get Stuck Near or At the Gate, Research Brief, March 2019

Summary of factors associated with “high-leverage learners” more likely to stop “near” or “at” the transfer gate; highlights student characteristics and college and regional factors

So Close, Yet So Far: New Research from the “Through the Gate” Transfer Study

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Mapping the Transfer Landscape for California Community Colleges, Through the Gate Transfer Study, Research Brief 1, October 2017

Key findings on “high-leverage learners” who are “near” or “at” the transfer gate (having completed most or all of their transfer requirements); quantifies how many students made it near, at, or through the gate over a recent five-year period; explores who they are, where they reside, and what the data say about leverage points for increasing transfer success.

Effective Use of Labor Market Information, Fall 2013

Research brief identifying the skills and competencies needed to effectively use LMI resources.

A Long and Leaky Pipeline: Improving Transfer Pathways for Engineering Students

Research brief summarizing quantitative and qualitative findings on students’ transfer preparation in engineering, and the factors impacting their journey to baccalaureate degree.

Destination BSN: How California Community College Transfer Students Work toward a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing

Research brief summarizing quantitative and qualitative findings on students’ transfer preparation in nursing, and the factors impacting their journey to baccalaureate degree.

Engineering Transfers Speak: Real Students, Real Stories

Student profiles and perspectives on the journey to an engineering baccalaureate.

From Student to Teacher: How Community College Transfer Students Work toward a Baccalaureate and Teaching Credential

Research brief summarizing quantitative and qualitative findings on students’ transfer preparation in teacher education, and the factors impacting their journey to baccalaureate degree.

Transfer Intelligence: How Community College Transfer Students Work toward a Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice

Research brief summarizing quantitative and qualitative findings on students’ transfer preparation in criminal justice, and the factors impacting their journey to baccalaureate degree.

Unchartered Territory: Highlights from an Exploration of Transfer Pathways in Emerging Disciplines

Research brief summarizing quantitative and qualitative findings on students’ transfer preparation in emerging disciplines such as biotechnology and logistics, and the factors impacting their journey to baccalaureate degree.

Phase I Research Summary: CTE Transfer Research Project

Research brief outlining highlights a quantitative study of the CTE course infrastructure, student enrollment, transfer rates and destinations; and a qualitative exploration of factors that students and faculty say impact CTE transfer.

Pipeline Improvements: Diversifying and Accelerating the Engineering Transfer in California Community Colleges

Research brief describing how community colleges recruit underrepresented minorities to the engineering transfer path and help students hurdle the math barrier that can inhibit progress to degree.

Transfer Velocity Project: Key Findings on Student Transfer in California Community Colleges

Research brief highlighting key findings on institutional factors, and student behaviors and characteristics that facilitate transfer and strategies and approaches for improving this transition for California Community College students.

CTE Transfer Research Project: Themes from a Literature Review of Career and Technical Education Transfer

Literature review brief providing a high-level summary of the context for studying CTE transfer, models for facilitating students’ pursuit of baccalaureate degrees, and evidence on the factors impacting this transition.

Literature Review Summary: CTE Transfer Research Project

Literature review addressing (1) the definition of CTE transfer, (2) the context for studying CTE transfer, (3) models that facilitate and support CTE transfer, and (4) factors that influence this transition.

2 + 2 = 6? Making Community College Transfer Pathways Add Up for Accounting Students

Research brief summarizing quantitative and qualitative findings on students transfer preparation in accounting, and the factors impacting their journey to baccalaureate degree.

Metro Academies Cost Study

Research brief summarizing analysis that shows Metro Academies lower an institution’s cost per graduate.
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Statewide College Attendance Decisions Survey Results Webinar, January 2024 (PPT)

Slides used in webinar recording sharing findings from a survey of prospective and previously enrolled California community college students during fall 2023. The survey included topics to understand the factors affecting students’ college attendance decisions.

The African American Transfer Tipping Point: Exploring the Transfer Journeys of Over 7,000 African American/Black California Community College Students, October 2023 (PPT)

Slides from webinar sharing results from new report "The African American Transfer Tipping Point: Exploring the Transfer Journeys of Over 7,000 African American/Black California Community College Students."

Exploring BSTEM and SLAM Outcomes Through the Transfer-Level Completion Dashboard, September 2023 (PPT)

Webinar providing an overview and demonstration of a complementary dashboard view to the Transfer-Level English and Math Dashboard called the Business, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (BSTEM) and Social Sciences and Liberal Arts Mathematics (SLAM) Dashboard which allows users to review completion rates for students on a BSTEM or SLAM pathway and explore outcomes by varying starting courses in the pathway and over differing timeframes.

AB 1705 Non-STEM Validation, Business Administration and Template Assistance, June 2023 (PPT)

Slides used in webinar focused on assisting colleges with submitting additional validation for non-STEM programs of study to meet AB 1705 requirements. Results from a recent analysis of Business Administration student outcomes are shared, with information about how to replicate the analyses locally. In addition, guidance on submitting local validation of non-STEM programs to meet validation requirements are discussed.

Identifying Factors Impacting Upward Transfer among African American/Black Community College Students, June 2023

Slides from presentation at the National Conference on Race and Ethnicity (NCORE) conference in June 2023 by Dr. Darla Cooper.

AB 705's Effects on Higher Level Learning, April 2023

Presentation at The RP Conference. A preliminary look at the impact of AB 1705 on California Community Colleges for non-STEM math pathways and how colleges have transitioned students from high school math pathways into community college math courses.

Advancing Equity Through Corequisite Support Courses, April 2023

Presentation at The RP Conference. Early results of a qualitative and quantitative study of corequisites across the community college system as well as a review of literature around corequisite supports.

Corequisite Validation for Transfer-Level English and Math Description, March 2023 (PPT)

Slides used in web event recording highlighting examples of corequisite validation practices and considerations for CCC faculty, administrators, and institutional research and planning effectiveness (IRPE) professionals interested.

The Transfer Tipping Point: Identifying factors impacting upward transfer among African American/Black community college students - Presented at the Umoja Conference, November 2022

Slides from presentation on the African American Transfer Tipping Point project, presented at the 2022 Umoja Conference.

Identifying Factors Impacting Upward Transfer Among African American/Black Males in the California Community Colleges - Presented at A2MEND, March 2023

Slides from presentation at the African American Male Education Network and Development in March 2023 by Dr. Darla Cooper.

The African American Transfer Tipping Point Study - Presented at NISTS, February 2023

Slides from presentation at the National Institute for the Study of Transfer Students in February 2023 by Dr. Darla Cooper.

Investigating the Predictive Validity of Common ESL Tests: Maximizing Gateway English Throughput for International Students in the California Community Colleges, February 8, 2023 (PPT)

Slides highlighting how well information about international students’ initial curricular pathway (English or ESL), level of placement in the pathway, and ESL placement test score(s) can predict their throughput in gateway English. The focus is on the value of different commonly used ESL placement tests, including the Combined English Language Skills Assessment (CESLA) and multiple types of ACCUPLACER tests.

Through the Gate Meets Guided Pathways: Redesigning the Student Supports Around Experiences of Transfer, October 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.

Every Flower Has a STEM: How Puente Is Making Math Relevant and Accessible to BIPOC Students, October 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.

Racial Justice Through Culturally Responsive Teaching and Learning in STEM, October 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.

Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning Success Study: Course Success and Implications for Equity, October 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.

Is Transfer Broken? Myths and Truths about Transfer Considering AB 928, October 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.

Interdisciplinary Student Research Collaboration: The Umoja Approach, October 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.

Building Community and Leadership through Professional Learning: Our ePortfolio Journey, October 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.

Supporting Students Through AB 705 and Into AB 1705: Corequisites, Math Pathways, and More, October 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.

ALL in: Accelerated Language Learning Methodology, October 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.

Hello, Is It Me You’re Looking For?: ePortfolios as Platforms for Engagement, Persistence, and Equitable Assessment, October 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.

Three Steps to Decolonizing Your Curriculum: Embedding Equity and Antiracist Curricular Practices at the Foundation of the New Structures Emerging in Response to COVID19, October 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.

Developing Indicators of Educational Equity and Effectively Analyzing Student Equity Plans, October 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.

Maximizing Math and English Completion: An Equitable Placement Paradigm Blooms, April 2022 (PPT)

Presentation at the CCC Trustees conference on outcomes and implementation of AB 705 and ideas for Trustee engagement.

From Compliance to Advocacy: Equitable Placement to Advance Equitable Outcomes, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Students Speak: Understanding the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Students’ Transfer Journeys: Lessons from a Systemwide Study of California Community College Students Presentation, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Students Speak: Understanding the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Students’ Transfer Journeys: Lessons from a Systemwide Study of California Community College Students Virtual Presentation Chat & Links, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Moving from Compliance to Ensuring Learning: Conducting Ongoing Examination, Evaluation, and Reflection, February 2022

Slides used in webinar providing colleges with ideas to continue to evaluate implementation of transfer level placement beyond AB 705 compliance. Ideas shared include using the Student Success Factors to ensure learning, collaboration ideas between research and faculty, how to evaluate disproportionate impacts, and considerations post Covid.

Emerging Practices and Resources to Support ESL Placement and Throughput: Innovations and Practices, November 2021 (PPT)

Slides highlighting innovations and practices from a few community colleges designed to support English language learners in the California Community College system.

Emerging Practices and Resources to Support ESL Placement and Throughput: Guided Self-Placement, October 2021 (PPT)

Slides showcasing examples of GSP models used at different colleges and highlight relevant research around effective GSP practices.

Keeping Students on Their Transfer Path during the Pandemic and Beyond, October 2021 (PPT)

Slides from webinar featuring a panel of students and transfer practitioners sharing their pandemic-related transfer experiences. Hear about ways students could advocate for themselves and how colleges can take action to support students with transfer, during the pandemic and beyond.

Utilizing the Power of Faculty Community of Practice (COP) to Create a Successful and Equitable Classroom Learning Environment, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Dismantling Structural Racism through Strong AB 705 Implementation, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Insights Gained Post-AB 705: Helping Colleges Successfully Implement Promising Practices from Statewide Research, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Creativity, Collaboration, Commitment, Caring, and COVID = Recipe for Equity Success, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Be a Transfer Advocate: How Faculty Can Strengthen Students’ Transfer Success, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Students Speak Their Transfer Truth: The Experiences of African-American/Black and Hispanic/Latina/o/x Students

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2021 RP Conference.

Action-Oriented Evaluation of AB 705 for Improving the Equitable Access to and Success in Transfer-Level Math and English Courses at Cañada College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2021 RP Conference.

A Qualitative Exploration of AB 705, February 2021

Slides sharing the results of interviews with 14 colleges statewide on their implementation of AB 705.

Using Data to In(re)form Equitable Placement, December 2020

Presentation for a conversation around equitable placement with IRPE professionals and highlights of qualitative and quantitative studies focused on AB 705.

Beyond Math and English: Gatekeeper Courses by Program, and Ensuring Success for All, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Entering the Second Year of AB 705: What’s Happening and Where Do We Go Next?

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

A Qualitative Look at AB 705, October 2020

Slides sharing the results of interviews with 14 colleges statewide on their implementation of AB 705 at the Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Transfer and Alignment with the California State Universities (CSU) and the University of California (UC), October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Through the Gate Transfer Stories, October 2020

A series of short videos sharing CCC students' transfer experiences and a short overview of the four factors building students' transfer capacity from the RP Group's Through the Gate transfer study.

Clarifying the Path to Completion and Transfer: Why and How Program Mapping Drives Progress and Completion, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Lessons Learned Post-AB 705: Assessing the Impact and Outcomes of Implementation using a Mixed-Methods Research Model, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

The Role of Faculty Success in Closing Equity Gaps, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

AB 705 Outcomes: It Takes a Campus to Produce Equitable Student Success in Transfer-Level Mathematics at Citrus College, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Overcoming Barriers to College Completion: Perspectives from Predominantly Latinx Inland Empire/Desert Transfer-Achieving Students, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Executing AB 705: Does Work for All?, October 2020

Slides at the 2020 Strengthening Student Success conference sharing the results from the statewide analysis of transfer-level English and math courses between fall 2015 and fall 2019.

Transforming Colleges and Closing Equity Gaps: AB 705 Early Outcomes, November 2019

Slides sharing early outcomes of AB 705 in transforming colleges and closing equity gaps at 2019 Community College League of California Conference.

Access, Enrollment and Success: Statewide Results for Transfer-Level English and Math - DSPS Students, November, 2019

Slides used in webinar focusing on outcomes of DSPS students in transfer-level English and math courses. We will be joined by Antelope Valley and Los Medanos Colleges to share how they are supporting DSPS students as well as the CCCO to answer your questions.

ESL Pathways: Mapping the Whole Student, November 2019

Slides sharing how to map ESL students at 2019 California Institutional Research Conference.

ESL and AB 705: Research and Implementation, October 2019

Slides used in webinar sharing examples from Cuyamaca College’s ESL department and research pertaining to statewide ESL student journey types.

AB 705 and ESL: Preparing for Fall 2020 Implementation, October 2019

Slides from Cuyamaca College ESL department and Irvine Valley College ESL department sharing ESL data in preparation for AB 705 and ESL fall 2020 implementation.

Multiple Measures for English as a Second Language (ESL) and International Students: Final Results

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Collaborating with Students to Build AB 705 Support Programs at Scale

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

AB 705 and English as a Second Language (ESL): Opportunities into and beyond the Goal of Transfer-Level Composition

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Applying a Collective Impact Framework and Regional Perspective to Systems Change: Harnessing the Power of Networks to Increase College Completion in the Inland Empire/Desert Region

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Transfer Partnership Pathways: California Community Colleges and Historically Black Colleges and Universities

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Mapping the Process: How to Improve Student Supports in College Promise Programs and Beyond

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Transfer Continuum Interactive Dashboard with Rural Areas Heat map: A Through the Gate Replication Using Local Data

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Come Together: English as a Second Language (ESL) and English after AB 705

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

College Promise Programs and the Link to Access, Completion, and the Vision of Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Through the Gate: What Students Say They Need to Transfer

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Avoiding the Road to Nowhere: Lessons Learned from Mapping Intersegmental Pathways

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Engaging Student Perpectives and Participation in the Los Angeles College Promise

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

We are in This Together: Building a Community around AB 705 Implementation, October 2019

Slides sharing ways to build a community around AB 705 implementation at 2019 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Access, Enrollment and Success in Transfer-Level English and Math Courses in the California Community Colleges, September 2019

PowerPoint used in webinar presenting the results from the statewide analysis of transfer-level English and math courses between fall 2015 and fall 2018.

Access, Enrollment, and Success in Transfer-Level English and Math Courses in the California Community Colleges, September 2019

Slides used in webinar presenting the results from the statewide analysis of transfer-level English and math courses between fall 2015 and fall 2018. Note: Slides 11 & 12 in the audio recording have been updated. Please refer to the Slides.

AB 705 In Action! Experiences of Early Implementers, September 2019

Slides used in webinar sharing examples from the English and Math departments at Citrus College and College of the Redwoods on their work adapting to AB 705 changes a year in advance of compliance.

Exploring Different Options for ESL - AB 705 and Beyond, July 2019

Slides exploring different options for ESL at 2019 Academic Senate for California Community College (ASCCC) Curriculum Institute.

ESL and AB 705: A Data-informed Perspective, June 2019

Slides sharing credit and non credit ESL pathways shared at 2019 CADE conference.


PowerPoint from colleges sharing their AB 705 implementation plans as well as from the breakout sessions.


PowerPoint from colleges sharing their AB 705 implementation plans as well as from the breakout sessions.


PowerPoint from colleges sharing their AB 705 implementation plans as well as from the breakout sessions.

Q and A with the Chancellor's Office

Questions and answers sheet providing questions received at the question and answer session and the answers provided.


PowerPoint from colleges sharing their AB 705 implementation plans as well as from the breakout sessions.

Supporting Researchers into and through AB 705 Implementation and Evaluation, April 2019

Slides sharing ways to support researchers into and through AB 705 implementation and evaluation at 2019 RP Conference.

A Rising Tide Lifts all Ships, or Does it? A Look at Early AB 705 Outcomes, April 2019

Slides examining early AB 705 outcomes at 2019 RP Conference.

Through the Gate Transfer Study Video

In a recent five-year period, nearly 300,000 California Community College students who completed all or most of their transfer requirements, did not make it “through the gate” to a university. Who are these students and why are they stopping short of their transfer goal?

Paradigm Shift: From Developing Multiple Measures Practice to Informing Mandates, November 2018

Slides sharing the paradigm shift from developing multiple measures practices to information mandates at 2018 CAIR Conference.

Leading for Equity

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Developing an AB 705 Evaluation Plan, October 2018

PowerPoint sharing how to develop an AB 705 evaluation plan at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference Post-conference workshop.

Contract Grading for Fairness and Learning

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Lets Make STEM "SESI" Again!

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Lets Make STEM "SESI" Again! Course Outline Handout

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Lets Make STEM "SESI" Again! Sample Handout

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Lets Make STEM "SESI" Again! Sensory Profile Handout

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Lets Make STEM "SESI" Again! STEM Core Components Handout

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Pathways to the Future: Teacher Preparation for California and Beyond

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Rethinking Preparedness: The Implementation of AB 705

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Santa Rosa Junior College Student Success Teams: Proven Interventions in a 21st Century Format

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Simplified Metrics Explained

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Aligning Systems for Sutdent Success: Lessons from the Los Angeles Compact

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

College Promise: Beyond Free Tuition

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Foundations for Success in the Classroom and Beyond

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Here's What it Can Look Like: Four Dimensions of RA Overview

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Here's What it Can Look Like: Lessons from Carnegie Math Pathways and Reading Apprenticeship for a Post AB 705

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Here's What it Can Look Like: RA College Brochure

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

MMAP and AB 705: Why and How to Maximize Throughput in English and Math, October 2018

Slides sharing why and how to maximize throughput in English and math at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

New World of Work: Strengthening 21st Century Empoyability

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

PCC Pathways Program 2.0: Threading Career from Orientation to Completion

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Student-Centered Funding Formula

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Through the Gate: An Examination of Factors Determining Whether Students Achieve Transfer or Get Stuck At or Near the Gate

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Associate Degrees for Transfer: Are They Serving Community College Students?

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Researching the Impact of Transfer Degrees in Community Colleges

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Sequence Survivors

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

The Multiple Measures Assessment Project Re-Envisioned: Supporting the System's Leap Forward Under AB 705, April 2018

Slides sharing the re-envisioned Multiple Measures Assessment Project supporting the system’s leap forward under AB 705 at 2018 RP Conference.

Doubling Student Completion through Placement, Pathways, and Pedagogy in Mathematics

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Increasing Completion at Rural Colleges through Collaboration

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

How Can Peer Networks in the Community Colleges and CSU Work Together to Improve Student Success? 

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

So Close, Yet So Far: New Research from the “Through the Gate” Transfer Study

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project: The Opportunity and Adversity of Increasing Placement Accuracy, October 2016

PowerPoint covering the opportunity and adversity of increasing placement accuracy at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Building Long Term Strategies for Student Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Strengthening Student Success Through Developmental Redesign

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Whats Completion Got to Do with It, October 2012

Presentation delivered in a webinar.

The Engineering Transfer Experience: The Student View from the Beginning, Middle, and Completion of the Transfer Journey

Presentation highlighting key findings on the engineering transfer path (Engineering Liaison Council, October 2011).

Strengthening Student Success Conference Presentation on the Transfer Velocity Study: An Investigation of Factors, Interventions, Strategies, and Practices that Have a Positive Impact on Transfer, 2009


California Community Colleges Online Education Initiative

Evidence on What Associate Degrees for Transfer Mean to Student Equity

What’s Completion Got to Do With It? Unpacking the Value of Student Short-Term Course-Taking

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Emerging Practices in ESL Guided Self Placement, January 2022

Guide providing ESL community college stakeholders with key practices and strategies to assist in the development and implementation of a Guided Self Placement (GSP) model to effectively assess English Language Learners.

Students: Taking Charge of Your Transfer Success, January 2022

Resource developed in partnership with the Student Senate for California Community Colleges identifying ways students' can take charge of their transfer success based on the four key factors of the Transfer Capacity-Building Framework.

Using Data to Identify and/or Verify Meta-Majors, December 2020

Short guide providing practitioners with an illustration of how data can be used to support meta-major development and validation work as part of the college’s Guided Pathways efforts.

Using Student Support (Re)defined's Success Factors to Ensure Student Learning (Guided Pathways Pillar Four), June 2020

Guide highlighting examples of affective, non-cognitive practices and strategies that instructors can incorporate into their classes to help their students experience the six success factors identified in Student Support (Re)defined.

Principles of Redesign: Promising Approaches to Transforming Student Outcomes, April 2013

Inquiry guide presenting eight core ideas to help colleges address the fundamental challenges to student success.

The Nuances of Completion: Improving Student Outcomes by Unpacking the Numbers, April 2013

Inquiry guide examining the hidden complexity of completion outcome data and offering an approach that teases out the complex factors that affect student completion and success.

Plain Text Code for Segmentation Study 

The RP Group and Peter Riley Bahr, PhD. In 2010, Peter Riley Bahr, PhD, conducted a cluster analysis for the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office that examined the course-taking behavior of first-time students over an eight-year period. The research revealed a number of interesting issues, including under-reporting successes that do not result in “completion” (meaning transfer, an associate's degree or certificate), equity gaps in students pursuing completion outcomes, and the high volume of units attempted by students pursuing a completion goal.

Replication Rules Update - May 9, 2012

The RP Group and Peter Riley Bahr, PhD. In 2010, Peter Riley Bahr, PhD, conducted a cluster analysis for the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office that examined the course-taking behavior of first-time students over an eight-year period. The research revealed a number of interesting issues, including under-reporting successes that do not result in “completion” (meaning transfer, an associate’s degree or certificate), equity gaps in students pursuing completion outcomes, and the high volume of units attempted by students pursuing a completion goal.

Segmentation Model for Assessing Course-Taking Patterns

The RP Group and Peter Riley Bahr, PhD. In 2010, Peter Riley Bahr, PhD, conducted a cluster analysis for the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office that examined the course-taking behavior of first-time students over an eight-year period. The research revealed a number of interesting issues, including under-reporting successes that do not result in “completion” (meaning transfer, an associate's degree or certificate), equity gaps in students pursuing completion outcomes, and the high volume of units attempted by students pursuing a completion goal.

Segmentation Model for Assessing Course-Taking Patterns--Updated Rule Sets, December 2012

Simplified rule set for sorting students into the classifications identified by Peter Riley Bahr in his analysis of student course-taking behavior, updated December 2012.

Segmentation Model for Assessing Course-Taking Patterns: Research Methodology and Discussion Guide, June 2012

Simplified rule set for sorting students into the classifications identified by Peter Riley Bahr in his analysis of student course-taking behavior; includes sample discussion questions on how to use these results to build a deeper understanding of student course-taking behavior and its relationship to student success.

What's Completion Got to Do with It?

The RP Group and Peter Riley Bahr, PhD. In 2010, Peter Riley Bahr, PhD, conducted a cluster analysis for the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office that examined the course-taking behavior of first-time students over an eight-year period. The research revealed a number of interesting issues, including under-reporting successes that do not result in “completion” (meaning transfer, an associate's degree or certificate), equity gaps in students pursuing completion outcomes, and the high volume of units attempted by students pursuing a completion goal.

What's Completion Got to Do with It?, June 2012

Inquiry guide that applies Peter Riley Bahr’s cluster analysis on student attainment to the current conversation on improving completion outcomes; includes discussion questions can help relate the results to key concerns in community colleges at both the campus and policy levels.

Building a Culture of Inquiry: Using a Cycle of Exploring Research and Data to Improve Student Success

Inquiry guide exploring the concept of a culture of inquiry and introducing a framework to strengthen a college’s ability to better use research and evidence to inform improvement efforts.

Understanding the Student Experience Through the Loss/Momentum Framework: Clearing the Path to Completion

Inquiry guide introducing an approach to examining students’ own experiences at community colleges, identifying factors that catalyze and impede student progress, and using these insights to address opportunities to improve student outcomes.
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Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, Technical Appendices, February 2024

Technical appendix to Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, which includes a detailed methodology and regression analysis.

Be a Transfer Advocate: How Student Support Professionals Can Help Transfer-Bound Students Address University Affordability Concerns, September 2021

Resource developed in partnership with the Chief Student Services Officers Association offering suggestions for ways all student support professionals can help students understand that achieving a bachelor’s degree is something they can financially attain.

Be a Transfer Advocate: How Faculty Can Strengthen Students’ Transfer Success, March 2021

Resource developed in partnership with the Academic Senate for California Community Colleges offering suggestions for faculty to boost students’ transfer capacity in the classroom and at the program level, as well as statewide action to support.

Identifying High-Leverage Transfer Students on Your Campus, Through the Gate Transfer Study Methodology, Tool 1, March 2019

Guide for adapting the study’s methodology on your campus; includes data sources and elements, instructions on file preparation, and steps for generating the study population

CCCCO's Alphabetic Listing of Community Colleges

List of California Community Colleges in alphabetical order.

Mapping the Transfer Landscape for California Community Colleges Quick Facts (Poster), October 2017

Printable 12” x 24” poster displaying quick facts on high-leverage learners who are “near” or “at” the transfer gate and comparing them to transfer achievers who made it “through” the gate to university.

Mapping the Transfer Landscape for California Community Colleges Quick Facts , October 2017

Printable two-sided 8.5” x 11” infographic displaying quick facts on high-leverage learners who are “near” or “at” the transfer gate and comparing them to transfer achievers who made it “through the gate" to university.

Beyond Financial Aid

Toolkit including a literature review, a framework for action with six institutional strategies and examples, and an institutional self-assessment with interpretation guide to collectively assist colleges in increasing the financial stability of and closing attainment gaps for low-income students.

Transfer Velocity Calculator

Online tool to analyze transfer trends based on variables including college, year, ethnicity, gender, and age.
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EOPS Impact Study 2.0 Highlights, August 2022

Brief that provides highlights from a 2022 EOPS Impact Study comparing the academic outcomes of EOPS participants to a comparable group of non-participants.

Assessment Measures for English as a Second Language Students in College: Summary of Relevant Literature, February 2021

Summary featuring recent ESL research on the benefits and challenges of different types of assessments as well as key considerations for colleges seeking to implement one or more of the main ESL assessment and placement strategies.

Overview of Findings from AB 705 Statewide Interviews, January 2021

Summary highlighting the results of interviews with 14 colleges statewide on their implementation of AB 705.

Determining Students’ Transfer Odds on Your Campus, Through the Gate Transfer Study Methodology, Tool 2, March 2019

Guide for adapting study’s statistical model for identifying students’ transfer odds on your campus, including data sources and instructions for implementing and interpreting the model.

Through the Gate Transfer Study Project Description

Overview of research purpose and approach; includes highlights from Phase I of the study, focused on mapping the landscape for high-leverage learners who are at or near the transfer gate.

Occupations Requiring Baccalaureate Preparation: A Review of Labor Market Projections

Overview of workforce projections focused on jobs requiring baccalaureate-level preparation including high-growth, high-demand and emerging occupations (based on 2008 data).
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ESL Innovations College Spotlight: Orange Coast College — SLO Assessments, November 2021

College Spotlights feature ESL innovations taking place in California Community Colleges that support ESL student success. This includes an overview of key information relevant to other institutions that may be interested in implementing ESL course transferability practices.

ESL Innovations College Spotlight: Cypress College — ESL Milestone Certificates, November 2021

College Spotlights feature ESL innovations taking place in California Community Colleges that support ESL student success. This includes an overview of key information relevant to other institutions that may be interested in implementing ESL course transferability practices.

ESL Innovations College Spotlight: Cypress College — ESL Course Transferability, November 2021

College Spotlights feature ESL innovations taking place in California Community Colleges that support ESL student success. This includes an overview of key information relevant to other institutions that may be interested in implementing ESL course transferability practices.

ESL Innovations College Spotlight: College of San Mateo — Word Jam, November 2021

College Spotlights feature ESL innovations taking place in California Community Colleges that support ESL student success. This includes an overview of key information relevant to other institutions that may be interested in implementing ESL course transferability practices.

ESL Innovations College Spotlight: City College of San Francisco — Steps to Credit Program, November 2021

College Spotlights feature ESL innovations taking place in California Community Colleges that support ESL student success. This includes an overview of key information relevant to other institutions that may be interested in implementing ESL course transferability practices.

A Qualitative Study of Two- to Four-Year Transfer Practices in California Community Colleges: An Analysis of Seven Case Studies Featuring Colleges with Consistently Higher than Expected Transfer Rates

Cross-case overview analysis of seven case studies of colleges with higher-than-expected transfer rates including six transfer-promoting factors found at all of the colleges.

Transfer Practices at DeAnza College

Detailed case study of transfer practices at DeAnza College, an institution with higher-than-expected transfer rates identified through the Transfer Velocity Project.

Transfer Practices at Irvine Valley College

Detailed case study of transfer practices at Irvine Valley College, an institution with higher-than-expected transfer rates identified through the Transfer Velocity Project.

Transfer Practices at Los Angeles Southwest College

Detailed case study of transfer practices at Los Angeles Southwest College, an institution with higher-than-expected transfer rates identified through the Transfer Velocity Project.

Transfer Practices at Porterville College

Detailed case study of transfer practices at Porterville College, an institution with higher-than-expected transfer rates identified through the Transfer Velocity Project.

Transfer Practices at Reedley College

Detailed case study of transfer practices at Reedley College, an institution with higher-than-expected transfer rates identified through the Transfer Velocity Project.

Transfer Practices at San Diego City College

Detailed case study of transfer practices at San Diego City College, an institution with higher-than-expected transfer rates identified through the Transfer Velocity Project.

Transfer Practices at Skyline College

Detailed case study of transfer practices at Skyline College, an institution with higher-than-expected transfer rates identified through the Transfer Velocity Project.
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Infographic: Facilitators of and Barriers to Transfer for African American/Black Students, October 2024

Infographic from Phase 1 of the African American Transfer Tipping Point Project.

2020 RP Group Research and Evaluation Project of the Year Award

Video presenting De Anza College’s Mallory Newell, Jerry Rosenberg, and Ola Sabawi with the RP Group’s 2020 Research and Evaluation Project of the Year Award.

Engaging Student Perpectives and Participation in the Los Angeles College Promise (Handout)

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Engaging Student Perpectives and Participation in the Los Angeles College Promise (Handout)

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

AB 705 Implementation Survey Infographic, March 2019

Infographic summarizing the results from the AB 705 Implementation Survey that was sent to all California Community Colleges in fall 2018.

What's the Big Idea? Let's Give All Students the Best Chance at Throughput Success

Researchers chat about how we are re-thinking placement of California Community College students, the benefits of alignment between high school and college, AB 705 (a bill that passed unanimously into law in 2018) changes, possible changes in how many students will qualify for transfer-level courses with implementation and sequence completion versus success in individual courses at the remedial level in first in WTBI series.

Chancellor's Vision for Success

A vision for the future of California's education.

Academy for College Excellence: Summary of Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Long-Term Students' Outcomes: A Mixed Methods Study, October 2017

Key findings from a mixed methods study examining the long-term academic and wage outcomes of students who participated in the Academy for College Excellence program.The qualitative portion provides perspectives of former ACE students and their employers on the influence of ACE on students' personal and professional lives, while the quantitative portion provides information on ACE's impact on students' academic outcomes and potential earnings.

So Close, Yet So Far: New Research from the “Through the Gate” Transfer Study

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Metro Transfer Academies: Transfer With Excellence and Equity, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Plain Text Code for Segmentation Study, June 2012

Text that can easily be cut and pasted into statistical software to run the simplified rule set for sorting students into the classifications identified by Peter Riley Bahr in his analysis of student course-taking behavior.

Transfer Issues and Effective Practices and Effective Practices: A Review of the Literature

Literature review on transfer issues and practices spanning over 100 references.
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Institutional Research and Remediation Reform: A Contextualized Exploration of Interactions Among New Metrics, Innovative Curricula, and Policy Changes, Fall 2020

Scholarly article published in the Journal of Applied Research in the Community College. Article provides a history of remedial reform in California and discusses metrics aligned with policy changes associated with AB 705 implementation.

Improving Placement Accuracy in California Community Colleges Using Multiple Measures of High School Achievement, April 2019

Peer-reviewed article published in Community College Review discussing the results of the Multiple Measures Assessment project.

A Typology of Students’ Use of the Community College, 2011

Article describing a typology of first-time community college students based on students’ course-taking and enrollment behavior; demonstrates typology utility through an application that involves interpreting data concerning students’ participation in remedial mathematics.

“It Takes an Integrated, College-Wide Effort” and Other Lessons from Seven High Transfer Colleges"

Journal of Applied Research in the Community College article introducing the Transfer Velocity Project and reviewing six transfer-promoting factors in place at seven colleges with consistently high transfer rates identified through this research.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Transfer Research Project: Improving Transfer Pathways for California Community College Students in CTE Programs

Journal of Applied Community College Research article on the infrastructure of CTE courses and programs that facilitate transfer from California Community Colleges, an analysis of student engagement with that infrastructure, and student and educator perspectives regarding factors that support transfer in career-oriented disciplines.

The Transfer Velocity Project: A Comprehensive Look at the Transfer Function

Journal of Applied Research in the Community College article identifying transfer-facilitating characteristics, the strengths and weaknesses of the current research, suggestions for future research, and practical approaches to facilitating transfer.

The Use of Cluster Analysis in Typological Research on Community College Students, 2011

Article providing an introduction to the family of partitional cluster analytical methods, with specific attention to research on community college students; describes key decision points and common approaches in the use of cluster analysis.

The Bird’s Eye View of Community Colleges: A Behavioral Typology of First-Time Students Based on Cluster Analytic Classification, October 2009

Article that tests the predictive validity of the classification scheme, investigates the relationships between the primary classification scheme and several alternative schemes, and demonstrates the replicability of the classification scheme.
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New Research from the RP Group Highlights the Importance of Transferable, College-level Math Classes for Student Success

Press release announcing the publication of The RP Group's research brief, "Maximizing Math Throughput of Students Who Did Not Complete Algebra 2 in High School."

RP Impact & Insights

Issue 3 | August 2020 |
RP Impact & Insights is a semi-annual publication featuring insights on Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness, community colleges, student success, and the current higher education landscape.

All About AB 705 Newsletter, December 2018

Newsletter providing AB 705 news and information.

All About AB 705 Newsletter, November 2018

Newsletter providing AB 705 news and information.

All About AB 705 Newsletter, October 2018

Newsletter providing AB 705 news and information.

All About AB 705 Newsletter, September 2018

Newsletter providing AB 705 news and information.

Chancellor's Office Today News

Curated, aggregated, important news articles about the CCC field.
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Exploring Geographic Barriers to Transfer for California Community College Students, October 2024 (Recording)

Webinar exploring the under-researched issue of "university education deserts" (UEDs) - areas with limited access to universities - and how they impact transfer rates, particularly for underrepresented and low-income students. The webinar features a panel discussion with practitioners and a student from colleges in UEDs.

Statewide College Attendance Decisions Survey Results Webinar, January 2024 (Recording)

Webinar recording sharing findings from a survey of prospective and previously enrolled California community college students during fall 2023. The survey included topics to understand the factors affecting students’ college attendance decisions.

The African American Transfer Tipping Point: Exploring the Transfer Journeys of Over 7,000 African American/Black California Community College Students, October 2023 (Recording)

Webinar recording of October 2023 Event "The African American Transfer Tipping Point: Exploring the Transfer Journeys of Over 7,000 African American/Black California Community College Students."

AB 1705 Non-STEM Validation, Business Administration and Template Assistance, June 2023 (Recording)

Webinar recording focused on assisting colleges with submitting additional validation for non-STEM programs of study to meet AB 1705 requirements. Results from a recent analysis of Business Administration student outcomes are shared, with information about how to replicate the analyses locally. In addition, guidance on submitting local validation of non-STEM programs to meet validation requirements are discussed.

Corequisite Validation for Transfer-Level English and Math Description, March 2023 (Recording)

Web event recording highlighting examples of corequisite validation practices and considerations for CCC faculty, administrators, and institutional research and planning effectiveness (IRPE) professionals interested.

Investigating the Predictive Validity of Common ESL Tests: Maximizing Gateway English Throughput for International Students in the California Community Colleges, February 8, 2023 (Recording)

Webinar highlighting how well information about international students’ initial curricular pathway (English or ESL), level of placement in the pathway, and ESL placement test score(s) can predict their throughput in gateway English. The focus is on the value of different commonly used ESL placement tests, including the Combined English Language Skills Assessment (CESLA) and multiple types of ACCUPLACER tests.

African American Transfer Tipping Point Webinar, October 2022 (Recording)

Webinar sharing findings from the African American Transfer Tipping Point study on the factors that impact transfer success among African American/Black students.

Keeping Students on Their Transfer Path during the Pandemic and Beyond, October 2021 (Recording)

Webinar featuring a panel of students and transfer practitioners sharing their pandemic-related transfer experiences. Hear about ways students could advocate for themselves and how colleges can take action to support students with transfer, during the pandemic and beyond.

Students Speak: Understanding the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on their Transfer Journeys, October 2021

Webinar highlighting key findings from a statewide student survey to understand their transfer experiences during the pandemic.

A Qualitative Exploration of AB 705, February 2021

Webinar sharing the results of interviews with 14 colleges statewide on their implementation of AB 705.

Access and One-Year Throughput in the California Community College System, January 2021

Webinar sharing one-year throughput rates from fall 2015 to fall 2019 disaggregated by various student groups.

Students Speak Their Truth about Transfer, May 2020

Webinar featuring students, a transfer director, and their respective experiences around transfer as they relate to transfer study findings. Plus, get a useful overview of Starfish and Canvas shell to help students close to the transfer gate.

Students Speak Their Truth Webinar (May 2020) Chat Q&A Summary

Summary of questions and answers posed in the chat thread during the Students Speak Their Truth Webinar held in May 2020.

Access, Enrollment and Success: Statewide Results for Transfer-Level English and Math - DSPS Students, November, 2019

Webinar focusing on outcomes of DSPS students in transfer-level English and math courses. We will be joined by Antelope Valley and Los Medanos Colleges to share how they are supporting DSPS students as well as the CCCO to answer your questions.

Analysis, Evaluation, and Collaboration: AB 705 for Institutional Research Professionals, November 2019

Webinar helping IRPE professionals support and evaluate local AB 705 implementation.

ESL and AB 705: Research and Implementation, October 2019

Webinar sharing examples from Cuyamaca College’s ESL department and research pertaining to statewide ESL student journey types.

Access, Enrollment and Success in Transfer-Level English and Math Courses in the California Community Colleges, September 2019

Webinar presenting the results from the statewide analysis of transfer-level English and math courses between fall 2015 and fall 2018.
Note: Slides 11 & 12 in the audio recording have been updated. Please refer to the PowerPoint.

AB 705 In Action! Experiences of Early Implementers, September 2019

Webinar sharing examples from the English and Math departments at Citrus College and College of the Redwoods on their work adapting to AB 705 changes a year in advance of compliance.

Developing an AB 705 Evaluation Plan, November 2018

Webinar discussing how to develop an evaluation and/or research plan to track and monitor student placement and throughput under AB 705.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project: From Pilot to Paradigm, October 2017

PowerPoint sharing how the Multiple Measures Assessment Project went from pilot program to a paradigm at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

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