Sunday, October 27, 2024
The RP Group

RP Conference Resources

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Spotlight on STEM Calculus 1: Impact of Preparatory Pathways on Completion, April 2024
Presented at RP Conference 2024, presentation sharing the results from the report: Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards and the Technical Appendices.
From Compliance to Advocacy: Equitable Placement to Advance Equitable Outcomes, April 2022
Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.
California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Briefing, April 2022
Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.
Students Speak: Understanding the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Students’ Transfer Journeys: Lessons from a Systemwide Study of California Community College Students Presentation, April 2022
Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.
Students Speak: Understanding the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Students’ Transfer Journeys: Lessons from a Systemwide Study of California Community College Students Virtual Presentation Chat & Links, April 2022
Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.
Leveraging Degrees When Due Strategies to Increase Student Completion: One Community College District’s Experience, April 2022
Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.
Examples of Meeting Students Where They Are: Removing Barriers Around Policies Designed to Help Students, April 2022
Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.
Binational Adult Education on the USA-Mexico border, April 2022
Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.
The Outcomes of Repeaters in Math and English: An Equity-Minded Approach to Supporting Student Success, April 2022
Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.
Institutional Effectiveness and Marketing Collaboration: Using Data-Driven Decision-Making to Measure and Improve College Marketing Strategies, April 2022
Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.
Understanding the Unique Experiences of Student Veterans in the California Community College System, April 2022
Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.
Integrating Data Coaching to Support Equity and Guided Pathways, April 2022
Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.
Equitable Learning Starts with SLOs: Streamlining Data Collection and Analysis that Leads to Meaningful Changes, April 2022
Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.
Developing a Data-Driven, Equity-Centered Culture at Cerritos College Utilizing Program Review and Annual Planning Data Dashboard to Support Equitable Learning, April 2022
Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.
Tough Conversations in Stressful Times: Building Relationships with Faculty through Equity-Focused Data Inquiry
Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.
What Works in Student Success? Making Omelets Out of Goose Eggs, April 2022
Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.
Developing a Framework for Assessing the Effectiveness of Guided Pathways Meta Major Initiatives, April 2022
Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.
Budget Dashboards to Improve Outcomes for Community Colleges, April 2022
Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.
AB 705: Spillover Effects into Downstream Courses Within and Outside Disciplines, April 2022
Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.
Equity Research in Action: Access and Outcomes in a Dual Enrollment Program, April 2022
Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.
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Student Education Status

California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Student Citizenship Status Summary Report.

The Influence of Session Length on Student Success

Summary addressing the question of whether or not compressed courses of six or eight weeks enable students to have high rates of success based on data from Santa Monica college from 1994 through 1999. Initial findings showed that students enrolled in the 6-week compressed sections had higher success rates than those enrolled in the same courses during a 16-week semester.
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Spotlight on STEM Calculus 1: Impact of Preparatory Pathways on Completion, April 2024

Presented at RP Conference 2024, presentation sharing the results from the report: Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards and the Technical Appendices.

From Compliance to Advocacy: Equitable Placement to Advance Equitable Outcomes, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Briefing, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Students Speak: Understanding the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Students’ Transfer Journeys: Lessons from a Systemwide Study of California Community College Students Presentation, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Students Speak: Understanding the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Students’ Transfer Journeys: Lessons from a Systemwide Study of California Community College Students Virtual Presentation Chat & Links, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Leveraging Degrees When Due Strategies to Increase Student Completion: One Community College District’s Experience, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Examples of Meeting Students Where They Are: Removing Barriers Around Policies Designed to Help Students, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Binational Adult Education on the USA-Mexico border, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

The Outcomes of Repeaters in Math and English: An Equity-Minded Approach to Supporting Student Success, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Institutional Effectiveness and Marketing Collaboration: Using Data-Driven Decision-Making to Measure and Improve College Marketing Strategies, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Understanding the Unique Experiences of Student Veterans in the California Community College System, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Integrating Data Coaching to Support Equity and Guided Pathways, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Equitable Learning Starts with SLOs: Streamlining Data Collection and Analysis that Leads to Meaningful Changes, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Developing a Data-Driven, Equity-Centered Culture at Cerritos College Utilizing Program Review and Annual Planning Data Dashboard to Support Equitable Learning, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Tough Conversations in Stressful Times: Building Relationships with Faculty through Equity-Focused Data Inquiry

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

What Works in Student Success? Making Omelets Out of Goose Eggs, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Developing a Framework for Assessing the Effectiveness of Guided Pathways Meta Major Initiatives, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Budget Dashboards to Improve Outcomes for Community Colleges, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

AB 705: Spillover Effects into Downstream Courses Within and Outside Disciplines, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Equity Research in Action: Access and Outcomes in a Dual Enrollment Program, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Conceptualizing Diversity: Meaning-Making with CCCApply’s Expanded Ancestry Data, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Bridging Research and Planning: Facilitating a Data-Rich, Equity-Focused Strategic Planning Process, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Inspect What We Expect: the Scholarship Analysis Journey, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

What's in a Name? Reconsidering a College's Name, Student Equity, and the Role of the IRPE Office, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Are We Complying with AB 620? Assessing Campus Climate for Queer, Transgender, and Non-Binary Students Both Before and During the Pandemic, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Building Competencies to Engage Cognitive Diversity with Data, April 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at RP Conference 2022.

Shifting IRP from Neutral into Drive for Racial Equity

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2021 RP Conference.

Analyzing the Impact of Human Resources Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Reforms - Cabrillo College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2021 RP Conference.

Analyzing the Impact of Human Resources Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Reforms - South Orange County Community College District

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2021 RP Conference.

Students Speak Their Transfer Truth: The Experiences of African-American/Black and Hispanic/Latina/o/x Students

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2021 RP Conference.

Seeing Our Students: Illuminating Invisible Inequities with Expanded CCCApply Ancestry/Ethnicity Data

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2021 RP Conference.

Connecting to Student Voices: Reinvigorating and Refreshing Your Campus's Equity Conversations and Use of Data - Mt San Antonio College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2021 RP Conference.

Connecting to Student Voices: Reinvigorating and Refreshing Your Campus's Equity Conversations and Use of Data - Clovis Community College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2021 RP Conference.

Connecting to Student Voices: Reinvigorating and Refreshing Your Campus's Equity Conversations and Use of Data - Cerritos College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2021 RP Conference.

Beyond Data Literacy: Training Faculty Data Coaches on How to Facilitate Racial Equity Data Conversations

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2021 RP Conference.

Equity and Virtual Learning: Student Perceptions of Synchronous Courses

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2021 RP Conference.

Action-Oriented Evaluation of AB 705 for Improving the Equitable Access to and Success in Transfer-Level Math and English Courses at Cañada College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2021 RP Conference.

Community College Chancellor’s Office Update

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2021 RP Conference.

Foster Equity-Focused Culture with the Program Review Data Dashboard

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2021 RP Conference.

IR Positioning in Anti-Racism Work: Objectivity vs Accountability

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2021 RP Conference.

Opening Plenary Panel Discussion

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2021 RP Conference.

AB 705 In Action! Experiences of Early Implementers, September 2019

Slides used in webinar sharing examples from the English and Math departments at Citrus College and College of the Redwoods on their work adapting to AB 705 changes a year in advance of compliance.

Excellence through Equity: Equity a Driver for Institutional Effectiveness across the College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Institutional Effectiveness Leadership in a Participatory Governance Environment

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Supporting Researchers into and through AB 705 Implementation and Evaluation, April 2019

Slides sharing ways to support researchers into and through AB 705 implementation and evaluation at 2019 RP Conference.

Beyond Capturing the Voice: Engaging Students through Participatory Action Research Practices

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Braving the Storm: Building a Culture of Evidence and Authentic Improvement in a Era of Initiative Overload

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Building Guided Pathways through a Labor Market Perspective

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Update: Student Success Metrics - The Past, Current, and Future

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Enrollment Management Dashboard: Putting Data to Work

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Equity-Driven, High Achievement Outcomes Based Assessment Program Review: Connecting Authentic Student Voice to Performance Indicators and More Presentation

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Equity-Driven, High Achievement Outcomes-Based Assessment- Criteria for OBPR

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Give the People What They Need: How Data Tools Help Inform Strategic Scheduling and Budgeting Decisions

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

How do Institutions Know What Works and What Doesn't?

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Impact and Evaluation of AB 705: Mixed-Methods Model

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Implementing AB 705 at Citrus College: Practices and Effectiveness

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Info Book: Shaping MIS Data into Information

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

LGBTQ+ Data for Dummies: Best Practices and Accessing CCCApply Report Center

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Pathway Program Review: An Innovative Approach to Program Reflection

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Student Centered Funding Formula: Implications for the IRPE Community

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Summer Bridge Programs: Positive Effects and Next Steps in Taking the Program to Scale

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

The Art of Data Storytelling with Power BI

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

The Cosumnes River College HawkTrack Dashboard: Developing and Implementing a Student Success Dashboard with R Shiny

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Unwrapping Your Crystal Ball: The Ethical Concerns of Predicting the Future

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Visualizing and Forecasting the Student Centered Funding Formula at SRJC

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

A Rising Tide Lifts all Ships, or Does it? A Look at Early AB 705 Outcomes

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

A Rising Tide Lifts all Ships, or Does it? A Look at Early AB 705 Outcomes, April 2019

Slides examining early AB 705 outcomes at 2019 RP Conference.

Award Leakage and the Case for an Opt-Out Award System

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Data Coaching: Building Data Literacy and Research Capacity to Support Data-Informed Change

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Developing a Set of Data Dashboards to Respond to Emerging Institutional Planning Needs

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Each One, Reach One: A High-Tech, High-Touch Approach to Maximizing Student Success through Guided Pathways

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Getting Local: Using the Through the Gate Transfer Study Methodology to Support Guided Pathways and Equity Planning at Your College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Listening to Student Voices and Identifying Academic and Non-Academic Barriers Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning on Drop Survey Data

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Mt Sac Program Review, Ninjas, and Data Dashboards: Leveraging Nuventive and Power BI

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Navigating the Seas of Change: A 20-Year Perspective on the Research and Planning Seascape

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Pink Sky at Night, Sailors Delight: A Variety of Visual Tools to Help Your College Navigate the Seas of Change

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Probation Management: Identification, Intervention, and Reduction

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Redrawing the MMAP: An Alternate Model for Using Local Data to Construct and Assess AB 705-Compliant Placement

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Unpacking the Student Success Metrics, Reporting Requirements, and New MIS Data Elements

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

When Metrics Allide with Equity: Sunstones, Astrolabes, and Dead Reckoning, April 2019

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Implementing Multiple Measures Assessment, April 2018

Materials sharing how to implement multiple measures assessment at 2018 RP Conference.

Developing an Evaluation Plan, April 2018

Slides sharing information to design an evaluation plan for AB 705 and leading an evidence-based change at 2018 RP Conference.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project Post-AB 705: Supporting Colleges Into and Through the Transition for ESL, April 2018

Slides addressing how to support colleges into and through the transition for ESL post AB 705 at 2018 RP Conference.

Validating Placement Systems: It’s All About Throughput, April 2018

Slides sharing how to validate placement systems at 2018 RP Conference.

A Visualization is Worth 1,000 Words

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Evaluating Professional Development

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

2016 CCC Chancellor Office Update

The TRIS Division will provide an overview of initiatives administered in 2015, including the next phases of existing projects and the implementation of new programs in the coming year. The update will include information on technology and other initiatives that will impact institutional researchers. We will also introduce Debra Connick, the new TRIS Division Vice Chancellor.

Mike Splane’s PowerPoint Tips

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

CCC Chancellor's Office Integrated Planning

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.


Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Cluster Analysis on Student Transcripts

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Conference Welcome Session

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Connecting the Dots

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Cost Effectiveness Study

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Creating Clear Pathways

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

CTEOS Goes Statewide

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Disaggregating SLO Assessment - City College of San Francisco

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Disaggregating SLO Assessment - Irvine Valley College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Disjunctive Placement - College of the Canyons

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Equity Based Instruction – Pasadena City College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Excellence and Distinction

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

MMAP: Vision to Reality

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project: The Opportunity and Adversity of Increasing Placement Accuracy, April 2017

PowerPoint sharing the opportunity and adversity of increasing placement accuracy at 2017 RP Conference.

Harbors Assessment Based Planning

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Future of IR: Association for Institutional Research

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Go Ahead Be Prepared

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Keynote Presentation

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Making Institutional Goal-Setting Meaningful

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Making Peace with Data

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Non-cognitive Measures: Do They Have Utility for Placement?

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Research on a Budget

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Strategic Enrollment Management? (SEM) Applied Solution Kit

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Strategic Planning Ground Up

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Student Success Framework for Long-Term Planning

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Tableau Fresno City College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Using BRIC's to Build a Path

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Using CCSSE Results

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Using CCSSE Results to Assess Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

When More is Better

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

2016 RP Navigator Welcome Session

This year’s conference theme of “Integrating Equity and Success into the Research and Planning Framework” speaks to the dynamic nature of our work and the opportunities we have an institutional research and planning professionals to effect positive change within our institutions and beyond.

Equity - Driven Guided Learning Pathways for Student Success

RP Conference presentation (2016) on session on key elements of how to design equity-driven guided learning pathways that embed high-impact practices and defined learning outcomes with equity goals to promote student engagement and success.

Six Stages of Growth for the IR Professional, April 2016

RP Conference presentation (2016) on the Institutional Research (IR) profession has a career path that includes six stages of professional growth. Each stage along the way requires its own set of skills: interpersonal, analytical, and technical. This presentation discusses each of the six stages and the characteristics and skills needed to succeed in each.

A Different Way to Look at Student Groups and Their Success Using Cluster Analysis

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

A Look at Developmental Math Education through Student Behavior

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

AACU LEAP Initiative and VALUE Rubrics

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

An Integrated Approach: Student Loan Default Study

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Assess for Student Success CAI

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Dream Big: An Innovative, Unorthodox Strategy to Strategic Planning

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Examining Skills Builder Outcomes

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Ground Zero of Implementing MMAP Locally

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

IEPI Effective Practices Resource Toolkit

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Learning from Our Students Equity Focus Groups

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Make Your Equity Data Shine Bright: Advanced Tableau Workshop

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Soup to Nuts

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Student Voices: Using Focus Group Data to Inform Student Success Initiatives

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

The Herculean Challenge: Meaningful Integrated Planning in the Age of Prescriptive Plans and Accreditation Standards

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

The Impact of Economic Cycles on Equitable Access and Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Update on IEPI Indicators and Goal Setting

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Using the Launch Board for Program Review, Accreditation, Equity, and Integrated Planning

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Findings from the 2014 Scorecard Survey

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 RP Conference.

Tutoring: Does it Work? April 2015

Presentation delivered at 2015 RP Conference.

Using Equity Data to Set Institutional Standards and Goals, April 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 RP Conference.

Community College Pathways Program: Success Using Propensity Score Matching

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 RP Conference.

Continuous Improvements: An Approach for Integrating Cycles of Assessment Evaluation into Institutional Processes

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 RP Conference.

Creating Citizen Researchers with Tableau, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 RP Conference.

CTE Launchboard 2015 Updates and Q & A

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 RP Conference.

Evaluation of Student Equity Plans

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 RP Conference.

RP Group Welcome to the RP Conference 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 RP Conference.

RP Newcomer Welcome Session Presentation Final

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2015 RP Conference.

Scaling Up Student Success: Evaluating the Statewide Common Assessment, Educational Planning, and Online Education Initiatives, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2015 RP Conference.

The Research Work Group: Key to Designing Self-Service Research Tools

Presentation delivered at the RP Conference.

Using Qualitative Inquiry to Inform Equity and Accountability Planning for Student Success, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 RP Conference.

CCSF/CTE Capstone Survey - Architecture Dept.


CCSF/CTE Faculty Questions - Architecture Dept.


CCSF/CTE Focus Group Questions - Architecture Dept.


CTE Student Success Initiative Info & Application


Fostering Communication for SLO Implementation


CCSF/CTE Presentation - Generating Meaningful Data For Program Improvement


(Keynote) Evidence-Based Decision-Making for Underserved Student Populations

Analyzing Qualitative and Quantitative Data

Building Equity Efforts from the Ground Up

Crafton Hills Collete BORG Cubes Data Mart

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the RP Conference.

Developing a Culture of Change Distributive Leadership SLO Sierra College

Developing and Using Intermediate Measures Asking New Questions

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the RP Conference.

Efficacy of the California Basic Skills Initiative CSUS

Equity Implications of CAP

Presentation on Evaluating the California Acceleration Project and equity implications of increasing throughput via curricular redesign.

Evidence on What Associate Degrees for Transfer Mean to Student Equity

First Generation Students: Who They Are

How to Increase Data Democracy and Develop a Culture of Inquiry

Let Them In: Illuminating Potential to Increase Access in Math

Let Them In: Increasing Access Completion and Equity In English

Making Integrated Planning User-Friendly

Math Tutoring Final

Multiple Approaches to Multiple Measures Part 1 Intro and Bakersfield College

Multiple Approaches to Multiple Measures Part 2 Sierra and LBCC

New IRP Welcome Session

Non-credit Story

Performance Outcomes of First-Time Students Presentation

Presentation delivered at the RP Conference.

Researching Alpha to Zeta

Presentation delivered at the Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Update: TRIS Division CCCCO

Using Decision Trees to Predict Course Success in MMAP Pilot V2

Presentation delivered at the RP Conference.
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Student Support (Re)defined Crosswalk

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Strategic Planning Presentation Instructions

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Equity-Driven, High Achievement Outcomes Based Assessment - Checklist Handout

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Equity-Driven, High Achievement Outcomes-Based Assessment - Outcome-Based Program Review

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Equity-Driven, High Achievement Outcomes-Based Assessment - Performance Indicators Handout

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Equity-Driven, High Achievement Outcomes-Based Assessment - Reflective Student Learning Portfolio

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Equity-Driven, High Achievement Outcomes-Based Assessment- Criteria for OBPR

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Hope Scale

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2021 RP Conference Program

Program for 2021 RP Conference.

2019 RP Conference Program

Program for 2019 RP Conference.

Gavilan 2019 Institutional Self Evaluation Report

January 9, 2019 | Gavilan College |
Report submitted to ACCJC WASC where Gavilan referenced/cited MMAP work and RP Group best practices regarding placement used at college.

Lee Cronin's + Diane West's Presentation Tips

Lee Cronin's Presentation Tips adapted by Diane West.

2018 RP Conference Program

Program for 2018 RP Conference.

2017 RP Conference Program

Program for 2017 RP Conference.

2016 RP Conference Program

Program for 2016 RP Conference.

Continuous Improvement — An Approach for Integrating Cycles of Assessment & Evaluation into Institutional Processes, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 RP Conference.

2015 RP Conference Program

Program for 2015 RP Conference.

AB86 Demographics (Josh 1) AB86 Demographics 2, 2014

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2014 RP Conference.

AB86 Planning Demographic Data March 2014

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2014 RP Conference.

AB86 Demographics

AB86 Demographics (Josh) AB86 Demographics

AB86 Demographics AB86 Demographics

AB86 Poverty Rates

Creating Citizen Researchers with Tableau Handouts V2

Progress Indicators

Progress Indicators Again

Regional Fact Sheet OC

SP Evaluation Plan FINAL

Strategic Planning Phases Rev 4515

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Re-Considering Equity and Inequity Under the Student Centered Funding Formula: How I came to Be a Radical Change Agent as a CEO

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Confirming the Socio-Ecological Outcomes (SEO) Model to Predict Student Success of Men of Color at Community Colleges

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project Post-AB 705: Supporting Colleges Into and Through the Transition, April 2018

Slides showing how to support colleges into and through the AB 705 transition.

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