Sunday, October 27, 2024
The RP Group

High School To College Transitions Resources

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Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion for Special Populations: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, August 2024
Brief provides additional analysis to the report, Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, focusing on STEM students from special populations including Puente, Umoja, MESA, foster youth, and EOPS, among others, whose first college math course was in the STEM Calculus Pathway. The report finds that STEM students in special population groups have the highest STEM Calculus completion rates with direct enrollment into STEM Calculus 1.
The Math Default Placement Rules Post AB 705: Predicted vs. Actual Transfer-Level Success for Students in the Lowest Placement Band, December 2023
Report examines the success for students with lower levels of high school performance who began in transferable, college-level math post AB 705 in order to compare the predicted versus actual success rates of these students as a validation of the placement rules. The analysis confirms the accuracy of the original placement rules and underscores the strong recommendation that colleges provide concurrent support for these students.
Is AB 705 Contributing to Enrollment Loss in California's Community Colleges?, September 2023
Brief explores two research questions: are enrollment changes experienced by California community colleges in fall 2019 explained by AB 705 implementation, and how did enrollment changes in California’s community colleges in fall 2019 compare to large community college systems in other states? The analysis concludes that fall 2019 implementation of AB 705 reforms does not explain relative enrollment changes at the state or college-level in that year.
Maximizing Calculus Completion for Students Seeking the Business Administration Degree, May 2023
Report comparing the completion rates of Business Calculus or STEM Calculus for students with a Business Administration program of study. The study controls for student's highest level math course completed while looking at the starting course in which they began at a community college. Every group of students had substantially higher completion of Business Calculus or STEM Calculus when starting directly there. This research suggests that transfer-level prerequisites to Business Calculus or STEM Calculus do not meet AB 1705 requirements for applied or business calculus for business administration majors within the California Community College system.
Ensuring Equitable Dual Enrollment Access, Entry, and Completion for Underrepresented Students: The Journey of a K12-College Partnership, October 2022
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.
Creating Equitable Outcomes: How Dual Enrollment and Promise Has Closed Equity Gaps, October 2022
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.
Dual Enrollment: An Equity Strategy for Disproportionately Impacted Student Populations, October 2022
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.
English Learners' Pathways in California's Community Colleges Under AB 705, June 2022
Publication in Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE) that finds that ELs who graduated from a US high school and enrolled in a community college experienced higher throughput when enrolled directly in transferable, college-level English than if they were directed to the ESL Pathway. Recommendations include (a) improve placement for this subgroup of ELs, (b) integrate English support into academic instruction throughout college-level courses, and (c) better track the academic pathways of ELs from high school to college in administrative data sets.
Maximizing Math and English Completion: An Equitable Placement Paradigm Blooms, April 2022 (PPT)
Presentation at the CCC Trustees conference on outcomes and implementation of AB 705 and ideas for Trustee engagement.
Moving from Compliance to Ensuring Learning: Conducting Ongoing Examination, Evaluation, and Reflection, February 2022
Slides used in webinar providing colleges with ideas to continue to evaluate implementation of transfer level placement beyond AB 705 compliance. Ideas shared include using the Student Success Factors to ensure learning, collaboration ideas between research and faculty, how to evaluate disproportionate impacts, and considerations post Covid.
Emerging Practices and Resources to Support ESL Placement and Throughput: Innovations and Practices, November 2021 (PPT)
Slides highlighting innovations and practices from a few community colleges designed to support English language learners in the California Community College system.
Emerging Practices and Resources to Support ESL Placement and Throughput: Guided Self-Placement, October 2021 (PPT)
Slides showcasing examples of GSP models used at different colleges and highlight relevant research around effective GSP practices.
A Community Engagement Approach to Dual Enrollment for Equity, October 2021
Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.
Transitions from Adult Education to Community College: A Collaborative Approach, October 2021
Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.
How Does Algebra 2 Affect Math Throughput?, September 2021
Webinar recording reviewing the evidence and recommendations from a new Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) research paper that explores the impact Algebra 2 completion has on transferable, college-level math throughput for students in STEM or SLAM pathways
How Does Algebra 2 Affect Math Throughput?, September 2021
Webinar recording reviewing the evidence and recommendations from a new Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) research paper that explores the impact Algebra 2 completion has on transferable, college-level math throughput for students in STEM or SLAM pathways
Maximizing Math Throughput of Students Who Did Not Complete Algebra 2 in High School, August, 2021
Report showing how the one-year math throughput rate of community college students varies according to the highest level of math completed in high school, with a focus on the impact of the completing Algebra 2 while in high school.
Early College as an Equity Strategy - Bakersfield College Rural High School Initiative, June 2021
Report summarizing findings from a mixed-methods evaluation The RP Group conducted of Bakersfield College's early college efforts.
Workshop 1: Designing Metamajors to Address Equity Gaps

Thursday, May 6, 2021 | 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Presented by WestEd
Kathy Booth

  • Clarify how you can construct metamajors that help students imagine their futures, connect with others who share their dreams, and practice the essential skills within related disciplines.
  • Learn a new framework to help students imagine, connect, and practice throughout their college journey.
  • Leave with a set of tools that help to identify core skills at the metamajor level that connect academic pathways to jobs--particularly for non-CTE disciplines.

Access and One-Year Throughput in the California Community College System, January 2021
Webinar sharing one-year throughput rates from fall 2015 to fall 2019 disaggregated by various student groups.
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The Math Default Placement Rules Post AB 705: Predicted vs. Actual Transfer-Level Success for Students in the Lowest Placement Band, December 2023

Report examines the success for students with lower levels of high school performance who began in transferable, college-level math post AB 705 in order to compare the predicted versus actual success rates of these students as a validation of the placement rules. The analysis confirms the accuracy of the original placement rules and underscores the strong recommendation that colleges provide concurrent support for these students.

Maximizing Calculus Completion for Students Seeking the Business Administration Degree, May 2023

Report comparing the completion rates of Business Calculus or STEM Calculus for students with a Business Administration program of study. The study controls for student's highest level math course completed while looking at the starting course in which they began at a community college. Every group of students had substantially higher completion of Business Calculus or STEM Calculus when starting directly there. This research suggests that transfer-level prerequisites to Business Calculus or STEM Calculus do not meet AB 1705 requirements for applied or business calculus for business administration majors within the California Community College system.

Maximizing Math Throughput of Students Who Did Not Complete Algebra 2 in High School, August, 2021

Report showing how the one-year math throughput rate of community college students varies according to the highest level of math completed in high school, with a focus on the impact of the completing Algebra 2 while in high school.

Early College as an Equity Strategy - Bakersfield College Rural High School Initiative, June 2021

Report summarizing findings from a mixed-methods evaluation The RP Group conducted of Bakersfield College's early college efforts.

Maximizing English Language Learner's Completion of Transferable English Composition in Community College: A focus on US High School Graduates, September 2020

Report exploring ESL pathways that maximize throughput with a focus on US high school graduates.

AB 705 Implementation Survey Results, March 2019

Report providing the results of the AB 705 Implementation Survey administered in fall 2018 and includes all questions and responses.

Placing Special Admit High School Students Via Extended MMAP Criteria, February 2019

Research report on effectively placing 10th and 11th grade students into community college coursework based on their 9th and 10th grade cumulative GPA and coursework.

AB 705 Implementation Survey Results - ESL Focused Responses, January 2019

Report providing the results of the AB 705 Implementation Survey administered in fall 2018 and includes all questions and responses regarding ESL courses and students.

EOPS and DSPS Populations: Comparative Throughput Analysis for AB 705 Implementation, October 2018

Research brief disaggregating the results of the AB 705 placement and support recommendations for English, statistics, and pre-calculus for EOPS and DSPS students.

Gender and Ethnicity: Comparative Throughput Analysis for AB 705 Implementation, October 2018

Research brief disaggregating the results of the AB 705 placement and support recommendations for English, statistics, and pre-calculus by gender and ethnicity.

AB 705 Success Rate Estimates -Technical Paper, September 2018

Technical paper providing the methodology behind the AB 705 adjusted rates used in the CCCCO's placement and support recommendations for English, statistics, and precalculus.

MMAP and AB 705 Adjustments - Infographic, August 2018

Infographic illustrating how the MMAP team created the AB 705 adjustments.

MMAP Implementation Survey, Full Report, Spring 2018

Report sharing all responses to all questions in the survey, including open-ended responses that may be helpful to colleges who would like to learn from others.

ESL Multiple Measures Questions - Translated into 10 Languages, March 2018

The multiple measures survey used by many colleges for their ESL populations, originally created by Irvine Valley College, was translated into 10 different languages by Mission College, including Arharic, Vietnamese, Japanese, Russian, Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, Korean, Spanish, and Chinese.

Bibliography of Multiple Measures Articles and Research, September 2014

Compilation of articles and reports regarding multiple measures.

Student Transcript-Enhanced Placement Study: Technical Report, September 2013

Full technical report of research methodology and findings from the Student Transcript-Enhanced Placement Study (STEPS).

Effective Practices for Promoting the Transition of High School Students to College, January 2009

Research report reviewing effective practices for the successful transition of students from high school to college entry as documented in research-based literature.
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Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion for Special Populations: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, August 2024

Brief provides additional analysis to the report, Preparatory Pathways and STEM Calculus Completion: Implications of the AB 1705 Standards, focusing on STEM students from special populations including Puente, Umoja, MESA, foster youth, and EOPS, among others, whose first college math course was in the STEM Calculus Pathway. The report finds that STEM students in special population groups have the highest STEM Calculus completion rates with direct enrollment into STEM Calculus 1.

Is AB 705 Contributing to Enrollment Loss in California's Community Colleges?, September 2023

Brief explores two research questions: are enrollment changes experienced by California community colleges in fall 2019 explained by AB 705 implementation, and how did enrollment changes in California’s community colleges in fall 2019 compare to large community college systems in other states? The analysis concludes that fall 2019 implementation of AB 705 reforms does not explain relative enrollment changes at the state or college-level in that year.

English Learners' Pathways in California's Community Colleges Under AB 705, June 2022

Publication in Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE) that finds that ELs who graduated from a US high school and enrolled in a community college experienced higher throughput when enrolled directly in transferable, college-level English than if they were directed to the ESL Pathway. Recommendations include (a) improve placement for this subgroup of ELs, (b) integrate English support into academic instruction throughout college-level courses, and (c) better track the academic pathways of ELs from high school to college in administrative data sets.

Summary of Data from the Pilot Colleges

Brief summarizing success rates in transfer-level English and math at a variety of pilot colleges.

Research Brief - English as a Second Language Multiple Measures Development, June 2017

Brief informing the CAI Steering Committee about challenges and strategies with respect to analyzing ESL course sequences in order to create a new multiple measures to be used in course placement.

Research Brief - Validating Placement Systems Comprising Test and Multiple Measure Information, 2017

Research brief describing how to validate placement decisions using several objective key metrics including throughput, throughput rate, predictive validity, and disproportionate impact.

Placed for Success Brief CLP

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Stepping Up: Progression in English and Math from High School to College, February 2014

Research brief providing insights on using high school transcript data for placement of recent high school graduates, based on findings from the Student Transcript-Enhanced Placement Study (STEPS).

Promoting the Transition of High School Students to College, August 2010

Brief offering a high-level summary of the Transition Primer — focusing on effective strategies for transition implementation and strategic considerations for colleges interested in starting or expanding student transition programs and practices.
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Ensuring Equitable Dual Enrollment Access, Entry, and Completion for Underrepresented Students: The Journey of a K12-College Partnership, October 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.

Creating Equitable Outcomes: How Dual Enrollment and Promise Has Closed Equity Gaps, October 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.

Dual Enrollment: An Equity Strategy for Disproportionately Impacted Student Populations, October 2022

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC22.

Maximizing Math and English Completion: An Equitable Placement Paradigm Blooms, April 2022 (PPT)

Presentation at the CCC Trustees conference on outcomes and implementation of AB 705 and ideas for Trustee engagement.

Moving from Compliance to Ensuring Learning: Conducting Ongoing Examination, Evaluation, and Reflection, February 2022

Slides used in webinar providing colleges with ideas to continue to evaluate implementation of transfer level placement beyond AB 705 compliance. Ideas shared include using the Student Success Factors to ensure learning, collaboration ideas between research and faculty, how to evaluate disproportionate impacts, and considerations post Covid.

Emerging Practices and Resources to Support ESL Placement and Throughput: Innovations and Practices, November 2021 (PPT)

Slides highlighting innovations and practices from a few community colleges designed to support English language learners in the California Community College system.

Emerging Practices and Resources to Support ESL Placement and Throughput: Guided Self-Placement, October 2021 (PPT)

Slides showcasing examples of GSP models used at different colleges and highlight relevant research around effective GSP practices.

A Community Engagement Approach to Dual Enrollment for Equity, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Transitions from Adult Education to Community College: A Collaborative Approach, October 2021

Presentations and/or materials delivered at the SSSC21.

Using Data to In(re)form Equitable Placement, December 2020

Presentation for a conversation around equitable placement with IRPE professionals and highlights of qualitative and quantitative studies focused on AB 705.

Online Dual Enrollment Courses: A Collaborative Model for Expanding College Credit Opportunities for High School Students, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Problem Solving: Moving Dual Enrollment Online, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

MMAP: Supporting DSPS Students in Transfer-Level English and Math, May 2020

Slides used in webinar sharing results from a statewide analysis of transfer-level English and Math for DSPS students by various disability types and how De Anza and Coastline colleges are supporting DSPS students in transfer-level courses which are now online.

Corequisite Supports for Math and English, April 2020

Slides used in webinar by Pasadena City College, Porterville College, and Allan Hancock College showcasing their corequisite supports and outcomes for transfer-level English, Statistics and B-STEM math courses and how they are transitioning online.

MMAP: AB 705 and ESL, April 2020

Slides used in webinar sharing the ESL structures at Irvine Valley College and Laney College and the Guided Self-Placement Models for ESL students at Laney and Cerritos Colleges.

Landscape of ESL in California Community Colleges, March 2020

Slides sharing the landscape of ESL in California Community Colleges at 2020 CAP Conference in collaboration with the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC).

Early Outcomes of Transfer Level Placement in English and Math, March 2020

PowerPoint sharing early outcomes of AB 705 in the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) at 2020 CAP Conference.

MMAP Analysis for AB 705 ESL Subcommittee: Overview and Summary, January 2020

Slides summarizing multiple presentations to the ESL Subcommittee throughout 2019 combined into one including presentation.

ESL Pathways: Mapping the Whole Student, November 2019

Slides sharing how to map ESL students at 2019 California Institutional Research Conference.

Intersegmental Pathways: K-12-16 Partnerships and Guided Pathways

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Building a Foundation for a Strong Guided Pathways from High Schools to Community College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Applying a Collective Impact Framework and Regional Perspective to Systems Change: Harnessing the Power of Networks to Increase College Completion in the Inland Empire/Desert Region

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Avoiding the Road to Nowhere: Lessons Learned from Mapping Intersegmental Pathways

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

The Power of Partnerships: Best Practices for Preventing Summer Melt through Non-Government Organization (NGO) and Community College Collaboration

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

CATESOL 2018 Annual Conference: Research Update on ESL and AB 705 from the RP Group, December 2018

CATESOL packet sharing Cypress College ESL Courses to Fulfill Requirements for GE C2, CSU GE Breadth C2, and IGETC 3B at 2018 CATESOL Conference.

Education Level Workshop: Community College Research Update on ESL and AB 705 from the RP Group, December 2018

Slides presenting research update on ESL and AB 705 from the RP Group. 2018 MMAP presentation delivered at 2018 CATESOL Conference.

Paradigm Shift: From Developing Multiple Measures Practice to Informing Mandates, November 2018

Slides sharing the paradigm shift from developing multiple measures practices to information mandates at 2018 CAIR Conference.

Designing an Evaluation Plan for Local Evaluation of AB705, November 2018

Slides used in webinar discussing how to develop an evaluation and/or research plan to track and monitor student placement and throughput under AB 705.

AB 705 Adjustments, Ethnicity, Gender and Special Populations, October 2018

Slides used in webinar sharing the default placement rules disaggregated by various student populations. Examples were shared on how various colleges are supporting special populations to help them succeed in transfer-level courses.

Evaluating Innovative Curriculum Under AB 705, October 2018

Slides used in webinar providing a method for proposing and evaluating corequisite and two-semester developmental innovations. The process and methods covered will provide clarity regarding how colleges are coming into compliance with AB 705 and AB 805.

MiraCosta College: English Informed Self-Placement Process, August 2018

Slides sharing MiraCosta College’s guided self-placement process at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference Post-conference workshop.

CAP Math Breakout Session: CAP Design Principles For High-Challenge, High-Support Curricula and Pedagogy, October 2018

Presentation material sharing CAP design principles for high-challenge, high-support curricula and pedagogy at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference Post-conference workshop.

CAP Workshop Slides: AB 705: Ready or Not, Here it Comes , October 2018

Slides sharing how to maximize student completion of transfer-level courses in one year at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference Post-conference workshop.

Ready or Not, Here it Comes! Preparing for AB 705, October 2018

Slides sharing ways to prepare for AB 705 at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Post-conference workshop.

And They Said It Couldn't Happen: Faculty Champions for Multiple Measures Assessment

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

And They Said It Couldn't Happen: Faculty Champions for Multiple Measures Assessment Handout

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Aligning Systems for Sutdent Success: Lessons from the Los Angeles Compact

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

MMAP and AB 705: Why and How to Maximize Throughput in English and Math, October 2018

Slides sharing why and how to maximize throughput in English and math at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

MMAP Students: They're Advancing But Are They Learning?

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Student Experience in Dual Enrollment Courses: The Result of Collaboration across Sectors

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Success and Setbacks of early College Credit in Alternative Education

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Supporting Students Secondary to Postsecondary Educational Trajectories through Cross-Sectoral and Cross-Institutional Collaborations

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Replicating the AB 705 Adjustments Locally, September 2018

Slides walking participants through the process of accessing their college data from CalPass Plus and running the adjustments to determine if any variations exist between the statewide default rates and local rates.

Understanding and Interpreting the AB 705 Adjustments, September 2018

Slides and small, topic-specific videos breaking down the methodology behind the default placement rules.

AB 705, ESL and English Composition, August 2018

Slides used in joint webinar by RP Group and CATESOL sharing AB 705, ESL, and English Composition.

Adapting MMAP to AB 705 - Full Post Conference Workshop Video, July 2018

Slides of the full post-conference workshop on AB 705 in.

2018 ASCCC Curriculum Institute, July 2018

Slides sharing the assessment process in a post AB 705 world at 2018 ASCCC Curriculum Institute.

AB 705 ESL Work Group: ESL Student Typology and Reporting Options, June 2018

Slides sharing ESL student typology and reporting options to the ESL Work Group, a subcommittee of the AB 705 Implementation Committee.

Placement in a Post-AB 705 World: Reviews and Considerations, May and June 2018

Slides sharing reviews and considerations in a post-AB 705 world, including placement and support recommendations for English and math to the Implementation Committee.

Post-AB 705: Supporting Colleges Through the Transition for ESL, April 2018

Slides with CATESOL sharing supporting college throughout the transition for ESL post-AB 705.

Implementing Multiple Measures Assessment, April 2018

Materials sharing how to implement multiple measures assessment at 2018 RP Conference.

Developing an Evaluation Plan, April 2018

Slides sharing information to design an evaluation plan for AB 705 and leading an evidence-based change at 2018 RP Conference.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project Post-AB 705: Supporting Colleges Into and Through the Transition for ESL, April 2018

Slides addressing how to support colleges into and through the transition for ESL post AB 705 at 2018 RP Conference.

Validating Placement Systems: It’s All About Throughput, April 2018

Slides sharing how to validate placement systems at 2018 RP Conference.

The Multiple Measures Assessment Project Re-Envisioned: Supporting the System's Leap Forward Under AB 705, April 2018

Slides sharing the re-envisioned Multiple Measures Assessment Project supporting the system’s leap forward under AB 705 at 2018 RP Conference.

Placement in a Post-AB 705 World, March 2018

Slides sharing how MMAP will look in a post-AB 705 world at 2018 CAP Conference.

Placement in a Post-AB 705 World, March 2018

Materials showing success rates of students whose first course was statistics and who had a 2.3 or lower HSGPA to the Implementation Committee.

Placement in a Post-AB 705 World, February 2018

Slides of presentation given to the Implementation Committee on the research and findings behind MMAP Classic and introducing the AB 705 adjustments for Math and English.

Validating Placement Systems in a Post-AB 705 World, December 2017

Slides addressing validating MMAP systems in a post-AB 705 world at 2017 CCCAA Conference.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP): From Pilot to Paradigm

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

An Inclusive Front Door: Strategies for Ensuring Smooth Transitions and Early Success in Community College for All Californians

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Connecting Educational Segments: Bridging the Gap between High School, Community College and University Mathematics

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Exploring and Expanding Alternative High School and Community College Partnerships

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Implementing and Improving Your MMAP Process - Examples from Pilot Colleges, September 2017

PowerPoint providing participants with examples and strategies from three different approaches at pilot colleges to help inform local implementation.

Automating the MMAP Process - Examples from Pilot Colleges, September 2017

PowerPoint sharing examples from three pilot colleges who have automated parts or all of their MMAP process to help streamline the student placement process and improvements they have made over time.

MMAP: Vision to Reality

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project: The Opportunity and Adversity of Increasing Placement Accuracy, April 2017

PowerPoint sharing the opportunity and adversity of increasing placement accuracy at 2017 RP Conference.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) Update, 2017

MMAP presentation delivered at 2017 CAI Steering Committee Meeting in Sacramento.

Research and Evaluation Considerations Multiple Measures Assessment Project, March 2017

PowerPoint offering pilot colleges who would like assistance developing a comprehensive research plan to track the impact of new multiple measures models on student placement, success, and sequence completion.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP), 2017

PowerPoint explaining the Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) at 2017 CAP Conference.

Multiple Measures for ESL and International Students

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project: The Opportunity and Adversity of Increasing Placement Accuracy, October 2016

PowerPoint covering the opportunity and adversity of increasing placement accuracy at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Battle of the Conjunctions: Disjunctive vs Compensatory Course Placement, 2016

PowerPoint addressing disjunctive versus compensatory course placement at 2016 CAIR Conference.

Ground Zero of Implementing MMAP Locally

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Southern California Presentations from Pilot Colleges, 2016

MMAP presentations delivered for Southern California Pilot colleges.

Using R for Decision Trees for Multiple Measures and Scorecard Data, June 2016

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Summer Institute.

Using Multiple Measures to Enhance Student Placement, November 2015

PowerPoint sharing how using multiple measures can enhance student placement at 2015 CAIR Conference.

Enhanced MMAP

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Enhanced Multiple Measures for Distribution

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

High School Achievement in Multiple Measures: Performance and Recommendations

MMAP presentation delivered at 2015 CAI Steering Committee meeting.

Improving High School to College Transition by Improving Placement (Enhanced Multiple Measures), 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project and Non Cognitive Variables Updates, End of Phase 1, 2015

MMAP Presentation delivered at 2015 CAI Steering Committee meeting.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project: Convening of Pilot Colleges (RP Group Presentation), December 2014

MMAP presentation delivered at Pilot College Convening.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project: Pilot College Convening (Cal-PASS Presentation), December 2014

MMAP presentation delivered at Pilot College Convening.

Promising Pathways - Placement, Performance, and Progress in Basic Skills and Transfer Level Courses in English and Mathematics (Brief), April 2012


Promising Pathways - Placement, Performance, and Progress in Basic Skills and Transfer Level Courses in English and Mathematics, April 2012


Dual Enrollment Toolkit Webinar

Webinar providing an overview of the toolkit and addressing questions about dual enrollment in California.

Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative Workshops

Workshop series designed for secondary and postsecondary partners; information shared will support the development of new and the scaling up and strengthening of existing dual enrollment partnerships, with a focus on students from underrepresented groups.

Multiple Approaches to Multiple Measures Part 1 Intro and Bakersfield College

Multiple Approaches to Multiple Measures Part 2 Sierra and LBCC

Using Decision Trees to Predict Course Success in MMAP Pilot V2

Presentation delivered at the RP Conference.
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Non Cognitive Variables Implementation Guide, December 2016

Guide walking pilot colleges through the steps to implement a NCV scale with the multiple measures models.

Data Upload to Cal-Pass Plus for Cohort Match Guide, October 2015

Guide walking pilot colleges through the process of uploading and downloading a cohort to Cal-PASS Plus; includes the steps needed to complete the Student Cohort File upload including the variables to provide to Cal-PASS to make a match, where to go to upload the file, how to retrieve the file after it has been matched, and the data elements sent back to you.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project Pilot College - Developing a Research Plan, 2015

Guide providing examples on how to develop a research plan to assess the impact of multiple measures in conjunction with your current placement process.

A Guide to Launching and Expanding Dual Enrollment Programs for Historically Underserved Students in California, June 2014

Guide offering dual enrollment program components, an analysis of opportunities and challenges, and ways to monitor progress at multiple levels.

California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Dual Enrollment Initiative

Legal advisories and opinions, dual enrollment implementation guidelines, information on specific models (e.g., Middle College High School), and other resources designed to promote secondary to postsecondary partnerships.

MMAP Prospective File Walkthrough

Guide showing colleges how to upload their Student Cohort File to Cal-PASS Plus in order to receive back the Prospective Data File; data upload includes items required for Cal-PASS to match your students to their high school transcript data, and provide the assessment level based on the decision tree output.
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Additional Multiple Measure Question Ideas, July 2018

Tool sharing sample questions created by colleges who add them to their assessment process which serve as an additional multiple measure; these are only examples and any college would need to determine if the questions are correlated with student outcomes before use in a placement model.

CCCCO's Alphabetic Listing of Community Colleges

List of California Community Colleges in alphabetical order.

Dual Enrollment Toolkit

Toolkit offering a suite of resources including definitions and models, communication tools, frequently asked questions, and recent legislation and opinions to assist secondary and community college partners in launching or strengthening dual enrollment programs.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project 

Resource in IRP Toolkit.
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Building a Foundation for a Strong Guided Pathways from High Schools to Community College (Executive Summary)

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

MMAP and AB 705 Adjustments - Methodology, August 2018

Summary sharing how the MMAP team created the AB 705 adjustments.

MMAP Implementation Survey, Summary - Spring 2018

Survey summary providing feedback on the implementation process and preparations for AB 705.

Phase III Project Summary, 2017

Summary providing accomplishments in the past three phases and steps to take moving forward.

Multiple Measures High School Variables ModelSummary – Phase II, February 2017

Summary providing decision rules for placing students in English, Math, Reading, and ESL (Top Level L1) using high school transcript-based placement.
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Phase I MMAP White Paper, September 2014

White paper providing a background on multiple measures research and plans for moving forward with the project.
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Please use the list at the right to select a category of resources.

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Please use the list at the right to select a category of resources.

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AB 705 Implementation Survey Infographic, March 2019

Infographic summarizing the results from the AB 705 Implementation Survey that was sent to all California Community Colleges in fall 2018.
John Hadad." target="_blank">
John Hadad." target="_blank">

Self-Reported Data Questions: High School Transcript Information Section, October 2018

Instructions showing how to gather self-reported high school transcript information that is now available as an add-on to the CCCApply application. Colleges who would like to add the questions may contact John Hadad.
John Hadad." target="_blank">

Chancellor's Vision for Success

A vision for the future of California's education.

Dual Enrollment Program, (SEM), East Los Angeles College, Fall 2017

Abstract describing East Los Angeles College's dual enrollment plan.

English Placement Models for the Multiple Measures Assessment Project — Phase 2, November 2016

Document sharing decision tree output used for the creation of English high school transcript-based placement.

Mathematics Placement Models for the Multiple Measures Assessment Project – Phase II, November 2016

Document sharing the decision tree output used for the creation of math high school transcript-based placement.

Multiple Measures – ESL Decision Trees with Output, November 2016

Rules instructing how to read decision tree output used for the creation of ESL high school transcript-based placement.

Using R for Creating Predictive Models, June 2016

Instructions sharing how R Code can be used to create the decision rules for your college using the Retrospective file from Cal-PASS Plus.

Reading Decision Trees Output, May 2016

Rules instructing how to read decision tree output used for the creation of reading high school transcript-based placement.

Northern California Pilot College Experiences Networking Document, 2016

Resource associated with multiple measures presentation for Northern California Pilot colleges.

Southern California Pilot College Experiences Networking Document, 2016

Resource associated with MMAP presentation delivered at Southern California Pilot colleges.

Recommended Questionnaires: Non-cognitive Variables Criteria Scales, December 2015

Chart displaying criteria scales and the constructs they measure.

Questions in each questionnaire, April 2015

Menu sharing social-psychology/noncognitive scales for MMAP pilot testing in 2015.

Data Agreement to Access CalPass Plus Data, 2015

Form required for participation; please complete and return this data-sharing agreement to access CalPass Plus data.

MMAP: Pilot College - Developing a Research Plan, 2015

Sample research plan directing pilot colleges how to develop a local research plan.

Long Beach City College Promise Pathways Evaluation Matrix, September 2012

LBCC Evaluation matrix evaluating their Promise Pathways Initiative.

MMAP Research Plan Template

Sample template assessing the impacts of MMAP for pilot colleges to use to develop a local research template.

Prospective File Data Element Dictionary

Spreadsheet sharing variables and definitions for the data that will be returned to a college after you upload your Student Cohort File; file includes the recommended assessment levels based on the decision tree output, as well as high school transcript information.

Retrospective File Data Element Dictionary

Spreadsheet sharing variables and definitions of the data used in the Retrospective Analysis to create the decision rules for your college; files will assist you in replicating the statewide models using your local data.
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Institutional Research and Remediation Reform: A Contextualized Exploration of Interactions Among New Metrics, Innovative Curricula, and Policy Changes, Fall 2020

Scholarly article published in the Journal of Applied Research in the Community College. Article provides a history of remedial reform in California and discusses metrics aligned with policy changes associated with AB 705 implementation.

More California community college students entering, passing transfer-level math and English as result of landmark law

September 27, 2019 | EdSource |
The RP Group’s early findings on transfer-level math and English post-AB 705 are featured in this article, which reports on the implementation efforts and sentiments of colleges in California.
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Perspectives, Fall 2019

Issue covers how one college increased survey effectiveness; reading in the time of AB 705; and how performance art narratives improved the lives of Asian American students.

All About AB 705 Newsletter, December 2018

Newsletter providing AB 705 news and information.

All About AB 705 Newsletter, November 2018

Newsletter providing AB 705 news and information.

All About AB 705 Newsletter, October 2018

Newsletter providing AB 705 news and information.

All About AB 705 Newsletter, September 2018

Newsletter providing AB 705 news and information.

Chancellor's Office Today News

Curated, aggregated, important news articles about the CCC field.
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How Does Algebra 2 Affect Math Throughput?, September 2021

Webinar recording reviewing the evidence and recommendations from a new Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) research paper that explores the impact Algebra 2 completion has on transferable, college-level math throughput for students in STEM or SLAM pathways

How Does Algebra 2 Affect Math Throughput?, September 2021

Webinar recording reviewing the evidence and recommendations from a new Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) research paper that explores the impact Algebra 2 completion has on transferable, college-level math throughput for students in STEM or SLAM pathways

Workshop 1: Designing Metamajors to Address Equity Gaps

Thursday, May 6, 2021 | 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm | Presented by WestEd
Kathy Booth

  • Clarify how you can construct metamajors that help students imagine their futures, connect with others who share their dreams, and practice the essential skills within related disciplines.
  • Learn a new framework to help students imagine, connect, and practice throughout their college journey.
  • Leave with a set of tools that help to identify core skills at the metamajor level that connect academic pathways to jobs--particularly for non-CTE disciplines.

Access and One-Year Throughput in the California Community College System, January 2021

Webinar sharing one-year throughput rates from fall 2015 to fall 2019 disaggregated by various student groups.

MMAP: Supporting DSPS Students in Transfer-Level English and Math, May 2020

Webinar sharing results from a statewide analysis of transfer-level English and Math for DSPS students by various disability types and how De Anza and Coastline colleges are supporting DSPS students in transfer level courses which are now online.

Corequisite Supports for Math and English, April 2020

Webinar by Pasadena City College, Porterville College, and Allan Hancock College showcasing their corequisite supports and outcomes for transfer-level English, Statistics and B-STEM math courses and how they are transitioning online.

AB 705 Adjustments, Ethnicity, Gender and Special Populations, October 2018

Webinar sharing the default placement rules disaggregated by various student populations. Examples were shared on how various colleges are supporting special populations to help them succeed in transfer-level courses.

Evaluating Innovative Curriculum Under AB 705, October 2018

Webinar providing a method for proposing and evaluating corequisite and two-semester developmental innovations. The process and methods covered will provide clarity regarding how colleges are coming into compliance with AB 705 and AB 1805.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project Post-AB 705: Supporting Colleges Into and Through the Transition, April 2018

Slides showing how to support colleges into and through the AB 705 transition.

How Machine Learning and Multiple Measures are Reshaping College Placement, November 2017

PowerPoint sharing how machine learning and multiple measures are reshaping college placement at 2017 CAIR Conference.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project: English as a Second Language, October 2017

PowerPoint offering how to apply multiple measures to ESL students at 2017 CATESOL Conference.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project: From Pilot to Paradigm, October 2017

PowerPoint sharing how the Multiple Measures Assessment Project went from pilot program to a paradigm at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Maximizing High School Transcript Information for MMAP, October 2017 (PPT)

PowerPoint presenting tools to help encourage local participation in CalPASS Plus, and alternative approaches when student high school information is not available, including local transcript review and self-reported transcript information.

AB 705, ESL and English Composition, August 2018

Joint webinar by RP Group and CATESOL sharing AB 705, ESL, and English Composition.

Implementation for New Pilot Colleges, March 2017

PowerPoint walking new pilot colleges or colleges who have not yet placed a cohort using the models through some of the key steps to consider.

Cohort Files Upload Process to Cal-PASS Plus, March, 2017

PowerPoint used in webinar walking pilot colleges through the process of uploading their pilot data to Cal-PASS Plus to be included in the statewide analysis to validate the rule sets. Search for “MMAP - Returning Your Pilot Data to CalPASS Plus."

Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) Pilot College Examples Webinar, October 2016

PowerPoint showcasing the experiences of three pilot colleges who implemented MMAP: Norco College, Riverside City College, and MiraCosta College.

From Start to Finish: An overview of the implementation process for new pilot colleges, September 2016

PowerPoint providing an overview of MMAP including: creating a team, data matching, analyzing enrollment impacts, communication and outreach; designed for new pilot colleges or those with new members to their team.

From Start to Finish: An Overview of the Implementation Process for New Pilot Colleges, May 2016

PowerPoint walking pilot colleges through the process of implementing the multiple measures; designed for new pilot colleges.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project - Pilot College Examples, March 2016

PowerPoint highlighting experiences of three pilot colleges that have implemented multiple measures: Irvine Valley College, Canada College and Rio Hondo College.

Reading and ESL Rule Sets for MMAP Pilot Colleges, February 2016

PowerPoint walking pilot colleges through the rule sets for reading and ESL courses. NOTE: the reading rule sets shared in this webinar have been updated. See “Reading Decision Trees Output (May 2016)” in the “Decision Rules and Analysis Code” folder on the “Resources for Pilot Colleges” page.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project: Math & English Models from Phase II Multiple Measures Pilot College Convening - North Cañada College, October 2015

PowerPoint used in webinar providing examples from three pilot colleges on how they have approached multiple measures assessment. Search for “Multiple Measures Assessment Project.”

Putting it All Together: Finalizing Your Local Implementation Plan, May 2015

PowerPoint used in webinar providing information for pilot colleges on finalizing local implementation plans. Search for “MMAP: Completion of Local Implementation Plan.”

How to Use R: Decision Trees and Much More! April 2015

PowerPoint used in webinar demonstrating how to use the open source statistical software R to create decision trees. Watch the archived webinar, and search for “How to Use R: Decision Trees and Much More!”

Developing a Multiple Measures Research Plan, April 2015

PowerPoint used in webinar providing examples of research plan templates and timelines for planning implementation of multiple measures strategies. Search for “MMAP Webinar: Developing an MM Research Plan.”

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