Monday, March 3, 2025
The RP Group

Study on the effectiveness of the EOPS program in serving students with economic and/or social disadvantages.

College Spotlights feature ESL innovations taking place in California Community Colleges that support ESL student success. This includes an overview of key information relevant to other institutions that may be interested in implementing ESL course transferability practices.

College Spotlights feature ESL innovations taking place in California Community Colleges that support ESL student success. This includes an overview of key information relevant to other institutions that may be interested in implementing ESL course transferability practices.

College Spotlights feature ESL innovations taking place in California Community Colleges that support ESL student success. This includes an overview of key information relevant to other institutions that may be interested in implementing ESL course transferability practices.

College Spotlights feature ESL innovations taking place in California Community Colleges that support ESL student success. This includes an overview of key information relevant to other institutions that may be interested in implementing ESL course transferability practices.

College Spotlights feature ESL innovations taking place in California Community Colleges that support ESL student success. This includes an overview of key information relevant to other institutions that may be interested in implementing ESL course transferability practices.

This research is focused on understanding the role university educational deserts (UED) (areas with limited higher education options) have on transfer and the demographics of the students who live in these areas. This study will include a mapping of the California landscape where UEDs exist, followed by a robust quantitative analysis to explore the relationships between students’ distance to broad-access universities and their likelihood of transfer with special attention paid to the roles of race/ethnicity and income status.

List of Focus Group series involving students, staff, faculty, and/or administration, conducted by the RP Group to help colleges inform programs, equity plans, campus culture, and more.

Findings that assist in optimizing the accreditation process for true quality improvement.

Awards program recognizing seven California Community Colleges that demonstrated success with basic skills populations through strategies that support systemic improvement.

Set of tools in the area of Data Disaggregation across a variety of topics, including student equity and support, institutional effectiveness, and student learning.

Facilitation and dissemination of practitioner-informed recommendations for changes at the system and classroom levels, looking at the question of completion through the lens of course-taking behavior, based on a study by University of Michigan’s Peter Riley Bahr.

Project to support Just Equation’s Equity in Math Pathways work, a statewide quantitative analysis to better understand equitable access to and progress through STEM and non-STEM math pathways.

Professional development for community college “middle” leaders working to strengthen their students’ success and the effectiveness of their institution...

Evaluation of Long Beach City College’s Alternative Pathways to Engineering Education and Careers, a TAACCCT-funded project.

The RP Group provided planning and facilitation support for the college’s strategic and equity planning and visioning efforts. The areas of focus for this work included support to enact the following recommendation that resulted from a college-wide focus group effort between 2016-2017 where RP Group researchers facilitated 18 focus group sessions with students, faculty, and staff from specific groups who were involved with equity-related issues and efforts:

Cultivate an LAVC culture where students, staff, and faculty are more engaged, they all need to feel a connection to the campus. Further, establishing a clear college identity would define the LAVC community to which LAVC personnel and students can identify.

Assessment of the Metro model collaboratively designed and implemented by City College of San Francisco (CCSF) and San Francisco State University (SFSU) faculty to examine the question of how and if colleges could restructure pathways to transfer and completion in order to improve student outcomes and reduce costs.

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