Thursday, March 6, 2025
The RP Group


Research project designed to identify which factors have the greatest influence on transfer outcomes among high-leverage African-American learners in the CCC system. The project involves a mixed-methods approach to identify the “tipping points” for transfer-focused African-American students.

"College success dashboard” created to provide consistent, high-level information on community college student momentum points and outcomes for Aspen’s Prize finalist visit teams, as well as their Presidential Fellows.

Areas of Impact > Equity

Technical assistance to the college’s current research and evaluation efforts in the areas of Student Cohort Tracking, Academic Support Evaluation, and Student Success and Equity Planning and Research, in order to improve student outcomes.

Areas of Impact > Equity

Toolkit featuring a literature review, a framework of strategies, and an institutional self assessment designed to assist two- and four-year institutions in strengthening financial stability and closing attainment gaps for low-income students.

Facilitation of a series of student focus groups and sharing findings at a practitioner convening to understand the educational experiences of student populations identified in Cabrillo College’s equity efforts.

Timeline 2018 Evaluation of activities associated with Senate Bill (SB) 1391 (an interagency agreement to be created between the CCCCO and Califor...
Areas of Impact > Equity

Timeline 2020-2021

Joint study with the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) and EdInsights to understand why students who are eligible to receive a Cal Grant award choose not to take the award during their enrollment. The purpose of this study is to understand the reasons why students decline the funds and identify possible strategies for improving the Cal Grant usage rates among students to support their education.

Areas of Impact > Equity

Timeline 2017-2018 The RP Group will conduct a series of focus groups at Cuesta College designed to learn more about students’ experien...
Areas of Impact > Equity

Study on the effectiveness of the EOPS program in serving students with economic and/or social disadvantages.

College Spotlights feature ESL innovations taking place in California Community Colleges that support ESL student success. This includes an overview of key information relevant to other institutions that may be interested in implementing ESL course transferability practices.

College Spotlights feature ESL innovations taking place in California Community Colleges that support ESL student success. This includes an overview of key information relevant to other institutions that may be interested in implementing ESL course transferability practices.

College Spotlights feature ESL innovations taking place in California Community Colleges that support ESL student success. This includes an overview of key information relevant to other institutions that may be interested in implementing ESL course transferability practices.

College Spotlights feature ESL innovations taking place in California Community Colleges that support ESL student success. This includes an overview of key information relevant to other institutions that may be interested in implementing ESL course transferability practices.

College Spotlights feature ESL innovations taking place in California Community Colleges that support ESL student success. This includes an overview of key information relevant to other institutions that may be interested in implementing ESL course transferability practices.

This research is focused on understanding the role university educational deserts (UED) (areas with limited higher education options) have on transfer and the demographics of the students who live in these areas. This study will include a mapping of the California landscape where UEDs exist, followed by a robust quantitative analysis to explore the relationships between students’ distance to broad-access universities and their likelihood of transfer with special attention paid to the roles of race/ethnicity and income status.

List of Focus Group series involving students, staff, faculty, and/or administration, conducted by the RP Group to help colleges inform programs, equity plans, campus culture, and more.

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