Monday, March 3, 2025
The RP Group

IEPI Applied Solution Kit -- Data Disaggregation


Set of tools in the area of Data Disaggregation across a variety of topics, including student equity and support, institutional effectiveness, and student learning.

ASK Overview

Many California Community Colleges (CCC) are seeking guidance on how to implement new approaches designed to increase institutional effectiveness. To support these efforts, the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, the Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI), the RP Group, and a diverse array of strategic partners are teaming up to create the Applied Solution Kit (ASK). Current topic areas included in the ASK include Change Leadership, Data Disaggregation, Guided Pathways, Integrated Planning, and Strategic Enrollment Management. New ASK topic areas are anticipated and will be developed based on evolving challenges and opportunities facing CCC.

Data Disaggregation ASK Summary

At its most basic level, data disaggregation involves drilling down from summary or aggregate data (such as the entire population of students at a college) into smaller units of interest, creating subgroups by using attributes such as age, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic status, first-time status, full-time/part-time status, etc. In educational settings, this practice can help us uncover patterns of behavior within discrete subgroups of our student populations.

The Data Disaggregation (DD) Applied Solution Kit (ASK) topic area provides a set of tools and resources across a variety of topics, including student equity and support, institutional effectiveness, and student learning.

Each resource in the ASK will address an issue, problem, or objective that can be addressed via particular data disaggregation practices. The core of each set of resources will be a white paper that states the problem or issue of interest, explains its significance, presents a case study, and provides step-by-step directions on how to perform the particular data disaggregation practice. As with all ASK topic areas, DD ASK tools and resources continue to evolve and expand into fresh focus areas based on community input.

The RP Group's Work

The RP Group's role in the project has been to develop instructional materials and resources covering how to use existing California Community College Chancellor’s Office data tools and institutional data sources for disaggregation and analysis. As such, the work has involved refinement of existing resources, identification of promising practices, and development of new materials (white papers, instructional materials, conference presentations, webinars, and workshops) that CCC faculty and staff can utilize for professional development and advancement of institutional effectiveness and student success.


All ASK topic area resources are hosted on the Vision Resource Center. Go here to view the Data Disaggregation ASK topic area.

ASK Topic Area Leads

Craig Hayward, Bakersfield College


Andrew Kretz, The RP Group

Carolyn Holcroft, Foothill College

Giovanni Sosa, Chaffey College

Jared Lessard, Saddleback College

Funders and Partners

California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO)

Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI)

Chabot-Las Positas Community College District (CLPCCD)



  • Focus Populations:
  • Status: Complete
  • Contact: Brad Trimble, IEPI Project Director,

Areas of Impact


Related Projects

AB1417 Performance Framework for the California Community Colleges (ARCC)


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IEPI ASK: Data Disaggregation Topic Area
"Content in this topic area is organized into three sections: Data sources, techniques of data disaggregation, and applications."
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IEPI ASK: Data Disaggregation Topic Area

"Content in this topic area is organized into three sections: Data sources, techniques of data disaggregation, and applications."
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