Tuesday, October 22, 2024
The RP Group

2020 Resources

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Redesigning Community College Student Onboarding Through Guided Pathways, May 2020
Practitioner packet providing guidance to colleges seeking to redesign their new student onboarding practices to better help students explore, choose, and plan a program of study best suited to their interests and aspirations.
Using Data to Identify and/or Verify Meta-Majors, December 2020
Short guide providing practitioners with an illustration of how data can be used to support meta-major development and validation work as part of the college’s Guided Pathways efforts.
The Throughput Year Clock: Defining “one year” for AB 705, December 2020
Research brief exploring the differences in how the one-year timeframe has been defined for AB 705 throughput. It shares the timeframe adopted by the Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) research team of 365 days.
The Decay Function of the Predictive Validity of High School GPA, December 2020
Research brief exploring the predictive validity of using high school GPA for placement compared to assessment tests. High school GPA has a higher correlation with the grade in transfer-level English and math than assessment tests.
Statewide COVID Survey Results - Spring 2020 (December 2020)
Report provides a summary of the findings from two statewide surveys to California Community students and practitioners to learn about their experiences transitioning to a remote educational environment during spring 2020. The surveys included topics such as: experiences with remote environment, basic needs, well-being, and overall needs.
Using Data to In(re)form Equitable Placement, December 2020
Presentation for a conversation around equitable placement with IRPE professionals and highlights of qualitative and quantitative studies focused on AB 705.
Ready for a ‘real’ college experience, transfer students find their hopes dashed
November 9, 2020 | CalMatters |
RP Group Executive Director, Dr. Darla Cooper quoted, and team research cited, in article discussing challenges transfer students experience during the COVID-19 pandemic.
SSSC20 Keynote Speech, October 2, Q&A with Dr. Angélica Garcia, October 2020
Q&A following keynote speech delivered October 30 at SSSC20: Courageous & Caring Community Colleges: Advancing Equity and Racial Justice for Students
Beyond Math and English: Gatekeeper Courses by Program, and Ensuring Success for All, October 2020
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.
Entering the Second Year of AB 705: What’s Happening and Where Do We Go Next?
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.
Integrated Student Support in a Guided Pathways College, October 2020
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.
SSSC20 Keynote Speech, October 30, with Dr. Angélica Garcia, October 2020
Keynote speech delivered October 30 at SSSC20: Courageous & Caring Community Colleges: Advancing Equity and Racial Justice for Students
2019-2020 RP Group Annual Report
RP Group Annual Report synthesizing key internal and external areas of the organization.
A Qualitative Look at AB 705, October 2020
Slides sharing the results of interviews with 14 colleges statewide on their implementation of AB 705 at the Strengthening Student Success Conference.
Harnessing Neuroscience and Memory Research as a Foundation for Creating a Culturally Responsive Classroom, October 2020
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.
President's Panel: Leading through Change with Dr. Carole Goldsmith, Dr. Keith Curry, and Thuy Nguyen, J.D., October 2020
Panel discussion with three California community college leaders who talk about how they have navigated the changes due to COVID-19 delivered 10/23/2020 at SSSC 2020: Leading Through Change.
Transfer and Alignment with the California State Universities (CSU) and the University of California (UC), October 2020
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.
Using Affective, Non-Cognitive Strategies to Ensure Learning, October 2020
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.
We Need to Make Changes in Our Classrooms Now: Cuyamaca College's Equity-Minded Teaching and Learning Institute, October 2020
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.
Windows and Mirrors: Instructor-Led Planning to Close Opportunity Gaps Reflected in Disaggregated Instructor-Level Data., October 2020
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.
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The Decay Function of the Predictive Validity of High School GPA, December 2020

Research brief exploring the predictive validity of using high school GPA for placement compared to assessment tests. High school GPA has a higher correlation with the grade in transfer-level English and math than assessment tests.

Statewide COVID Survey Results - Spring 2020 (December 2020)

Report provides a summary of the findings from two statewide surveys to California Community students and practitioners to learn about their experiences transitioning to a remote educational environment during spring 2020. The surveys included topics such as: experiences with remote environment, basic needs, well-being, and overall needs.

2019-2020 RP Group Annual Report

RP Group Annual Report synthesizing key internal and external areas of the organization.

Maximizing English Language Learner's Completion of Transferable English Composition in Community College: A focus on US High School Graduates, September 2020

Report exploring ESL pathways that maximize throughput with a focus on US high school graduates.

LFM 2019 Evaluation Report, September 2020

Middle Leaders in College Redesign

AB 705 Implementation Survey Results, August 2020

Report providing the results of the AB 705 Implementation Survey administered in winter 2020 and includes all questions and responses.

Through the Gate Transfer Study: Phase 2 Technical Report, July 2020

Technical report providing additional detail on the Phase 2 research and includes an overview of the methodology, summary of the survey and interview findings, and list of advice from student interviewees.

Students Speak Their Truth about Transfer: What They Need to Get Through the Gate, May 2020

Report offering community colleges a new framework for building students’ transfer capacity that identifies four factors impacting their university readiness, student perspectives on each factor, and ways to take action now.

2019 IRPE Survey Report

Findings from a 2019 census survey of California Community College research, planning and effectiveness offices detailing staffing profiles, budget changes, activities and institutional membership considerations.

Female Veteran Experiences Survey: 2019-2020 Survey Results For CCCs, April 2020

Report presenting data from a survey administered to female veteran CCC students on mental health, well-being, civilian life, college-provided  support services, and more.

Female Veteran Experiences Survey 2019-2020, April 2020

Survey Results for California Community Colleges

Female Veteran Experiences Survey: 2019-2020 Survey Results For CCCs (April 2020)

Report presenting data from a survey administered to female veteran CCC students on mental health, well-being, civilian life, college-provided support services, and more.

Irvine Valley College’s Veterans Resource Center Operations and Spending Survey Results 2019-2020, March 2020

Report for administrators and funders focused on veterans affairs in the CCC system to gain a better understanding of VRCs, how they use funding in order to help tailor and improve supports needed by CCC veterans.

Irvine Valley College’s Veterans Resource Center Operations and Spending Survey Results 2019-2020, March 2020

Report is designed for the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office (CCCCO), administrators and funders focused on veterans affairs in the CCC system to gain a better understanding of how VRCs operate, how they used funding from the State Budget Act, where their strengths lie and what challenges persist. It is the hope that this information will be used to help stakeholders tailor the supports they offer where they are needed most to best suit the needs of veterans across California’s community colleges.

Testing in Place

January 16, 2020 | Language Magazine Improving Literacy and Communication |
RP Group cited in Language Magazine's article arguing for keeping ESL placement tools as community colleges implement changes to comply with AB 705.

AB 705 Research and Analysis Ideas for Collaboration between Researchers and Faculty, January 2020

Report providing data considerations including: comparison groups, student variables, instructor effects, and long-term outcomes when evaluating AB 705 implementation.
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The Throughput Year Clock: Defining “one year” for AB 705, December 2020

Research brief exploring the differences in how the one-year timeframe has been defined for AB 705 throughput. It shares the timeframe adopted by the Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) research team of 365 days.

Transfer Stories and Strategies: How Six Student Groups Experience the Transfer Journey, September 2020

Brief offering community college practitioners a snapshot of how six different focal groups experience transfer and strategies for supporting these student groups.

The Importance of Belonging and Acceptance to Black Student Success, February 2020

Research brief summarizing key themes and findings from quantitative and qualitative research designed to explore the impact of Umoja programs on students.
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Using Data to In(re)form Equitable Placement, December 2020

Presentation for a conversation around equitable placement with IRPE professionals and highlights of qualitative and quantitative studies focused on AB 705.

Beyond Math and English: Gatekeeper Courses by Program, and Ensuring Success for All, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Entering the Second Year of AB 705: What’s Happening and Where Do We Go Next?

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Integrated Student Support in a Guided Pathways College, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

SSSC20 Keynote Speech, October 30, with Dr. Angélica Garcia, October 2020

Keynote speech delivered October 30 at SSSC20: Courageous & Caring Community Colleges: Advancing Equity and Racial Justice for Students

A Qualitative Look at AB 705, October 2020

Slides sharing the results of interviews with 14 colleges statewide on their implementation of AB 705 at the Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Harnessing Neuroscience and Memory Research as a Foundation for Creating a Culturally Responsive Classroom, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

President's Panel: Leading through Change with Dr. Carole Goldsmith, Dr. Keith Curry, and Thuy Nguyen, J.D., October 2020

Panel discussion with three California community college leaders who talk about how they have navigated the changes due to COVID-19 delivered 10/23/2020 at SSSC 2020: Leading Through Change.

Transfer and Alignment with the California State Universities (CSU) and the University of California (UC), October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Using Affective, Non-Cognitive Strategies to Ensure Learning, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

We Need to Make Changes in Our Classrooms Now: Cuyamaca College's Equity-Minded Teaching and Learning Institute, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Windows and Mirrors: Instructor-Led Planning to Close Opportunity Gaps Reflected in Disaggregated Instructor-Level Data., October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Through the Gate Transfer Stories, October 2020

A series of short videos sharing CCC students' transfer experiences and a short overview of the four factors building students' transfer capacity from the RP Group's Through the Gate transfer study.

AB 705 and Successful, Equitable Outcomes through Embedded Support: The PAL Program at Chaffey College, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Building Communities and Supporting Faculty in Times of Change, Post AB 705, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Caring, Commitment, and Community through COVID-19, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Clarifying the Path to Completion and Transfer: Why and How Program Mapping Drives Progress and Completion, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Leading Change in Changing Times: Challenges and Success of Middle Leaders, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Lessons Learned Post-AB 705: Assessing the Impact and Outcomes of Implementation using a Mixed-Methods Research Model, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Online Dual Enrollment Courses: A Collaborative Model for Expanding College Credit Opportunities for High School Students, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

The Role of Faculty Success in Closing Equity Gaps, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

AB 705 Outcomes: It Takes a Campus to Produce Equitable Student Success in Transfer-Level Mathematics at Citrus College, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

An Unconventional Approach to Address Inequity: Listening, Asking, Observing and Listening Some More, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Collaborative Learning Structures and Socio-Emotional Interventions in a New Virtual Mathematics Learning Experience, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

College-Focused Rehousing and Beyond: How Cerritos College has Created Housing and a Basic Needs Office for Homeless Students, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Ground Your College Redesign in the Student Experience Using Student Support (Re)defined - In Times of Crisis and Beyond, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Guided Pathways and Learning Communities: How Hearing Student Voice Changed the Way We Work, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

It Takes a Village for ESL Student Success!, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Overcoming Barriers to College Completion: Perspectives from Predominantly Latinx Inland Empire/Desert Transfer-Achieving Students, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Problem Solving: Moving Dual Enrollment Online, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Students Speak Their Truth about Transfer: What California Community College Students Say They Need to Get Through the Gate, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Executing AB 705: Does Work for All?, October 2020

Slides at the 2020 Strengthening Student Success conference sharing the results from the statewide analysis of transfer-level English and math courses between fall 2015 and fall 2019.

Faculty Diversification: Why the Time is Now, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Seize the Power of Data to Align K14 Pathways to Living -Wage Jobs, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Skittlz for Peer Educators: Online Student Engagement and Learning, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

SSSC20 Keynote Speech, October 2, with Dr. Russell Lowery-Hart, October 2020

Keynote speech delivered October 2 at SSSC20: No Excuses: Transforming Student Success through a Culture of Caring

Student Support (Re)defined Meets Guided Pathways: Redesigning Student Onboarding in Light of COVID-19

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Student Supports: Innovation and Action for Virtual Support, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Transforming Program Review: Getting to Equity via Guided Pathways Webinar, October 2020

Powerpoint used in webinar on beginning conversations with colleges around how and why program review data can be and should be reimagined to become more program- and student-centric (vs. the traditional focus on departments or org chart units).

Where the Six Success Factors and Affective Strategies Meet to Support Online Learning, August 2020

Webinar providing new ways to engage and support students in an online environment through affective non-cognitive approaches guided by our Six Factors. Accompanying webinar presentation materials.

MMAP: Supporting DSPS Students in Transfer-Level English and Math, May 2020

Slides used in webinar sharing results from a statewide analysis of transfer-level English and Math for DSPS students by various disability types and how De Anza and Coastline colleges are supporting DSPS students in transfer-level courses which are now online.

Corequisite Supports for Math and English, April 2020

Slides used in webinar by Pasadena City College, Porterville College, and Allan Hancock College showcasing their corequisite supports and outcomes for transfer-level English, Statistics and B-STEM math courses and how they are transitioning online.

Evaluating AB 705, April 2020

Slides used in webinar addressing the requirements of title 5, AB 705, and AB 1805, how to evaluate pre-transfer level curriculum and placement models that deviate from the default placement rules. It also addressed ideas on how to deal with online spring 2020.

MMAP: AB 705 and ESL, April 2020

Slides used in webinar sharing the ESL structures at Irvine Valley College and Laney College and the Guided Self-Placement Models for ESL students at Laney and Cerritos Colleges.

Landscape of ESL in California Community Colleges, March 2020

Slides sharing the landscape of ESL in California Community Colleges at 2020 CAP Conference in collaboration with the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC).

Early Outcomes of Transfer Level Placement in English and Math, March 2020

PowerPoint sharing early outcomes of AB 705 in the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) at 2020 CAP Conference.

MMAP Analysis for AB 705 ESL Subcommittee: Overview and Summary, January 2020

Slides summarizing multiple presentations to the ESL Subcommittee throughout 2019 combined into one including presentation.
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Using Data to Identify and/or Verify Meta-Majors, December 2020

Short guide providing practitioners with an illustration of how data can be used to support meta-major development and validation work as part of the college’s Guided Pathways efforts.

Infographic Template for Equitable Placement - Transfer-Level English, October 2020

Template that allows colleges to plug in their data and display their transfer-level English outcomes in a two-page visual document.

Infographic Template for Equitable Placement - Transfer-Level Math, October 2020

Template that allows colleges to plug in their data and display their transfer-level math outcomes in a two-page visual document.

Amarillo College Secret Shopper Guide, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20

Considerations for AB 1805 Implementation, August 2020

Guide providing colleges with ideas for how to implement AB 1805 including a communications checklist and example websites.

Considerations for Spring 2020 When Evaluating AB 705 – User Guide August 2020

Guide providing colleges with ideas for how to evaluate AB 705 implementation given the move to distance education starting in spring 2020.

Using Student Support (Re)defined's Success Factors to Ensure Student Learning (Guided Pathways Pillar Four), June 2020

Guide highlighting examples of affective, non-cognitive practices and strategies that instructors can incorporate into their classes to help their students experience the six success factors identified in Student Support (Re)defined.

Grounding Onboarding in the Student Experience

Guide for examining and redesigning how students experience onboarding based on the Support (Re)defined Six Success Factors framework.

Grounding College Redesign in the Student Experience: A Student-Centered Guide for Institutions (UPDATED February 2020)

Guide for examining how students experience your college based on the Student Support (Re)defined success factors and identifying redesign priorities at the programmatic, division, and/or institutional levels.
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Redesigning Community College Student Onboarding Through Guided Pathways, May 2020

Practitioner packet providing guidance to colleges seeking to redesign their new student onboarding practices to better help students explore, choose, and plan a program of study best suited to their interests and aspirations.

Think and Act Like a Middle Leader: Logic Model Template, 11x17, September 2020

Tool from Think and Act Like a Middle Leader: Tools and Strategies for Leading Change.

Think and Act Like a Middle Leader: Iceberg Template, 11x17, September 2020

Tool from Think and Act Like a Middle Leader: Tools and Strategies for Leading Change.

Think and Act Like a Middle Leader: Tools and Strategies for Leading Change, September 2020

Collection of graphic tools drawn from the LFM curriculum in support of planning, communication, and progress assessment of change initiatives designed to provide students with more effective and more equitable educational experiences.

Current Version of DI Calculator (updated with PPG-1 methodology)

RP Group DI tool democratizes access to the DI methods employed by the CO.

Student Experience Crosswalk: Where Student Support (Re)defined and Guided Pathways Meet, June 2020

Crosswalk that demonstrates how implementing the Guided Pathways pillars can help a college realize the Six Success Factors; provides concrete examples of these intersections on campus and their potential impact on the student experience.

10 Ways Tutors Can Support Student Success, May 2020

Handout summarizing top 10 actions tutors can take to support student success.

Tutor Coordinator Context for 10 Ways Tutors Can Support Student Success, May 2020

Companion resource to 10 Ways Tutors Can Support Student Success recognizing the central role of tutor coordinators in developing tutor training and tutoring programs.
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SSSC20 Keynote Speech, October 2, Q&A with Dr. Angélica Garcia, October 2020

Q&A following keynote speech delivered October 30 at SSSC20: Courageous & Caring Community Colleges: Advancing Equity and Racial Justice for Students

SSSC20 Keynote Speech, October 2, Q&A with Dr. Russell Lowery-Hart, October 2020

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20

LFM 2019 Evaluation Report - Executive Summary, September 2020

Middle Leaders in College Redesign - Executive Summary

2019: Reading 149 Proposals...

Perspective by Dr. Rose Asera reflecting on the "impressionistic map" of our CCCs based on SSSC19's 149 proposals submitted.
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2020 SSSC Program: Caring, Commitment, Community

Presented by the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges (RP Group) in collaboration with California Community Colleges’ Success Network (3CSN), Career Ladders Project (CLP), and LearningWorks.

2020 SSSC Program At-a-glance: Caring, Commitment, Community

Presented by the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges (RP Group) in collaboration with California Community Colleges’ Success Network (3CSN), Career Ladders Project (CLP), and LearningWorks.

Transforming Program Review Webinar Chat, October 2020

Chat history from Transforming Program Review: Getting to Equity via Guided Pathways Webinar.

Transforming Program Review Webinar Audio Transcript, October 2020

Audio transcript of Transforming Program Review: Getting to Equity via Guided Pathways Webinar.

Announcing 2020 RP Group Project of the Year Award Winners

September 22, 2020 | Press release |
Press release announcing the 2020 RP Group Project of the Year Award recipients, De Anza College and Coastline College.

2020 RP Group Institutional Effectiveness Project of the Year Award

Recipient: Coastline College: Aeron Zentner, Dean, Institutional Research, Planning, Effectiveness, and Grant Development
Title: Strengthening your Data Literacy Infrastructure
Description: Coastline Community College in Fountain Valley, California developed an open-access, 4-week instructor-led data coach training course shell in Canvas Commons. California community college professionals can also access a self-paced 3-week version of the course on the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Vision Resource Center. The course provides colleges the opportunity to train their own data coaches by teaching the fundamentals of data analytics, data collection, data analysis, data presentation, and facilitating conversations using data. Tools and activities included in the course can be adopted and adapted to help institutional researchers expand their efforts to strengthen data awareness, access, application, and confidence to utilize information to build and support planning, innovation, and change.

2020 RP Group Research and Evaluation Project of the Year Award

Recipient: De Anza College: Mallory Newell, Supervisor, Institutional Research and Planning; Jerry Rosenberg, Division Dean of Physical Sciences, Mathematics, and Engineering; and Ola Sabawi, Research Analyst
Project Title: Be Mindful of the Gap: Are Success Rate Gaps a Result of Student or Faculty Success?
Description: California Assembly Bill 705 provided De Anza College in Cupertino, California with an opportunity to mindfully scrutinize course success rates in order to maximize the probability that students entering university transfer-level coursework in English and math complete their coursework within one year. The College began to look at variability at the section level of the same course to begin to unpack how student, course, and instructor variables affect success rates. This new lens enabled the college to look deeper into student success rates and initiate conversations about faculty success as a factor in student success. Facilitating conversations about instructor-level success rates requires the college to collaborate with faculty to build an environment where faculty feel safe and supported and to help the college best understand the myriad of factors affecting course success rates.
This video describes some of the important elements and structure required to establish a shared vision for advancing student success and meeting state mandates associated with AB 705.

Data, Meet Culture: Announcing "Data, Meet Culture," our New Blog Platform

The RP Group is proud to announce the launch of Data, Meet Culture, a new blogging platform created to underscore and elevate what is woven throughout our organization, including our vision statement — that both culture and evidence are paramount to our purpose of helping students succeed.

Data, Meet Culture: Inevitable Truths About Race: Observations from a Mother and IRPE Practitioner

In our inaugural blog post, guest author, mother, and IRPE dean encourages researchers to examine not just equity gaps in the outcomes but in the experiences of African American students and students of color. She also provides thoughts on the role of IRPE in racial justice in education at the community college level.

Students "Perform" Focus Group Findings in Convocation Performance

2020 | Grossmont College |
Video of Grossmont College Forensic Poetry Team giving powerful poetry performance of focus group questions and findings to faculty and staff at past convocation. Facilitation, findings, and recommendations were led by the RP Group and Grossmont College to help increase equity, support, and institutional effectiveness.

10 Ways Everyone Can Support Student Success, 2014

Handout summarizing top 10 actions students participating in Student Support (Re)defined say anyone on campus can take to support their success.

10 Ways Faculty Can Support Students' Success

Handout summarizing top 10 actions students participating in Student Support (Re)defined say faculty can take to support their success.

Cuyamaca College Student Technology Access and Support Survey

Cuyamaca student technology survey about remote access needs and support during COVID crisis.

Quick Zoom Tips: Privacy and Security

Infographic tool supporting secure/safe online Zoom interactions for Coastline College faculty, staff, and students.

The RP Group’s MMAP Team Earns Award for Student Success and Equity

March 30, 2020 | Press release |
MMAP team earns the Golden State Honey Badger Award by California Acceleration Project for "a ferocious commitment to student success and equity.”

Santa Monica Food Insecurity Survey COVID Crisis, March 2020

Santa Monica food insecurity survey with intention to use the data to identify students who are critically affected and require immediate support and to provide free meals and meal pick up centers. Email Hannah Lawler at LAWLER_HANNAH@smc.edu with questions or information requests

Santa Monica Employee Technology/Remote Work Survey COVID Crisis, March 2020

Employee technology/remote work survey by Santa Monica College sent to area managers/department chairs who used the data to identify remote working technology needs. Email Hannah Lawler LAWLER_HANNAH@smc.edu with questions or information requests.

Santa Monica Student Technology/Remote Learning Survey COVID Crisis, March 2020

Student technology/remote learning survey and results by Santa Monica College administered before the college’s decision to move to remote teaching and learning/services and before LA County was under “Safer at Home” order. Email Hannah Lawler at LAWLER_HANNAH@smc.edu with questions or information requests.

North Orange County Student Survey COVID Crisis March 2020

Student survey collectively developed in North Orange County (a collaboration between Fullerton, Cypress, and North Orange Continuing Education) to gauge students during COVID crisis. Email Joseph Ramirez at JRamirez@fullcoll.edu with questions or information requests.

Bakersfield Student Online Experience Survey COVID Crisis, March 2020

Bakersfield survey about students’ online experience administered during COVID crisis.

Cuyamaca College Physics Engineering Student Needs Survey COVID Crisis, March 2020

Cuyamaca student needs survey for physics and engineering students during COVID crisis. Email Katie Cabral at Katie.Cabral@gcccd.edu with questions or information requests.

Cuyamaca College Classified Staff Remote Work Needs Survey COVID Crisis, March 2020

Cuyamaca classified staff survey about remote working needs during COVID crisis. Email Katie Cabral at Katie.Cabral@gcccd.edu with questions or information requests.

Cabrillo College Student Technology Access Survey (Results) COVID Crisis, March 2020

Cabrillo student survey (and results) about access to internet, computers, and software during COVID crisis. Email Terrence Willett at tewillet@cabrillo.edu with questions or information requests.
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Ready for a ‘real’ college experience, transfer students find their hopes dashed

November 9, 2020 | CalMatters |
RP Group Executive Director, Dr. Darla Cooper quoted, and team research cited, in article discussing challenges transfer students experience during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Institutional Research and Remediation Reform: A Contextualized Exploration of Interactions Among New Metrics, Innovative Curricula, and Policy Changes, Fall 2020

Scholarly article published in the Journal of Applied Research in the Community College. Article provides a history of remedial reform in California and discusses metrics aligned with policy changes associated with AB 705 implementation.

California Students Face Hurdles to Transfer Success

June 1, 2020 | Campus Technology |
RP Group’s Through the Gate Transfer Study research discussed in article about the role California colleges and universities play in helping community college students transfer to four-year programs.

Why So Few Students Transfer from Community Colleges to Four-Year Universities

June 1, 2020 | The Hechinger Report |
Article shares findings from transfer studies including RP Group’s "Students Speak Their Truth About Transfer: What They Need to Get Through the Gate."

The Latest News on Student Transfer

July 1, 2020 | Interstate Passport |
Article discussing why many community college students do not transfer to four-year institutions cites RP Group’s “Students Speak Their Truth About Transfer: What They Need to Get Through the Gate” report.

Student Voice: ‘I Never Imagined that I’d Attend a Four-Year College, Especially Not While Raising and Supporting a Son’

June 1, 2020 | The Hechinger Report |
Student essay from a single mother who recounts her journey from Crafton Hills College to UCLA noting that the four factors in the RP Group’s May 2020 transfer study report related to her journey.

Getting Students Through the Gate: New Study Focuses on How Higher Education Can Increase Transfer Success

May 21, 2020 | College Futures Foundation |
College Futures Foundations’ article discusses findings from RP Group’s co-authored report, Students Speak Their Truth About Transfer: What They Need to Get Through the Gate.

Study Finds the Four Factors of Students’ Transfer Capacity

May 20, 2020 | The Renegade Rip |
Article discusses RP Group’s transfer study student perspectives report and transfer webinar, sharing quotes from the RP Group team and student panelists.

Veteran Students at Vanguard University Oppose School’s Decision to Replace Veterans Center

February 28, 2020 | LA Times | Daily Pilot |
Article emphasizes that veteran centers at colleges provide veteran students with help they need while navigating college life and cites research conducted by the RP Group.

The Role of Non-cognitive Variables in Identifying Community College Students in Need of Targeted Supports, February 2020

A scholarly article highlighting the trivial practical utility of non-cognitive variables as a placement measure.
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RP Impact & Insights

Issue 3 | August 2020 |
RP Impact & Insights is a semi-annual publication featuring insights on Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness, community colleges, student success, and the current higher education landscape.

RP Impact & Insights

Issue 2 | February 2020 |
RP Impact & Insights is a semi-annual publication featuring insights on Institutional Research, Planning, and Effectiveness, community colleges, student success, and the current higher education landscape.
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Transforming Program Review: Getting to Equity via Guided Pathways, October 2020 (Recording)

Webinar focused on beginning the conversations with colleges around how and why program review data can be and should be reimagined to become more program- and student-centric (vs. the traditional focus on departments or org chart units).

Transforming Program Review: Getting to Equity via Guided Pathways Webinar, October 2020

Webinar focused on beginning the conversations with colleges around how and why program review data can be and should be reimagined to become more program- and student-centric (vs. the traditional focus on departments or org chart units).

Predictive Modeling to Improve Student Outcomes, October 2020

Webinar by the Orange Coast College highlighting lessons learned and outcomes associated with a 3-phase predictive analytics project to improve enrollment.

CCC Data Warehouse Utilities for Researchers, September 2020

Webinar by the CCC Technology Center of CCC Data, a part of the Data Services Program initiative from the CCCCO covering CCC data platforms, data resources and report options, and ways to connect with the Data Warehouse.

Focus on Equity: Scaling DI Calculations for Rapid Dashboard Development, September 2020

Webinar showing the 'DisImpact' package in R that helps scale DI calculations across many different levels of disaggregation, outcomes, cohorts, and scenarios, with just a few lines of R code.

Where the Six Success Factors and Affective Strategies Meet to Support Online Learning, August 2020

Webinar providing new ways to engage and support students in an online environment through affective non-cognitive approaches, strategies, and practices guided by our Six Success Factors.

Dr. Cooper Presents in ACTLA's Digital Dialogues on Student Support (Re)defined, May 2020

Webinar in part of the Digital Dialogue Series with Dr. Cooper speaking on the important role tutoring and learning assistance has on building virtual partnerships with students and communities online.

Focus on Equity: Identifying Disproportionate Impact Using Excel, June 2020

Webinar featuring an excel tool to identify disproportionate impact and a demonstration of the tool for examining various student outcomes data.

Focus on Equity: Identifying Disproportionate Impact Using Excel, June 2020

Webinar featuring an excel tool to identify disproportionate impact and a demonstration of the tool for examining various student outcomes data.

Students Speak Their Truth about Transfer, May 2020

Webinar featuring students, a transfer director, and their respective experiences around transfer as they relate to transfer study findings. Plus, get a useful overview of Starfish and Canvas shell to help students close to the transfer gate.

MMAP: Supporting DSPS Students in Transfer-Level English and Math, May 2020

Webinar sharing results from a statewide analysis of transfer-level English and Math for DSPS students by various disability types and how De Anza and Coastline colleges are supporting DSPS students in transfer level courses which are now online.

Students Speak Their Truth Webinar (May 2020) Chat Q&A Summary

Summary of questions and answers posed in the chat thread during the Students Speak Their Truth Webinar held in May 2020.

Corequisite Supports for Math and English, April 2020

Webinar by Pasadena City College, Porterville College, and Allan Hancock College showcasing their corequisite supports and outcomes for transfer-level English, Statistics and B-STEM math courses and how they are transitioning online.

PIER to PIER: All About Canvas, April 2020

Watch and listen to this speaker/host-only version of an April PIER to PIER meeting discussing and demonstrating data uses and implications around Canvas.

Evaluating AB 705, April 2020

Webinar addressing the requirements of title 5, AB 705, and AB 1805, how to evaluate pre-transfer level curriculum and placement models that deviate from the default placement rules. It also addressed ideas on how to deal with online spring 2020.

AB 705 and ESL, April 2020

Webinar sharing the ESL structures at Irvine Valley College and Laney College and the Guided Self-Placement Models for ESL students at Laney and Cerritos Colleges.

IRPE Community and Member Engagement Meeting, April 2020

Watch and listen to the 2020 April 16th recorded webinar.

Show me the numbers. How are colleges collecting and using data on LGBTQ+ students?, January 2020

Watch and listen to the 2020 January 31st recorded webinar.

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