Wednesday, October 23, 2024
The RP Group

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Institutional Research and Remediation Reform: A Contextualized Exploration of Interactions Among New Metrics, Innovative Curricula, and Policy Changes, Fall 2020
Scholarly article published in the Journal of Applied Research in the Community College. Article provides a history of remedial reform in California and discusses metrics aligned with policy changes associated with AB 705 implementation.
Quick Zoom Tips: Privacy and Security
Infographic tool supporting secure/safe online Zoom interactions for Coastline College faculty, staff, and students.
Santa Monica Student Technology/Remote Learning Survey COVID Crisis, March 2020
Student technology/remote learning survey and results by Santa Monica College administered before the college’s decision to move to remote teaching and learning/services and before LA County was under “Safer at Home” order. Email Hannah Lawler at with questions or information requests.
North Orange County Student Survey COVID Crisis March 2020
Student survey collectively developed in North Orange County (a collaboration between Fullerton, Cypress, and North Orange Continuing Education) to gauge students during COVID crisis. Email Joseph Ramirez at with questions or information requests.
ESL Pathways: Mapping the Whole Student, November 2019
Slides sharing how to map ESL students at 2019 California Institutional Research Conference.
As California Law Looks to End Remedial Education, New Studies Show State’s Community Colleges Showing Uneven Progress in Adopting Math & English Reforms
October 9, 2019 | The 74 Million |
RP Group’s early findings report included in The 74 Million article reporting that although more African-American and Latino students are passing transfer-level classes, more work is needed.
The Power of Middle Leaders in California Community Colleges: Why Now is the Time to Foster Middle Leadership, April 2019
Call to action describing the importance of supporting middle leaders in California Community Colleges as they act to make colleges more effective and equitable.
Excellence through Equity: Equity a Driver for Institutional Effectiveness across the College
Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.
Braving the Storm: Building a Culture of Evidence and Authentic Improvement in a Era of Initiative Overload
Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.
Equity-Driven, High Achievement Outcomes-Based Assessment - Outcome-Based Program Review
Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.
Give the People What They Need: How Data Tools Help Inform Strategic Scheduling and Budgeting Decisions
Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.
How do Institutions Know What Works and What Doesn't?
Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.
Info Book: Shaping MIS Data into Information
Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.
The Art of Data Storytelling with Power BI
Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.
The Cosumnes River College HawkTrack Dashboard: Developing and Implementing a Student Success Dashboard with R Shiny
Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.
Developing a Set of Data Dashboards to Respond to Emerging Institutional Planning Needs
Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.
Mt Sac Program Review, Ninjas, and Data Dashboards: Leveraging Nuventive and Power BI
Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.
Navigating the Seas of Change: A 20-Year Perspective on the Research and Planning Seascape
Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.
Pink Sky at Night, Sailors Delight: A Variety of Visual Tools to Help Your College Navigate the Seas of Change
Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.
When Metrics Allide with Equity: Sunstones, Astrolabes, and Dead Reckoning, April 2019
Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.
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The Power of Middle Leaders in California Community Colleges: Why Now is the Time to Foster Middle Leadership, April 2019

Call to action describing the importance of supporting middle leaders in California Community Colleges as they act to make colleges more effective and equitable.

CCCCO: Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative Legislative Report

Report on the California Community Colleges’ Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI).

LFM 2017 Evaluation Report

Reflections from the Leading from the Middle Academy 2017

Factors Enabling and Constraining Implementation of Guided Pathways

Report intended to help inform California Community College leadership about the implementation experiences of guided pathways in other states via interviews and other sources.

LFM 2016 Evaluation Report

What Do We Mean When We Talk about Middle Leadership? Insights from an Evaluation of the 2016 Leading from the Middle Academy.

Degrees of Freedom Report 1

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Degrees of Freedom Report 2

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Degrees of Freedom Report 3

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Step Up & Lead for Equity, April 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at IRPE Summer Institute.

Student Education Status

California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Student Citizenship Status Summary Report.

Relationship of the Fall 2012 and Fall 2013 Left Lane Cohorts to Student Success, October 2014

Report examines the relationship of the Fall 2012 and Fall 2013 Left Lane cohorts to enrollments, student success, and fall to spring retention.

Curricular Redesign and Gatekeeper Completion: A Multi-College Evaluation of the California Acceleration Project, April 2014

California Acceleration Project evaluation summary.

Curricular Redesign and Gatekeeper Completion: A Multi-College Evaluation of the California Acceleration Project, April 2014

California Acceleration Project evaluation report.

Using Student Voices to Redefine Success: What Community College Students Say Institutions, Instructors and Others Can Do to Help Them Succeed, January 2013

Report discussing what students say institutions, instructors, and others can do to help them succeed.

Mathematics from High School to Community College: Preparation, Articulation, and College Un-readiness - Full, January 2013

Full dissertation of Mathematics from High School to Community College: Preparation, Articulation, and College Un-readiness.

Mathematics from High School to Community College: Preparation, Articulation, and College Un-readiness, January 2013

Executive summary of research findings.

Accreditation Team – Evaluation Report, February 2014

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Co-Create the Future of Student Success Tech Tools

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

CLP IP Brief

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Placed for Success Brief CLP

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Metro Academies Cost Study

Research brief summarizing analysis that shows Metro Academies lower an institution’s cost per graduate.
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ESL Pathways: Mapping the Whole Student, November 2019

Slides sharing how to map ESL students at 2019 California Institutional Research Conference.

Excellence through Equity: Equity a Driver for Institutional Effectiveness across the College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Braving the Storm: Building a Culture of Evidence and Authentic Improvement in a Era of Initiative Overload

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Give the People What They Need: How Data Tools Help Inform Strategic Scheduling and Budgeting Decisions

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

How do Institutions Know What Works and What Doesn't?

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Info Book: Shaping MIS Data into Information

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

The Art of Data Storytelling with Power BI

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

The Cosumnes River College HawkTrack Dashboard: Developing and Implementing a Student Success Dashboard with R Shiny

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Developing a Set of Data Dashboards to Respond to Emerging Institutional Planning Needs

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Mt Sac Program Review, Ninjas, and Data Dashboards: Leveraging Nuventive and Power BI

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Navigating the Seas of Change: A 20-Year Perspective on the Research and Planning Seascape

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Pink Sky at Night, Sailors Delight: A Variety of Visual Tools to Help Your College Navigate the Seas of Change

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

When Metrics Allide with Equity: Sunstones, Astrolabes, and Dead Reckoning, April 2019

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

CATESOL 2018 Annual Conference: Research Update on ESL and AB 705 from the RP Group, December 2018

CATESOL packet sharing Cypress College ESL Courses to Fulfill Requirements for GE C2, CSU GE Breadth C2, and IGETC 3B at 2018 CATESOL Conference.

Evaluating Innovative Curriculum Under AB 705, October 2018

Slides used in webinar providing a method for proposing and evaluating corequisite and two-semester developmental innovations. The process and methods covered will provide clarity regarding how colleges are coming into compliance with AB 705 and AB 805.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project Post-AB 705: Supporting Colleges Into and Through the Transition for ESL, April 2018

Slides addressing how to support colleges into and through the transition for ESL post AB 705 at 2018 RP Conference.

2016 CCC Chancellor Office Update

The TRIS Division will provide an overview of initiatives administered in 2015, including the next phases of existing projects and the implementation of new programs in the coming year. The update will include information on technology and other initiatives that will impact institutional researchers. We will also introduce Debra Connick, the new TRIS Division Vice Chancellor.

Equity as an Organizational Framework: A Student Centered Approach For Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Ecosystem for Success: Student and Faculty Support through Canvas and the Online Education Initiative

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Faculty Leadership: Ensuring Academic Quality During Institutional Change

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

IEPI: Helping to Take Your Institution to the Next Level

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Inclusive Inquiry and Collaborative Design: How to Set the Stage for Creating Guided Pathways

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

1st Annual Inland Empire Supplemental Instruction Conference: A Model of Collaboration among Colleges and Universities

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

An Inclusive Front Door: Strategies for Ensuring Smooth Transitions and Early Success in Community College for All Californians

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Cal-PASS Student Athlete Academic Dashboard: Improving Academic Outcomes

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

College Promise: The First Step in Providing Intentional Pathways to New Students

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Commissioning Partnerships & Pathways for Equitable Student Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Connecting the Dots: The Journey from San Mateo Adult School to College of San Mateo

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Course Embedded Tutoring: Training and Support

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Creating a Civic-Minded Campus Culture

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Creating Equity and Supporting Success through the Brain Food Project with Ease

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Culturing a Change - From Appreciative Inquiry to Mindful Growth

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Doubling Student Completion through Placement, Pathways, and Pedagogy in Mathematics

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Effects of Academic Support in Students' Success, Persistence, and Levels of Engagement Toward Program Completion

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Exploring and Expanding Alternative High School and Community College Partnerships

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Extending the Classroom: Intensive Academic Support for Accelerated Basic Skills Pathways

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Faculty as Change Agents: Growing Faculty Leaders for Campus Transformation

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Faculty Teaching and Learning Academy at Foothill College: Reflecting on the First Year

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Focusing on Social Justice Issues to Create Relevant and Meaningful Lessons: Curricular Innovation in Math Pathways

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

From Boutique to Integration: the Evolution of Independent Cohorts into an Integrated Program

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Leading and Adapting through Change Initiatives: Insights from Three Aspen Presidential Fellows

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Making Math Count: Building Accelerated Math Pathways and Early Findings on Their Impact on Students' Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Mana Program "We are Ocean:" Connecting the Pacific Islanders to Higher Education

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Implementing the Six Factors of Student Success Via Faculty: Student Success Advocates at East Los Angeles College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Increasing Completion at Rural Colleges through Collaboration

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Institutional Transformation Showing Up Differently

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Integrating Plans into Your College Fiber by Telling Your Data Story

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Intersegmental Partnership: University of California and the Umoja Community, October 2017

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Learning from the Inside Out: How Non-Cognitive Pedagogy Supports Belonging and Why it Matters

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Making Data Analytics Accessible: New Tool Explodes on the Scene at Gavilan College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

CCC Chancellor's Office Integrated Planning

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Cluster Analysis on Student Transcripts

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Connecting the Dots

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Cost Effectiveness Study

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Creating Clear Pathways

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Disaggregating SLO Assessment - City College of San Francisco

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Disjunctive Placement - College of the Canyons

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Equity Based Instruction – Pasadena City College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Excellence and Distinction

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Harbors Assessment Based Planning

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

From the Ground Up: A Grassroots Effort to Institutionalize Culture Change and Develop Success Initiatives Via Broad Based Inquiry Groups

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Future of IR: Association for Institutional Research

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Go Ahead Be Prepared

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Great Speech! Now What?: Engaging Faculty In Equitable Education Pedagogy

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Habits of the Mind Leadership Institute - Gavilan

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Habits of the Mind Leadership Institute - Merced

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Habits of the Mind Leadership Institute - West LA College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Integrated Planning Model: Participate, Collaborate, Innovate

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Making First-Year Success Everyone’s Business

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Making Institutional Goal-Setting Meaningful

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Making Peace with Data

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Math in the Activity Based Classroom

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Math Jam Your Students to Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Men of Color in Community Colleges: A Landscape Analysis

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Multiple Measures for ESL and International Students

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Next Generation Competency Based  Education CBE : Designing CBE for Underprepared College Learners

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Non-cognitive Measures: Do They Have Utility for Placement?

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Painting the Landscape of Dual Enrollment in California: The California Special Admission

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Planning and Implementing the Skyline College Promise: A College Leadership Perspective

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Planting Seeds for a Culture of Equity with a New Faculty Professional Learning Institute

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Preparing the College for Students...Not Just Preparing Students for College: An Organizational Strategy for Implementing Guided Pathways

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Research on a Budget

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Restructuring the Math Pipeline for Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Showcase of Growth Mindset and Habits of Mind Practices and Programs

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

STEMovation: A Path to Transforming STEM Education

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Strategic Enrollment Management? (SEM) Applied Solution Kit

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Strategic Planning Ground Up

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Strengthening Innovation through Partnerships

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Student Equity and Success: Part and Full time Faculty Engagement in Faculty Learning Communities (FLC)

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Student Food Pantry: How to Get Started

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Student Success Framework for Long-Term Planning

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Supporting Students' Acquisition of Non-Cognitive and Metacognitive Success Behaviors in and out of the Classroom

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Sustaining Successful Initiatives: Building Networks for Student Success through Faculty Led, Faculty Governed Initiatives

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Tableau Fresno City College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

The Co-Requisite Comes to California

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Time to Scale: Advice for Growing Your Innovative Program from a College that Has Been There, Done That

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Time, Textbooks, and Technology: A Library Student Equity Partnership

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Using BRIC's to Build a Path

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Using CCSSE Results

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Using CCSSE Results to Assess Institutional Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 RP Conference.

Umoja: Giving Back the Problem, October 2016

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Equity - Driven Guided Learning Pathways for Student Success

RP Conference presentation (2016) on session on key elements of how to design equity-driven guided learning pathways that embed high-impact practices and defined learning outcomes with equity goals to promote student engagement and success.

Six Stages of Growth for the IR Professional, April 2016

RP Conference presentation (2016) on the Institutional Research (IR) profession has a career path that includes six stages of professional growth. Each stage along the way requires its own set of skills: interpersonal, analytical, and technical. This presentation discusses each of the six stages and the characteristics and skills needed to succeed in each.

3CSN Learning Assistance Project

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

A Different Way to Look at Student Groups and Their Success Using Cluster Analysis

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

A Look at Developmental Math Education through Student Behavior

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

AACU LEAP Initiative and VALUE Rubrics

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

An Integrated Approach: Student Loan Default Study

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Assess for Student Success CAI

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Bringing Higher Education Inside Inmate Education

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

CCCAssess: From Pilot to Implementation

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Chris Benner Presentation

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Community Colleges Help to Develop Student Civic Outcomes

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Connecting Community and Community College HOOPA

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Creating a Culture of Innovation

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Creating a Faculty Community of Practice

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Dream Big: An Innovative, Unorthodox Strategy to Strategic Planning

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Education is a Human Right

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

EPI: Structure Pathways Student Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Equity Happens in the Classroom

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Examining Skills Builder Outcomes

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Finding the Big Idea

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Ground Zero of Implementing MMAP Locally

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

IEPI Effective Practices Resource Toolkit

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

IEPI: An Innovative Approach

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

IEPI: Tools and Process to Make Your Life Easier

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Make Your Equity Data Shine Bright: Advanced Tableau Workshop

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Managing Projects & Functions of a Research Office, June 2016

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Summer Institute.

Minority Male Initiative

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Moving to Scale: Developmental Math Redesign in the Thousands

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Reframing Equity Through Curriculum

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Soup to Nuts

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Student Voices: Using Focus Group Data to Inform Student Success Initiatives

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Teaching to Students’ Strengths

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

The Herculean Challenge: Meaningful Integrated Planning in the Age of Prescriptive Plans and Accreditation Standards

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

The Impact of Economic Cycles on Equitable Access and Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

The Role of the IRP Office in CCCs, June 2016

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Summer Institute.

Update on IEPI Indicators and Goal Setting

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.

Using the New Professional Learning Network

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Progress on the Strategic Plan Goal, December 2015

Which student educational goal groups are making progress – and why? Progress since 2012-13 for Fall 2013 and Fall 2014 new students. Presentation delivered to PRBC.

Through Affective Looking Glass, October 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Strengthening Student Success Lead-Off Batter: Applying New ACCJC Standards, October 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Using Financial Aid, October 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Findings from the 2014 Scorecard Survey

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 RP Conference.

Bridge to Success in Math

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Building Community In the Classroom and Beyond

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Building Long Term Strategies for Student Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Building Online Community, Interaction, Collaboration, and Engagement through 3 Tech Tools

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Capturing our Pledge Napa

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

CCC Chancellor's Office Resources

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

CCC Online Clearinghouse

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Changing the BCC Composition & Reading Program to Promote Student Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Clear and Convincing Evidence

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Collaboration for Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Common Assessment Initiative CAI

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Community College Pathways Program: Success Using Propensity Score Matching

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 RP Conference.

Continuous Improvements: An Approach for Integrating Cycles of Assessment Evaluation into Institutional Processes

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 RP Conference.

Creating Citizen Researchers with Tableau, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 RP Conference.

CTE Launchboard 2015 Updates and Q & A

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 RP Conference.

Developmental Math Innovation & University Transfer, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Education Planning Initiative

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Effective Leadership from Middle Managers

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

English for Speakers of Other Languages

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Evaluation of Student Equity Plans

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 RP Conference.

Exploring Persistence as a HOM

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Faculty-Researcher Interaction: Balancing the Multitude of Demands, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

FIGs and APPLEs at Berkeley City College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

From Practices to Pathways

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Gearing Up for the CCC’s Common Assessment

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

IEPI Update

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Impacting Cultural Change From the Department to the College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Imperative to Promote CCs

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Improving High School to College Transition by Improving Placement (Enhanced Multiple Measures), 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Improving Student Transition From High School to College: Tackling Dual Enrollment, Improved Academic Placement, and Work-Based Learning, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Lead Off Batter

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Leadership as Learning to Support Equity and Success or Why it Pays to BSILI

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Linking It All Together: Noncredit Support Services, Accountability, and the New Student Success and Support Plan Funding Formula

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Meeting Students Where They Are

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Metacognition in Mathematical and Scientific Thinking

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Overcoming Obstacles to Placement Reform

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Reimagining our Model to Focus on Student Completion

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Research and Planning Family Feud

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

RP Group MJC Faculty Retreat on Success and Equity, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Situating Equity Institutionally

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Spark Points Measurement

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

SSS ACCJC October 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Strengthening Student Success Through Developmental Redesign

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Supporting Foster Youth Across LACCD Towards Completion, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Teach With A Reach

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

The Design Process Playbook

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

The Research Work Group: Key to Designing Self-Service Research Tools

Presentation delivered at the RP Conference.

The Threshold Project Convening #2: Throw a Pebble, Watch it Ripple

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Turning Affective Issues to Strengths, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Utilizing Trac Dat, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Welcome to My World, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Hope and Mindset: Changing Institutional Culture to Improve Student Success, October 2014

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2014 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Decision Support System Conference Presentation, February 2014

Resource associated with the winning 2014 RP Group Award project.

Mathematics from High School to Community College - PowerPoint Presentation


Promising Pathways - Placement, Performance, and Progress in Basic Skills and Transfer Level Courses in English and Mathematics (Brief), April 2012


Promising Pathways - Placement, Performance, and Progress in Basic Skills and Transfer Level Courses in English and Mathematics, April 2012


SOFIA: Student Outcomes for Faculty Inquiry and Analysis, May 2012


Contextualized Teaching and Learning: A Promising Approach for Basic Skills Instruction, October 2009

Streaming presentation introducing the faculty primer on contextualized teaching and learning (CTL), including a review of key learning theories that support CTL, and a discussion of 11 CTL practices.

(Keynote) Evidence-Based Decision-Making for Underserved Student Populations

Analyzing Qualitative and Quantitative Data

Building Equity Efforts from the Ground Up

California Community Colleges Online Education Initiative

Contextualized Teaching and Learning Video Shorts

Short videos that offer students' perspectives on CTL effectiveness, with a focus on teaching basic skills in a career and technical education context; featuring the City College of San Francisco Bridge to Biotech Program, Southwestern College Spanish to English Associate Teacher Certificate Program, and Los Angeles Trade-Tech College Utilities and Construction Prep Program.

Crafton Hills Collete BORG Cubes Data Mart

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the RP Conference.

Developing a Culture of Change Distributive Leadership SLO Sierra College

Developing and Using Intermediate Measures Asking New Questions

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the RP Conference.

Dual Enrollment Toolkit Webinar

Webinar providing an overview of the toolkit and addressing questions about dual enrollment in California.

Efficacy of the California Basic Skills Initiative CSUS

Evidence on What Associate Degrees for Transfer Mean to Student Equity

First Generation Students: Who They Are

Four Basic Steps for Brainstorming a Session

Resources for presenters and potential presenters at Strengthening Student Success Conference.

How to Increase Data Democracy and Develop a Culture of Inquiry

Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative Workshops

Workshop series designed for secondary and postsecondary partners; information shared will support the development of new and the scaling up and strengthening of existing dual enrollment partnerships, with a focus on students from underrepresented groups.

Let Them In: Illuminating Potential to Increase Access in Math

Let Them In: Increasing Access Completion and Equity In English

Making Integrated Planning User-Friendly

Math Tutoring Final

Multiple Approaches to Multiple Measures Part 1 Intro and Bakersfield College

Multiple Approaches to Multiple Measures Part 2 Sierra and LBCC

Non-credit Story

Performance Outcomes of First-Time Students Presentation

Presentation delivered at the RP Conference.

Researching Alpha to Zeta

Presentation delivered at the Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Update: TRIS Division CCCCO

What’s Completion Got to Do With It? Unpacking the Value of Student Short-Term Course-Taking

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The Lazy Analyst’s Guide to Faster SQL, April 2015

SQL guide covering how to make faster SQL queries, Pre-aggregated Data, Avoiding Joins, Avoiding Table Scans, and Approximations.

College of the Canyon’s Program Review Year 2 Update Technical Guide, May 2013

Technical Guide for College of the Canyon’s program review year 2 update.

A Practical Guide to Strategic Planning in Higher Education, by Karen E. Hinton, July 2012

Strategic Planning Guide.

Decision Making A Guide to Planning and Governance OCC, October 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at Strengthening Student Success Conference.

California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office Dual Enrollment Initiative

Legal advisories and opinions, dual enrollment implementation guidelines, information on specific models (e.g., Middle College High School), and other resources designed to promote secondary to postsecondary partnerships.

Strategic Planning Presentation Instructions

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Equity-Driven, High Achievement Outcomes-Based Assessment - Outcome-Based Program Review

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2019 RP Conference.

Additional Multiple Measure Question Ideas, July 2018

Tool sharing sample questions created by colleges who add them to their assessment process which serve as an additional multiple measure; these are only examples and any college would need to determine if the questions are correlated with student outcomes before use in a placement model.

IEPI ASK: Strategic Enrollment Managment

"Focused on strategically meeting the needs of our community and our students, SEM promotes student success, optimizes enrollment, and ensures the fiscal viability of our colleges."

IEPI ASK: Guided Pathways Topic Area

"Key elements of Guided Pathways include a structured onboarding process, a set of clear course-taking patterns related to students’ career goals, integrated academic and support services, redesigned basic skills, and early warning systems. Guided Pathways materials for this site are in active development. Come back soon for more information and resources. In the mean time, check out the California Community Colleges Guided Pathways website for general information, an electronic tool kit, research, podcasts, presentations, and more."

IEPI ASK: Data Disaggregation Topic Area

"Content in this topic area is organized into three sections: Data sources, techniques of data disaggregation, and applications."

IEPI ASK: Integrated Planning Topic Area

"This ASK topic is based on a specific model for integrated planning and its five components — Discover, Develop, Implement, Evaluate, and Report. Each component has associated resources and examples that you can adapt for use at your campus."

CCCCO's Alphabetic Listing of Community Colleges

List of California Community Colleges in alphabetical order.

Student Support (Re)defined and (Re)designed: How Can Our Campus Environments Support Student Success?

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Annual Program Plan Template

Annual Academic Program Plan for 2016-2017.

CaCN Action Plan Counselor Collaborative Template

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Integrated Planning Calendar

Integrated Planning Calendar for Los Angeles Pierce College 2013-2026.

Strategic Master Plan Dashboard

Pierce College's strategic master plan for 2013 to 2017.

Decision Making and Planning Handbook, 2015

Handbook explaining how to get college funding and approval for ideas centered on improving student services and programs.

Tips for Using the Basic Skills Progress Tracker, March 2012


Access the Basic Skills Progress Tracker

Annual Program Plan Data Packets

Annual Program Plan Data Packets_PLO supplement

Beyond Financial Aid

Toolkit including a literature review, a framework for action with six institutional strategies and examples, and an institutional self-assessment with interpretation guide to collectively assist colleges in increasing the financial stability of and closing attainment gaps for low-income students.

CTE Launchboard

Library of tools including print and video resources as well as news about upcoming learning opportunities that enable colleges to find, understand, and use CTE data.

Dual Enrollment Toolkit

Toolkit offering a suite of resources including definitions and models, communication tools, frequently asked questions, and recent legislation and opinions to assist secondary and community college partners in launching or strengthening dual enrollment programs.

Hope Scale

Salary Surfer

Salary Surfer – Online Query Tool

Transfer Velocity Calculator

Online tool to analyze transfer trends based on variables including college, year, ethnicity, gender, and age.
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A Cost Effectiveness Study of the First Year of PCC Pathways, February 2017

Summary of the results from Pasadena City College’s PCC Pathways program.

Progress Summary, December 2015

Chabot College summary of progress after two years of initiatives.

Relationship of the Fall 2012 Left Land Cohort to Enrollments, Student Success and Fall to Spring Retention, July 2013

Crafton Hills College’s summary of findings of the Left Lane Project.

Illuminous - Universal Cohort Progression Tool, January 2013

Summary of the Universal Cohort Progression Tool (UCPT).
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Quick Zoom Tips: Privacy and Security

Infographic tool supporting secure/safe online Zoom interactions for Coastline College faculty, staff, and students.

Santa Monica Student Technology/Remote Learning Survey COVID Crisis, March 2020

Student technology/remote learning survey and results by Santa Monica College administered before the college’s decision to move to remote teaching and learning/services and before LA County was under “Safer at Home” order. Email Hannah Lawler at with questions or information requests.

North Orange County Student Survey COVID Crisis March 2020

Student survey collectively developed in North Orange County (a collaboration between Fullerton, Cypress, and North Orange Continuing Education) to gauge students during COVID crisis. Email Joseph Ramirez at with questions or information requests.

CCCCO Guided Pathways Website

Chancellor's Office webpage containing information, resources and tools on Guided Pathways.

Chancellor's Vision for Success

A vision for the future of California's education.

A Live Learning Porch Talk

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Serving Our Formerly Incarcerated Students

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Taking Ownership in Accreditation - An Authentic Process that Worked for Mt. SAC

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Time, Textbooks, and Technology: A Library Student Equity Partnership 

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

San Diego Miramar College Fall 2013-Spring 2020 Strategic Plan Update, September 2016

Strategic Plan Update presents the direction San Diego Miramar College will pursue in response to the changing educational and economic environment in the San Diego region and in the State of California.

San Diego Miramar College 2015-16 Strategic Plan Assessment Scorecard (SPAS), June 2016

Strategic Plan Assessment Scorecard answers the following questions: How is San Diego Miramar College meeting its mission? How does San Diego Miramar College measure our success? How does San Diego Miramar College build on their success?

A Multi-Perspective Examination of Developmental Education

Dissertation and project summary by Kristen Fong.

CaCN One Pager

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Characteristics of Students in Special Programs, August 2016

Data on Chabot college students in special programs.

Data Warehousing with R and Google Sites, June 2016

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Summer Institute.

Keynote Speaker Presentations Video

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Methodology for College Profile Metrics, June 2016

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Summer Institute.

OC Counseling PLC Infographic

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

R MMAP Tutorial, June 2016

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Summer Institute.

R Scorecard Tutorial, June 2016

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Summer Institute.

R Tutorial Read Me

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Summer Institute.

RP Example Code

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Summer Institute on R and more.

San Diego Miramar College Student Success Framework for Long-Term Integrated Planning, June 2016

Infographic for the Student Success Framework for Long-Term Integrated Planning from Fall 2016 to Spring 2020.

SSSC16 Worksheet Final

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

The CTE Outcomes Survey: What Have we Learned After 5 Years?, November 2016

Resource associated with the winning 2017 RP Group Award project.

The Evolution of Crisis Dissertation, August 2016

Qualitative study examining the factors that may have contributed to the development of an institutional blindspot that prevented CCSF leaders at all levels from recognizing and responding to the impending crisis.

The SLO Revolution

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Using rCharts Tutorial

Materials delivered at 2016 Summer Institute on R and more.

A Multi-Perspective Examination of Developmental Education, December 2015

Dissertation presented to the faculty of the USC Graduate School.

Crosswalk for SSSP, Student Equity, and Basic Skills, 2015

Integrated Planning Crosswalk by 3CSN presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project Spring 2015 Technical Report

A summary and documentation of Phast 1 of the MMAP research project presented to the Common Assessment Initiative Steering Committee

Combined Resource Priority Listing, June 2015

Includes equipment, labor, and supplies in a prioritized list as of June 2, 2015.

Questions in each questionnaire, April 2015

Menu sharing social-psychology/noncognitive scales for MMAP pilot testing in 2015.

Continuous Improvement — An Approach for Integrating Cycles of Assessment & Evaluation into Institutional Processes, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 RP Conference.

What Gets to Count? Constructing a Skills-Builder Success Metric, 2015

Guide addresses the following questions: How was the proposed skills-builder metric created? What types of students are skills-builders? How many skills-builders are there? Are skills-builders securing higher earnings? Are skills-builders earning a living wage? What would it mean to have a skills-builder metric on the Student Success Scorecard?

Memorandum of Understanding Between Peralta Community College District (PCCD) and Oakland Unified School District (OUSD), February 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Activities Packet, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Affective Issues To Strengths Grid, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Considerations For Developing Dual Enrollment, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Data Agreement to Access CalPass Plus Data, 2015

Form required for participation; please complete and return this data-sharing agreement to access CalPass Plus data.

Data Sharing Sample LBCC, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

DE Tool Kit First Page, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Efficacy of the California Basic Skills Initiative, 2015

Presentation about basic skills taught in California Community Colleges.

Evidence Selection Activities, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Evidence Selection Activity Answers, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Metro Transfer Academies: Transfer With Excellence and Equity, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

PCCD OUSD Pilot MOU for High School Special Admit Classes, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Secret Shopper Results - Financial Aid, 2015

Spring 2015 Financial Aid Office interaction report.

Standard IV, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Chaffey Hope Data: Three-Year Cohort Tracking, June 2014

Resource associated with the winning RP Group Award project.

AB86 Demographics (Josh 1) AB86 Demographics 2, 2014

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2014 RP Conference.

AB86 Planning Demographic Data March 2014

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2014 RP Conference.

The RP Group’s Student Support (Re)defined Project and the CBD Design Principles, 2014

Completion by Design set out to increase student success and completion by knocking down the barriers that stop students at each stage of their journey to credential completion.

A Conceptual Model on the Impact of Mattering, Sense of Belonging, Engagement/Involvement, and Socio-Academic Integrative Experiences on Community College Students’ Intent to Persist, March 2013

Full dissertation examining how factors such as institutional commitment to students, mattering, sense of belonging, interactions with diverse peers, perceptions of the campus climate, engagement/involvement, socio-academic integrative experiences, and goal commitment collectively affected community college students’ intent to persist to degree completion.

Example of Using Illuminous in Planning, January 2013

Example of using Universal Cohort Progression Tool (UCPT) in planning.

Illuminous - Feedback from Other Researchers, January 2013

Sample of collaboration emails for Universal Cohort Progression Tool (UCPT) and STEPS 2.0.

Instructions for Budget Development in Online Program Review, November 2013

Instructional how-to showing budget development in an online program review with screenshots.

Student and Institutional Learning Outcomes: The Cliff Note Version, November 2013

Short description of the Student and Institutional Learning Outcomes process.

Tracking Wages of California Community College Completers, June 2013

Framework for tracking the earnings or wages of students after completing an award at a California Community College.

Basic Skills Education in Community Colleges: Inside and Outside of Classrooms, December 2012

Book based on findings from the Basic Skills Research Project, written by W. Norton Grubb, with support from Bob Gabriner; based on classroom observations and interviews with administrators, faculty, and students, this valuable book balances critique with examples of innovation.The book may be purchased through Routledge or Amazon.

Chaffey - Integrated Planning Model, January 2013


Chaffey Integrated Planning Model-2012

Resource associated with the winning RP Group Award project.

Crafton Hills College Integrated Planning and Program Review


Integrated Program Review and Budget Planning, June 2012


SMC – Master Plan for Education – 2011-12, October 2011


An Exploration of Civic Engagement of Community College Students and Graduates, April 2012


Institutional Effectiveness Committee – Purpose and Function, August 2011


Master Plan for Education – 2009 -10, January 2010


AB86 Demographics

AB86 Demographics (Josh) AB86 Demographics

AB86 Demographics AB86 Demographics

AB86 Poverty Rates

Author's Homepage (SMC)

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Outcomes Survey

Online home of the CTE Outcomes Survey, including the current survey instrument as well as how to participate in the study and use survey results.

CCCCO Research, Analysis & Accountability

Crafton Hills College – Left Lane Project

Creating Citizen Researchers with Tableau Handouts V2

How to Increase Data Democracy and Develop a Culture of Inquiry within Faculty and Staff

Let Them In: Increasing Access, Completion, and Equity in College English

Progress Indicators

Progress Indicators Again

Prospective File Data Element Dictionary

Spreadsheet sharing variables and definitions for the data that will be returned to a college after you upload your Student Cohort File; file includes the recommended assessment levels based on the decision tree output, as well as high school transcript information.

Regional Fact Sheet OC

Retrospective File Data Element Dictionary

Spreadsheet sharing variables and definitions of the data used in the Retrospective Analysis to create the decision rules for your college; files will assist you in replicating the statewide models using your local data.

Sample Blueprints for 60-minute and 90-minute Sessions

Resources for presenters and potential presenters at Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Secret Shopper Program Description

SP Evaluation Plan FINAL

Strategic Planning Phases Rev 4515

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Institutional Research and Remediation Reform: A Contextualized Exploration of Interactions Among New Metrics, Innovative Curricula, and Policy Changes, Fall 2020

Scholarly article published in the Journal of Applied Research in the Community College. Article provides a history of remedial reform in California and discusses metrics aligned with policy changes associated with AB 705 implementation.

As California Law Looks to End Remedial Education, New Studies Show State’s Community Colleges Showing Uneven Progress in Adopting Math & English Reforms

October 9, 2019 | The 74 Million |
RP Group’s early findings report included in The 74 Million article reporting that although more African-American and Latino students are passing transfer-level classes, more work is needed.

Improving the Accuracy of Remedial Placement, 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2015 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

How to Tell a Great Story, by Carolyn O’Hara, July 2014

Article from Harvard Business Review.

The Question All Smart Visualizations Should Ask, by Michael Schrage, March 2013

Article from the Harvard Business Review discussing the importance of visualization and the best way to use it to convey your message.
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Perspectives, May 2018

Issue covers equity, LGBTQ+ new data model, foster youth efforts, and a new, upcoming OEI "Hub" and equity framework...

Chancellor's Office Today News

Curated, aggregated, important news articles about the CCC field.

Student Support (Re)defined for Academic Senate for CCC Newsletter, Publication, 2013

Academic Senate for CCC Newsletter sharing the RP Group’s Student Support (Re)defined study.
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