Sunday, October 27, 2024
The RP Group

California Community Colleges Guided Pathways Resources

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Moving from Student Voices to Action Insights from Practitioners at 10 California Community Colleges, March 2021
Brief offers insights from 10 California Community Colleges where the RP Group conducted student focus groups to support student-centered, equity-minded change.
Authors: Ireri Valenzuela, Alyssa Nguyen
Using Data to Identify and/or Verify Meta-Majors, December 2020
Short guide providing practitioners with an illustration of how data can be used to support meta-major development and validation work as part of the college’s Guided Pathways efforts.
Statewide COVID Survey Results - Spring 2020 (December 2020)
Report provides a summary of the findings from two statewide surveys to California Community students and practitioners to learn about their experiences transitioning to a remote educational environment during spring 2020. The surveys included topics such as: experiences with remote environment, basic needs, well-being, and overall needs.
Transforming Program Review: Getting to Equity via Guided Pathways Webinar, October 2020
Webinar focused on beginning the conversations with colleges around how and why program review data can be and should be reimagined to become more program- and student-centric (vs. the traditional focus on departments or org chart units).
Student Support (Re)defined Meets Guided Pathways: Redesigning Student Onboarding in Light of COVID-19
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.
Transforming Program Review Webinar Chat, October 2020
Chat history from Transforming Program Review: Getting to Equity via Guided Pathways Webinar.
Transforming Program Review Webinar Audio Transcript, October 2020
Audio transcript of Transforming Program Review: Getting to Equity via Guided Pathways Webinar.
Transforming Program Review: Getting to Equity via Guided Pathways Webinar, October 2020
Powerpoint used in webinar on beginning conversations with colleges around how and why program review data can be and should be reimagined to become more program- and student-centric (vs. the traditional focus on departments or org chart units).
Where the Six Success Factors and Affective Strategies Meet to Support Online Learning, August 2020
Webinar providing new ways to engage and support students in an online environment through affective non-cognitive approaches guided by our Six Factors. Accompanying webinar presentation materials.
Where the Six Success Factors and Affective Strategies Meet to Support Online Learning, August 2020
Webinar providing new ways to engage and support students in an online environment through affective non-cognitive approaches, strategies, and practices guided by our Six Success Factors.
Current Version of DI Calculator (updated with PPG-1 methodology)
RP Group DI tool democratizes access to the DI methods employed by the CO.
Focus on Equity: Identifying Disproportionate Impact Using Excel, June 2020
Webinar featuring an excel tool to identify disproportionate impact and a demonstration of the tool for examining various student outcomes data.
Focus on Equity: Identifying Disproportionate Impact Using Excel, June 2020
Webinar featuring an excel tool to identify disproportionate impact and a demonstration of the tool for examining various student outcomes data.
Using Student Support (Re)defined's Success Factors to Ensure Student Learning (Guided Pathways Pillar Four), June 2020
Guide highlighting examples of affective, non-cognitive practices and strategies that instructors can incorporate into their classes to help their students experience the six success factors identified in Student Support (Re)defined.
10 Ways Faculty Can Support Students' Success
Handout summarizing top 10 actions students participating in Student Support (Re)defined say faculty can take to support their success.
Grounding College Redesign in the Student Experience: A Student-Centered Guide for Institutions (UPDATED February 2020)
Guide for examining how students experience your college based on the Student Support (Re)defined success factors and identifying redesign priorities at the programmatic, division, and/or institutional levels.
Student Engagement Learning Cluster
Webinar introducing the concept of student participatory research and an example of it at Cerro Coso College.
Student Engagement in Guided Pathways Development
High level summary offering a foundational definition and six design principles — grounded in both theory and practice — for meaningful student engagement in Guided Pathways development; developing in partnership with the Chancellor’s Office.
Students Shaping Change: Engaging Students as Essential Partners
Guide offering a foundational definition and six design principles — grounded in both theory and practice — for meaningful student engagement in Guided Pathways development; developing in partnership with the Chancellor’s Office.
How the RP Group Can Support Your Guided Pathways Work
Flyer describing the areas of support offered for college’s Guided Pathways planning and implementation.
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Statewide COVID Survey Results - Spring 2020 (December 2020)

Report provides a summary of the findings from two statewide surveys to California Community students and practitioners to learn about their experiences transitioning to a remote educational environment during spring 2020. The surveys included topics such as: experiences with remote environment, basic needs, well-being, and overall needs.

Students Shaping Change: Engaging Students as Essential Partners

Guide offering a foundational definition and six design principles — grounded in both theory and practice — for meaningful student engagement in Guided Pathways development; developing in partnership with the Chancellor’s Office.

Launching Guided Pathways across CCCs: Preliminary Findings from CCCs Guided Pathways Phase I Work Plans (2018)

Report to the Chancellor’s Office summarizing colleges’ Guided Pathways priorities for Phase I, based on the most pressing key elements identified and the top support needs requested by a high majority of institutions.
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Moving from Student Voices to Action Insights from Practitioners at 10 California Community Colleges, March 2021

Brief offers insights from 10 California Community Colleges where the RP Group conducted student focus groups to support student-centered, equity-minded change.
Authors: Ireri Valenzuela, Alyssa Nguyen
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Student Support (Re)defined Meets Guided Pathways: Redesigning Student Onboarding in Light of COVID-19

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC20.

Transforming Program Review: Getting to Equity via Guided Pathways Webinar, October 2020

Powerpoint used in webinar on beginning conversations with colleges around how and why program review data can be and should be reimagined to become more program- and student-centric (vs. the traditional focus on departments or org chart units).

Where the Six Success Factors and Affective Strategies Meet to Support Online Learning, August 2020

Webinar providing new ways to engage and support students in an online environment through affective non-cognitive approaches guided by our Six Factors. Accompanying webinar presentation materials.

Veterans Data Disaggregation: Age- and Gender-Adjusted Access to Community College

Powerpoint sharing how to include gender, age, and other demographic characteristics in access analyses for veteran student populations.
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Using Data to Identify and/or Verify Meta-Majors, December 2020

Short guide providing practitioners with an illustration of how data can be used to support meta-major development and validation work as part of the college’s Guided Pathways efforts.

Using Student Support (Re)defined's Success Factors to Ensure Student Learning (Guided Pathways Pillar Four), June 2020

Guide highlighting examples of affective, non-cognitive practices and strategies that instructors can incorporate into their classes to help their students experience the six success factors identified in Student Support (Re)defined.

Grounding College Redesign in the Student Experience: A Student-Centered Guide for Institutions (UPDATED February 2020)

Guide for examining how students experience your college based on the Student Support (Re)defined success factors and identifying redesign priorities at the programmatic, division, and/or institutional levels.

Student Engagement in Guided Pathways Development

High level summary offering a foundational definition and six design principles — grounded in both theory and practice — for meaningful student engagement in Guided Pathways development; developing in partnership with the Chancellor’s Office.

Get Started....Collecting Student Voices for Guided Pathways Inquiry and Design (Print Version)

Introductory guide offering steps for systematically listening to students throughout Guided Pathways inquiry and design; based on full guide Collecting Student Voices for Guided Pathways Inquiry and Design: Why Do It, How It Works, and What It Looks Like in Action.

Recruiting, Training, and Supporting Data Coaches to Advance Guided Pathways Development, April 2019

Guide for developing a professional development program for data coaches, with a focus on equipping individuals to lead collaborative inquiry and support equity goals as part of Guided Pathways.

Collecting Student Voices for Guided Pathways Inquiry and Design: Why Do It, How it Works, and What It Looks Like in Action, February 2018

Guide offers steps for systematically listening to students throughout Guided Pathways inquiry and design; based on guide Collecting Student Voices for Guided Pathways Inquiry and Design: Why Do It, How It Works, and What It Looks Like in Action.
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Current Version of DI Calculator (updated with PPG-1 methodology)

RP Group DI tool democratizes access to the DI methods employed by the CO.

California Community Colleges Guided Pathways Self-Assessment Tool (2017)

Self-assessment tool developed in collaboration with the Chancellor’s Office and partners to determine college’s state of Guided Pathways adoption, looking at 14 key elements for Guided Pathways inquiry, design, and implementation.

IEPI ASK: Guided Pathways Topic Area

"Key elements of Guided Pathways include a structured onboarding process, a set of clear course-taking patterns related to students’ career goals, integrated academic and support services, redesigned basic skills, and early warning systems. Guided Pathways materials for this site are in active development. Come back soon for more information and resources. In the mean time, check out the California Community Colleges Guided Pathways website for general information, an electronic tool kit, research, podcasts, presentations, and more."
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A Multivariate Approach to Disaggregating Data

Paper introducing the concept of multivariate disaggregation and concrete examples that highlight real-world applicability.

Next Level Disaggregation: Examining Program Level Information, Additional Student Characteristics, and Labor Market Data

Paper providing colleges with five data points from the Launchboard practitioners can review use inform discussions about improving student outcomes.

Disaggregating Students by Metamajor and Program of Study: A Guided Pathways Project

Paper sharing two CCC case studies of how data disaggregation was used to understand students’ progression through pathways leading to program completion and career advancement.

Data Disaggregation in Action: Examining Student Success by Ethnicity at the Instructor Level

Paper sharing two CCC case studies disaggregating data at the instructor level and using it to explore and address observed student equity gaps.
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Transforming Program Review Webinar Chat, October 2020

Chat history from Transforming Program Review: Getting to Equity via Guided Pathways Webinar.

Transforming Program Review Webinar Audio Transcript, October 2020

Audio transcript of Transforming Program Review: Getting to Equity via Guided Pathways Webinar.

10 Ways Faculty Can Support Students' Success

Handout summarizing top 10 actions students participating in Student Support (Re)defined say faculty can take to support their success.

How the RP Group Can Support Your Guided Pathways Work

Flyer describing the areas of support offered for college’s Guided Pathways planning and implementation.

California Community Colleges Guided Pathways Work Plan (2018)

Phase I (2018-2019) work plan developed in collaboration with the Chancellor’s Office and partners to identify colleges’ Guided Pathways priorities, support needs, and intended approach to AB 705 implementation during their first funding period.

Guided Pathways Library of Resources — RP Group Cited

March 23, 2018 | California Guided Pathways Library of Resources |
RP Group referenced as a source multiple times in Chancellor’s Office Guided Pathways Library of Resources document.

Leading from the Middle Academy Information

Professional learning program information for cross-functional college teams to build their individual and collective capacity as “middle leaders,” in the context of Guided Pathways adoption; includes three different academy offerings in 2019.
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Transforming Program Review: Getting to Equity via Guided Pathways Webinar, October 2020

Webinar focused on beginning the conversations with colleges around how and why program review data can be and should be reimagined to become more program- and student-centric (vs. the traditional focus on departments or org chart units).

Where the Six Success Factors and Affective Strategies Meet to Support Online Learning, August 2020

Webinar providing new ways to engage and support students in an online environment through affective non-cognitive approaches, strategies, and practices guided by our Six Success Factors.

Focus on Equity: Identifying Disproportionate Impact Using Excel, June 2020

Webinar featuring an excel tool to identify disproportionate impact and a demonstration of the tool for examining various student outcomes data.

Focus on Equity: Identifying Disproportionate Impact Using Excel, June 2020

Webinar featuring an excel tool to identify disproportionate impact and a demonstration of the tool for examining various student outcomes data.

Student Engagement Learning Cluster

Webinar introducing the concept of student participatory research and an example of it at Cerro Coso College.

Embedding Data Literacy in GP Design with Equity in Mind

Webinar introducing the concept of data coaching and an example of it at Santa Monica College.

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