Friday, July 26, 2024
The RP Group


To close equity gaps and increase student success, California community colleges require middle leaders who can lead substantial transformation efforts that go beyond system-maintaining to system-changing practices. To do so, middle leaders need to develop and deepen their skills and strategies to “lead from the middle'' by thinking systemically, acting collaboratively, and leading courageously with urgency and care. Developing middle leaders cannot be incidental, and colleges cannot rely on emerging leaders to find their way to independent professional learning. Given their essential role in the change process, colleges must invest in leadership development opportunities for their middle leaders. This type of leadership development requires support, dedication, and time.

Leading from the Middle (LFM) provides a unique opportunity for cross-functional teams composed of tenured and adjunct faculty, administrators, classified professionals, and researchers to have a dedicated space (both virtual and face-to-face) to cultivate leadership skills and knowledge, gain new mindsets, and learn from one another. LFM engages former program graduates to serve as coaches and facilitators to support the learning process. As middle leaders they bring real-world experience that augments and contextualizes the LFM curriculum.

LFM Academy participants will have the opportunity to do the following:

  • Engage in experiential learning to explore effective leadership strategies that contribute to fostering inclusive student-centered institutions. 

  • Formulate and articulate a collective and individual equity-minded leadership identity

  • Develop and implement a project that advances systemic equity-focused, student-centered reform efforts. 

  • Apply leadership skills and strategies to their day-to-day work and LFM project. 

  • Examine data, research, and other forms of evidence to make informed decisions to advance their LFM project.  

  • Create sustainable professional relationships where peers share ideas and strategies around equity and transformative change.

  • Work with a designated coach who will provide support and guidance throughout the LFM Academy

 2023-24 LFM Academy Participants

Two LFM Statewide Academies will be offered in 2023-24 in partnership with the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office. Each academy is comprised of 12 teams with up to six participants each.

  • Chabot College

  • Chaffey College

  • College of San Mateo

  • Fresno City College

  • Hartnell College

  • HCATEP/College of the Redwoods

  • Mission College

  • Modesto Junior College

  • Santa Ana College

  • Santa Ana College/Santiago Canyon College

  • Santa Rosa Junior College

  • Shasta College

  • Fullerton College

  • Imperial Valley College

  • Merritt College

  • Norco College

  • Riverside City College

  • Sacramento City College

  • San Bernardino Valley College

  • Taft College

  • West Los Angeles College