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CTE students, Transfer students Resources

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A Long and Leaky Pipeline: Improving Transfer Pathways for Engineering Students
Research brief summarizing quantitative and qualitative findings on students’ transfer preparation in engineering, and the factors impacting their journey to baccalaureate degree.
Destination BSN: How California Community College Transfer Students Work toward a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing
Research brief summarizing quantitative and qualitative findings on students’ transfer preparation in nursing, and the factors impacting their journey to baccalaureate degree.
Engineering Transfers Speak: Real Students, Real Stories
Student profiles and perspectives on the journey to an engineering baccalaureate.
From Student to Teacher: How Community College Transfer Students Work toward a Baccalaureate and Teaching Credential
Research brief summarizing quantitative and qualitative findings on students’ transfer preparation in teacher education, and the factors impacting their journey to baccalaureate degree.
Transfer Intelligence: How Community College Transfer Students Work toward a Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice
Research brief summarizing quantitative and qualitative findings on students’ transfer preparation in criminal justice, and the factors impacting their journey to baccalaureate degree.
Traveling the Transfer Path: Quantitative Findings on Community College Transfers who Complete Professional Degrees (2nd Edition), Summer 2012
Report of quantitative findings produced by STP3 on the educational paths taken by transfer students completing degrees in professional majors.
Unchartered Territory: Highlights from an Exploration of Transfer Pathways in Emerging Disciplines
Research brief summarizing quantitative and qualitative findings on students’ transfer preparation in emerging disciplines such as biotechnology and logistics, and the factors impacting their journey to baccalaureate degree.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Transfer Research Project: Improving Transfer Pathways for California Community College Students in CTE Programs
Journal of Applied Community College Research article on the infrastructure of CTE courses and programs that facilitate transfer from California Community Colleges, an analysis of student engagement with that infrastructure, and student and educator perspectives regarding factors that support transfer in career-oriented disciplines.
Phase I Research Summary: CTE Transfer Research Project
Research brief outlining highlights a quantitative study of the CTE course infrastructure, student enrollment, transfer rates and destinations; and a qualitative exploration of factors that students and faculty say impact CTE transfer.
Pipeline Improvements: Diversifying and Accelerating the Engineering Transfer in California Community Colleges
Research brief describing how community colleges recruit underrepresented minorities to the engineering transfer path and help students hurdle the math barrier that can inhibit progress to degree.
The Engineering Transfer Experience: The Student View from the Beginning, Middle, and Completion of the Transfer Journey
Presentation highlighting key findings on the engineering transfer path (Engineering Liaison Council, October 2011).
CTE Transfer Research Project: Themes from a Literature Review of Career and Technical Education Transfer
Literature review brief providing a high-level summary of the context for studying CTE transfer, models for facilitating students’ pursuit of baccalaureate degrees, and evidence on the factors impacting this transition.
Occupations Requiring Baccalaureate Preparation: A Review of Labor Market Projections
Overview of workforce projections focused on jobs requiring baccalaureate-level preparation including high-growth, high-demand and emerging occupations (based on 2008 data).
Literature Review Summary: CTE Transfer Research Project
Literature review addressing (1) the definition of CTE transfer, (2) the context for studying CTE transfer, (3) models that facilitate and support CTE transfer, and (4) factors that influence this transition.
2 + 2 = 6? Making Community College Transfer Pathways Add Up for Accounting Students
Research brief summarizing quantitative and qualitative findings on students transfer preparation in accounting, and the factors impacting their journey to baccalaureate degree.
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Traveling the Transfer Path: Quantitative Findings on Community College Transfers who Complete Professional Degrees (2nd Edition), Summer 2012

Report of quantitative findings produced by STP3 on the educational paths taken by transfer students completing degrees in professional majors.
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A Long and Leaky Pipeline: Improving Transfer Pathways for Engineering Students

Research brief summarizing quantitative and qualitative findings on students’ transfer preparation in engineering, and the factors impacting their journey to baccalaureate degree.

Destination BSN: How California Community College Transfer Students Work toward a Bachelor’s Degree in Nursing

Research brief summarizing quantitative and qualitative findings on students’ transfer preparation in nursing, and the factors impacting their journey to baccalaureate degree.

Engineering Transfers Speak: Real Students, Real Stories

Student profiles and perspectives on the journey to an engineering baccalaureate.

From Student to Teacher: How Community College Transfer Students Work toward a Baccalaureate and Teaching Credential

Research brief summarizing quantitative and qualitative findings on students’ transfer preparation in teacher education, and the factors impacting their journey to baccalaureate degree.

Transfer Intelligence: How Community College Transfer Students Work toward a Bachelor’s in Criminal Justice

Research brief summarizing quantitative and qualitative findings on students’ transfer preparation in criminal justice, and the factors impacting their journey to baccalaureate degree.

Unchartered Territory: Highlights from an Exploration of Transfer Pathways in Emerging Disciplines

Research brief summarizing quantitative and qualitative findings on students’ transfer preparation in emerging disciplines such as biotechnology and logistics, and the factors impacting their journey to baccalaureate degree.

Phase I Research Summary: CTE Transfer Research Project

Research brief outlining highlights a quantitative study of the CTE course infrastructure, student enrollment, transfer rates and destinations; and a qualitative exploration of factors that students and faculty say impact CTE transfer.

Pipeline Improvements: Diversifying and Accelerating the Engineering Transfer in California Community Colleges

Research brief describing how community colleges recruit underrepresented minorities to the engineering transfer path and help students hurdle the math barrier that can inhibit progress to degree.

CTE Transfer Research Project: Themes from a Literature Review of Career and Technical Education Transfer

Literature review brief providing a high-level summary of the context for studying CTE transfer, models for facilitating students’ pursuit of baccalaureate degrees, and evidence on the factors impacting this transition.

Literature Review Summary: CTE Transfer Research Project

Literature review addressing (1) the definition of CTE transfer, (2) the context for studying CTE transfer, (3) models that facilitate and support CTE transfer, and (4) factors that influence this transition.

2 + 2 = 6? Making Community College Transfer Pathways Add Up for Accounting Students

Research brief summarizing quantitative and qualitative findings on students transfer preparation in accounting, and the factors impacting their journey to baccalaureate degree.
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The Engineering Transfer Experience: The Student View from the Beginning, Middle, and Completion of the Transfer Journey

Presentation highlighting key findings on the engineering transfer path (Engineering Liaison Council, October 2011).
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Occupations Requiring Baccalaureate Preparation: A Review of Labor Market Projections

Overview of workforce projections focused on jobs requiring baccalaureate-level preparation including high-growth, high-demand and emerging occupations (based on 2008 data).
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Career and Technical Education (CTE) Transfer Research Project: Improving Transfer Pathways for California Community College Students in CTE Programs

Journal of Applied Community College Research article on the infrastructure of CTE courses and programs that facilitate transfer from California Community Colleges, an analysis of student engagement with that infrastructure, and student and educator perspectives regarding factors that support transfer in career-oriented disciplines.
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