Friday, October 25, 2024
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Principles of Redesign: Promising Approaches to Transforming Student Outcomes, April 2013
Inquiry guide presenting eight core ideas to help colleges address the fundamental challenges to student success.
Building a Culture of Inquiry: Using a Cycle of Exploring Research and Data to Improve Student Success
Inquiry guide exploring the concept of a culture of inquiry and introducing a framework to strengthen a college’s ability to better use research and evidence to inform improvement efforts.
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Principles of Redesign: Promising Approaches to Transforming Student Outcomes, April 2013

Inquiry guide presenting eight core ideas to help colleges address the fundamental challenges to student success.

Building a Culture of Inquiry: Using a Cycle of Exploring Research and Data to Improve Student Success

Inquiry guide exploring the concept of a culture of inquiry and introducing a framework to strengthen a college’s ability to better use research and evidence to inform improvement efforts.
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