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Basic skills students, CTE students Resources

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Contextualized Teaching & Learning: A Promising Approach for Basic Skills Instruction, October 2009
Brief document offering instructors, college leaders, policy makers, and funders a high-level summary of the contextualized teaching and learning (CTL) primer — focusing on core components for effective implementation and strategic considerations for colleges interested in starting or expanding CTL practices.
Contextualized Teaching and Learning: A Faculty Primer (A Review of Literature and Faculty Practices with Implications for California Community College Practitioners), Spring 2009
Literature review for faculty with little specific knowledge about contextualized learning (CTL) and basic skills; includes review of the literature and related learning theories and features 11 CTL practices from the practitioner perspectives.
Contextualized Teaching and Learning: A Promising Approach for Basic Skills Instruction, October 2009
Streaming presentation introducing the faculty primer on contextualized teaching and learning (CTL), including a review of key learning theories that support CTL, and a discussion of 11 CTL practices.
Contextualized Teaching and Learning Video Shorts
Short videos that offer students' perspectives on CTL effectiveness, with a focus on teaching basic skills in a career and technical education context; featuring the City College of San Francisco Bridge to Biotech Program, Southwestern College Spanish to English Associate Teacher Certificate Program, and Los Angeles Trade-Tech College Utilities and Construction Prep Program.
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Contextualized Teaching & Learning: A Promising Approach for Basic Skills Instruction, October 2009

Brief document offering instructors, college leaders, policy makers, and funders a high-level summary of the contextualized teaching and learning (CTL) primer — focusing on core components for effective implementation and strategic considerations for colleges interested in starting or expanding CTL practices.
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Contextualized Teaching and Learning: A Promising Approach for Basic Skills Instruction, October 2009

Streaming presentation introducing the faculty primer on contextualized teaching and learning (CTL), including a review of key learning theories that support CTL, and a discussion of 11 CTL practices.

Contextualized Teaching and Learning Video Shorts

Short videos that offer students' perspectives on CTL effectiveness, with a focus on teaching basic skills in a career and technical education context; featuring the City College of San Francisco Bridge to Biotech Program, Southwestern College Spanish to English Associate Teacher Certificate Program, and Los Angeles Trade-Tech College Utilities and Construction Prep Program.
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Contextualized Teaching and Learning: A Faculty Primer (A Review of Literature and Faculty Practices with Implications for California Community College Practitioners), Spring 2009

Literature review for faculty with little specific knowledge about contextualized learning (CTL) and basic skills; includes review of the literature and related learning theories and features 11 CTL practices from the practitioner perspectives.
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