Sunday, October 27, 2024
The RP Group

Elisa Rassen, Priyadarshini Chaplot, Davis Jenkins,Rob Johnstone Resources

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The Nuances of Completion: Improving Student Outcomes by Unpacking the Numbers, April 2013
Inquiry guide examining the hidden complexity of completion outcome data and offering an approach that teases out the complex factors that affect student completion and success.
Understanding the Student Experience Through the Loss/Momentum Framework: Clearing the Path to Completion
Inquiry guide introducing an approach to examining students’ own experiences at community colleges, identifying factors that catalyze and impede student progress, and using these insights to address opportunities to improve student outcomes.
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The Nuances of Completion: Improving Student Outcomes by Unpacking the Numbers, April 2013

Inquiry guide examining the hidden complexity of completion outcome data and offering an approach that teases out the complex factors that affect student completion and success.

Understanding the Student Experience Through the Loss/Momentum Framework: Clearing the Path to Completion

Inquiry guide introducing an approach to examining students’ own experiences at community colleges, identifying factors that catalyze and impede student progress, and using these insights to address opportunities to improve student outcomes.
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