Sunday, October 27, 2024
The RP Group

Darla Cooper, Kristen Fong, Kelley Karandjeff, Andrew Kretz Resources

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Transfer Odds: Technical Report Examining Factors Impacting whether Students Achieve Transfer or Get Stuck Near or At the Gate, Through the Gate Transfer Study, Technical Report, March 2019
Full technical report exploring student characteristics and college and regional factors associated with “high-leverage learners” more likely to stop “near” or “at” the transfer gate.
Identifying High-Leverage Transfer Students on Your Campus, Through the Gate Transfer Study Methodology, Tool 1, March 2019
Guide for adapting the study’s methodology on your campus; includes data sources and elements, instructions on file preparation, and steps for generating the study population
Transfer Odds: Examining Factors That Impact Whether Students Achieve Transfer or Get Stuck Near or At the Gate, Research Brief, March 2019
Summary of factors associated with “high-leverage learners” more likely to stop “near” or “at” the transfer gate; highlights student characteristics and college and regional factors
Determining Students’ Transfer Odds on Your Campus, Through the Gate Transfer Study Methodology, Tool 2, March 2019
Guide for adapting study’s statistical model for identifying students’ transfer odds on your campus, including data sources and instructions for implementing and interpreting the model.
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Transfer Odds: Technical Report Examining Factors Impacting whether Students Achieve Transfer or Get Stuck Near or At the Gate, Through the Gate Transfer Study, Technical Report, March 2019

Full technical report exploring student characteristics and college and regional factors associated with “high-leverage learners” more likely to stop “near” or “at” the transfer gate.
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Transfer Odds: Examining Factors That Impact Whether Students Achieve Transfer or Get Stuck Near or At the Gate, Research Brief, March 2019

Summary of factors associated with “high-leverage learners” more likely to stop “near” or “at” the transfer gate; highlights student characteristics and college and regional factors
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Identifying High-Leverage Transfer Students on Your Campus, Through the Gate Transfer Study Methodology, Tool 1, March 2019

Guide for adapting the study’s methodology on your campus; includes data sources and elements, instructions on file preparation, and steps for generating the study population
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Determining Students’ Transfer Odds on Your Campus, Through the Gate Transfer Study Methodology, Tool 2, March 2019

Guide for adapting study’s statistical model for identifying students’ transfer odds on your campus, including data sources and instructions for implementing and interpreting the model.
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