Tuesday, July 16, 2024
The RP Group

2018 Resources

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Perspectives, November 2018
Article featuring college applications of the Through the Gate methodology.
Modesto Junior College — New Student Day 2018
December 10, 2018 | Modesto Junior College Student Success & Access |
Modesto Junior College integrates “the RP Group research findings related to the Six Success Factors of Student Achievement” to partner with their students and help them succeed.
All About AB 705 Newsletter, December 2018
Newsletter providing AB 705 news and information.
CATESOL 2018 Annual Conference: Research Update on ESL and AB 705 from the RP Group, December 2018
CATESOL packet sharing Cypress College ESL Courses to Fulfill Requirements for GE C2, CSU GE Breadth C2, and IGETC 3B at 2018 CATESOL Conference.
Education Level Workshop: Community College Research Update on ESL and AB 705 from the RP Group, December 2018
Slides presenting research update on ESL and AB 705 from the RP Group. 2018 MMAP presentation delivered at 2018 CATESOL Conference.
Super Brief, December 2018
Super Brief monthly newsletter covering updates by RP Group and field.
Paradigm Shift: From Developing Multiple Measures Practice to Informing Mandates, November 2018
Slides sharing the paradigm shift from developing multiple measures practices to information mandates at 2018 CAIR Conference.
All About AB 705 Newsletter, November 2018
Newsletter providing AB 705 news and information.
Designing an Evaluation Plan for Local Evaluation of AB705, November 2018
Slides used in webinar discussing how to develop an evaluation and/or research plan to track and monitor student placement and throughput under AB 705.
Developing an AB 705 Evaluation Plan, November 2018
Webinar discussing how to develop an evaluation and/or research plan to track and monitor student placement and throughput under AB 705.
What's the Big Idea? Let's Give All Students the Best Chance at Throughput Success
Researchers chat about how we are re-thinking placement of California Community College students, the benefits of alignment between high school and college, AB 705 (a bill that passed unanimously into law in 2018) changes, possible changes in how many students will qualify for transfer-level courses with implementation and sequence completion versus success in individual courses at the remedial level in first in WTBI series.
Embedding Data Literacy in GP Design with Equity in Mind
Webinar introducing the concept of data coaching and an example of it at Santa Monica College.
Super Brief, November 2018
Super Brief monthly newsletter covering updates by RP Group and field.
Perspectives, July 2018
Issue covers AB 705 recommendations and example articles as well as Guided Pathways-focused article.
A Recap of the 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference: It Was All About Our Students
October 30, 2018| Press release |
SSSC 2018 recap.
John Hadad." target="_blank">
John Hadad." target="_blank">
Self-Reported Data Questions: High School Transcript Information Section, October 2018
Instructions showing how to gather self-reported high school transcript information that is now available as an add-on to the CCCApply application. Colleges who would like to add the questions may contact John Hadad.
John Hadad." target="_blank">
AB 705 Adjustments, Ethnicity, Gender and Special Populations, October 2018
Slides used in webinar sharing the default placement rules disaggregated by various student populations. Examples were shared on how various colleges are supporting special populations to help them succeed in transfer-level courses.
AB 705 Adjustments, Ethnicity, Gender and Special Populations, October 2018
Webinar sharing the default placement rules disaggregated by various student populations. Examples were shared on how various colleges are supporting special populations to help them succeed in transfer-level courses.
Leading for Equity
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.
Evaluating Innovative Curriculum Under AB 705, October 2018
Webinar providing a method for proposing and evaluating corequisite and two-semester developmental innovations. The process and methods covered will provide clarity regarding how colleges are coming into compliance with AB 705 and AB 1805.
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Perspectives, July 2018

Issue covers AB 705 recommendations and example articles as well as Guided Pathways-focused article.

EOPS and DSPS Populations: Comparative Throughput Analysis for AB 705 Implementation, October 2018

Research brief disaggregating the results of the AB 705 placement and support recommendations for English, statistics, and pre-calculus for EOPS and DSPS students.

Gender and Ethnicity: Comparative Throughput Analysis for AB 705 Implementation, October 2018

Research brief disaggregating the results of the AB 705 placement and support recommendations for English, statistics, and pre-calculus by gender and ethnicity.

AB 705 Success Rate Estimates -Technical Paper, September 2018

Technical paper providing the methodology behind the AB 705 adjusted rates used in the CCCCO's placement and support recommendations for English, statistics, and precalculus.

Remedial Education Reforms at California’s Community Colleges: Early Evidence on Placement and Curricular Reforms

August 2018 | Public Policy Institute of California |
Report reveals that community college faculty members cite attending The RP Group’s Strengthening Student Success Conference as a support for their campus’ reform efforts.

MMAP and AB 705 Adjustments - Infographic, August 2018

Infographic illustrating how the MMAP team created the AB 705 adjustments.

Informing Choice: Ensuring Student Success Through Meta Majors

August 2018 | California Community Colleges Guide Pathways News Center |
RP Group team members are quoted in the Chancellor’s Office blog on the use of the Guided Pathways work plan analysis report.

Umoja Community: Insights and Feedback from Program Coordinators on Available Supports and Resources

Report providing an overview of statewide efforts by the Umoja Community Education Foundation to support Umoja program coordinators. It includes suggestions and recommendations for strengthening Umoja's resources and capacity building and professional development offerings.

Integrating Student Equity and Institutional Effectiveness to Transform Campus Culture, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Leading the Way: Cuyamaca College Transforms Math Remediation, June 2018

AB 705 and Transforming Math Remediation at Cuyamaca College

Launching Guided Pathways across CCCs: Preliminary Findings from CCCs Guided Pathways Phase I Work Plans (2018)

Report to the Chancellor’s Office summarizing colleges’ Guided Pathways priorities for Phase I, based on the most pressing key elements identified and the top support needs requested by a high majority of institutions.

MMAP Implementation Survey, Full Report, Spring 2018

Report sharing all responses to all questions in the survey, including open-ended responses that may be helpful to colleges who would like to learn from others.

CCCCO: Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative Legislative Report

Report on the California Community Colleges’ Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiative (IEPI).

Academy for College Excellence: Full Report of Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Long-Term Students' Outcomes, March 2018

Full report from a mixed methods study examining the long-term academic and wage outcomes of students who participated in the Academy for College Excellence program. The qualitative portion provides perspectives of former ACE students and their employers on the influence of ACE on students' personal and professional lives, while the quantitative portion provides information on ACE's impact on students' academic outcomes and potential earnings.

ESL Multiple Measures Questions - Translated into 10 Languages, March 2018

The multiple measures survey used by many colleges for their ESL populations, originally created by Irvine Valley College, was translated into 10 different languages by Mission College, including Arharic, Vietnamese, Japanese, Russian, Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, Korean, Spanish, and Chinese.

EdInsights Center LFM Academy Report 2018

Report to help the CCCCO understand how well LFM met its identified goals and outcomes, as well as its participants’ needs, Education Insights Center (EdInsights) researchers designed a participant survey to collect information. This report summarizes those findings.

LFM 2017 Evaluation Report

Reflections from the Leading from the Middle Academy 2017

Factors Enabling and Constraining Implementation of Guided Pathways

Report intended to help inform California Community College leadership about the implementation experiences of guided pathways in other states via interviews and other sources.

LFM 2017 Evaluation Report – Executive Summary

Reflections from the Leading from the Middle Academy 2017 - Executive Summary

Understanding CCC Budget and Reporting Part I (CCFS-320 Report), (SEM), Spring 2018

Report providing an overview of the Community College Financial Statement Apportionment Attendance Report to show a link between how data is derived, communicated to the state, and used to determine state apportionment for a district.

Understanding CCC Budget and Reporting Part II (Exhibit C, Fifty Percent Law, and FON), (SEM), Spring 2018

Report providing an overview of the Community College Funding Model and how enrollment drives the flow of funding.
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The Promise of the College Promise

College Promise Campaign Policy Brief No. 1.
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CATESOL 2018 Annual Conference: Research Update on ESL and AB 705 from the RP Group, December 2018

CATESOL packet sharing Cypress College ESL Courses to Fulfill Requirements for GE C2, CSU GE Breadth C2, and IGETC 3B at 2018 CATESOL Conference.

Education Level Workshop: Community College Research Update on ESL and AB 705 from the RP Group, December 2018

Slides presenting research update on ESL and AB 705 from the RP Group. 2018 MMAP presentation delivered at 2018 CATESOL Conference.

Paradigm Shift: From Developing Multiple Measures Practice to Informing Mandates, November 2018

Slides sharing the paradigm shift from developing multiple measures practices to information mandates at 2018 CAIR Conference.

Designing an Evaluation Plan for Local Evaluation of AB705, November 2018

Slides used in webinar discussing how to develop an evaluation and/or research plan to track and monitor student placement and throughput under AB 705.

AB 705 Adjustments, Ethnicity, Gender and Special Populations, October 2018

Slides used in webinar sharing the default placement rules disaggregated by various student populations. Examples were shared on how various colleges are supporting special populations to help them succeed in transfer-level courses.

Leading for Equity

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Evaluating Innovative Curriculum Under AB 705, October 2018

Slides used in webinar providing a method for proposing and evaluating corequisite and two-semester developmental innovations. The process and methods covered will provide clarity regarding how colleges are coming into compliance with AB 705 and AB 805.

Developing an AB 705 Evaluation Plan, October 2018

PowerPoint sharing how to develop an AB 705 evaluation plan at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference Post-conference workshop.

MiraCosta College: English Informed Self-Placement Process, August 2018

Slides sharing MiraCosta College’s guided self-placement process at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference Post-conference workshop.

CAP Math Breakout Session: CAP Design Principles For High-Challenge, High-Support Curricula and Pedagogy, October 2018

Presentation material sharing CAP design principles for high-challenge, high-support curricula and pedagogy at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference Post-conference workshop.

CAP Workshop Slides: AB 705: Ready or Not, Here it Comes , October 2018

Slides sharing how to maximize student completion of transfer-level courses in one year at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference Post-conference workshop.

College Access for Marginalized Communities Leveraging Partnerships to Better Serve Alternative Schools, Adult Learners, and Formerly Incarcerated Students

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Designing an Evaluation Plan for AB705 & Leading Evidence-Based Change, October 2018

Slides sharing how to develop an AB 705 evaluation plan at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference Post-conference workshop.

Ready or Not, Here it Comes! Preparing for AB 705, October 2018

Slides sharing ways to prepare for AB 705 at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Post-conference workshop.

Showcase of Growth Midset and Habits of Mind Practices and programs

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

AB 705: National Data, California Context, and Why It's Gonna Be Ok

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Addressing (in)Equity with Disaggregated Data Tools

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

And They Said It Couldn't Happen: Faculty Champions for Multiple Measures Assessment

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

And They Said It Couldn't Happen: Faculty Champions for Multiple Measures Assessment Handout

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Building Structures and Supports to Engage Adjunct Faculty in the Student Success Movement - Part 1

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Building Structures and Supports to Engage Adjunct Faculty in the Student Success Movement - Part 2

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Building Structures and Supports to Engage Adjunct Faculty in the Student Success Movement - Part 3

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Centering Equity and Transforming Education

Closing Keynote Address by Dr. Veronica Keiffer-Lewis.

Contract Grading for Fairness and Learning

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Creating Equitable Conditions at Our Colleges

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Deepening Academic Conversations through Reading Apprenticeship Routines

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Disrupting Deficit Mindset: Equitizing AB 705

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Embedded Support Program: Promoting Student Success and a Positive College Experience

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Embedded Support Program: Promoting Student Success and a Positive College Experience - Handout

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Get Started Collecting Student Voices for Guided Pathways Inquiry and Design

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

How City College of San Francisco Created Conditions for Change through Middle Leadership

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

How Do We Support Our math Students in the New Reality of AB 705

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

How is Your OER Initiative Tied to Equity Caputuring and Sharing Data

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Humanities 101: Gateway to Pathways

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Integrating AEBG, SWP, Perkins, Student Equity, Basic Skills, and SSSP

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Lessons from the Field: Implementing English Corequisite Models at Two California Community Colleges

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Lets Make STEM "SESI" Again!

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Lets Make STEM "SESI" Again! Course Outline Handout

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Lets Make STEM "SESI" Again! Sample Handout

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Lets Make STEM "SESI" Again! Sensory Profile Handout

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Lets Make STEM "SESI" Again! STEM Core Components Handout

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Leveraging Classroom Assessments to Boost Equity Outcomes

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

MakerSpace: Guiding Students to Student Success through Integrated and Contexualized Learning

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Making ESL Courses Student-Ready: A Discussion of ESLE Practices, Pathways, and Outcomes of Reform Approaches in California

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Multiple Paths Forward: Diversifying Mathematics as a Strategy for Student Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Opening Access to Freshman English through Guided Self-Placement and Enhanced Instruction

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Pathways to Success Academy - Changing Lives through Education: A Pathway for the Incarcerated

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Pathways to the Future: Teacher Preparation for California and Beyond

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Pathways to Transfer-Level Math and Quantitative Reasoning Courses

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Professional Development Podcasting: An Experiment in Progress

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Professional Development Podcasting: An Experiment in Progress

Podcast link and audio recording from the conference session "Professional Development Podcasting: An Experiment in Progress".

Reform Equitable Mind: The Economic Underpinnings of Guided Pathways

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Responding to Diaster: How Santa Rosa Junior College Supported Students after Sever Wildfires

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Rethinking Preparedness: The Implementation of AB 705

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Santa Rosa Junior College Student Success Teams: Proven Interventions in a 21st Century Format

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Simplified Metrics Explained

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Starting Faculty Right: Bringing an Equity Lens to the New Faculty Seminar

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

The Affective Learning Institute- Faculty-Driven Professional Deveopment for Equity-Based Instructional Innovation and Campus Cultural Transformation

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

The Real World Classroom: Using Project-Based Learning to Help Students in the Classroom and Beyond

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Title V in the Trenches: Leveraging Faculty's 10+1 Purview to Promote Equity

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Using Guided Pathways Data in the Classroom and Meta Majors

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Working across Silos for Student Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

3CSN's Learning Assistance Project: Four Years of a Statewide Community Practice

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

A Case Study: How One College Used Institutional Effectiveness Partnership Initiatives (IEPI) Integrated Planning Tools in Implementing Guided Pathways

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Advancing Equity-Mindedness in the Classroom: Using Practicioner-Level Data to Close Equity Gaps and Improve Student Achievement

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Aligning Systems for Sutdent Success: Lessons from the Los Angeles Compact

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

California Community Colleges Guided Pathways: Chancellor's Office update

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Choose Your Own Adventure: Practicioners Share Journeys in Creating Meta-Majors

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

College Promise: Beyond Free Tuition

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Doing Right by Our Men of Color: How the Minority Male Initiative is Fostering Student Encouragement, Engagement and Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Effectively Using Data to Improve Student Success: A Practical Approach

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Enacting Educational Equity: Discussing the Importance of Bridging the Pedagogy Gap

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Equity, Pathways, OER: Implementing California's Zero-Textbook-Cost Degree Grant Program

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Foundations for Success in the Classroom and Beyond

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

From Action to Equiy Uing Research and Collaboration to Meaningfully Scale and Individualize Equity Efforts at San Diego Mesa College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Governance in the Age of Change

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Guided Pathways as a Yellow Brick Road to Student Success, Equity, and Inclusion

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Helping Students Get a GRIP in Math

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Here's What it Can Look Like: Four Dimensions of RA Overview

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Here's What it Can Look Like: Lessons from Carnegie Math Pathways and Reading Apprenticeship for a Post AB 705

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Here's What it Can Look Like: RA College Brochure

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

How Can Colleges Best Support Middle Leaders?

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Let Them in and Support Them to Succeed

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Math Pathways and Equity: Using Corequisites in Math

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

MMAP and AB 705: Why and How to Maximize Throughput in English and Math, October 2018

Slides sharing why and how to maximize throughput in English and math at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

MMAP Students: They're Advancing But Are They Learning?

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Multiple Measures for ESL and International Students

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

New World of Work: Strengthening 21st Century Empoyability

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

PCC Pathways Program 2.0: Threading Career from Orientation to Completion

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Reading Apprenticeship for Learning Assistance Professionals

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Student Experience in Dual Enrollment Courses: The Result of Collaboration across Sectors

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Student-Centered Funding Formula

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Success and Setbacks of early College Credit in Alternative Education

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Supporting LGBTQ+ Students in the California Community College System: Practical Strategies and Opportunites amid Data Collection Limitations

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Supporting Students Secondary to Postsecondary Educational Trajectories through Cross-Sectoral and Cross-Institutional Collaborations

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Through the Gate: An Examination of Factors Determining Whether Students Achieve Transfer or Get Stuck At or Near the Gate

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 SSSC.

Replicating the AB 705 Adjustments Locally, September 2018

Slides walking participants through the process of accessing their college data from CalPass Plus and running the adjustments to determine if any variations exist between the statewide default rates and local rates.

Understanding and Interpreting the AB 705 Adjustments, September 2018

Slides and small, topic-specific videos breaking down the methodology behind the default placement rules.

AB 705, ESL and English Composition, August 2018

Slides used in joint webinar by RP Group and CATESOL sharing AB 705, ESL, and English Composition.

Adapting MMAP to AB 705 - Full Post Conference Workshop Video, July 2018

Slides of the full post-conference workshop on AB 705 in.

2018 ASCCC Curriculum Institute, July 2018

Slides sharing the assessment process in a post AB 705 world at 2018 ASCCC Curriculum Institute.

AB 705 ESL Work Group: ESL Student Typology and Reporting Options, June 2018

Slides sharing ESL student typology and reporting options to the ESL Work Group, a subcommittee of the AB 705 Implementation Committee.

Placement in a Post-AB 705 World: Reviews and Considerations, May and June 2018

Slides sharing reviews and considerations in a post-AB 705 world, including placement and support recommendations for English and math to the Implementation Committee.

Draft Recommendations: Funding Formula Workgroups, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Leadership: Meeting the Institutional Effectiveness Challenge, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Statewide Initiatives and Implications for IRPE Offices, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

IEPI, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute (Screen reader support enabled.)

Integrating Student Equity and Institutional Effectiveness to Transform Campus Culture Worksheet, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Leadership in a Participatory Governance Environment, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Organization Development: Culture, Systems, and Structures, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Facilitating Data Conversations, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Looking at Throughput in a Post-AB 705 Era, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute. (Screen reader support enabled.)

Data Visualization Design Principles for Dashboards, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Framing the Data Story: What's Your Sticky?, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Intro to Database Design and SQL Coding, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Qualitative Methods for Institutional Research, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Assessing and Leveraging Statewide Data Tools and Resources Data Exploration Worksheet, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Assessing and Leveraging Statewide Data Tools and Resources, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Overview of Managing Projects in an IRPE Office: Introduction to Project Management, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

The Role of IRPE in the California Community Colleges, June 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 IRPE Summer Institute.

Veterans Data Disaggregation: Age- and Gender-Adjusted Access to Community College

Powerpoint sharing how to include gender, age, and other demographic characteristics in access analyses for veteran student populations.

Post-AB 705: Supporting Colleges Through the Transition for ESL, April 2018

Slides with CATESOL sharing supporting college throughout the transition for ESL post-AB 705.

Implementing Multiple Measures Assessment, April 2018

Materials sharing how to implement multiple measures assessment at 2018 RP Conference.

MMAP Post-AB 705

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Developing an Evaluation Plan, April 2018

Slides sharing information to design an evaluation plan for AB 705 and leading an evidence-based change at 2018 RP Conference.

IEPI Workshop: Exploring Data Tools and Metrics for Strategic Enrollment

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

MMAP: Designing an Evaluation Plan for AB 705, April 2018

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project Post-AB 705: Supporting Colleges Into and Through the Transition for ESL, April 2018

Slides addressing how to support colleges into and through the transition for ESL post AB 705 at 2018 RP Conference.

Validating Placement Systems: It’s All About Throughput, April 2018

Slides sharing how to validate placement systems at 2018 RP Conference.

Visualizing Institutional Effectiveness Using Tableau Dashboards

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

A Look Beyond Numbers

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Academic Advising, Student Engagement, and Student Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Associate Degrees for Transfer: Are They Serving Community College Students?

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

California College Promise

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

CCCCO Update

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Collaborative Organizational Inquiry

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Designing and Equity-Embedding Framework for Online Student Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Digital Innovation

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

From Number Cruncher to Data Coach

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Guided Pathways Self-Assessment Results

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Hands-On Enrollment Management

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Leveraging Accreditation Efforts to Advance a Culture of Inquiry and Continuous Improvement

Presentation and/or materials delivered at the 2018 RP Conference.

Lost in the Woods

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Melt Rates: What They Are and How to Use Them to Improve Enrollment Management

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Program Review Plus (PR+)

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Saddleback College's Redeveloped Institutional Early Alert System and Trackng Faculty Utilization Dashboard

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Scheduling Effectivenes - Student Vs College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

The 2017 Past, Present, and Future of Noncredit Eductaion in California Project

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

The Role of Institutional Research in Emergency Response: Lessons From Santa Rosa Junior College

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

TMI: Transformation Through Messaging and Integration of Placement

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Trends and Equity Gaps Among Specific Groups of Students

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

A Visualization is Worth 1,000 Words

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Breaking the Silence of LGBTQ+ Voices

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Collecting Student Voices for Guided Pathways Inquiry and Design

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Conducting a Campus Climate Survey

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Creating a Process for Evaluating Noncredity Institutional Effectiveness

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Developing and Sustaining High Impact College Promise Programs in California's Community Colleges

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Evaluating Professional Development

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

History, Progress, and Process

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Integrating Student Equity and Institutional Effectiveness to Transform Campus Culture

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Integrating Your Integration

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Integrating Your Integration Planning Map

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Keynote Speaker Address: Designing Thinking

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

MMAP Re-Envisioned: Supporting the System's Leap Forward under AB 705

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Modeling Student Flow: Using SQL and Sanskey Charts to Model Student Transition

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Prerequisite Validation

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Researching the Impact of Transfer Degrees in Community Colleges

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Sequence Survivors

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

The Multiple Measures Assessment Project Re-Envisioned: Supporting the System's Leap Forward Under AB 705, April 2018

Slides sharing the re-envisioned Multiple Measures Assessment Project supporting the system’s leap forward under AB 705 at 2018 RP Conference.

The New IPEDS Outcome Metrics for California Community Colleges

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Through the Gate: What Factors Increase the Likelihood Students Get Stuck At or Near the Gate?

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

Transforming a District using a Data Visualization Collaboration

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.

2016 CCC Chancellor Office Update

The TRIS Division will provide an overview of initiatives administered in 2015, including the next phases of existing projects and the implementation of new programs in the coming year. The update will include information on technology and other initiatives that will impact institutional researchers. We will also introduce Debra Connick, the new TRIS Division Vice Chancellor.

Placement in a Post-AB 705 World, March 2018

Slides sharing how MMAP will look in a post-AB 705 world at 2018 CAP Conference.

Placement in a Post-AB 705 World, March 2018

Materials showing success rates of students whose first course was statistics and who had a 2.3 or lower HSGPA to the Implementation Committee.

Placement in a Post-AB 705 World, February 2018

Slides of presentation given to the Implementation Committee on the research and findings behind MMAP Classic and introducing the AB 705 adjustments for Math and English.

Mike Splane’s PowerPoint Tips

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2018 RP Conference.
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Flowchart for Conducting Content Analysis: How to Tell the Whole Story, June 2018

Qualitative content analysis process.

Data Tools and Metrics for Strategic Enrollment Management, June 2018

Strategic Enrollment Management Field Guide covering Data tools and metrics.

Matrix of Statewide Data Tools, June 2018

Directory of statewide data sources.

PMP Process Chart, June 2018

Project management process chart.

Collecting Student Voices for Guided Pathways Inquiry and Design: Why Do It, How it Works, and What It Looks Like in Action, February 2018

Guide offers steps for systematically listening to students throughout Guided Pathways inquiry and design; based on guide Collecting Student Voices for Guided Pathways Inquiry and Design: Why Do It, How It Works, and What It Looks Like in Action.
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Additional Multiple Measure Question Ideas, July 2018

Tool sharing sample questions created by colleges who add them to their assessment process which serve as an additional multiple measure; these are only examples and any college would need to determine if the questions are correlated with student outcomes before use in a placement model.

Conducting Focus Groups Checklist, June 2018

Focus group implementation checklist.

DataByAge CSV File

CSV file with data sorted by age.

California Community Colleges Guided Pathways Self-Assessment Tool (2017)

Self-assessment tool developed in collaboration with the Chancellor’s Office and partners to determine college’s state of Guided Pathways adoption, looking at 14 key elements for Guided Pathways inquiry, design, and implementation.

IEPI ASK: Strategic Enrollment Managment

"Focused on strategically meeting the needs of our community and our students, SEM promotes student success, optimizes enrollment, and ensures the fiscal viability of our colleges."

IEPI ASK: Guided Pathways Topic Area

"Key elements of Guided Pathways include a structured onboarding process, a set of clear course-taking patterns related to students’ career goals, integrated academic and support services, redesigned basic skills, and early warning systems. Guided Pathways materials for this site are in active development. Come back soon for more information and resources. In the mean time, check out the California Community Colleges Guided Pathways website for general information, an electronic tool kit, research, podcasts, presentations, and more."

IEPI ASK: Data Disaggregation Topic Area

"Content in this topic area is organized into three sections: Data sources, techniques of data disaggregation, and applications."

IEPI ASK: Integrated Planning Topic Area

"This ASK topic is based on a specific model for integrated planning and its five components — Discover, Develop, Implement, Evaluate, and Report. Each component has associated resources and examples that you can adapt for use at your campus."

CCCCO's Alphabetic Listing of Community Colleges

List of California Community Colleges in alphabetical order.
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MMAP and AB 705 Adjustments - Methodology, August 2018

Summary sharing how the MMAP team created the AB 705 adjustments.

Introduction to Cluster Analysis with SPSS, June 2018

Cluster analysis introduction for SPSS.

MMAP Implementation Survey, Summary - Spring 2018

Survey summary providing feedback on the implementation process and preparations for AB 705.

LFM 2018 Evaluation Report - Executive Summary

Middle Leaders in the Design and Development of Guided Pathways - Executive Summary

2017 SSSC Conference Evaluation Executive Summary

The 2017 SSSC Conference Evaluation Summary provides participant suggestions, light bulb moments, and ways we are considering improving the conference for next year.

AB 705 (Irwin) - Seymour-Campbell Student Success Act of 2012: Assessment, 2018

AB 705 legislation summary.
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Creating Doughnut Charts, June 2018

Process steps to create donuts charts in Tableau.

How to Build Dashboards that Persuade, Inform, and Engage, June 2018

Tableau white paper describing key dashboard design elements and tips.

A Multivariate Approach to Disaggregating Data

Paper introducing the concept of multivariate disaggregation and concrete examples that highlight real-world applicability.

Next Level Disaggregation: Examining Program Level Information, Additional Student Characteristics, and Labor Market Data

Paper providing colleges with five data points from the Launchboard practitioners can review use inform discussions about improving student outcomes.

Assembly Bill 705 Initial Guidance Language, March 2018

AB 705 memo.

Disaggregating Students by Metamajor and Program of Study: A Guided Pathways Project

Paper sharing two CCC case studies of how data disaggregation was used to understand students’ progression through pathways leading to program completion and career advancement.

Data Disaggregation in Action: Examining Student Success by Ethnicity at the Instructor Level

Paper sharing two CCC case studies disaggregating data at the instructor level and using it to explore and address observed student equity gaps.
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Modesto Junior College — New Student Day 2018

December 10, 2018 | Modesto Junior College Student Success & Access |
Modesto Junior College integrates “the RP Group research findings related to the Six Success Factors of Student Achievement” to partner with their students and help them succeed.

What's the Big Idea? Let's Give All Students the Best Chance at Throughput Success

Researchers chat about how we are re-thinking placement of California Community College students, the benefits of alignment between high school and college, AB 705 (a bill that passed unanimously into law in 2018) changes, possible changes in how many students will qualify for transfer-level courses with implementation and sequence completion versus success in individual courses at the remedial level in first in WTBI series.

A Recap of the 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference: It Was All About Our Students

October 30, 2018| Press release |
SSSC 2018 recap.
John Hadad." target="_blank">
John Hadad." target="_blank">

Self-Reported Data Questions: High School Transcript Information Section, October 2018

Instructions showing how to gather self-reported high school transcript information that is now available as an add-on to the CCCApply application. Colleges who would like to add the questions may contact John Hadad.
John Hadad." target="_blank">

2018 SSSC Program At-a-glance: Making our Colleges Student Ready

Presented by the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges (RP Group) in collaboration with California Community Colleges’ Success Network (3CSN), Career Ladders Project (CLP), and LearningWorks

2018 SSSC Program: Making our Colleges Student Ready

Presented by the Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges (RP Group) in collaboration with California Community Colleges’ Success Network (3CSN), Career Ladders Project (CLP), and LearningWorks

De Anza College — Vision, Mission and Values

August 6, 2018 | DeAnza College: Vision, Mission and Values |
With information from the RP Group’s Student Support (Re)defined report, De Anza College provides support for their students to have direction, stay focused, feel nurtured, be engaged, feel connected, and feel valued.

The RP Group Welcomes New Board Members

August 3, 2018 | Press release |
RP Group welcome new members, honor departing members and announce changes to board roles.

Umoja Community Evaluation from the Research and Planning (RP) Group, August 2018

August 2018 | Umoja Community Research and Publications |
Summary on Umoja’s site discussing the RP Group’s current partnership with Umoja, current evaluation-based study and RP Group research.

A Brief History of California’s Changing Approach: Basic Skills and Beyond

May 11, 2018 | Center for the Analysis of Postsecondary Readiness Blog | by Rose Asera |
“Twelve years ago, when I was a senior scholar at the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, we began planning a project on the “developmental or remedial, or foundational courses” at community colleges. At that time, there was not even a common name for the classes for students who were assessed (and labeled) as “not ready for college-level work.”

Multiple Paths Forward Report: Diversifying Mathematics as a Strategy for College Success — RP Group Cited

May 8, 2018 | Multiple Paths Forward |
RP Group cited in WestEd / Just Equations Report and shared on Just Equations website.

The RP Group Board Shares April Memorandum...

May 8, 2018 | Press release |
Funding Formula changes.

Kern Community College District

April 14, 2018 | 51st SPRING SESSION RESOLUTIONS |
RP Group work referenced in relation to KCCD committee Academic Senate Spring Session Resolutions item: Reduce Course Enrollment Maximums as Needed to Satisfy New State Directives.

Lee Cronin's + Diane West's Presentation Tips

Lee Cronin's Presentation Tips adapted by Diane West.

CCCCO Guided Pathways Website

Chancellor's Office webpage containing information, resources and tools on Guided Pathways.

Continuing Ed Awarded Project of the Year by Research and Planning Group

April 9, 2018 | San Diego Community College District News Center |
The RP Group honors “San Diego Continuing Education, the largest provider of noncredit education in California, with the 2018 Research and Planning Group Project of the Year Award at the 2018 RP Conference in Long Beach” on Thursday, April 12.

Chancellor's Vision for Success

A vision for the future of California's education.

“Multiple Paths Forward” cites RP Group, Published in EdSource Newsletter

April 4, 2018 | EdSource Newsletter Spring 2018 |
RP Group cited in WestEd Report “Multiple Paths Forward,” which was shared in EdSource email updates, daily for a period of more than 30 days in Spring 2018.

2018 RP Conference Program

Program for 2018 RP Conference.

California Community Colleges Guided Pathways Work Plan (2018)

Phase I (2018-2019) work plan developed in collaboration with the Chancellor’s Office and partners to identify colleges’ Guided Pathways priorities, support needs, and intended approach to AB 705 implementation during their first funding period.

Guided Pathways Library of Resources — RP Group Cited

March 23, 2018 | California Guided Pathways Library of Resources |
RP Group referenced as a source multiple times in Chancellor’s Office Guided Pathways Library of Resources document.

Serving English Language Learners in Higher Education — Unlocking the Potential

February 15, 2018 | American Institute for Research |
The RP Group is cited in this 2018 AIR report: Serving English Language Learners in Higher Education: Unlocking the Potential.

Riverside Community College District's Guided Pathways Initiative

February 8, 2018 | Riverside Community College District's Guided Pathways Initiative |
2018 Guided Pathways report has been included on the district’s Strategic Communications Workforce report list.

Dr. Darla Cooper Selected... as New Executive Director

January 18, 2018 | Press release |
RP Group announces new Executive Director.

Wheelhouse: The Center for Community College Leadership and Research

2018 Wheelhouse Fellows | UC Davis Announcement |
Former RP Group President and Board member Matt Wetstein selected to serve in second cohort of Wheelhouse fellows.

A Reverse Transfer Pilot, (SEM), Los Angeles College District, Fall 2018

Abstract discussing Los Angeles City College Districts’ reverse transfer pilot program, helping transfer students earn a transfer degree after they are disqualified from or leave without completing a baccalaureate degree.

Associate Degree for Transfer Map Design to Enhance a Timely Completion Agenda, (SEM), Evergreen Valley College, Fall 2018

Abstract describing Evergreen Valley College's Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) project aiming to enable students to enter the Silicon Valley workforce in a timely manner.

College Promise Campaign Brochure

Session materials provided at 2018 RP Conference.

Data Accessibility, Competency, and Transparency: Using Microsoft Power BI for Enrollment Management Reporting, (SEM), Los Angeles Harbor College, Fall 2018

Abstract discussing Los Angeles Harbor College's analysis of using Microsoft Power BI for enrollment management reporting.

Grossmont College - Integrated Master Calendar, (SEM), Grossmont College, Fall 2018

Abstract discussing the Grossmont College Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM) project team's Integrated Master Calendar and Canvas Resource Hub to take stock of all various SEM-related practices.

How One College is Using Action Research to Focus on Equity Efforts in Top 12 High-Enrolled Courses, (SEM), Grossmont College, Fall 2018

Abstract discussing Grossmont College's process of integrated planning and goal setting to assess trends in retention and success through an equity lens.

Improving Equitable Participation, Retention, and Completion in STEM, (SEM), Diablo Valley College, Fall 2018

Abstract describing Diablo Valley College STEM faculty and managers working to increase participation, success, and completion of underrepresented students in STEM pathways.

Pasadena Community College Pathways Program 2.0: Threading Career from Orientation to Completion, (SEM), Pasadena City College, San Bernardino Community College District, Fall 2018

Abstract discussing Pasadena City College's Pathways program, engaging students in career exploration and supporting their academic goals.

Restructuring Committee Meetings, (SEM), Grossmont College/Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District, Fall 2018

Abstract discussing Grossmont College/Grossmont-Cuyamaca Community College District restructuring their Strategic Enrollment Management (SEM)/Enrollment Strategies Committee Meetings to be more meaningful and collaboratively engaging.

SEM Toolbox and Blueprint, City College of San Francisco, Fall 2018

Abstract describing City College of San Francisco's Strategic Enrollment Management toolbox and blueprint.

Starfish Early Alert, (SEM), Crafton Hills College, San Bernardino Community College District, Fall 2018

Abstract describing Crafton Hills College's experience with implementing Starfish Early Alert.

Student-Centered Scheduling and Improved Room Utilization, (SEM), Long Beach City College, Lake Tahoe Community College, Fall 2018

Abstract discussing Long Beach City Colleges' Strategic Enrollment Management Plan.

Tahoe Clear: Strategic Enrollment Management, Fall 2018

Abstract discussing Lake Tahoe Community Colleges' strategic enrollment management project and how the project supports "Tahoe Clear."
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California Community Colleges Urged to Plan Now for Fewer Students in Remedial Courses

August 20, 2018|EdSource|
MMAP’s findings and suggestion to provide students with additional support mentioned in article discussing California Community College’s plan to reduce enrollment in remedial classes.

Promising Practices and the Future of Dual Enrollment

August 2018 | WCET |
RP Group article, “A Guide to Launching and Expanding Dual Enrollment Programs for Historically Underserved Students in California," cited in WCET’s Dual Enrollment article. WCET is an organization with a focus on practice, policy, and advocacy of technology-enhanced learning in higher education.

Three Change Theories We Will Be Exploring in the Leadership in a Participatory Governance Environment, June 2018

Change theory and change management.

Culture Fundamentals - 9 Important Insights from Edgar Schein, June 2018

Institutional culture.
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Perspectives, November 2018

Article featuring college applications of the Through the Gate methodology.

All About AB 705 Newsletter, December 2018

Newsletter providing AB 705 news and information.

Super Brief, December 2018

Super Brief monthly newsletter covering updates by RP Group and field.

All About AB 705 Newsletter, November 2018

Newsletter providing AB 705 news and information.

Super Brief, November 2018

Super Brief monthly newsletter covering updates by RP Group and field.

All About AB 705 Newsletter, October 2018

Newsletter providing AB 705 news and information.

Super Brief, October 2018

Super Brief monthly newsletter covering updates by RP Group and field.

All About AB 705 Newsletter, September 2018

Newsletter providing AB 705 news and information.

Super Brief, September 2018

Super Brief monthly newsletter covering updates by RP Group and field.

Super Brief, August 2018

Super Brief monthly newsletter covering updates by RP Group and field.

Super Brief, July 2018

Super Brief monthly newsletter covering updates by RP Group and field.

Super Brief, June 2018

Super Brief monthly newsletter covering updates by RP Group and field.

Perspectives, May 2018

Issue covers equity, LGBTQ+ new data model, foster youth efforts, and a new, upcoming OEI "Hub" and equity framework...

Super Brief, May 2018

Super Brief monthly newsletter covering updates by RP Group and field.

Chancellor's Office Today News

Curated, aggregated, important news articles about the CCC field.

Perspectives, March 2018

Issue covers 2018 Student Support (Re)defined and Award Winners; The Six Success Factors at Work and...

Super Brief, April 2018

Super Brief monthly newsletter covering updates by RP Group and field.

Perspectives, January 2018

Issue covers the Listening to Students Project and The Story of the Umoja Pipeline Partnership...

Super Brief, March 2018

Super Brief monthly newsletter covering updates by RP Group and field.

Super Brief, February 2018

Super Brief monthly newsletter covering updates by RP Group and field.
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Developing an AB 705 Evaluation Plan, November 2018

Webinar discussing how to develop an evaluation and/or research plan to track and monitor student placement and throughput under AB 705.

Embedding Data Literacy in GP Design with Equity in Mind

Webinar introducing the concept of data coaching and an example of it at Santa Monica College.

AB 705 Adjustments, Ethnicity, Gender and Special Populations, October 2018

Webinar sharing the default placement rules disaggregated by various student populations. Examples were shared on how various colleges are supporting special populations to help them succeed in transfer-level courses.

Evaluating Innovative Curriculum Under AB 705, October 2018

Webinar providing a method for proposing and evaluating corequisite and two-semester developmental innovations. The process and methods covered will provide clarity regarding how colleges are coming into compliance with AB 705 and AB 1805.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project Post-AB 705: Supporting Colleges Into and Through the Transition, April 2018

Slides showing how to support colleges into and through the AB 705 transition.

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