Tuesday, July 16, 2024
The RP Group

2014 Resources

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Multiple Measures Assessment Project: Convening of Pilot Colleges (RP Group Presentation), December 2014
MMAP presentation delivered at Pilot College Convening.
Multiple Measures Assessment Project: Pilot College Convening (Cal-PASS Presentation), December 2014
MMAP presentation delivered at Pilot College Convening.
Perspectives, November / December 2014
Perspectives monthly newsletter.
Reworking Remedial Education, November 2014
November 11, 2014 | EdSource |
The RP Group’s 2014 report, Curricular Redesign and Gatekeeper Completion: A Multi-College Evaluation of the California Acceleration Project, was referenced in an EdSource article about restructuring the approach to remedial education and placement policies.
Student Support (Re)defined: What EOPS Students Say About the Support They Need to Succeed, October 2014
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2014 CCCEOPSA Conference.
Hope and Mindset: Changing Institutional Culture to Improve Student Success, October 2014
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2014 Strengthening Student Success Conference.
Perspectives, October 2014
Perspectives monthly newsletter.
Redesigning Community Colleges for Student Success Overview of the Guided Pathways Approach, October 2014
Guided pathways reform.
Relationship of the Fall 2012 and Fall 2013 Left Lane Cohorts to Student Success, October 2014
Report examines the relationship of the Fall 2012 and Fall 2013 Left Lane cohorts to enrollments, student success, and fall to spring retention.
Phase I MMAP White Paper, September 2014
White paper providing a background on multiple measures research and plans for moving forward with the project.
Bibliography of Multiple Measures Articles and Research, September 2014
Compilation of articles and reports regarding multiple measures.
Perspectives, September 2014
Perspectives monthly newsletter.
Perspectives, August 2014
Perspectives monthly newsletter.
How to Tell a Great Story, by Carolyn O’Hara, July 2014
Article from Harvard Business Review.
Perspectives, June / July 2014
Perspectives monthly newsletter.
A Guide to Launching and Expanding Dual Enrollment Programs for Historically Underserved Students in California, June 2014
Guide offering dual enrollment program components, an analysis of opportunities and challenges, and ways to monitor progress at multiple levels.
Chaffey Hope Data: Three-Year Cohort Tracking, June 2014
Resource associated with the winning RP Group Award project.
CLU Professor Receives Fulbright, 2014
May 27, 2014 | Cal Lutheran News |
Out of 1,100 candidates, RP Group senior researcher Diane Rodriguez-Kiino “received a Fulbright Scholar grant to teach at the University of Tokyo and Tsuda College in Japan during the 2014-2015 academic year.” She “will teach courses on the history of diversity in American higher education.”
Perspectives, May 2014
Perspectives monthly newsletter.
How to Tell a Great Story, April 2014
Harvard Business Review article discussing compelling storytelling in a business context.
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Relationship of the Fall 2012 and Fall 2013 Left Lane Cohorts to Student Success, October 2014

Report examines the relationship of the Fall 2012 and Fall 2013 Left Lane cohorts to enrollments, student success, and fall to spring retention.

Bibliography of Multiple Measures Articles and Research, September 2014

Compilation of articles and reports regarding multiple measures.

Curricular Redesign and Gatekeeper Completion: A Multi-College Evaluation of the California Acceleration Project, April 2014

California Acceleration Project evaluation summary.

Curricular Redesign and Gatekeeper Completion: A Multi-College Evaluation of the California Acceleration Project, April 2014

California Acceleration Project evaluation report.

Curricular Redesign and Gatekeeper Completion: A Multi-College Evaluation of the California Acceleration, April 2014

Research report describing student outcomes from 16 colleges offering redesigned English and math pathways in 2011, as part of the California Acceleration Project (CAP).
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Stepping Up: Progression in English and Math from High School to College, February 2014

Research brief providing insights on using high school transcript data for placement of recent high school graduates, based on findings from the Student Transcript-Enhanced Placement Study (STEPS).
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Multiple Measures Assessment Project: Convening of Pilot Colleges (RP Group Presentation), December 2014

MMAP presentation delivered at Pilot College Convening.

Multiple Measures Assessment Project: Pilot College Convening (Cal-PASS Presentation), December 2014

MMAP presentation delivered at Pilot College Convening.

Student Support (Re)defined: What EOPS Students Say About the Support They Need to Succeed, October 2014

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2014 CCCEOPSA Conference.

Hope and Mindset: Changing Institutional Culture to Improve Student Success, October 2014

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2014 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Student Support (Re)defined: What Students Say Faculty Can Do to Help Them Succeed, March 2014

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2014 Association of American College and Universities Conference.

Decision Support System Conference Presentation, February 2014

Resource associated with the winning 2014 RP Group Award project.

SSS Post Conference Discussion Questions, October 2014

(Re)designing for Student Success: Applying Lessons and Resources from Student Support (Re)defined and Completion by Design - Discussion Questions for Overall Key Messages
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A Guide to Launching and Expanding Dual Enrollment Programs for Historically Underserved Students in California, June 2014

Guide offering dual enrollment program components, an analysis of opportunities and challenges, and ways to monitor progress at multiple levels.
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Curricular Redesign and Gatekeeper Completion: A Multi-College Evaluation of the California Acceleration Project, April 2014

Research brief summarizing high-level findings from an evaluation of 16 colleges offering redesigned English and math pathways in 2011, as part of the California Acceleration Project (CAP).
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Phase I MMAP White Paper, September 2014

White paper providing a background on multiple measures research and plans for moving forward with the project.
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Reworking Remedial Education, November 2014

November 11, 2014 | EdSource |
The RP Group’s 2014 report, Curricular Redesign and Gatekeeper Completion: A Multi-College Evaluation of the California Acceleration Project, was referenced in an EdSource article about restructuring the approach to remedial education and placement policies.

Chaffey Hope Data: Three-Year Cohort Tracking, June 2014

Resource associated with the winning RP Group Award project.

CLU Professor Receives Fulbright, 2014

May 27, 2014 | Cal Lutheran News |
Out of 1,100 candidates, RP Group senior researcher Diane Rodriguez-Kiino “received a Fulbright Scholar grant to teach at the University of Tokyo and Tsuda College in Japan during the 2014-2015 academic year.” She “will teach courses on the history of diversity in American higher education.”

(Re)designing for Student Success: Applying Lessons and Resources from Student Support (Re)defined and Completion by Design, 2014

Research brief summarizing key considerations from two pioneering RP Group projects — Completion by Design and Student Support (Re)defined — for colleges pursuing substantive institutional change.

AB86 Demographics (Josh 1) AB86 Demographics 2, 2014

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2014 RP Conference.

AB86 Planning Demographic Data March 2014

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2014 RP Conference.

Literature Review 3rd Edition, October 2014

RP Group "live" literature review on student support research, particularly focused on existing research examining supports that led to increases in students’ success, particularly for underrepresented student populations. Review also on studies that researched the potential to save money and achieve a return on investment on student supports.

Practically Speaking: Community College Practices that (Re)define Student Support — A Practitioner Primer, Spring 2014

Practitioner primer featuring 23 approaches that demonstrate Student Support (Re)defined's five key themes and Six Success Factors.

The RP Group’s Student Support (Re)defined Project and the CBD Design Principles, 2014

Completion by Design set out to increase student success and completion by knocking down the barriers that stop students at each stage of their journey to credential completion.

What is Student Support (Re)defined, Summer 2014

Description of Student Support (Re)defined study findings and ways to use the research on campus to strengthen student support.

What is Student Support (Re)defined?, Summer 2014

Student Support (Re)defined aims to understand how community colleges can feasibly deliver support both inside and outside the classroom to improve success for all students.
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Redesigning Community Colleges for Student Success Overview of the Guided Pathways Approach, October 2014

Guided pathways reform.

How to Tell a Great Story, by Carolyn O’Hara, July 2014

Article from Harvard Business Review.

How to Tell a Great Story, April 2014

Harvard Business Review article discussing compelling storytelling in a business context.
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Perspectives, November / December 2014

Perspectives monthly newsletter.

Perspectives, October 2014

Perspectives monthly newsletter.

Perspectives, September 2014

Perspectives monthly newsletter.

Perspectives, August 2014

Perspectives monthly newsletter.

Perspectives, June / July 2014

Perspectives monthly newsletter.

Perspectives, May 2014

Perspectives monthly newsletter.

Perspectives, April 2014

Perspectives monthly newsletter.

Perspectives, March 2014

Perspectives monthly newsletter.

Perspectives, February 2014

Perspectives monthly newsletter.

Perspectives, January 2014

Perspectives monthly newsletter.
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