Tuesday, July 16, 2024
The RP Group

2011 Resources

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A Typology of Students’ Use of the Community College, 2011
Article describing a typology of first-time community college students based on students’ course-taking and enrollment behavior; demonstrates typology utility through an application that involves interpreting data concerning students’ participation in remedial mathematics.
CCSF/CTE Capstone Survey - Architecture Dept.
CCSF/CTE Faculty Questions - Architecture Dept.
CCSF/CTE Focus Group Questions - Architecture Dept.
CTE Student Success Initiative Info & Application
Fostering Communication for SLO Implementation
CCSF/CTE Presentation - Generating Meaningful Data For Program Improvement
Culture Trumps Strategy, Every Time, March 2011
Institutional culture.
Student Support (Re)defined
Suite of tools to help colleges operationalize the findings from Student Support (Re)defined through their Guided Pathways adoption, focusing on key issues: identification of student success issues to solve through Guided Pathways reform, student onboarding, meta-major development and program mapping, AB 705 adoption, student-centered advising.
“It Takes an Integrated, College-Wide Effort” and Other Lessons from Seven High Transfer Colleges"
Journal of Applied Research in the Community College article introducing the Transfer Velocity Project and reviewing six transfer-promoting factors in place at seven colleges with consistently high transfer rates identified through this research.
2011 Survey of IRPE Offices
Census of California Community College institutional research offices, including staffing levels, budgets, areas of responsibility, and reporting structures.
2011 Weekly Student Contact Hours Report
The California Community College Chancellor's Office (CCCCO) relies on annual forecasts of Weekly Student Contact Hours (WSCH) in order to estimate the future facilities needs of the 72 California Community College (CCC) districts and determined that it would be beneficial to explore new methods of arriving at WSCH forecasts and asked the RP Group to investigate opportunities for improving these forecasts.
An Exploration of Civic Engagement of Community College Students and Graduates, April 2012
Career and Technical Education (CTE) Transfer Research Project: Improving Transfer Pathways for California Community College Students in CTE Programs
Journal of Applied Community College Research article on the infrastructure of CTE courses and programs that facilitate transfer from California Community Colleges, an analysis of student engagement with that infrastructure, and student and educator perspectives regarding factors that support transfer in career-oriented disciplines.
Improving CTE Programs with Data and Evidence
PowerPoint presentation accompanying the "Improving CTE Programs with Data and Evidence" inquiry guide.
Institutional Effectiveness Committee – Purpose and Function, August 2011
Phase I Research Summary: CTE Transfer Research Project
Research brief outlining highlights a quantitative study of the CTE course infrastructure, student enrollment, transfer rates and destinations; and a qualitative exploration of factors that students and faculty say impact CTE transfer.
Pipeline Improvements: Diversifying and Accelerating the Engineering Transfer in California Community Colleges
Research brief describing how community colleges recruit underrepresented minorities to the engineering transfer path and help students hurdle the math barrier that can inhibit progress to degree.
The Transfer Velocity Project: A Comprehensive Look at the Transfer Function
Journal of Applied Research in the Community College article identifying transfer-facilitating characteristics, the strengths and weaknesses of the current research, suggestions for future research, and practical approaches to facilitating transfer.
The Use of Cluster Analysis in Typological Research on Community College Students, 2011
Article providing an introduction to the family of partitional cluster analytical methods, with specific attention to research on community college students; describes key decision points and common approaches in the use of cluster analysis.
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2011 Survey of IRPE Offices

Census of California Community College institutional research offices, including staffing levels, budgets, areas of responsibility, and reporting structures.

Weekly Student Contact Hours (WSCH) Forecast Report, June 2011

Research report summarizing an investigation of methods for improving weekly student contact hours forecasts for the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office.
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Phase I Research Summary: CTE Transfer Research Project

Research brief outlining highlights a quantitative study of the CTE course infrastructure, student enrollment, transfer rates and destinations; and a qualitative exploration of factors that students and faculty say impact CTE transfer.

Pipeline Improvements: Diversifying and Accelerating the Engineering Transfer in California Community Colleges

Research brief describing how community colleges recruit underrepresented minorities to the engineering transfer path and help students hurdle the math barrier that can inhibit progress to degree.
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CCSF/CTE Capstone Survey - Architecture Dept.


CCSF/CTE Faculty Questions - Architecture Dept.


CCSF/CTE Focus Group Questions - Architecture Dept.


CTE Student Success Initiative Info & Application


Fostering Communication for SLO Implementation


CCSF/CTE Presentation - Generating Meaningful Data For Program Improvement


Improving CTE Programs with Data and Evidence

PowerPoint presentation accompanying the "Improving CTE Programs with Data and Evidence" inquiry guide.
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Student Support (Re)defined

Suite of tools to help colleges operationalize the findings from Student Support (Re)defined through their Guided Pathways adoption, focusing on key issues: identification of student success issues to solve through Guided Pathways reform, student onboarding, meta-major development and program mapping, AB 705 adoption, student-centered advising.

2011 Weekly Student Contact Hours Report

The California Community College Chancellor's Office (CCCCO) relies on annual forecasts of Weekly Student Contact Hours (WSCH) in order to estimate the future facilities needs of the 72 California Community College (CCC) districts and determined that it would be beneficial to explore new methods of arriving at WSCH forecasts and asked the RP Group to investigate opportunities for improving these forecasts.

An Exploration of Civic Engagement of Community College Students and Graduates, April 2012


Institutional Effectiveness Committee – Purpose and Function, August 2011

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A Typology of Students’ Use of the Community College, 2011

Article describing a typology of first-time community college students based on students’ course-taking and enrollment behavior; demonstrates typology utility through an application that involves interpreting data concerning students’ participation in remedial mathematics.

Culture Trumps Strategy, Every Time, March 2011

Institutional culture.

“It Takes an Integrated, College-Wide Effort” and Other Lessons from Seven High Transfer Colleges"

Journal of Applied Research in the Community College article introducing the Transfer Velocity Project and reviewing six transfer-promoting factors in place at seven colleges with consistently high transfer rates identified through this research.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Transfer Research Project: Improving Transfer Pathways for California Community College Students in CTE Programs

Journal of Applied Community College Research article on the infrastructure of CTE courses and programs that facilitate transfer from California Community Colleges, an analysis of student engagement with that infrastructure, and student and educator perspectives regarding factors that support transfer in career-oriented disciplines.

The Transfer Velocity Project: A Comprehensive Look at the Transfer Function

Journal of Applied Research in the Community College article identifying transfer-facilitating characteristics, the strengths and weaknesses of the current research, suggestions for future research, and practical approaches to facilitating transfer.

The Use of Cluster Analysis in Typological Research on Community College Students, 2011

Article providing an introduction to the family of partitional cluster analytical methods, with specific attention to research on community college students; describes key decision points and common approaches in the use of cluster analysis.
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