Tuesday, July 16, 2024
The RP Group

2010 Resources

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Accreditation Team – Evaluation Report, February 2014
Focusing Accreditation on Quality Improvement: Findings from an Exploration of Community College Accreditation Policies and Practices
Research report offering contextual information about accreditation policies and practices nationwide; designed to engender discussion among key stakeholders about how these findings might assist in optimizing the accreditation process for true quality improvement.
Master Plan for Education – 2009 -10, January 2010
Promoting the Transition of High School Students to College, August 2010
Brief offering a high-level summary of the Transition Primer — focusing on effective strategies for transition implementation and strategic considerations for colleges interested in starting or expanding student transition programs and practices.
The Bird’s Eye View of Community Colleges: A Behavioral Typology of First-Time Students Based on Cluster Analytic Classification, October 2009
Article that tests the predictive validity of the classification scheme, investigates the relationships between the primary classification scheme and several alternative schemes, and demonstrates the replicability of the classification scheme.
The Engineering Transfer Experience: The Student View from the Beginning, Middle, and Completion of the Transfer Journey
Presentation highlighting key findings on the engineering transfer path (Engineering Liaison Council, October 2011).
Transfer Velocity Project: Key Findings on Student Transfer in California Community Colleges
Research brief highlighting key findings on institutional factors, and student behaviors and characteristics that facilitate transfer and strategies and approaches for improving this transition for California Community College students.
Using an Equity Lens to Assess Student Outcomes
Handout accompanying the "Using an Equity Lens to Assess Student Outcomes" inquiry guide showing how to access and use the Data Module, background and contact information for the Center for Urban Education (CUE), and data from the Downtown Community College.
Using the Economics of Innovation Excel Tool
PowerPoint presentation explaining how to use the Economics of Innovation Excel Tool.
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Accreditation Team – Evaluation Report, February 2014


Focusing Accreditation on Quality Improvement: Findings from an Exploration of Community College Accreditation Policies and Practices

Research report offering contextual information about accreditation policies and practices nationwide; designed to engender discussion among key stakeholders about how these findings might assist in optimizing the accreditation process for true quality improvement.
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Promoting the Transition of High School Students to College, August 2010

Brief offering a high-level summary of the Transition Primer — focusing on effective strategies for transition implementation and strategic considerations for colleges interested in starting or expanding student transition programs and practices.

Transfer Velocity Project: Key Findings on Student Transfer in California Community Colleges

Research brief highlighting key findings on institutional factors, and student behaviors and characteristics that facilitate transfer and strategies and approaches for improving this transition for California Community College students.
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The Engineering Transfer Experience: The Student View from the Beginning, Middle, and Completion of the Transfer Journey

Presentation highlighting key findings on the engineering transfer path (Engineering Liaison Council, October 2011).

Using the Economics of Innovation Excel Tool

PowerPoint presentation explaining how to use the Economics of Innovation Excel Tool.
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Using an Equity Lens to Assess Student Outcomes

Handout accompanying the "Using an Equity Lens to Assess Student Outcomes" inquiry guide showing how to access and use the Data Module, background and contact information for the Center for Urban Education (CUE), and data from the Downtown Community College.
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Master Plan for Education – 2009 -10, January 2010

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The Bird’s Eye View of Community Colleges: A Behavioral Typology of First-Time Students Based on Cluster Analytic Classification, October 2009

Article that tests the predictive validity of the classification scheme, investigates the relationships between the primary classification scheme and several alternative schemes, and demonstrates the replicability of the classification scheme.
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