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The RP Group

2009 Resources

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Enrollment Management: Strategies, Tips, and Techniques, July 2009
July 16, 2009 | Ken Meehan, Fullerton College & Jim Fillpot, Chaffey College | Overview of enrollment strategies including research on specific groups, the student flow approach, establishing FTES targets, collecting needed information, and assessing physical usage.
2009 BSOC Use of Evidence Brief
Findings from a survey of California Community College research offices regarding staffing profile of offices, the types of activities that IRP offices are engaged in, and support that could help researchers become more effective.
2009 BSOC Use of Evidence Report
Findings from a survey of California Community College research offices regarding staffing profile of offices, the types of activities that IRP offices are engaged in, and support that could help researchers become more effective.
2009 IRPE Survey Discussion Guide
Findings from a survey of California Community College research offices regarding staffing profile of offices, the types of activities that IRP offices are engaged in, and support that could help researchers become more effective.
2009 IRPE Survey Summary
Findings from a survey of California Community College research offices regarding staffing profile of offices, the types of activities that IRP offices are engaged in, and support that could help researchers become more effective.
2009 Survey of IRPE Offices
Findings from a survey of California Community College research offices regarding staffing profile of offices, the types of activities that IRP offices are engaged in, and support that could help researchers become more effective.
Contextualized Teaching & Learning: A Promising Approach for Basic Skills Instruction, October 2009
Brief document offering instructors, college leaders, policy makers, and funders a high-level summary of the contextualized teaching and learning (CTL) primer — focusing on core components for effective implementation and strategic considerations for colleges interested in starting or expanding CTL practices.
Contextualized Teaching and Learning: A Faculty Primer (A Review of Literature and Faculty Practices with Implications for California Community College Practitioners), Spring 2009
Literature review for faculty with little specific knowledge about contextualized learning (CTL) and basic skills; includes review of the literature and related learning theories and features 11 CTL practices from the practitioner perspectives.
Contextualized Teaching and Learning: A Promising Approach for Basic Skills Instruction, October 2009
Streaming presentation introducing the faculty primer on contextualized teaching and learning (CTL), including a review of key learning theories that support CTL, and a discussion of 11 CTL practices.
CTE Transfer Research Project: Themes from a Literature Review of Career and Technical Education Transfer
Literature review brief providing a high-level summary of the context for studying CTE transfer, models for facilitating students’ pursuit of baccalaureate degrees, and evidence on the factors impacting this transition.
Discussing Accreditation: Findings, Discussion Questions, and Report Back from the Field on Community College Accreditation Policies and Practices
Discussion guide promoting further dialogue how to achieve quality assurance and quality improvement through the accreditation process; incorporates feedback gathered through conversations with key constituents on accreditation research.
Discussing Institutional Research: Findings and Discussion Questions on Community College Research Capacity and Focus, 2009
Findings from a survey of California Community College research offices regarding staffing profile of offices, the types of activities that IRP offices are engaged in, and support that could help researchers become more effective.
Effective Practices for Promoting the Transition of High School Students to College, January 2009
Research report reviewing effective practices for the successful transition of students from high school to college entry as documented in research-based literature.
Occupations Requiring Baccalaureate Preparation: A Review of Labor Market Projections
Overview of workforce projections focused on jobs requiring baccalaureate-level preparation including high-growth, high-demand and emerging occupations (based on 2008 data).
Strengthening Student Success Conference Presentation on the Transfer Velocity Study: An Investigation of Factors, Interventions, Strategies, and Practices that Have a Positive Impact on Transfer, 2009
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2009 BSOC Use of Evidence Brief

Findings from a survey of California Community College research offices regarding staffing profile of offices, the types of activities that IRP offices are engaged in, and support that could help researchers become more effective.

2009 BSOC Use of Evidence Report

Findings from a survey of California Community College research offices regarding staffing profile of offices, the types of activities that IRP offices are engaged in, and support that could help researchers become more effective.

2009 IRPE Survey Summary

Findings from a survey of California Community College research offices regarding staffing profile of offices, the types of activities that IRP offices are engaged in, and support that could help researchers become more effective.

2009 Survey of IRPE Offices

Findings from a survey of California Community College research offices regarding staffing profile of offices, the types of activities that IRP offices are engaged in, and support that could help researchers become more effective.

Discussing Institutional Research: Findings and Discussion Questions on Community College Research Capacity and Focus, 2009

Findings from a survey of California Community College research offices regarding staffing profile of offices, the types of activities that IRP offices are engaged in, and support that could help researchers become more effective.

Effective Practices for Promoting the Transition of High School Students to College, January 2009

Research report reviewing effective practices for the successful transition of students from high school to college entry as documented in research-based literature.
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Contextualized Teaching & Learning: A Promising Approach for Basic Skills Instruction, October 2009

Brief document offering instructors, college leaders, policy makers, and funders a high-level summary of the contextualized teaching and learning (CTL) primer — focusing on core components for effective implementation and strategic considerations for colleges interested in starting or expanding CTL practices.

CTE Transfer Research Project: Themes from a Literature Review of Career and Technical Education Transfer

Literature review brief providing a high-level summary of the context for studying CTE transfer, models for facilitating students’ pursuit of baccalaureate degrees, and evidence on the factors impacting this transition.
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Contextualized Teaching and Learning: A Promising Approach for Basic Skills Instruction, October 2009

Streaming presentation introducing the faculty primer on contextualized teaching and learning (CTL), including a review of key learning theories that support CTL, and a discussion of 11 CTL practices.

Strengthening Student Success Conference Presentation on the Transfer Velocity Study: An Investigation of Factors, Interventions, Strategies, and Practices that Have a Positive Impact on Transfer, 2009

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Discussing Accreditation: Findings, Discussion Questions, and Report Back from the Field on Community College Accreditation Policies and Practices

Discussion guide promoting further dialogue how to achieve quality assurance and quality improvement through the accreditation process; incorporates feedback gathered through conversations with key constituents on accreditation research.
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2009 IRPE Survey Discussion Guide

Findings from a survey of California Community College research offices regarding staffing profile of offices, the types of activities that IRP offices are engaged in, and support that could help researchers become more effective.
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Occupations Requiring Baccalaureate Preparation: A Review of Labor Market Projections

Overview of workforce projections focused on jobs requiring baccalaureate-level preparation including high-growth, high-demand and emerging occupations (based on 2008 data).
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Enrollment Management: Strategies, Tips, and Techniques, July 2009

July 16, 2009 | Ken Meehan, Fullerton College & Jim Fillpot, Chaffey College | Overview of enrollment strategies including research on specific groups, the student flow approach, establishing FTES targets, collecting needed information, and assessing physical usage.

Contextualized Teaching and Learning: A Faculty Primer (A Review of Literature and Faculty Practices with Implications for California Community College Practitioners), Spring 2009

Literature review for faculty with little specific knowledge about contextualized learning (CTL) and basic skills; includes review of the literature and related learning theories and features 11 CTL practices from the practitioner perspectives.
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