Tuesday, October 22, 2024
The RP Group

2008 Resources

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A Qualitative Study of Two- to Four-Year Transfer Practices in California Community Colleges: An Analysis of Seven Case Studies Featuring Colleges with Consistently Higher than Expected Transfer Rates
Cross-case overview analysis of seven case studies of colleges with higher-than-expected transfer rates including six transfer-promoting factors found at all of the colleges.
Decision Making A Guide to Planning and Governance OCC, October 2015
Presentation and/or materials delivered at Strengthening Student Success Conference.
Literature Review Summary: CTE Transfer Research Project
Literature review addressing (1) the definition of CTE transfer, (2) the context for studying CTE transfer, (3) models that facilitate and support CTE transfer, and (4) factors that influence this transition.
Promising Practices for Transitioning Students from Adult Education to Postsecondary Education: A Review of Literature with Implications for California Community College Practitioners, November 2008
Literature review exploring over 40 references and emerging with a set of 18 promising practices that enable the successful transition of students from adult education to postsecondary education.
Serving Former Foster Youth in California Community Colleges - Success, Challenges and Recommendations - October 2008
Report summarizing a qualitative research study exploring how California Community Colleges meet the educational needs of current and former foster youth.
Transfer Issues and Effective Practices and Effective Practices: A Review of the Literature
Literature review on transfer issues and practices spanning over 100 references.
Transfer Practices at DeAnza College
Detailed case study of transfer practices at DeAnza College, an institution with higher-than-expected transfer rates identified through the Transfer Velocity Project.
Transfer Practices at Irvine Valley College
Detailed case study of transfer practices at Irvine Valley College, an institution with higher-than-expected transfer rates identified through the Transfer Velocity Project.
Transfer Practices at Los Angeles Southwest College
Detailed case study of transfer practices at Los Angeles Southwest College, an institution with higher-than-expected transfer rates identified through the Transfer Velocity Project.
Transfer Practices at Porterville College
Detailed case study of transfer practices at Porterville College, an institution with higher-than-expected transfer rates identified through the Transfer Velocity Project.
Transfer Practices at Reedley College
Detailed case study of transfer practices at Reedley College, an institution with higher-than-expected transfer rates identified through the Transfer Velocity Project.
Transfer Practices at San Diego City College
Detailed case study of transfer practices at San Diego City College, an institution with higher-than-expected transfer rates identified through the Transfer Velocity Project.
Transfer Practices at Skyline College
Detailed case study of transfer practices at Skyline College, an institution with higher-than-expected transfer rates identified through the Transfer Velocity Project.
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Promising Practices for Transitioning Students from Adult Education to Postsecondary Education: A Review of Literature with Implications for California Community College Practitioners, November 2008

Literature review exploring over 40 references and emerging with a set of 18 promising practices that enable the successful transition of students from adult education to postsecondary education.

Serving Former Foster Youth in California Community Colleges - Success, Challenges and Recommendations - October 2008

Report summarizing a qualitative research study exploring how California Community Colleges meet the educational needs of current and former foster youth.
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Literature Review Summary: CTE Transfer Research Project

Literature review addressing (1) the definition of CTE transfer, (2) the context for studying CTE transfer, (3) models that facilitate and support CTE transfer, and (4) factors that influence this transition.
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Decision Making A Guide to Planning and Governance OCC, October 2015

Presentation and/or materials delivered at Strengthening Student Success Conference.
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A Qualitative Study of Two- to Four-Year Transfer Practices in California Community Colleges: An Analysis of Seven Case Studies Featuring Colleges with Consistently Higher than Expected Transfer Rates

Cross-case overview analysis of seven case studies of colleges with higher-than-expected transfer rates including six transfer-promoting factors found at all of the colleges.

Transfer Practices at DeAnza College

Detailed case study of transfer practices at DeAnza College, an institution with higher-than-expected transfer rates identified through the Transfer Velocity Project.

Transfer Practices at Irvine Valley College

Detailed case study of transfer practices at Irvine Valley College, an institution with higher-than-expected transfer rates identified through the Transfer Velocity Project.

Transfer Practices at Los Angeles Southwest College

Detailed case study of transfer practices at Los Angeles Southwest College, an institution with higher-than-expected transfer rates identified through the Transfer Velocity Project.

Transfer Practices at Porterville College

Detailed case study of transfer practices at Porterville College, an institution with higher-than-expected transfer rates identified through the Transfer Velocity Project.

Transfer Practices at Reedley College

Detailed case study of transfer practices at Reedley College, an institution with higher-than-expected transfer rates identified through the Transfer Velocity Project.

Transfer Practices at San Diego City College

Detailed case study of transfer practices at San Diego City College, an institution with higher-than-expected transfer rates identified through the Transfer Velocity Project.

Transfer Practices at Skyline College

Detailed case study of transfer practices at Skyline College, an institution with higher-than-expected transfer rates identified through the Transfer Velocity Project.
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Transfer Issues and Effective Practices and Effective Practices: A Review of the Literature

Literature review on transfer issues and practices spanning over 100 references.
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