Tuesday, October 22, 2024
The RP Group

2005 Resources

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A Resource Handbook for Strategic Planning for the California Community Colleges, April 2005
Complete report documenting internal and external trends shaping the future of the System and its 72 community college districts.
AB1417 Performance Framework for the California Community Colleges - A Report to the Legislature, pursuant to AB1417, April 2005
Cover letter, performance framework, and briefing paper on performance evaluation serving as the basis for the Accountability Reporting for the Community Colleges (ARCC) reporting system.
Environmental Scan: A Summary of Key Issues, July 2005
Summary of internal and external trends that are shaping the future of the System and its 72 community college districts.
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A Resource Handbook for Strategic Planning for the California Community Colleges, April 2005

Complete report documenting internal and external trends shaping the future of the System and its 72 community college districts.

AB1417 Performance Framework for the California Community Colleges - A Report to the Legislature, pursuant to AB1417, April 2005

Cover letter, performance framework, and briefing paper on performance evaluation serving as the basis for the Accountability Reporting for the Community Colleges (ARCC) reporting system.
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Environmental Scan: A Summary of Key Issues, July 2005

Summary of internal and external trends that are shaping the future of the System and its 72 community college districts.
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