Wednesday, October 23, 2024
The RP Group

Tutors Resources

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10 Ways Tutors Can Support Student Success, May 2020
Handout summarizing top 10 actions tutors can take to support student success.
Tutor Coordinator Context for 10 Ways Tutors Can Support Student Success, May 2020
Companion resource to 10 Ways Tutors Can Support Student Success recognizing the central role of tutor coordinators in developing tutor training and tutoring programs.
AB 705's Brave New World: Redesigning Partnerships for Embedded Tutoring as Student Learning for Success
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
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AB 705's Brave New World: Redesigning Partnerships for Embedded Tutoring as Student Learning for Success

Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.
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10 Ways Tutors Can Support Student Success, May 2020

Handout summarizing top 10 actions tutors can take to support student success.

Tutor Coordinator Context for 10 Ways Tutors Can Support Student Success, May 2020

Companion resource to 10 Ways Tutors Can Support Student Success recognizing the central role of tutor coordinators in developing tutor training and tutoring programs.
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