Wednesday, October 23, 2024
The RP Group

Kristen Fong Resources

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EOPS and DSPS Populations: Comparative Throughput Analysis for AB 705 Implementation, October 2018
Research brief disaggregating the results of the AB 705 placement and support recommendations for English, statistics, and pre-calculus for EOPS and DSPS students.
Gender and Ethnicity: Comparative Throughput Analysis for AB 705 Implementation, October 2018
Research brief disaggregating the results of the AB 705 placement and support recommendations for English, statistics, and pre-calculus by gender and ethnicity.
So Close, Yet So Far: New Research from the “Through the Gate” Transfer Study
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.
A Look at Developmental Math Education through Student Behavior
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.
A Multi-Perspective Examination of Developmental Education
Dissertation and project summary by Kristen Fong.
A Multi-Perspective Examination of Developmental Education, December 2015
Dissertation presented to the faculty of the USC Graduate School.
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EOPS and DSPS Populations: Comparative Throughput Analysis for AB 705 Implementation, October 2018

Research brief disaggregating the results of the AB 705 placement and support recommendations for English, statistics, and pre-calculus for EOPS and DSPS students.

Gender and Ethnicity: Comparative Throughput Analysis for AB 705 Implementation, October 2018

Research brief disaggregating the results of the AB 705 placement and support recommendations for English, statistics, and pre-calculus by gender and ethnicity.
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So Close, Yet So Far: New Research from the “Through the Gate” Transfer Study

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.
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A Look at Developmental Math Education through Student Behavior

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 RP Conference.
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A Multi-Perspective Examination of Developmental Education

Dissertation and project summary by Kristen Fong.

A Multi-Perspective Examination of Developmental Education, December 2015

Dissertation presented to the faculty of the USC Graduate School.
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