Wednesday, October 23, 2024
The RP Group

Craig Hayward Resources

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IEPI Workshop: The Art and Heart of Data Disaggregation: Exploring Students' Complex Identities
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.
Research Brief - Validating Placement Systems Comprising Test and Multiple Measure Information, 2017
Research brief describing how to validate placement decisions using several objective key metrics including throughput, throughput rate, predictive validity, and disproportionate impact.
Important note on the rights to use MMAP training data set and limits to those rights, June 2016
Short note on the rights to use MMAP training data set and limits to those rights.
The Transfer Velocity Project: A Comprehensive Look at the Transfer Function
Journal of Applied Research in the Community College article identifying transfer-facilitating characteristics, the strengths and weaknesses of the current research, suggestions for future research, and practical approaches to facilitating transfer.
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Research Brief - Validating Placement Systems Comprising Test and Multiple Measure Information, 2017

Research brief describing how to validate placement decisions using several objective key metrics including throughput, throughput rate, predictive validity, and disproportionate impact.
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IEPI Workshop: The Art and Heart of Data Disaggregation: Exploring Students' Complex Identities

Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.
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Important note on the rights to use MMAP training data set and limits to those rights, June 2016

Short note on the rights to use MMAP training data set and limits to those rights.
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The Transfer Velocity Project: A Comprehensive Look at the Transfer Function

Journal of Applied Research in the Community College article identifying transfer-facilitating characteristics, the strengths and weaknesses of the current research, suggestions for future research, and practical approaches to facilitating transfer.
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