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Plain Text Code for Segmentation Study, June 2012
Text that can easily be cut and pasted into statistical software to run the simplified rule set for sorting students into the classifications identified by Peter Riley Bahr in his analysis of student course-taking behavior.
Segmentation Model for Assessing Course-Taking Patterns--Updated Rule Sets, December 2012
Simplified rule set for sorting students into the classifications identified by Peter Riley Bahr in his analysis of student course-taking behavior, updated December 2012.
Segmentation Model for Assessing Course-Taking Patterns: Research Methodology and Discussion Guide, June 2012
Simplified rule set for sorting students into the classifications identified by Peter Riley Bahr in his analysis of student course-taking behavior; includes sample discussion questions on how to use these results to build a deeper understanding of student course-taking behavior and its relationship to student success.
What's Completion Got to Do with It?, June 2012
Inquiry guide that applies Peter Riley Bahr’s cluster analysis on student attainment to the current conversation on improving completion outcomes; includes discussion questions can help relate the results to key concerns in community colleges at both the campus and policy levels.
Whats Completion Got to Do with It, October 2012
Presentation delivered in a webinar.
A Typology of Students’ Use of the Community College, 2011
Article describing a typology of first-time community college students based on students’ course-taking and enrollment behavior; demonstrates typology utility through an application that involves interpreting data concerning students’ participation in remedial mathematics.
The Use of Cluster Analysis in Typological Research on Community College Students, 2011
Article providing an introduction to the family of partitional cluster analytical methods, with specific attention to research on community college students; describes key decision points and common approaches in the use of cluster analysis.
The Bird’s Eye View of Community Colleges: A Behavioral Typology of First-Time Students Based on Cluster Analytic Classification, October 2009
Article that tests the predictive validity of the classification scheme, investigates the relationships between the primary classification scheme and several alternative schemes, and demonstrates the replicability of the classification scheme.
What’s Completion Got to Do With It? Unpacking the Value of Student Short-Term Course-Taking
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Whats Completion Got to Do with It, October 2012

Presentation delivered in a webinar.

What’s Completion Got to Do With It? Unpacking the Value of Student Short-Term Course-Taking

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Segmentation Model for Assessing Course-Taking Patterns--Updated Rule Sets, December 2012

Simplified rule set for sorting students into the classifications identified by Peter Riley Bahr in his analysis of student course-taking behavior, updated December 2012.

Segmentation Model for Assessing Course-Taking Patterns: Research Methodology and Discussion Guide, June 2012

Simplified rule set for sorting students into the classifications identified by Peter Riley Bahr in his analysis of student course-taking behavior; includes sample discussion questions on how to use these results to build a deeper understanding of student course-taking behavior and its relationship to student success.

What's Completion Got to Do with It?, June 2012

Inquiry guide that applies Peter Riley Bahr’s cluster analysis on student attainment to the current conversation on improving completion outcomes; includes discussion questions can help relate the results to key concerns in community colleges at both the campus and policy levels.
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Plain Text Code for Segmentation Study, June 2012

Text that can easily be cut and pasted into statistical software to run the simplified rule set for sorting students into the classifications identified by Peter Riley Bahr in his analysis of student course-taking behavior.
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A Typology of Students’ Use of the Community College, 2011

Article describing a typology of first-time community college students based on students’ course-taking and enrollment behavior; demonstrates typology utility through an application that involves interpreting data concerning students’ participation in remedial mathematics.

The Use of Cluster Analysis in Typological Research on Community College Students, 2011

Article providing an introduction to the family of partitional cluster analytical methods, with specific attention to research on community college students; describes key decision points and common approaches in the use of cluster analysis.

The Bird’s Eye View of Community Colleges: A Behavioral Typology of First-Time Students Based on Cluster Analytic Classification, October 2009

Article that tests the predictive validity of the classification scheme, investigates the relationships between the primary classification scheme and several alternative schemes, and demonstrates the replicability of the classification scheme.
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