Sunday, October 27, 2024
The RP Group

Basic Skills Research Project (2009-2013) Resources

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Basic Skills Education in Community Colleges, April 2013
Report summarizing findings from a survey asking health care directors in California Community Colleges about successful practices in their programs.
A Guide to Transforming Basic Skills Education in Community Colleges, Inside and Outside the Classroom, April 2013
Guide designed to help colleges understand where to start comprehensive basic skills reform, by identifying and exploring four key changes that can be made to basic skills programs in order to significantly improve student outcomes.
Basic Skills Education in Community Colleges: Inside and Outside of Classrooms, December 2012
Book based on findings from the Basic Skills Research Project, written by W. Norton Grubb, with support from Bob Gabriner; based on classroom observations and interviews with administrators, faculty, and students, this valuable book balances critique with examples of innovation.The book may be purchased through Routledge or Amazon.
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Basic Skills Education in Community Colleges, April 2013

Report summarizing findings from a survey asking health care directors in California Community Colleges about successful practices in their programs.
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A Guide to Transforming Basic Skills Education in Community Colleges, Inside and Outside the Classroom, April 2013

Guide designed to help colleges understand where to start comprehensive basic skills reform, by identifying and exploring four key changes that can be made to basic skills programs in order to significantly improve student outcomes.
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Basic Skills Education in Community Colleges: Inside and Outside of Classrooms, December 2012

Book based on findings from the Basic Skills Research Project, written by W. Norton Grubb, with support from Bob Gabriner; based on classroom observations and interviews with administrators, faculty, and students, this valuable book balances critique with examples of innovation.The book may be purchased through Routledge or Amazon.
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