Friday, March 28, 2025
The RP Group

 Presenter Resources

Thank you for presenting at RP Conference 2025 and joining us for this annual professional learning event! To aid in your preparation for your session, you will find information below about room size, setup, technology, evaluations, and more.

The following information applies to each breakout and dashboard showcase session:

  • Laptop (PC or Mac)

  • HDMI (or micro HDMI) to VGA adaptor (if your laptop requires HDMI for projector connection)

  • Mac adaptor if bringing a Mac laptop

  • Your presentation on a backup flash drive

  • Any handouts/session evaluations you plan to distribute (we suggest bringing a minimum quantity of 50 with you to be safe. Please note that we will NOT be able to do any copying on-site.)

  • Any supplies needed for your presentation not mentioned below

Rooms will be set to maximize participation. Banquet rounds of 8 to 10 will be used in most of the rooms. Each room setup will also include:

  • Podium

  • Head table for three

  • Materials table at the back of the room

  • Water station


  • One podium mic (wireless)

  • Laptop sound

  • Speakers

  • Mixer


  • LCD projector

  • Wireless remote/laser pointer

  • Cables as needed

  • Power strip

  • Screen

  • Flipchart pad/markers - only upon request

If there is anything else you need, please email Lila Tavelli at by Monday, March 17, and we will do our best to accommodate your request.

A Note on Music During Sessions

Use of music during your session or small group time is a great way to welcome and/or connect with attendees. However, if you choose to play music at any time during your session, we ask that you keep the volume low. In addition, we encourage you to refrain from using music while people are speaking, as it can make hearing the presenters or other participants challenging for attendees, especially those who are hard of hearing.

A host will be assigned to your room to assist you with needs such as distributing handouts, changing lighting/room temp, contacting AV support, or other needs. They will also help you to keep the session on schedule, make any closing announcements, and direct attendees to the next session.

Should your session fill, the host will place a “Session Full” sign outside the door. In most cases, we are unable to add chairs to rooms, but your session host will work with staff to make that call if needed. It will depend on space and fire code restrictions. For this reason, no one is allowed to sit on the floor.

We encourage you to arrive 15 minutes early for your session to meet your room host and to test your presentation.

We would like to make your presentation slides and session materials to conference attendees via the event app. As such, please make sure to review all of your visual content and physical handouts for accessibility before sending them to us. Making all your materials accessible ensures that your entire audience will be able to access them. Please note: We will not be able to post any presentations or materials that are not fully accessible on our app. Find a detailed guide to creating accessible materials on our website. If you need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact Lila Tavelli.


Submit PowerPoint presentations by 12:00 pm on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, so that they may be checked for accessibility. Email your PPTX file to Lila Tavelli at using the following format to name your files: “Session Title_Lead Presenter Name.” 

The conference will not be conducting individual session evaluations. If you would like to invite written feedback at the conclusion of your session, you are welcome to distribute your own evaluation form to your participants. If you plan to do so, reserve approximately five minutes at the end of your session to allow attendees time to complete them.


Please contact Lila Tavelli at​.