Friday, March 28, 2025
The RP Group

RP Conference 2025 logo

The Call for Proposals for RP Conference 2025 is now closed! We will notify everyone who submitted a proposal about the status their proposal in mid-January.

 Important Proposal Information

The Call for Proposals is now closed.

The theme for the 2025 conference is Building an Inclusive Future for Student Success.

With this in mind, we invite you to submit a proposal that calls attention to the strategies IRPE offices and professionals are employing to equitize their work by keeping student needs and priorities at the core of institutional research, planning processes, decision support, and effectiveness. This could be a discussion or utilization of a topic, tool, or resource that is relevant to the research, planning, and institutional effectiveness community of practitioners.

If you would like to plan your proposal using a PDF version of the form as a reference, you can download a copy.

Notifications about proposal status will go out in mid-January 2025.

  • You may submit multiple proposals. Please submit one form for each proposal you would like to submit for review.

  • If you intend to complete a question later but it requires an answer to allow you to proceed, please write "draft" in the answer field in the interim.

  • If you wish to save and come back to your proposal later, click the "save and resume" button. You will be given a personalized link. You can also opt to have the link sent to you by email. You MUST use this link in order to return to your partially completed form.

  • If you would like to start a new proposal, you can do so at any time using the original link.

  • Once you submit your proposal, you will receive a confirmation email with a copy of your proposal.

  • If you have any questions about the proposal form or submission process, please do not hesitate to contact Lila Tavelli at

  • If you have any questions about how to structure your proposal and best respond to the prompts included in the proposal form, please do not hesitate to contact Brad Trimble at

  • A note about student co-presenters: We value student participation and welcome student co-presenters at the RP Conference. NEW this year, up to two student presenters per session will receive complimentary registration and are eligible to receive a scholarship for travel and hotel costs. The call for scholarship applications will open after proposal notifications go out, and scholarships will be awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

  • A note for vendors: Only proposals that include college co-presenters and show how a college is using your product to advance student equity and success will be considered. This is not an opportunity for a sales pitch.

Building an Inclusive Future for Student Success

RP Conference 2025 calls on institutional research, planning, and effectiveness (IRPE) professionals to lead bold and innovative efforts in shaping a more just, equitable, and inclusive educational system. This conference provides an opportunity for IRPE professionals at all levels to leverage their roles to challenge the structures that uphold inequitable outcomes and experiences for minoritized and disproportionately impacted students by uplifting student voices and advocating for practices that transform institutional culture and outcomes. Together, we will confront systemic barriers, fostering a more inclusive future in which every student can thrive.

Conference Tracks

This year’s conference sessions are organized within three tracks. Each conference track is described in more detail on the Theme & Tracks page.

  • Planning & Institutional Effectiveness

  • Research & Evaluation

  • RP Toolbox

Please consider the following when preparing your proposal:

  • How your proposal/project relates to the conference theme

  • The area(s) of focus: (1) Planning & Institutional Effectiveness; (2) Research & Evaluation; and (3) RP Toolbox

  • All sessions will be 60 minutes long and should include time for attendee engagement, such as discussion, hands-on activities, and/or Q&A that help participants consider ways to apply what they learn to their own colleges and practices. NEW this year, we invite sessions that feature “outside-the-box” strategies for presenting content and engaging attendees.

  • A few tangible, realistic outcomes for your session

  • How participants will be able to apply what they learn in the session to their colleges/districts and their daily practice

  • How the discussion of this topic or application of this resource/tool will advance the field of research and planning

Each proposal will be evaluated using this scoring rubric.


If you have any questions about the proposal process, please do not hesitate to contact