Friday, March 28, 2025
The RP Group

 Funding Your Conference Attendance

Paying for professional learning opportunities can sometimes be challenging. Here are some suggestions for potential funding sources to consider as you make your plans to attend RP Conference 2025.

 Potential funding sources for your conference attendance:

Student Equity and Achievement funds (SEA) on your campus may have professional learning as part of their Student Equity plan. If you aren’t already, become friends with whomever oversees these funds and make your case for funding for the conference.

Justification: “I would like to attend RP Conference 2025 and am asking for funding from SEA. The RP Conference is designed by and for California community college practitioners to share best practices and learn from each other. This year’s conference theme is Building an Inclusive Future for Student Success. The conference will provide IRPE professionals with a dedicated space to strategize and share how they are informing and supporting equitable change focused on identified student needs and priorities at their institutions. Here are some of the breakout sessions I would like to attend:”

Sessions that you can highlight to help make your case for using funding to attend the conference:

  • Breaking Barriers Together: Insights & Actions from Student Voices

  • Improving the Student Experience & Increasing Access by Streamlining Workflows

  • Understanding the Support Networks of First-Generation College Students

  • Driving Equitable Change: Using Cross-Functional Inquiry Teams to Build an Inclusive Future for Student Success

CA Adult Education Program (CAEP) funding can be used to support attendance at this conference. There are several breakout sessions about noncredit students and transfer success. If you aren’t already, become friends with whomever oversees these funds and make your case for funding for the conference.

Justification: “I would like to attend the RP Conference 2025, and I am asking for funding from CAEP. The RP Conference is designed by and for California community college practitioners to share best practices and learn from each other. This year’s conference theme is Building an Inclusive Future for Student Success. The conference will provide IRPE professionals with a dedicated space to strategize and share how they are informing and supporting equitable change focused on identified student needs and priorities at their institutions. Here are some of the breakout sessions I would like to attend: [list them here].”

Sessions that you can highlight to help make your case for using funding to attend the conference:

  • From Enrollment to Completion: Exploring Noncredit Time to Completion

  • Data Gymnastics: Leaping Over ETL Hurdles for Equitable Student Success

  • Designing Inclusive Pathways: A Community-Centered Approach to Adult Learner Success

If your college has a Title V grant, there may be funds for professional development as a part of the grant. If you aren’t already, become friends with whomever oversees these funds and make your case for funding for the conference. Make sure you know what the objectives of your grant are so you can show how attending the conference will help your campus achieve the purpose of the grant.

Justification: “I would like to attend the RP Conference, and I am asking for funding from Title V.  The RP Conference is designed by and for California community college practitioners to share best practices and learn from each other. This year’s conference theme is Building an Inclusive Future for Student Success. The conference will provide IRPE professionals with a dedicated space to strategize and share how they are informing and supporting equitable change focused on identified student needs and priorities at their institutions. The conference has a number of breakout sessions that can help us realize the objectives of our grant. Here are some of the sessions I would like to attend: [list them here].”

Some sessions that you can highlight to help make your case for using funding to attend the conference:

  • Beyond the Numbers: Centering Equity in Research & Evaluation

  • Equity-Minded Redesign of the Calculus Pipeline

  • Instructional & Non-Instructional Support for Academic Success: Assessment of Embedded Tutoring, Counseling & Co-Requisites

If your college has received funding to address basic needs on your campus, you may be able to request funding to assist with attending the conference. You can talk with your college’s Dean of Counseling or your Student Equity Coordinator/Director to see if there is funding to support professional development opportunities.

Justification:  “I would like to attend the RP Conference, and I am asking for funding from Basic Needs. The RP Conference is designed by and for California community college practitioners to share best practices and learn from each other. This year’s conference theme is Building an Inclusive Future for Student Success. The conference will provide IRPE professionals with a dedicated space to strategize and share how they are informing and supporting equitable change focused on identified student needs and priorities at their institutions. Our college has really stepped up in the last few years to support our students in many ways, and if there is funding available, I would like to attend and participate in some of the sessions such as [list them here].”

Sessions that you can highlight to help make your case for using funding to attend the conference:

  • Improving the Student Experience & Increasing Access by Streamlining Workflows: A Collaborative Between EOPS & Research

  • Designing Inclusive Pathways: A Community-Centered Approach to Adult Learner Success

  • Understanding the Support Networks of First-Generation College Students

  • Equitable Co-Design of the Student Experience Survey

AB 705 & AB 1705 Funds may be able to support your conference attendance. RP Conference is a great place to get ideas from practitioners in the field on how AB 705 & 1705 implementation efforts are going on other campuses. If you aren’t already, become friends with whomever oversees these funds and make your case for funding for the conference.

Justification: “I would like to attend RP Conference 2025 and am asking for AB 705/1705 funding. The RP Conference is designed by and for California community college practitioners to share best practices and learn from each other. This year’s conference theme is Building an Inclusive Future for Student Success. The conference will provide IRPE professionals with a dedicated space to strategize and share how they are informing and supporting equitable change focused on identified student needs and priorities at their institutions. Here are some of the breakout sessions I would like to attend: [list them here].”

Some sessions that you can highlight to help make your case for using funding to attend the conference:

  • Equity-Minded Redesign of the Calculus Pipeline

  • The Impact of Corequisite Support on Equitable Completion

  • Instructional & Non-Instructional Support for Academic Success: Assessment of Embedded Tutoring, Counseling & Co-Requisites

You can modify any of the suggested justifications listed above to fit any other grant or categorical funding you may have available for professional development. Always link the grant’s goals to the purpose of the conference.