The RP Group is engaged in a longitudinal research study of the long-term impacts of the Academy for College Excellence (ACE) on students’ academic and employment outcomes, designed to understand:
Whether students were taught and remember the personal success skills that are part of the program’s curriculum
How these personal success skills influence participating students’ completion and employability
To provide context for these results, the RP Group is comparing ACE participant outcomes to those of a demographically-matched, non-participating peer group. We will also interview a sampling of former ACE students’ work supervisors to learn how ACE students compare to other employees in terms of their preparation and performance.
As a result of investigating the long-term academic and employment outcomes of ACE students and comparing their outcomes to comparable students, ACE administrators will better understand the long-term impacts on student success in order to ensure that colleges are aware of the ACE program and what it offers to students over time.
To learn more, visit the Academy for College Excellence website.
RP Group Lead
Dr. Darla Cooper, Executive Director
Loris Fagioli, Alyssa Nguyen, Rogéair Purnell, Diane Rodriguez-Kiino
Dr. Merrilea Mayo, Mayo Enterprises, LLC
The Joyce Foundation
Social Science Research Center (SSRC); California State University, Fullerton; California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office; Employment Development Department, Labor Market Information Division
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