Spotlight on Special Populations: Enrollment and Success in Transfer-Level English and Math, January 2025
Research brief summarizing the impact on access to transfer-level English and math and successful completion within one year for special student populations who enrolled in either discipline for the first time from fall 2015 to fall 2023.
Transition in Math from High School to Community College Before and After AB 705, January 2023
Research updating findings from a statewide analysis comparing high school to community college transitions in California before AB 705 came into effect in 2018 and post-implementation in fall 2020.
The Impact of Excused Withdrawals on Throughput, with a Focus on Transfer-Level Math, November 2022
Brief examining the use and impact of the emergency regulation by the state to use excused withdrawal (EW) grades for courses during the 2020 pandemic; with a specific focus on math.
Throughput in Transfer-Level English and Math for Students with Disabilities, October 2022
Research brief highlighting throughput rates for students enrolled in Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) by disability type. Findings show that throughput rates increased for every disability type from 2015-16 to 2019-20 in both English and mathematics. Evidence supports that AB 705 has resulted in improved outcomes for students with disabilities across all disability types, and thus should be placed similarly to non-DSPS students with appropriate supports and adequate accommodations.
Transition in Math from High School to Community College Before and After AB 705, January 2022
Research brief summarizing findings from a statewide analysis comparing high school to community college transitions in California before AB 705 came into effect in 2018 and post-implementation in fall 2019.
Maximizing Math Throughput of Students Who Did Not Complete Algebra 2 in High School, August 2021
Report showing how the one-year math throughput rate of community college students varies according to the highest level of math completed in high school, with a focus on the impact of the completing Algebra 2 while in high school.
Enrollment and Success in Transfer-Level English & Math for Special Populations, July 2021
Research brief summarizing the impact on transfer-level enrollment and throughput rates for special student populations who enrolled in either discipline for the first time from fall 2015 to fall 2019.
Enrollment and Success in Transfer-Level English and Math in the California Community Colleges System, Fall 2015 to Fall 2019 Statewide Analysis, January 2021
Analysis of statewide transfer-level English and math enrollment and completion within one year, disaggregated by ethnicity and special populations.
Overview of Findings from AB 705 Statewide Interviews, January 2021
Summary highlighting the results of interviews with 14 colleges statewide on their implementation of AB 705.
A Qualitative Exploration of AB705 Implementation, January 2021
Report sharing the results of interviews with 14 colleges statewide on their implementation of AB 705.
The Throughput Year Clock: Defining “one year” for AB 705, December 2020
Brief exploring the differences in how the one-year timeframe has been defined for AB 705 throughput. It shares the timeframe adopted by the Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) research team of 365 days.
The Decay Function of the Predictive Validity of High School GPA, December 2020
Research brief exploring the predictive validity of using high school GPA for placement compared to assessment tests. High school GPA has a higher correlation with the grade in transfer-level English and math than assessment tests.
AB 705 Implementation Survey Results, August 2020
Report providing the results of the AB 705 Implementation Survey administered in winter 2020 and includes all questions and responses.
Access, Enrollment, and Success in Transfer-Level English and Math Courses in the California Community Colleges (Full Report), September 2019
Report providing a review of the landscape of transfer-level English and math courses between fall 2015 and fall 2018. It includes a look at enrollment into these courses, success rates, and throughput.
AB 705 Implementation Survey Results, March 2019
Report providing the results of the AB 705 Implementation Survey administered in fall 2018 and includes all questions and responses.
Placing Special Admit High School Students Via Extended MMAP Criteria, February 2019
Research report on effectively placing 10th and 11th grade students into community college coursework based on their 9th and 10th grade cumulative GPA and coursework.
AB 705 Implementation Survey Results - ESL Focused Responses, January 2019
Report providing the results of the AB 705 Implementation Survey administered in fall 2018 and includes all questions and responses regarding ESL courses and students.
Exploring BSTEM and SLAM Outcomes Through the Transfer-Level Completion Dashboard, September 2023 (Recording)
Webinar recording featuring an overview and demonstration of a complementary dashboard view to the Transfer-Level English and Math Dashboard called the Business, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (BSTEM) and Social Sciences and Liberal Arts Mathematics (SLAM) Dashboard which allows users to review completion rates for students on a BSTEM or SLAM pathway and explore outcomes by varying starting courses in the pathway and over differing timeframes.
Exploring BSTEM and SLAM Outcomes Through the Transfer-Level Completion Dashboard, September 2023 (PPT)
Slides used in webinar providing an overview and demonstration of a complementary dashboard view to the Transfer-Level English and Math Dashboard called the Business, Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (BSTEM) and Social Sciences and Liberal Arts Mathematics (SLAM) Dashboard which allows users to review completion rates for students on a BSTEM or SLAM pathway and explore outcomes by varying starting courses in the pathway and over differing timeframes.
AB 705's Effects on Higher Level Learning, April 2023
Presentation at The RP Conference. A preliminary look at the impact of AB 1705 on California Community Colleges for non-STEM math pathways and how colleges have transitioned students from high school math pathways into community college math courses.
Advancing Equity Through Corequisite Support Courses, April 2023
Presentation at The RP Conference. Early results of a qualitative and quantitative study of corequisites across the community college system as well as a review of literature around corequisite supports.
Ensuring Equitable Placement in Developing Trajectories of AB 705 and AB 1705, December 2022
Slides from the presentation at the convening of The RP Group and UC Davis Wheelhouse on thinking beyond throughput to advancing equitable completion.
Nonlinear Aspirations: Math Sequences and Transitions, November 2022
Presentation at California Association of Institutional Research (CAIR) 2022 conference on high school math pathways to the community college.
Supporting Students Through AB 705 and Into AB 1705: Corequisites, Math Pathways, and More, October 2022
Slides sharing data related to corequisites and math pathways at the 2022 Strengthening Student Success Conference.
Supporting Students with Disabilities in Transfer-Level English & Math, October 2022 (Recording)
Webinar highlighting throughput rates for students enrolled in Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) by disability type. Findings show that throughput rates increased for every disability type from 2015-16 to 2019-20 in both English and mathematics.
Supporting Students with Disabilities in Transfer-Level English & Math, October, 2022 (PPT)
Slides from webinar highlighting throughput rates for students enrolled in Disabled Students Programs and Services (DSPS) by disability type. Findings show that throughput rates increased for every disability type from 2015-16 to 2019-20 in both English and mathematics.
Maximizing Math and English Completion: An Equitable Placement Paradigm Blooms, April 2022
Presentation at the CCC Trustees conference on outcomes and implementation of AB 705 and ideas for Trustee engagement.
From Compliance to Advocacy: Equitable Placement to Advance Equitable Outcomes, April 2022
Slides from the presentation at the 2022 RP Conference Workshop. Highlights new research on intersectional throughput rates, ESL throughput, math completion, and ideas for looking at instructor variability and ensuring learning.
Transition in Math from High School to Community College Before and After AB 705, February 2022 (Recording)
Webinar highlighting findings from the research brief examining changes in math enrollments based on math enrollments students completed in high school before and after AB 705.
Transition in Math from High School to Community College Before and After AB 705, February 2022 (PPT)
Slides from webinar highlighting findings from the research brief examining changes in math enrollments based on math enrollments students completed in high school before and after AB 705.
How Does Algebra 2 Affect Math Throughput?, September 2021 (Recording)
Webinar recording reviewing the evidence and recommendations from a new Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) research paper that explores the impact Algebra 2 completion has on transferable, college-level math throughput for students in STEM or SLAM pathways.
How Does Algebra 2 Affect Math Throughput?, September 2021 (PPT)
Slides from webinar reviewing the evidence and recommendations from a new Multiple Measures Assessment Project (MMAP) research paper that explores the impact Algebra 2 completion has on transferable, college-level math throughput for students in STEM or SLAM pathways.
A Qualitative Exploration of AB 705, February 2021
Slides sharing the results of interviews with 14 colleges statewide on their implementation of AB 705.
Access and One-Year Throughput in the California Community College System, January 2021
Slides from webinar sharing one-year throughput rates from fall 2015 to fall 2019 disaggregated by various student groups.
A Qualitative Look at AB 705, October 2020
Slides sharing the results of interviews with 14 colleges statewide on their implementation of AB 705 at the Strengthening Student Success Conference.
Executing AB 705: Does it Work for All?, October 2020
Slides at the Strengthening Student Success conference sharing the results from the statewide analysis of transfer-level English and math courses between fall 2015 and fall 2019.
Early Outcomes of Transfer Level Placement in English and Math, March 2020
Slides sharing early outcomes of AB 705 in the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) at 2020 CAP Conference.
Transforming Colleges and Closing Equity Gaps: AB 705 Early Outcomes, November 2019
Slides sharing early outcomes of AB 705 in transforming colleges and closing equity gaps at 2019 Community College League of California Conference.
We are in This Together: Building a Community around AB 705 Implementation, October 2019
Slides sharing ways to build a community around AB 705 implementation at 2019 Strengthening Student Success Conference.
AB 705 In Action! Experiences of Early Implementers, September 2019
Slides used in webinar sharing examples from the English and Math departments at Citrus College and College of the Redwoods on their work adapting to AB 705 changes a year in advance of compliance.
Access, Enrollment, and Success in Transfer-Level English and Math Courses in the California Community Colleges, September 2019
Slides used in webinar presenting the results from the statewide analysis of transfer-level English and math courses between fall 2015 and fall 2018.
Note: Slides 11 & 12 in the audio recording have been updated. Please refer to the Slides.
A Rising Tide Lifts all Ships, or Does it? A Look at Early AB 705 Outcomes, April 2019
Slides examining early AB 705 outcomes at 2019 RP Conference.
CAP Workshop Slides: AB 705: Ready or Not, Here it Comes , October 2018
Slides sharing how to maximize student completion of transfer-level courses in one year at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference Post-conference workshop.
MMAP and AB 705: Why and How to Maximize Throughput in English and Math, October 2018
Slides sharing why and how to maximize throughput in English and math at 2018 Strengthening Student Success Conference.