The RP Group’s EDI Resources
With our eye on equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI), The RP Group is committed to creating community resources to advance our mission and support institutional research, planning, and effectiveness (IRPE) practitioners and other educational professionals. With this goal in mind, we have developed and curated a collection of resources to help individuals and organizations incorporate equitable practices into their work and more broadly in their workplaces.
These robust materials include topic-based guides, tools, and position papers created by The RP Group as well as a curated digital library containing links to visual assets, handouts, and other useful materials. While some of our resources are specifically designed for the IRPE community, many are useful to a broader audience including professionals from educational institutions, nonprofits, and other organizations that share a commitment to EDI. Below are links to these resources:
EDI Self-Assessment Tool: A tool for organizations to assess and evaluate the degree by which their programs, practices, processes, and policies align with The RP Group’s Equity Framework.
Inclusive Language Guide for California Community Colleges: This guide provides a common set of guidelines and information to help practitioners make conscious decisions around language.
Living EDI Glossary for IRPE: Through definitions and examples, the glossary facilitates a shared understanding of key terms and language commonly used in dialogue related to EDI and social justice among IRPE practitioners.
EDI Library: A curated collection of resources related to EDI.
Position Papers: A curated collection of resources related to EDI.
Visibility Guide: This guide offers guiding principles and examples for more inclusive practices for data practitioners to consider when collecting, categorizing, and reporting student data.
Guide for Inclusive IRPE Offices: This guide provides actionable strategies and proven frameworks for IRPE offices to recruit, retain, and support diverse, motivated, and talented staff that reflect the students and communities they serve.