BRIC Inquiry Guides
Topical resources that can be used to start a campus dialog on building cultures of evidence and inquiry.
BRIC’s Inquiry Guides support community college practitioners in addressing ten common problem areas for translating data to action.
Assessing Student Learning Outcomes Guide
Inquiry guide on how to assess student learning, including an overview of the student learning outcomes (SLO) assessment cycle and a framework for improving student learning through evidence-based assessment and analysis.
Assessing Basic Skills Outcomes Guide
Inquiry guide exploring how to promote inquiry and dialogue, develop a comprehensive research agenda, and foster a results-driven evaluation plan for basic skills innovations.
Research and Assessment for Noncredit Colleges and Programs Guide
Inquiry guide featuring resources for addressing student learning in the ever-changing noncredit landscape, including strategies and solutions that respond to the specific challenges of noncredit research.
Improving CTE Programs with Data and Evidence Guide
Inquiry guide highlighting a faculty-driven cycle for CTE program improvement, designed to explore and address student success challenges observed at the classroom and program level.
Assessing Strategic Intervention Points in Student Services Guide
Inquiry guide showcasing a toolbox of potential approaches for assessing the effectiveness of student services and supporting program and process improvement.
Using an Equity Lens to Assess Student Outcomes Guide
Inquiry guide highlighting a web-based module developed by University of Southern California’s Center for Urban Education’s (CUE) to examine student success data, disaggregated by race and ethnicity, from an equity perspective.
Maximizing the Program Review Process Guide
Inquiry guide sharing strategies for implementing program reviews.
Assessing and Planning for Institutional Effectiveness Guide
Inquiry guide featuring a model for organizing for efficiency, maximizing resources to process institutional effectiveness information, and creating time for facilitated discussions, reflection and action planning.
A Model for Building Information Capacity and Promoting a Culture of Inquiry Guide
Inquiry guide exploring how to engage all constituency groups (faculty, staff, institutional researchers, and administrators) in the effective use of data and promotion of a culture of collaborative inquiry.
Turning Data into Meaningful Action Guide
Inquiry guide sharing strategies for packaging research outcomes into coherent action-oriented messages that increase awareness and motivate change.