Sunday, March 9, 2025
The RP Group

Improving CTE Programs with Data and Evidence Guide

Mar 26, 2012  |  Beth Cataldo & Kelley Karandjeff, EdM, the RP Group

This inquiry guide and related resources aim to support CTE faculty in using and generating data, dialoging with their colleagues about findings, implementing changes and engaging in ongoing assessment of those innovations. The inquiry guide offers a recursive cycle for program improvement that faculty drive based on student success challenges they observe in their own classrooms and throughout their program. It discusses the types of evidence that faculty can use to help effect program change, including qualitative and quantitative data, and offers tools and guided inquiry for contextualizing this cycle in the unique circumstances of individual community colleges.

Click on the link to the right to access the inquiry guide. Other resources (below) include:

  • A PowerPoint presentation that explains how to structure an inquiry guide-based discussion

  • A sample student survey

  • A sample quantitative report

  • A sample student focus group protocol

  • An example of an improvement process used at City College of San Francisco


CTE Inquiry Guide Presentation - CCCAOE Fall 2011

Sample Student Survey

Sample Quantitative Data Report

Sample Student Focus Group Protocol

CCSF CTE Student Success Initiative - Supplemental Application

This inquiry guide is part of the RP Group's Bridging Research, Information and Culture Initiative (BRIC). Find out more about ways to gather actionable data on the BRIC site.

BRIC Inquiry Guide - Improving CTE