Friday, April 26, 2024
The RP Group

Using Student Voices to (Re)define Support: What Community College Students Say Institutions, Instructors and Others Can Do to Help Them Succeed

January 2013

This report from the Student Support (Re)defined study provides a full summary of students’ perspectives on how “six success factors” contribute to their achievement. The RP Group designed this report for those interested in advancing students’ success, including community college leaders, faculty and instructional administrators, student services professionals, staff and students themselves. University practitioners, advocacy groups and policymakers may also benefit from these findings when considering policy and funding decisions that impact efforts to improve completion and/or the delivery of student support. This document provides a detailed description of student perspectives on what they find supportive and their suggestions for how to best meet their needs, and offers guided discussion questions to promote dialog about how people in different roles across the college can use this research to improve student success.


Related Project

Student Support (Re)defined aimed to understand how community colleges can feasibly deliver support both inside and outside the classroom to improve success for all students.


Focus Population : African-American students, Latino students
Author: Kathy Booth, Darla Cooper, Kelley Karandjeff, Michael Large, Nathan Pellegrin, Rogéair Purnell, Diane Rodriguez-Kiino, Eva Schiorring, and Terrence Willet

Areas of Impact


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