Thursday, April 25, 2024
The RP Group

Action Guide: Exploring Ways to Strengthen Support at Your College

September 2014

This action guide begins with a brief overview of Student Support (Re)defined, the “six success factors” that served as a framework for this student perspectives research, and a high-level discussion of what makes this study different from other explorations of support. The guide then outlines how community college leaders--formal and informal--can use this study to aid campus-based change efforts. It articulates a three-phased process for engaging in a dialog about the study’s findings, exploring their meaning in a local context, and determining what action to take to advance student support on campus. It concludes with a series of resources, activities, and tools to assist readers in enacting this process at their own institution.


Related Project

Student Support (Re)defined aimed to understand how community colleges can feasibly deliver support both inside and outside the classroom to improve success for all students.


Focus Population : African-American students, Latino students
Author: Darla Cooper, Rogéair Purnell, Eva Schiorring, Kathy Booth, Kelley Karandjeff

Areas of Impact


Related Resources