Tuesday, March 4, 2025
The RP Group

California Community College Student Success Analysis



Using data provided by the MIS department at the California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office, this study evaluated participating colleges’ student success data for 2001-2002. In the first year, analyses included student success by demography and college size. In the second year, the MIS department provided success data for various levels below transfer English and Math.

Benchmark data by college size were generated to provide colleges with a meaningful level of comparison. The data provided the basis for discussions about how to ensure the successful transition of basic skills students into their academic programs of study.

The RP Group conducted this project with support from the California Community Colleges’ Chancellor’s Office.


Center for Student Success/the RP Group


MIS Department of the Chancellor's Office for California Community Colleges

Reports and Briefs

MIS: Success by Levels below Transfer English, ESL, and Math by College, August 2003
Table displaying success rates by levels below transfer in English, ESL, and Math.

MIS: Persistence from courses below transfer to higher level courses, August 2003
Table displaying persistence rates from below transfer to higher level English or Math courses.

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