Friday, October 25, 2024
The RP Group

Umoja Evaluation Phases I and II




The RP Group is conducting a two-phase evaluation of the effectiveness and efficiency of the Umoja program across the state.

Phase I will involve 10 interviews with Umoja program coordinators to investigate the Umoja landscape and effectiveness of support to local programs. Phase II will explore students’ experiences and the academic impacts of Umoja participation.

As a result of investigating the statewide Umoja programs, program leadership will be able to: (1) gain an understanding of the potential impact Umoja programs in the California Community Colleges (CCC) have on program participants, (2) evaluate the effectiveness of technical assistance, resources, and trainings offered by the statewide Umoja program to support local Umoja programs; and (3) identify the connections between Umoja and Guided Pathways, in order to identify effective practices that can be highlighted and recommended for existing and future Umoja programs.

RP Group Lead

Dr. Rogéair Purnell, Project Director

RP Group Project Team Members

Dr. Darla Cooper, Alyssa Nguyen, Dr. Tymika Wesley, Dr. Andrew Kretz, Elisa Rassen


Umoja Community Education Foundation


The Importance of Belonging and Acceptance to Black Student Success, February 2020
Research brief summarizing key themes and findings from quantitative and qualitative research designed to explore the impact of Umoja programs on students.

The Ethic of Love: How Umoja Supports Students' Academic and Life Success, October 2019
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

Educating Students of Color: The Umoja Way, October 2019
Presentation and/or materials delivered at SSSC19.

The Ethic of Love: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of How Umoja Supports Its Students’ Academic and Life Success, September 2019
Report highlighting key themes and findings from quantitative and qualitative research designed to explore the impact of Umoja programs on students.

The Ethic of Love (Infographic), September 2019
An infographic highlighting findings from a comprehensive mixed-methods study examining the impact of the Umoja program on students.

Umoja Community Evaluation from the Research and Planning (RP) Group, August 2018
Summary on Umoja’s site discussing the RP Group’s current partnership with Umoja, current evaluation-based study and RP Group research.

Umoja Community: Insights and Feedback from Program Coordinators on Available Supports and Resources, August 2018
Report providing an overview of statewide efforts by the Umoja Community Education Foundation to support Umoja program coordinators. It includes suggestions and recommendations for strengthening Umoja's resources and capacity building and professional development offerings.

Perspectives, January 2018
Issue covers the Listening to Students Project and The Story of the Umoja Pipeline Partnership.

Intersegmental Partnership: University of California and the Umoja Community, October 2017
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2017 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Umoja: Giving Back the Problem, October 2016
Presentation and/or materials delivered at 2016 Strengthening Student Success Conference.

Student Success (Re)defined Umoja Conference, November 2012
Presentation and/or materials delivered at Student Success (Re)defined 2012

News and Events

None at this time.



  • Focus Populations: Umoja students
  • Status: Complete
  • Contact: Dr. Rogéair Purnell, Project Director,

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