Monday, March 3, 2025
The RP Group
Student Support (Re)defined

Student Support (Re)defined


Please use the following when citing our Student Support (Re)defined report: 

Booth, K., Cooper, D., Karandjeff, K., Large, M., Pellegrin, N., Purnell, R., Rodriguez-Kiino, D., Schiorring, E., & Willett, T. (2013). Using Student Voices to Redefine Success: What Community College Students Say Institutions, Instructors and Others Can Do to Help Them Succeed. Berkeley, CA: The Research and Planning Group for California Community Colleges (The RP Group).


  • Planning Principles: Setting the Foundation, January 2024
    Resource outlining foundational aspects of planning and designed to serve as a useful reference for institutional research, planning, and effectiveness (IRPE) professionals as they navigate how to lead and support planning efforts at their colleges and districts.

  • Literature Review 3rd Edition, October 2014
    RP Group "live" literature review on student support research, particularly focused on existing research examining supports that led to increases in students’ success, particularly for underrepresented student populations. Review also on studies that researched the potential to save money and achieve a return on investment on student supports.