Wednesday, March 12, 2025
The RP Group

 Student Support (Re)defined

Project Director

Dr. Darla Cooper, Executive Director,


Michelle Barton

Kathy Booth

Priyadarshini Chaplot

Dr. Rob Johnstone

Kelley Karandjeff

Michael Large

Dr. Nathan Pellegrin

Dr. Rogéair Purnell-Mack

Dr. Diane Rodriguez-Kiino

Eva Schiorring

Vinod Verma

Terrence Willett

Adore Davidson

Loann Solem


The following individuals served as advisors to Student Support (Re)defined, providing vital insight and guidance on the study’s research findings and the engagement of key stakeholders and constituent groups with these results.

Kathy Blackwood, San Mateo Community College District

Dr. Eduardo Cervantes, Gavilan College

Edna Chavarry, University of Southern California

Luis Chavez, Career Ladders Project

Rich Copenhagen, Student Senate for California Community Colleges

Dr. Pam Deegan, MiraCosta College

Dr. Erika Endrijonas, Oxnard College

Dr. Patricia Gándara, University of California—Los Angeles

Dr. Marybeth Gasman, University of Pennsylvania

Kathy Molloy, Santa Barbara City College

Dr. Daniel Martinez, Riverside City College

Dr. Melinda Mechur Karp, Community College Research Center, Teachers College, Columbia University

Linda Michalowski, California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office

Dr. A’kilah Moore, Los Medanos College

Diego Navarro, Academy for College Excellence

Dr. Michelle Pilati, Academic Senate for California Community Colleges

Susan Scrivener, MDRC

Dr. Stacey Shears, Diablo Valley College

Dr. Darrick Smith, LearningWorks

Dr. Dan Sourbeer, Palomar College

Dr. Mark Vernoy, Palomar College